Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Articles written by boat us

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  • BoatUS Members Asked To Petition New Administration, Congress To Fix Ethanol Policy

    Boat US|Mar 1, 2017

    Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) is asking its more than half-million members - and any recreational boat owner concerned with having a safe fuel supply - to petition the Trump administration and Congress to reform the ethanol mandate, also known as the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). In a communication to members, BoatUS urged boaters to go to Fix the Ethanol Mandate http://www.capwiz.com/boatus/issues/alert/?alertid=74718646&type=CA to easily send a communication to their l... Full story

  • Four Tips For Buying A Used Boat Trailer

    Boat US|Feb 1, 2017

    As the boating season begins in the southern climates, some boaters may be looking to find a trailer to store or haul the boat. If you're looking to buy a used boat trailer now or planning on buying a boat that comes with a used trailer, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has four buying tips: Bring a measuring tape: With older trailers, the capacity plate or sticker may be long gone or too hard to read after being outside in the weather for years. But if you'd like to know a... Full story

  • Easy Does It - Boat Motor Oil Analysis Made Simple

    Boat US|Feb 1, 2017

    A lot goes on inside a boat engine, and akin to drawing blood, and an engine oil sample analysis (OSA) can tell you a lot about the health of your boat's motor. While a single sample may not give you the whole story, an OSA creates a "baseline" that helps you look at your engine's health over time. That's why some mechanics and surveyors recommend taking one sample every year. But what does a typical oil sample analysis include and what does it tell a boat owner or buyer? BoatUS, the nation's... Full story

  • Water Infrastructure Improvements For The Nation Act Signed

    Boat US|Jan 1, 2017

    BoatUS, the nation's advocate for boat owners, applauds passage of a bipartisan bill signed on December 16 that will provide critical funds for water-resource infrastructure projects at emerging harbors, channels, locks and dams. The Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WINN), which encompasses the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) legislation of 2016, authorizes the needed investment in the maritime and waterways transportation system and provides flood protection for... Full story

  • BoatUS Winterizing Guide Is Free

    Boat US|Jan 1, 2017

    Water that is mistakenly left in a boat's engine block to freeze over the winter is sure to become an expensive repair bill come springtime. As the ice expands, it can crack the block and ruin the motor, damage fiberglass, split hoses, or destroy a boat's refrigeration system. To prevent a mishap while putting the boat away this season, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), a boating advocacy, services and safety group offers the free 15-page "Boater's Guide to Winterizing."... Full story

  • These AreTwo Must-Have Forms For Every Boat Buyer Or Seller

    Boat US|Jan 1, 2017

    Behind most successful used-boat transactions, there's a Purchase Agreement and Bill of Sale that clearly spell out how the boat was bought or sold. The BoatUS Consumer Protection Department now offers both of these documents at no cost online. "A Purchase Agreement is necessary if you intend to buy a boat, but require that certain things must be done before you will accept the boat, such as a satisfactory marine survey, specific repairs, and the ability to finance or insure the boat," said... Full story

  • At Launch Of Boating Season

    Boat US|Jul 1, 2016

    Federal ethanol fuel mandates and changing fuel supply demand boater vigilance. As the summer boating season is underway, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) and National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) urge boaters to be mindful when selecting fuel for their boats, especially as the federal government's Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is increasing the risk of consumer misfueling. Even one mistake at the pump can be the source of expensive, warranty voiding repairs and... Full story

  • 'How To Use GPS'

    Boat US|Jun 1, 2016

    Get more out of your GPS/Chartplotter. It's an important piece of equipment, able to get boaters safely home, to their favored fishing hole or weekend raft up spot. But, if you've ever wondered about all of the features and functions on your boat's GPS or chartplotter, this is your chance to learn by taking the newest online course from the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water and the United States Power Squadrons, "How to Use GPS." Available for a $30 course fee at... Full story

  • Boat Fire Extinguishers: Four Myths From The BoatUS Foundation

    Boat US|Jun 1, 2016

    Every spring, the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water receives questions from boaters about fire extinguishers. To help set the record straight, here are four fire-extinguisher myths debunked: Myth #1: Tapping or striking the extinguisher keeps the contents "fresh". Reality: Leave the mallet at home. Unlike days of old, today's modern fire extinguishers don't use chemicals that cake, get hard, or need to be broken up. Whacking it with a mallet or hammer could compromise the exti... Full story

  • Eight Boat Spring Commissioning Goof-Ups We Made

    Boat US|May 1, 2016

    They are the crewmembers of the nation's largest boater advocacy, safety and services group, BoatUS. And like most boaters, they aren't perfect. They make mistakes and learn from them too. With boat yards, back yards, marinas and clubs now coming to life, spring commissioning time has arrived. Here are eight spring commissioning mistakes that the employees of BoatUS have made over the years that could save you a lot of aggravation, or your life. The Battery Goof-Up #1 "When reconnecting my... Full story

  • BoatUS Fire Facts

    Boat US|Apr 1, 2016

    Fire ranks number five among all boat losses according to the BoatUS Marine Insurance Program claims files. Dig a little a deeper, and those claims files also tell you the six specific areas that lead to most-reported boat fires. If every boater paid attention to these six things, over a third of all fires aboard boats would be prevented. So what are the top six ways boat fires happen, and some lessons to take home? 26 percent of fires are due to "off-the-boat" sources: Over a quarter of the... Full story

