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Summary Of Fishing Regulations Changes For 2025-26 Below is a list of changes published in the 2025 and 2026 Fishing Regulations: • The special regulations and seasons section is now organized by Arizona Game and Fish Department regions to make it easier for anglers to know which office to contact for additional information. • New regulation to create unlimited daily and possession limits for illegally introduced warmwater fish species at Becker Lake. Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout mus... Full story
Did you know that invasive quagga mussels cause millions of dollars in damage to boat motors, docks and water intake systems? Or that unwanted turtles, tortoises, and other pets illegally released into the wild can hurt our native species by introducing disease or outcompeting them for habitat and food? Awareness Week The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) participated in National Invasive Species Awareness Week, which ran through the beginning of March. The nationwide event aimed to... Full story
Pet stores urged to remove aquarium product from shelves; consumers should follow disposal guidelines. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), along with wildlife agencies across the country, are urging pet stores and aquarium owners to take action now to contain any "moss ball" plants designed for aquariums after invasive zebra mussels were found on these products in Arizona as well as other states. This is a national invasive species emergency and evolving situation. Washington Alerts... Full story
Each boater and angler can play a part in stopping their spread. Did you know that invasive quagga mussels cause millions of dollars in damage to boat motors, docks and water intake systems? Or that unwanted turtles, tortoises, and other pets illegally released into the wild can hurt our native species by introducing disease or outcompeting them for habitat and food? The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has recently participated in National Invasive Species Awareness Week. The... Full story
This will be the last regular fish report from Lake Powell this year. We have been fall sampling, and when we finish sampling, there will be reports to update everyone about what the fish are up to in this most unusual year. Weather was cold in the springtime and continued into the summer, moisture was above normal, and runoff was strong bringing the lake up 53 feet. Something happened during this strange weather period that the fish really liked. Shad reproduction was unprecedented. Bass and... Full story
Record number of boat decontaminations in Arizona helps fight spread of aquatic invasives in Western states. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) continues to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS), and it seems the ramifications are being felt throughout some Western U.S. states. During the 2018-19 fiscal year, AZGFD decontaminated a record 237 boats -- up from 159 the previous fiscal year. This increase in decontaminations also has helped some Western states, namely... Full story
PHOENIX -- The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has allocated more than $4 million to support existing work by western states and tribes to combat the spread of invasive quagga and zebra mussels. Arizona has several quagga mussel-infested waterbodies and will benefit from the increased funding. The allocation is part of an initiative by Department of Interior Secretary Zinke called, "Safeguarding the West: Actions to Strengthen Federal, State, and Tribal Coordination to Address Invasive Mussels."... Full story
The effort to prevent the spread of quagga mussels throughout fresh water lakes and rivers in the western United States has been ongoing since 2007 when the harmful mollusks were initially discovered in Lake Mead and specific portions of the Colorado River including Lake Havasu. Although numerous containment strategies have been employed by various local, state and federal agencies during the past ten years, quaggas have proven to be a stubborn and virtually unstoppable adversary, infecting a... Full story
If one were to fill a "bucket list" with all the Watersports he or she would like to try, it would no doubt overflow. Have you ever stopped to consider how many ways - besides traditional boating, waterskiing, wakeboarding, fishing, and swimming - there are to enjoy the water. Starting just with categories, we have "in the water (e.g., snorkeling and water polo), "on the water (e.g., cable skiing, body boarding)", "under water (e.g., diving and spear fishing)", to name just a few. That list... Full story
Following the recent interception and impoundment (out of state) of multiple quagga mussel-fouled watercraft that had been in Lake Powell or Lake Havasu for extended periods, the Arizona Game and Fish Department reminds boaters to "clean, drain and dry" - and especially decontaminate - their watercraft and equipment before exiting waters designated as having aquatic invasive species. Five vessels from Arizona waters have been impounded during the past month - three in Idaho and two in Colorado.... Full story
'Tis the season to head out on the water and if a boat, kayak or other personal watercraft was on your Christmas list this holiday season, and Santa agreed, the Arizona Game and Fish Department wants to make sure your inaugural voyage is a safe one. Whether you're planning to take a new watercraft out for some sightseeing or to do some fishing, all new and veteran watercraft users are encouraged to remember the following 10 tips to remain safe on the water: Always wear a life jacket. Life... Full story
PHOENIX — Tis the season to head out on the water and if a boat, kayak or other personal watercraft is on your Christmas list this holiday season, the Arizona Game and Fish Department wants to make sure your inaugural voyage is a safe one. Whether you’re planning to take a new watercraft out for some sightseeing or to do some fishing, all new and veteran watercraft users are encouraged to remember the following 10 tips to remain safe on the water. Always wear a life jacket. Life jac... Full story
