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Note: We Found These At 'Be Outdoors Arizona'! Fall in Love with Fishing – Peoria Park Rangers February 8 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Kids ages 0-17 are invited to enjoy a heartwarming day of fishing at Paloma park. Whether you are a budding angler or just looking to enjoy a new activity, this event is for you! Bring your love for adventure and make some sweet memories. Gear will be provided, do not let this opportunity float away. Register at or at (623)773-7137 Monthly S... Full story
From June 10-August 12, organizations are invited to apply for grant funding to clean up their local waterways. WHAT: In a nationwide effort to remove abandoned and neglected boats from our nation’s waterways, the Boat Owners Association of the United States (BoatUS) Foundation is seeking qualified, diverse and experienced organizations to submit projects for funding. The massive cleanup effort to remove abandoned and derelict vessels (ADVs) in U.S. coastal waterways and the Great Lakes is f... Full story
Now that the weather is cooler, the fishing is starting to heat up! It's that time of year when cold water fishing really starts to take off, so make sure you have your gear in order. Whether you are new to fishing or are a seasoned angler, here are a few tips to make sure your gear is ready for the fall. If you are new to fishing and are looking for a rod and reel for cold water fishing, I would recommend a 7-foot, medium-power, fast-action spinning rod with a 2500-size spinning reel. This rod... Full story
If yours is in colder high country, here's how to do a midwinter checkup on your boat. Boating boomed in 2020, with thousands of first-time boat buyers desiring respite from the pandemic. Now many of these new boat owners are learning how to maintain and store their vessels for the first time. A midwinter visit to check on the boat − no matter if stored ashore in a backyard or a marina parking lot − is a wise thing to do. Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has these four tip... Full story
New video outlines the unique precautions required when heading offshore to a marine sanctuary. The NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries include more than 600,000 square miles of marine protected areas, from the rugged Olympic Peninsula of Washington to the "shipwreck alley" of Michigan's Thunder Bay and the turquoise-hued shallows of the Florida Keys. These national treasures present great opportunities for recreational boaters, anglers, and sailors – but only if they're prepared and have the g... Full story
I recently saw a report on one of the local Arizona news channels on plogging. The report showed a group of people exercising and getting ready to do some trash cleanup along the Salt River. According to Wikipedia Plogging is a combination of jogging and picking up litter. The term comes from the Swedish term plocka upp. What I didn't see in their report was any reference to cleanup along our border or in our public lands. Don McDowell addresses border clean up in his article Congress Explores... Full story
Are you the type of man or woman who wants great shooting firearms along with unrivaled accuracy every time you pull the trigger? Fantastic! You are among most other shooters and hunters out there who are always looking for a way to optimize your firearms for a trip to the range, the next hunt, or when you have tickets for an exotic hunt in a foreign country. Or perhaps you're an aspiring competition shooter looking to shoot your first 1000 meter target? Either way, you need the most out of your... Full story
The Boulders OHV Area is very popular with recreational target shooters, off-highway vehicle riders, equestrians, mountain bikers, hikers, and others because of its close proximity to the Phoenix area. Unfortunately, this area is also prone to illegal dumping, littering, and debris that needs to be cleaned up. This important work will help ensure future recreation opportunities to this popular area. Join in the cleanup on Saturday, April 29 at Boulders OHV Recreation Area from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.... Full story
I'm assuming that if you have a Concealed Carry Permit it's because you actually carry a weapon and would be willing to use it to defend yourself or your loved ones if your lives were being threatened. You may think that self-defense is cut and dried, but even here in Arizona, there are cases where, even though it seems to be a clear case of self defense, the shooter goes to jail, gets charged with a criminal offense, and could ultimately lose, even though he whole-heartedly believes that his... Full story
More than 50 Boy Scouts and Scout Leaders converged on Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, June 2, 2016, to tackle one of the parks biggest preservation challenges – graffiti. Troop 154, Miramar Ward, Citrus Heights Stake, based in Mesa, Ariz., volunteered to remove graffiti carved into the red rocks of Glen Canyon as part of a week-long scouting adventure. Scouts were able to explore some of the most scenic country in Northern Arizona, while learning about the natural history of the area, a... Full story
The National Park Service invites you to help Keep Glen Canyon Clean and looking its birthday best for the National Park Service Centennial in 2016. A community and partner collaboration to improve resource conditions at Lake Powell will be underway throughout 2016. Breathtaking scenery and spectacular recreation are what Lake Powell is all about. However, park neighbors, including local photographer and author Gary Ladd, have noted that the Lake Powell experience is all too often marred by litt... Full story
