PINETOP, Ariz - The Arizona Game And Fish Department is asking for the public's help in finding those responsible for the illegal killing of a three bull elk on the morning of Nov. 7. The bull elk were killed in an agriculture field located south of I-40 off Hunt Road. This is just east of Joseph City.
All three bull elk were untouched and were left to waste.
"The poacher left these animals to waste, and we need assistance from the public to find the individual(s) responsible. This is a senseless act and not the actions of a hunter," said Officer Ken Clay, an AZGFD wildlife manager. "What makes this act so appalling is this particular area is open to elk hunting year round to anyone who purchases a non-permit elk tag over the counter at one of our offices."
Anyone with information about this case can call the Department's Operation Game Thief hotline at (800) 352-0700 or visit and refer to case #16-003848. Callers who have information leading to the arrest of the suspect(s) will be eligible for a $2,500.00 reward in this case. All calls may remain confidential upon request.
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