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BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water program supervisor Alan Dennison has been elected chairman of the National Safe Boating Council (NSBC). Created in its current form by the Federal Boating Safety Act of 1971, the Council is the nation's principal public-private boating safety advocacy organization, representing a coalition of more than 330 U.S. and international member organizations. Its mission is to promote a safer recreational boating experience through education, outreach... Full story
At any other time of year, the red towing response vessels of the on-water TowBoatUS towing fleet are helping recreational boaters get home after their boats have broken down or run aground. However, in October, seven TowBoatUS response boats across the country were turned pink to bring the message of breast cancer awareness to the water in hopes of saving lives and finding a cure for a disease that affects 1 in every 8 women. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, this year an... Full story
Nonprofit to develop competitive grant program to fund removal of abandoned, derelict vessels. Includes prevention and education measures. Boats end up abandoned or derelict on our nation's coasts for several reasons. Irresponsible owners abandon vessels when they can no longer afford to care for them or pay for their disposal. Poorly maintained, "at risk" anchored boats combined with the increasing frequency and severity of storms leave shorelines littered with wrecks after each hurricane. A... Full story
NEEDLES, Calif. -Las Vegas native Bryan Sloan once answered a classified job post for a part-time professional lake patroller. He applied, got the job, and immediately knew that working on the water was his calling. He next became first-mate, then captain of an 84-foot dinner yacht, and earned his U.S. Coast Guard license. He's since run 100-plus mph twin-hull tour boats on Lake Havasu and most recently was a towing captain with TowBoatUS Lake Mead, helping boaters with on-water troubles. Now... Full story
Summer boating season is in full swing and you've been enjoying your time on the water. Has it all been good so far? Maybe you've found yourself in a situation where, perhaps, you felt less-than-confident behind the wheel, or simply got a sense that something didn't feel safe. The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water has the fix for that: Taking a free online boating safety course can help make you feel good behind the helm – prepared, more confident, and able to handle situation... Full story
California Governor Newsom's 2024 Budget Proposes 300% Boat Registration Fee Increase Boaters currently pay $107 million in annual motor fuel taxes; revenue increase won't fund recreational boating needs. SACRAMENTO, Calif. -The nation's largest recreational boat owners advocacy, services and safety group Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), and the nonprofit state advocacy organization Recreational Boaters of California (RBOC), are asking Golden State boat owners to speak up o... Full story
TowBoatUS responds more than 90,000 requests from boaters for routine on-water assistance each year – towing, ungroundings, battery jumps and fuel drop-offs. For the captains at the helm of the 600-plus red TowBoatUS response vessels, that means much of their waking day is spent on the water where there's always a chance for more grave trouble. Five TowBoatUS captains who acted as good Samaritans to save lives and help their communities in 2022 were recently honored by their peers at a c... Full story
To maximize fun and safety while towing a waterskier, make sure everyone on board knows these simple hand signals for communication. By Chris Landers BoatU.S.Magazine Contributing Writer 1. Faster: Thumb up 2. Slower: Thumb down 3. Go right, go left: Point right, point left 4. We're turning around: Driver's or spotter's arm up, pointing, making circles 5. Make another loop: Skier's arm up, pointing, making circles 6. I'm finished and letting go of tow rope: Skier uses a hand to simulate "slice... Full story
Dr. Anne Kolker Honored With 2023 NWSA Leadership In Women's Sailing Award She wanted more sailing skills. Once she did that, she showed others. SPRINGFIELD, Va., June 5, 2023 – Dr. Anne Kolker grew up sailing, first as a youngster, then through college, medical school and into marriage. However, when her husband died in 2008, she realized that she needed to learn more about sailing and grow her confidence behind the wheel. Up until his passing, she had never docked the boat that she had p... Full story
On Boating Season's Kickoff BoatUS Reminds Boaters to Avoid a Misfuel Mishap 'Regular 88,' an E15 fuel, is prohibited for use in recreational boats. Today's gas station pumps no longer provide clear and transparent information to help consumers make the right fuel choice. Dispensing pumps have become a marketer's dream, chock full of attention-grabbing video screens blasting amplified sound that visually plaster a captive audience with a mishmash of eye-catching advertisements from two-for-one... Full story
Visual distress signals can be very effective for summoning help from those assets closest to your location – fellow boaters – potentially shortening response time. Five Ways To Be Seen And Heard When You Really Need To Summon Help National Safe Boating Week is May 21–27. When you have an emergency on the water, how do you get help? For National Safe Boating Week, May 21-27, the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is reminding boaters that having the ability to be se... Full story
How do you know your boat is ready for a safe summer boating season and complies with new U.S. Coast Guard regulations? A no-cost, no-penalty vessel safety check from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and U.S. Power Squadrons/America's Boating Club can help. Scheduled inspections are often offered at launch ramps, marinas and boat clubs, or appointments can be made for a vessel examiner to come to your boat. Go to to learn more. The program is sponsored by the BoatUS Foundation for... Full story
