Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Articles written by Captain Dave Esparza

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 20 of 20

  • US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 10-11

    Captain Dave Esparza|May 1, 2017

    Who: For you by US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 10-11 http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=070-10-11 What: 2017 Boating-Safety Class Schedule Where: Century Marine, 3302 E. Main Street, Mesa, Ariz. 85213 When: Classes are scheduled from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on these dates: • May 20 • June 17 • July 15 • Aug. 19 • Sept. 16 • Oct.21 • Nov. 18 How: You must pre-register by sending a check or money order ($25.00 per person) to: USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 10-11 728 E.... Full story

  • He Will Be Missed

    Captain Dave Esparza, USCGA Flotilla 10-11

    His full name is Orlan Ross Ginter; his nickname his entire life has been "Bud". Bud was born May 1, 1939 in Appleton City, Missouri. (That is the same general area that, back in the day, Frank and Jessie James started their career.) He passed over the bar on June 5, 2016 of unknown natural causes; he was 77 years young. Bud was an avid hunter; he hunted Rooselvelt elk in the valleys of Mount Saint Helens here in Washington for many years, as well as white tail and black tail deer, Rocky... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza|Apr 1, 2016

    Why take a navigation class when just boating on our local lakes? The very good reason is because prudent mariners should know and understand basic navigation principles no matter how small or large the size of the waterway they are boating on. Knowing north, south, east and west, how to use a basic chart or map, and how to read your compass are musts for safe-boating principles. Take this class and become a safer boater with knowledge. The Coast Guard Auxiliary has authored and developed a... Full story

  • Situational Awareness And America's Waterway Watch

    Captain Dave Esparza|Jan 1, 2016

    As a boater, you know what is normal and what is not. For example, you see someone taking pictures of a dam, and you think to yourself, that’s not normal. Well maybe it is and possibly it is not. That is why the Coast Guard established a public outreach program in 2006 titled “America’s Waterway Watch.” It is up to us, the avid boaters, to keep an eye out for suspicious activity and report it — similar to a neighborhood watch program. Have situational awareness at all times; don’t forget wher... Full story

  • Captain's Corner - Hypothermia Kills Quickly

    Captain Dave Esparza|Dec 1, 2015

    Well, another year has gone by and here it is December already. But, plenty of us are still going to the lakes and rivers across our great state. What we have to worry about this time of year is one of the deadliest killers that we have on our waterways. hypothermia. Hypothermia can affect you in several ways. You can get hypothermic from being in the water; you can get hypothermic from getting wet in a rain storm; you can get hypothermic from the wind. Any one of these things can cause a hypoth... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza|Oct 1, 2015

    The biggest concern that I have with the boating public is the lack of responsibility. What does that mean? When you sit behind the wheel of a boat, or on a personal watercraft or in front of the tiller of a sailboat, or in other words, at the helm, you are the skipper or the captain of that vessel no matter what size, shape or configuration that it is. That means that you have taken a position of responsibility. Just because you cannot see a traffic pattern, a white line, a yellow line or a... Full story

  • Responsibility

    Captain Dave Esparza|Sep 1, 2015

    The biggest concern that I have with the boating public is the lack of responsibility. What does that mean? When you sit behind the wheel of a boat, or on a personal watercraft or in front of the tiller of a sailboat, or in other words at the helm you are the skipper or the captain of that vessel no matter what size, shape or configuration that it is. That means that you have taken a position of responsibility. Just because you cannot see a traffic pattern, a white line, a yellow line or a stop... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza|Jul 1, 2015

    Well, summer is finally here, we have temperatures well above 100 degrees on a daily basis. It is time to head to the lakes and rivers in the great State of Arizona. Oh, but first — • Do you have the drain plug? • Where is the registration? • Is the tank full of gas? • Have you checked the oil? • When is the last time you started the boat? • Is the battery charged? • Will the boat perform all day at the lake or will you run into problems? And, there are new laws on the books — • Who is holding... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza, Birthday Ball Coordinator|Apr 15, 2015

    May 15th is ‘Wear Your Life jacket To Work Day,’ and May 16th is ‘Wear It Day’ Life Jacket World Record Day. Last month’s article was about Arizona's best kept secret, the volunteers of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. This month we are letting everyone know about one of the major fourth cornerstone activities of the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary. Everyone loves going to a birthday party; well, here is one you won't forget. This is the 225th Birthday for the United States Coast Guard and... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza|Mar 15, 2015

    Established by Congress in 1939, the 30,000 members of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary are Semper Paratus "Always Ready." Vessel safety checks, harbor patrols, safe-boating courses, search and rescue, marine environmental protection - these are just a few of the services provided by the Auxiliary. Each year, Auxiliarists volunteer more than two million hours benefitting boaters and their families. We invite you to learn more about who we are and what we do to be Semper Paratus.... Full story