When: January 16, 2016 Time: 7:30 AM Where: Far East Valley, on Hewitt Station Road, about 1.5 miles off Queen Valley Road Details: Coffee, donuts and lunch will be served to volunteers. Volunteers please bring: buckets, gloves, rakes, water and sunscreens. OHV Vehicles will be useful, please remember a helmet Questions? Visit or call 480-983-2171 More details here ________________________________________ Arizona Outdoor Expo--April 2-3 Join Tread Lightly! and the... Full story
The national nonprofit Tread Lightly!, with the help of its partner Arizona Game and Fish Department, recently hosted an event to bring together outdoor recreationists, industry leaders, local stakeholders and representatives from both federal and state agencies responsible for managing Arizona's public lands. The purpose of the gathering was to help fundraise for and champion the Respected Access in Arizona campaign. The event also launched an online auction to offer big-ticket items, now... Full story
TUCSON, Ariz. - Volunteers are needed to assist with a cleanup event planned for Saturday, Dec. 12 at Redington Pass, a location popular with off-highway vehicle and outdoor enthusiasts. The event is being organized by the Friends of Redington Pass and Tread Lightly!, and takes place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. Those participating in the event can register at Check-in at the event begins at 8 a.m. Participants are encouraged to carpool and to... Full story
OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has begun distributing $8.2 million in funding for 12 local projects designed to protect and restore the natural shorelines around Puget Sound. Project sponsors include local governments, tribes and non-profit organizations from Hood Canal to the Snohomish River Delta who applied for funding through two competitive grant programs administered by the department. Funding distributed by WDFW through those programs comes from a c... Full story
Could your favorite spot use a little TLC? Nominate your favorite place by sending the following information to Location Name: Nearest City to Location: Description of the Need (litter, illegal dumping, property damage, etc): Land Management Agency (if applicable): Your Name: Contact Info (phone/email): Organization (if applicable): Since 2013, Tread Lightly! and partners have picked up 110 TONS of trash with the help of over 1,200 volunteers. We want to build... Full story
SONORAN DESERT NATIONAL MONUMENT – Almost two dozen volunteers spent Saturday morning bagging, bucketing or dragging more than four tons of trash – enough to fill a 20-yard dumpster – from along the northern boundary of the Sonoran Desert National Monument near Gila Bend. The cleanup project capped a sixth-month effort of the “Respected Access is Open Access in Arizona” campaign, created in 2009 by Tread Lightly!, a national organization that promotes responsible outdoor recreation. Partner orga... Full story
The "America the Beautiful & BagReadyJobs" effort is being used as a teaching, learning and earning opportunity for our nation's youth groups. "BagReadyJobs" is funded by community businesses and residents. Youth groups will learn how to develop marketing, sales, service and billing skills for their services rendered. Youth groups will negotiate fees with their local businesses and residents for picking up the litter on the highway and filling 33 gallon bags. The youth groups will work with thei... Full story
This letter from the Arizona Yacht Club (AYC) begins to explain one of the unique boating opportunities in Arizona's desert. Welcome to the Arizona Yacht Club! Peter Lehrach, commodore 2014-2015, writes, "The Arizona Yacht Club has enabled sailing in the desert since 1958. Most of our sailing is in the Phoenix area at Lake Pleasant and Tempe Town Lake but we've been known to proudly fly our burgees around the world. "If you're new, there are many great ways to learn more about our club. I... Full story
Yesterday, the U.S. Forest Service announced that beginning on July 1, 2014, the Coronado National Forest, Sierra Vista Ranger District, will close Ash and Hunter Canyons to all recreational shooting for the duration of one year. This ban on recreational shooting comes with very little advance notice, and no prior consultation with the NRA to prevent a closure. Your NRA is now committed to working with the Sierra Vista Ranger District to formulate a cohesive solution and limit the prohibition... Full story
What is dustless blasting and how is it different from other hull cleaning methods? Dustless Blasting is a revolutionary new blasting process. It involves water encapsulating the media increasing the blast pattern once it hits the substrate, while keeping the media from heating up. What equipment is used in the dustless blasting process? The blaster, which is available in 1, 5, 8, 15, and 30 cubic foot configurations which includes the blast hose, nozzle, and fill funnel. In addition to that, you will need an air compressor, the size will... Full story
ANNAPOLIS, Md., June 20, 2013 - After 9000 votes, the public has spoken. The competitive BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water's 2013 Grants Program has announced that four non-profit groups will receive $10,000 each to help educate boaters this year. The winning grants were selected by the public and the funds will go to a variety of projects, from creating an interactive on-the-water STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) curriculum to helping make boat shows greener. In 25 years, the Foundation has awarded over $1.1... Full story