'Quality of life is measured by amount of time spent fishing.' Stripers have moved out of the main channel and toward the backs of canyons. The move indicates that the shad food source has been well used in open water of the channel and bays. Slurping stripers have been relentless in pursuit of small newly-hatched shad. Those shad that have survived are seeking a sanctuary in the brush that now lines the shoreline. Shad have a better chance of avoiding predation if there is some kind of brushy... Full story
Conclusive evidence of quagga mussels has recently been discovered at Canyon, Saguaro and Apache lakes, major recreational waters on the Tonto National Forest. The Arizona Game and Fish Department listed these lakes as AIS-affected waters under AIS Directors Orders #2 at the beginning of May. There is not an infestation of quaggas at Apache, Saguaro or Canyon. Yet there is genetic and visual evidence in all these waters of the invasive quaggas that colonize rapidly on hard surfaces and can ruin... Full story
Many find it hard to believe that sailing is even available in Arizona, much less that it is so popular. Yes, the Desert Southwest even has sailing clubs, yacht clubs, and many sailing courses and activities - for all ages and skill levels. Forget the sand and set your sails this summer! We thank Ed and Debbie Huntsman for the cover photo of their boat Bliss who called Arizona home for many years but now plies the waters on Lake Ponchatrain in Louisiana where Ed is now Boating Safety Program... Full story
PHOENIX – Conclusive evidence of quagga mussels has recently been discovered at Canyon, Saguaro and Apache lakes, major recreational waters on the Tonto National Forest. Effective May 1, the Arizona Game and Fish Department will list these lakes as AIS-affected waters under AIS Directors Orders #2. There is not an infestation of quaggas at Apache, Saguaro or Canyon. Yet there is genetic and visual evidence in all these waters of the invasive quaggas that colonize rapidly on hard surfaces and c... Website
SANTA FE – All boats soon will be subject to inspection and possible decontamination before launching in New Mexico waters under new rules adopted to combat the spread of harmful aquatic invasive species. The new rules, approved by the State Game Commission at its Jan. 14 meeting, will take effect Feb. 12. Changes to the AIS rules include: Mandatory watercraft inspection required any time an inspection station is set up and in operation. Mandatory inspection and, if necessary, decon... Full story
Well, summer is finally here, we have temperatures well above 100 degrees on a daily basis. It is time to head to the lakes and rivers in the great State of Arizona. Oh, but first — • Do you have the drain plug? • Where is the registration? • Is the tank full of gas? • Have you checked the oil? • When is the last time you started the boat? • Is the battery charged? • Will the boat perform all day at the lake or will you run into problems? And, there are new laws on the books — • Who is holding... Full story
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area staff continue to monitor park waters to determine the distribution of quagga mussels. Quagga mussels were recently identified in sampling locations between Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry. Mussel larvae (veligers) are passing through the Glen Canyon Dam and low numbers of adult mussels have been confirmed in the Glen Canyon stretch of the river. Managers and research staff remain hopeful that the river current and sediment in the water below the Paria River... Full story
The National Park Service and Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) have recently detected additional adult quagga mussels in Lake Powell. Since this time last year, the water levels at Lake Powell have dropped which has exposed shorelines that were previously underwater. Thousands of adult quagga mussels have been found in various locations, such as canyon walls, Glen Canyon Dam, boats, and other underwater structures. The majority of mussels found are isolated adults, with additional... Full story
Quagga/Zebra Mussel Comprehensive Management As of January 2014, approximately 1,300 adult quagga mussels have been found and removed from Lake Powell. We are finding additional adult mussels as the season progresses. The Quagga-Zebra Mussel Management Plan (QZMP) is needed to help the NPS decide what tools are appropriate to support the ongoing management of invasive mussels in Glen Canyon now that quagga mussels are present in Lake Powell. The QZMP will consider changes to the existing... Full story
Preventing the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) in Arizona waters starts with Arizona boat owners and anglers. To protect Arizona lakes, rivers and streams from the devastating effects of invasive species, Arizona Game and Fish laws require boaters and anglers to be good stewards by cleaning, draining and drying their boats and pulling the boat plug when leaving an AIS-affected lake. Failure to do so may result in a citation for the boat owner and possible fines. Clean, Drain, Dry Game... Full story
Many hunters, anglers and other outdoor recreationists have been wondering how the current federal government shutdown, which began Oct. 1, will impact their upcoming outings. Despite closures by federal land management agencies of their administrative offices and some controlled access points and facilities, there are numerous opportunities available to Arizonans for outdoor recreation. Please keep in mind that, with regard to federal lands, official information on closures is the responsibilit... Full story
Preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species throughout freshwater lakes and rivers of the western United States has become a high priority, especially on the lower Colorado River — now infested with a growing population of quagga mussels. In response, the Lake Havasu Marine Association (LHMA), in cooperation with Arizona Game and Fish, developed and initiated a grass-roots plan, “Sticker A Mussel,” to raise awareness and educate boaters on how to prevent contaminating other invasive speci... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department has added largemouth bass virus (LMB virus), whirling disease and all snakehead fish to the Director’s Orders aquatic invasive species (AIS) list. LMB Virus LMB virus, which primarily affects adult largemouth and smallmouth bass during the summertime, has been discovered at Lake Pleasant (Maricopa County Parks) and Bartlett, Saguaro, and Roosevelt lakes on the Tonto National Forest. All watercraft users leaving those lakes will now be required by law to c... Full story