  • Get Ready For Boating Season

    Captain Dave Esparza|Feb 15, 2015

    It’s time to be preparing for the upcoming boating season. With the temperatures in the 70 and 80s already, the time is quickly approaching. There are several things that you can do to be the prudent skipper of your vessel before you hit the water. Getting your boat serviced so that it is in good running condition is an excellent starting point. Service your trailer, wheel bearings, brakes, lights, and check the age of your tires. We have all seen the boat and trailer sitting on the side of t... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza|Jan 15, 2015

    It is that time of the year again, time for your annual Vessel Safety Check, courtesy of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Have you had your vessel inspected? If not, now is the time to do so. The courtesy vessel safety check is performed at your boat — whether in a slip, at the launch ramp, or in your driveway — by a certified Vessel Examiner, at a mutuallyconvenient time, and usually takes 30 to 45 minutes, depending upon the size of your boat. To find a vessel examiner, go to www.cgaux.org and cli... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza|Nov 15, 2014

    I would like to talk about what has transpired over the last few days, including Veterans’ Day. You often hear people asking, “Oh, when is Veteran's Day; what time does the parade start? Veterans’ Day has three simple numbers, 11, 11, 11. Veterans’ Day is always the 11th month, celebrated on the 11th day, and if there is a formal event, it starts at the 11th hour. Veteran's Day is the one day out of the year to show your respect to our country and its veterans who have done and given so much fo... Full story

  • Coast Guard Members Value 'Fellowship' Times

    Captain Dave Esparza

    In the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary we have a cornerstone activity called "Fellowship." Fellowship is when we all get together, relax and have a good time doing non-Coast Guard missions. This past weekend we had our Inland Rendezvous in Laughlin, Nev. We had a great time riding PWCs on the Colorado River, a Friday night hospitality suite, a tour of Oatman, Ariz. with a historical poker run, talking to old friends, and we finished the weekend with a great banquet dinner at the Colorado... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza|Sep 15, 2014

    Captain Dave and his wife June urge you to consider joining this valuable organization. This month’s article is about the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and what it can do for you. My wife June and I have been members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary for over 20 years. What the heck is that and why would we do such a thing for over 20 years? The “why” is several things — the satisfaction of saving a life, educating Arizona boaters, giving back to our community, helping others have a better... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza|Aug 15, 2014

    This is the second of several boating-safety quizzes offered to educate (or remind) boaters of some important guidelines. Although they may be helpful, it is recommended that all who recreate on and near the water take a boating-safety class. (See page 3 of this issue for a list of current classes.) This recommendation is for both new boaters and for seasoned ones who would benefit from an update. There is a prize for the first one who answers all questions correctly and e-mails those answers... Full story

  • Captain's Corner - Safety Quiz Answers

    Captain Dave Esparza|Aug 15, 2014

    How Did You Do? A free one-year subscription to the print version of Arizona Boating & Watersports/Western Outdoor Times will be awarded to the first person who answers all the questions correctly and emails those answers to jim@azbw.com. Note: Be sure to include both the questions and their answers in your email and put QUIZ ANSWERS in the subject line. 1, Type 4 PFD 2. False 3. One short blast 4. Lake Pleasant 5. Danger 6. Stand on Vessel 7. One prolong blast 8. 2 and a ski flag 9. Not... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza|Jun 15, 2014

    This is the first of several boating-safety quizzes offered to educate (or remind) boaters of some important guidelines. Although they may be helpful, it is recommended that all who recreate on and near the water take a boating-safety class. (See page 3 of this issue for a list of current classes.) This recommendation is for both new boaters and for seasoned ones who would benefit from an update. There is a prize for the first one who answers all questions correctly and e-mails those answers to... Full story

  • Answers To Page 1 Quiz

    Captain Dave Esparza|Jun 15, 2014

    There is at least one prize (see page 1) for the first one who answers all questions correctly and e-mails those answers to jim@azbw.comjim@azbw.com. Note: Be sure to include both the questions and their answers. 1. Q. What is the purpose of the rules of the road? A. To prevent collision 2. Q. What is the arc of visiblity of a single side navigation light? A. 112.5 degrees 3. Q. A power-driven boat leaving a berth or a dock must sound a warning signal of — ? A. One prolonged blast 4. Q. In A... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza|May 15, 2014

    The boating season is upon us with the warm weather fast approaching. I know that we all want to hook up the boat, grab the family and run off to the lake to water recreation and good times. We also need to think about the safety of our friends and family. I see people every weekend with their boats broken down or their trailer parked alongside the road due to a lack of planning. I am seeing people at the lakes receiving hundreds of dollars in citations because they leave items at the house or... Full story

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