The Boat-Buyer's Toolbox When it's time to buy a boat, you'll need all the tools available to score a great deal. By Charles Fort Wonder just how popular boating is? In the United States, one in three American adults participates in boating every year. That translates to a lot of boats, and a lot of people buying boats. In fact, 1.5 million of us buy a new or used boat every year. Whether you're a first-timer or an old salt, there are things you can do to ensure that your next purchase goes off... Full story
Fall boating season has arrived, and with it come different types of risks that cold water and air temperatures bring. Here are three boating safety tips from the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water just right for leaf peeping season. 1. A float plan is needed: A float plan is as simple as telling a responsible person where you will be going and when you’ll be back. With fewer other boats on the water (potential Good samaritans) after Labor Day, a float plan ensures rescuers wil... Full story
Whether setting out for a day, week, or longer, you need a well-stocked first-aid kit on board. Here are the essentials. Words And Photo By Mark Corke Checking life jackets, VHF radio, and flares before setting out for a day on the water should be a standard part of your predeparture checklist. Butyour first-aid kit is likely stowed and forgotten - as it seems you never need it. If setting out for just a few hours, most boaters assumethey're unlikely to suffer amedical emergency. Or they reason... Full story
Here's how to get boaters to stay and spend. Many waterfront towns don't make it easy for visiting boaters to stay and spend. It's not their fault. Protected, safe harbors as well essential boating services such as fuel, utilities and bathrooms, are beyond the price tag for a local town, marina or boat club budget. However, a federal program first championed by Boat Owners Association of The United States in 1998, the Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) program, has proven effective in... Full story
Gas prices are up. What can boaters do to prepare for a summer of boating? The 800,000-plus member Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has 21 fuel-saving tips boaters can do to help save on fuel and still enjoy a fulfilling season on the water. While some of these techniques may sound obvious, there may be some you never considered. Before Heading Out: 1. Tune your engine now. A once a year for a tune-up and service will help it run more efficiently. 2. Match the boat’s prop to... Full story
The focus is on boating-centric inland lakes with distinction. There are 123,439 freshwater lakes – those water bodies generally larger than 20 acres – in the continental United States. Which ones may be best for recreational boating? BoatUS Magazine senior editor Rich Armstrong and contributing editor Fiona McGlynn consider the question in the magazine's February/March issue with the feature "Freshwater America," which highlights nine boating-centric lakes from New York to Washington. "Am... Full story
Find out the one thing that 60 percent of boat owners admit they forgot. You made it through your long to-do list of spring commissioning items and you're ready to go in the water during the summer boating season. Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) says don't forget these three often-overlooked steps that could bring your season to a screeching halt. 1. Don't get hosed. Aged hoses and fittings below the waterline are the single most common cause of sinkings – especially e... Full story
From A Note At Soundings Online Gas prices are up, so the Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatU.S.) has collected 21 fuel-saving tips to help boaters save money. Some of these methods may sound obvious, but some are novel. They include things you can do before heading out, at the dock, and while on the water. Tips range from engine-tuning and prop optimization to finding good deals on gas, lightening your load, improving boat efficiency and even "buddy boating". Whether it's money... Full story
Twelve-year expiration for disposables and different carriage requirements for older, newer model year vessels announced. A rite of passage for every boater is the annual spring commissioning. Newly added to the boat owners to-do list this spring will be to check all disposable (non-rechargeable) fire extinguisher dates of manufacture, as well as the label for their U.S. Coast Guard classification. That's because a new U.S. Coast Guard regulation beginning April 20 for disposable fire... Full story
And Cats Chances are he or she should wear a life jacket. The last thing we want is for Fido to fall overboard, creating panic onboard, and a potential safety nightmare. Fitting him or her for a life jacket is easy - really! - if you follow a few simple tips. "Some of the most important safety items on any boat are the life jackets - for you, your passengers, and of course your "best friend." Since our last report on this topic years ago, the canine life jacket market has taken off by leaps and... Full story
Here is the Top 10 list of how-to, things-you-need-to-know boating videos. Repairing gelcoat is a common boat owner task, but it requires more than just filling in small spider cracks. "How to Spray Gelcoat on a Boat Using a Preval Sprayer," which shows how to make professional gelcoat repairs over a larger area, was the most-watched new BoatUS video of 2021, from BoatUS Magazine. The second most-watched video on the list, "Bilge Pump Not Working? Here's How To Troubleshoot the Problem" proves... Full story
BoatUS has you covered with 24/7 assistance for breakdowns on the water and on the road. Looking for a holiday gift for the boater in the family? Look no further than an annual BoatUS Unlimited Towing Membership. Like an auto club for recreational boat owners, a BoatUS Unlimited Towing Membership provides professional 24/7 on-water towing service by the TowBoatUS fleet ─ the nation's largest. A Towing Membership takes care of the problems that your boater did not plan for, such as an a... Full story
Free downloadable winterization checklist and guide explains how to properly prepare a boat for winter. Yes, even in the colder areas of the Southwest! Recreational boat owners are preparing their boats for a long winter's nap, but sugarplums aren't dancing in their heads. What may keep them up at night is hoping cold temperatures won't damage their boats. Freshwater expands in volume by about 9 percent when it freezes and can push outward with a force of tens of thousands of pounds per square i... Full story