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Note: We Found These At 'Be Outdoors Arizona'! Fall in Love with Fishing – Peoria Park Rangers February 8 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Kids ages 0-17 are invited to enjoy a heartwarming day of fishing at Paloma park. Whether you are a budding angler or just looking to enjoy a new activity, this event is for you! Bring your love for adventure and make some sweet memories. Gear will be provided, do not let this opportunity float away. Register at or at (623)773-7137 Monthly S... Full story
PHOENIX - Your next fun-filled outdoor adventure begins at the Arizona Game and Fish Department's (AZGFD) annual Outdoor Expo on Saturday, March 29 and Sunday, March 30. Located at the 1,650-acre Ben Avery Shooting Facility in north Phoenix, this popular event showcases Arizona's abundance of wildlife-related and outdoor recreation opportunities, including wildlife viewing, fishing, hunting, shooting sports, camping, off-highway vehicle (OHV) and boating recreation, and more. Expo hours are 9... Full story
Bison (aka buffalo) have long been an important resource for indigenous people. That truth is recognized in the herd management of the valuable animals that inhabit the Grand Canyon's North Rim. One hundred bison were successfully relocated last month and transferred to the Intertribal Buffalo Council. Since herb reduction began in 2018, 282 buffalo have been transferred to eight different American Indian tribes. The sharing of this resource is as it should be, contributing to both conservation... Full story
If you stop and think about it, the days of the wild west aren’t that far behind us, and Arizona used to be wild as all get-out. Miners, ranchers, and sheep herders didn’t always get along well, and of course there have always been jilted lovers and jealousy, especially back when women were fairly scarce on the ground! So it’s no wonder that Arizona has so many haunted places! And in addition to those ghostly spots, we’ve got a lot of ghost towns in various stages of ruin that can be fun to visi... Full story
It's back to school season, which means it's time for one more trip to cap off your summer experience. Load the family up and hit the road aimed at your favorite lake or Arizona high country destination. We've made it easy for you to make even more summer memories. Take a look at these great outdoor options below, then finish summer strong by getting outside and enjoying all that this beautiful state has to offer. Rev Up Your Adventure: Discover Eastern Arizona's Scenic OHV Trails! Get ready... Full story
The Dirt Expo is going back to Westworld in Scottsdale, Ariz., Arizona's original and largest Off-Road, Sand, and UTV Expo is going BIG for its 10th Anniversary on December 7 and 8, 2024! Everything from -industry-leading vendors, legendary raffles, seminars, classes, and more will be on the agenda with so much more to be announced. 100's Of Vendors Exhibitors from across the country will be available to show the latest and greatest the industry has to offer. Seminars And Classes Everything... Full story
During the Covid lockdowns John and I weren't really too bothered because everything we like to do is outdoors. Our son David and his wife Elizabeth were getting cabin fever, so we decided to take them on a little off-highway adventure one day in June 2020. They have a Four Runner and David and I both had our ham radio licenses by then, so we decided to head for the hills. Choosing A Destination My favorite way to choose a destination for John and me is to go immediately to Full story
Most boating fatalities involve people not wearing a life jacket . The importance of wearing a life jacket while recreating on Arizona's waterways is sadly reflected in the most recent statistics involving boating tragedies. A majority of the recreational boating fatalities were individuals who drowned and were not wearing a life jacket - the most important piece of safety gear one can wear, whether on a boat, personal watercraft or paddlecraft. Drowning Victims Not Wearing Life Jackets This... Full story
Public comment accepted through Jan. 11, 2024. The Arizona Game and Fish Department is beginning review of its Article 10 rules (pertaining to off-highway vehicles). Under A.R.S. § 41-1056, every state agency shall review its rules at least once every five years to determine whether any rule should be amended or repealed. Each agency shall prepare a report summarizing its findings, its supporting reasons, and any proposed course of action, and obtain approval of the report from the Governor's... Full story
PHOENIX — If you enjoy wildlife and the outdoors, you won’t want to miss the new season of Arizona Wildlife Views on the Arizona Game and Fish Department's (AZGFD) YouTube channel and Arizona PBS Channel 8. The Emmy Award-winning television program will open your eyes to the best of our state’s wildlife, wild places and outdoor adventure through spectacular video and compelling stories. The 10-episode season will highlight a variety of wildlife conservation efforts in Arizona, including — • J... Full story
Monsoon weather is just around the corner, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) cautions boaters, anglers and off-highway vehicle (OHV) users that weather conditions can quickly change and become dangerous for those who aren't prepared. The severity of monsoon storms varies greatly, from a minor dust storm to a violent thunderstorm capable of producing hail, deadly lightning and flash flooding. "Arizona is known for its often unbearable summer heat; it's also known for great places... Full story
AZGFD Cautions Boaters, Anglers, OHV Users During Monsoon Monsoon Awareness Week is June 11-17 Monsoon weather is just around the corner, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) cautions boaters, anglers and off-highway vehicle (OHV) users that weather conditions can quickly change and become dangerous for those who aren't prepared. The severity of monsoon storms varies greatly, from a minor dust storm to a violent thunderstorm capable of producing hail, deadly lightning and flash... Full story
AZGFD offers ROV side-by-side driver training course on April 22 Includes closed and open trail experiences PHOENIX - If you enjoy riding recreational off-highway vehicle (ROV) side-by-sides, you shouldn't pass up this unique opportunity to enhance your skills and learn from an expert. AZGFD Offers Unique Training The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is offering a unique side-by-side training class on Saturday, April 22, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the department's OHV Education Range... Full story
Cool And Unusual Attractions In The Lake Havasu City Area In the first half of the 20th Century, one of the most famous people alive was Robert Ripley: creator of the Ripley's Believe It or Not! newspaper panel series, radio show and television series. Starting in 1919, he made his fortune highlighting odd facts from around the world. Were he still alive today, we think he'd be fascinated about strange sights and oddities in the Lake Havasu City area. Visitors to the area can explore this... Full story
AZGFD Catutions OHV Riders, Boaters, Anglers, During Monsoon Monsoon weather is right around the corner, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) cautions boaters, anglers and off-highway vehicle (OHV) users that weather conditions can quickly change and become dangerous for those who aren't prepared. The severity of monsoon storms varies greatly from a minor dust storm to a violent thunderstorm capable of producing hail, deadly lightning and flash flooding. "Arizona is known for its...
Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) officers conducted off-highway vehicle (OHV) safety-enforcement patrols throughout the East Valley last month The focus was on ensuring public safety and deterring potentially hazardous or illegal operation of OHVs. Those using an OHV are reminded to use the following safety tips: • Never operate an OHV while impaired by alcohol or drugs. • Helmets are required by law for all riders under the age of 18 regardless of the off-highway vehicle type. They are... Full story
Renew OHV decals, remember helmets for youths, stay on trails. Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) officers conducted off-highway vehicle (OHV) safety-enforcement patrols throughout the East Valley last month. The focus was on ensuring public safety and deterring potentially hazardous or illegal operation of OHVs. Those using an OHV are reminded to use the following safety tips: • Never operate an OHV while impaired by alcohol or drugs. • Helmets are required by law for all riders under the... Full story
From Visit Horseshoe Bend attracts 2 million visitors every year and is one of the most photographed sites in northern Arizona. Here, we walk you through need-to-know details for how to travel to this spectacular place as well as tips on how to engage more meaningfully with the destination. Formed when the Colorado River looped around an impassable sandstone escarpment, Horseshoe Bend is one of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area's more famous highlights. Not an easy feat,... Full story
PHOENIX, October 5, 2021 — Tonto National Forest officials signed the Final Record of Decision for the forest's Travel Management Plan today. Today's release of the Final Record of Decision is the culmination of a Forest-wide, multi-year planning effort that designates a more sustainable motorized transportation system for recreation, administrative and emergency response access. Following several years of public input and analyzing comments and objections, Forest Supervisor Neil Bosworth is r... Full story
In addition to the thrill of having our Outdoors Editor inducted into the arizona outdoor hall of fame, we feel honored to have both Margie and John Anderson as loyal and valuable contributors to our publications. Of course we honor the other four inductees as well; our Wildlife benefits incredibly from their hard work, dedication, and commitment. Another reason to celebrate is the annual incredible fireworks display at Pleasant Harbor. We send a warm thank-you to them for honoring our... Full story
May is when we celebrate our moms, and if your mom is the outdoors type, I've got lots of ideas for special gifts. The great thing about gifts for camping is that many of them do double or even triple duty: They're great for camping, but also for survival and for moms who are preppers. So here are a bunch of ideas for your mom, whether she camps, off-roads, hikes, hunts, preps, fishes, or all of the above. Biolite Campstove 2 Bundle I've written about the BioLite CampStove before because I have... Full story
Customers encouraged to use online, phone and mail services. To protect the health and safety of customers and employees while continuing to provide services and support, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has temporarily modified in-person customer service. At press time, front lobbies at AZGFD offices were still closed to in-person transactions except those made by appointment. Appointments can be made by calling (602) 942-3000 (select item 4 if you wish to be connected to one of...
Editor's Note: The following information was applicable as we went to press. For updates, call (602) 942-3000, or email The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is committed to staying connected with its customers and continuing to provide exceptional service. As updates related to the COVID-19 situation become available, AZGFD will share any new developments or changes to processes. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q: Is the Ben Avery Shooting Facility open? All r... Full story
As of last month, people who ride an off-highway vehicle (OHV) in the Bulldog Canyon OHV area on the Mesa Ranger District must obtain a permit online through The district will discontinue paper permits. According to Matt Lane, Mesa District Ranger, the permit process change is the result of growth. "An increase in public use of the Bulldog Canyon OHV area, along with the rising popularity of OHVs created a demand for permits that exceeds our capability to provide a quality... Full story
One of the best things about enjoying the outdoors is that you can do it no matter what your age or activity level is, and it doesn't matter if you live in town or out in the country. When I was a kid, I was lucky enough to live near a big desert area in town, and my dad regularly took us out camping and hunting, but even if I were just hanging around the house, I could lie on my belly in the grass and watch the bugs and the birds in our backyard. So, whether you're looking for a gift for a... Full story