  • BoatUS Foundation Grassroots Grants

    Boat US|Apr 1, 2016

    Groups can apply all year for funds for boating safety and clean-boating projects. The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water just made it easier for nonprofit organizations including community-based groups, boat clubs, angling and environmental organizations, USCG Auxiliary, or US Power Squadrons to apply for a Grassroots Grant. Started over 25 years ago, the BoatUS member-funded grant program provides groups up to $10,000 to help educate boaters on safe and clean boating topics.... Full story

  • What's Wrong In This Photo

    Boat US|Apr 1, 2016

    There are at least 11 technical faults that, if not addressed, could cause serious problems. How many can you find? Here's a hint -- they fall into two main areas: electrical and fuel/ventilation. To find the answers, go to BoatUS.com/findthefaults.... Full story

  • In 2016, BoatUS Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary

    Boat US|Mar 1, 2016

    In 1966, boaters could buy a new mid-sized cruiser for about $7,000, outboard engines had just surpassed 100 horsepower, and recreational boating was growing on a large scale across America. It was also in '66 that the nation's largest recreational boating group, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), got its start thanks to Founder Richard Schwartz who saw a need to make recreational boaters' lives better. Schwartz's Vision His vision of offering representation, improving safety... Full story

  • A December Tradition

    Boat US|Dec 1, 2015

    On Giving Tuesday, Dec. 1, when boaters, sailors and anglers want to celebrate their generosity and give, they go to BoatUS.org, the online home of the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Since 1981, the boating non-profit's sole mission is to reduce boating accidents and fatalities and increase stewardship of our waterways, so giving to the Foundation means they're giving back to boating. Based in Annapolis, Md., the tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization is the boating safety and... Full story

  • Winterizing Your Boat

    Boat US|Oct 1, 2015

    Unlike this vessel, boats that are properly winterized (yes, even in Arizona) are most likely to enter next year's boating season without damage and ready to hit the water. Check online for BoatUS's Boaters' Guide to Winterizing.... Full story

  • National Safe Boating Week

    Boat US|May 15, 2015

    Now through May 22 is National Safe Boating week, reminding anyone who spends his or her time on the water to think about ways to have a great summer and avoid any chance of becoming US Coast Guard statistic. The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water has four tips that follow the familiar K.I.S.S. principle – but with a bent for boating safety – that are nearly universal: Keep your life jackets handy: This means readily accessible within arms reach, not still in it's plastic bag... Full story

  • Here's The BoatUS 2015 List Of Top Ten Boat Names

    Boat US|Apr 15, 2015

    Big and small, power or sail, there are many different kinds of boats and so many different kinds of boat owners. But, the one thing they seem to agree on is how boating makes them feel, at least if your looking at a boat’s name on the transom. “Serenity” has been named the #1 boat name for the second year in a row with the release of the 2015 list of Top Ten Boat Names from Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS). It is also the name’s tenth appearance on the popular list of boat names issued annually since 1992 by the recreat... Full story

  • Vote Today For Your Favorite Safe Or Clean-Boating Grant Idea

    Boat US|Mar 15, 2015

    The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water provides local non-profit groups up to $10,000 to help educate boaters on safe and clean boating topics. However, it needs your help to determine who will get the money. With its 2015 Grassroots Grants program kicking off, the national 501(c)(3) is looking to the public to help it decide which of the eight submitted projects will receive funding in the competitive program. Boaters have until midnight on March 24 to go to... Full story

  • BoatUS Renews Title Sponsorship

    Boat US|Feb 15, 2015

    The Association of Collegiate Anglers (ACA) announces that Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has renewed its title sponsorship of the 2015 Collegiate Bass Fishing Series Championship. Now in its 10th Anniversary year, the event will be held May 20-22 on Pickwick Lake in Florence, Ala.. The Championship is the final of four tournaments in the rapidly expanding Cabela’s Collegiate Bass Fishing Series slated for this year. BoatUS has been the title sponsor of the Championship since its inception.... Full story

  • BoatUS Urges Boaters To Speak Up Now

    Boat US|Feb 15, 2015

    New bipartisan legislation recently introduced would help ensure recreational boaters don't put unsafe fuel in their boats, according to Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS). Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), with 30 co-sponsors, introduced the Renewable Fuel Standard Reform Act of 2015. BoatUS is urging all boaters to contact their US Representative to support the bill. Recognize The Failure "The new bill would recognize the failure of the current Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and... Full story

  • Winterizing Your Boat

    Boat US|Nov 15, 2014

    True or False? Take The Boat Winterizing Quiz You're putting the boat away for winter. So what half-truth, wife's tale, urban myth, or tall story have you heard about winterizing a recreational boat? Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) helps to set the record straight. 1. Ethanol (E10) fuel and engines: If a boat has a built-in gas tank, it's recommended to leave the tank as full as possible over the winter with a smidgen of room for fuel expansion. TRUE: Leaving the tank... Full story

  • BoatUS: Tips On Boating With Dogs

    Boat US, Boat US|Aug 15, 2013

    Before You Go • Get a well-fitting life jacket and have the dog wear it a few times around the home before they get on a boat. Any pet life jacket should have a handle to easily lift the animal out of the water. Check BoatUS.com/doglifejacket. • Have a special ID tag with the name of the boat, marina, slip number and cellphone number on it just in case. If the dog gets lost, it's a lot easier for the person who finds them to get them back to you quickly. • If you'll be going to Canada or Mexic... Full story