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Please Note - Articles and information will be added throughout the month. We welcome readers input on each article. Thank you. - Publisher The Three Servicemen statue and flagstaff were added to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1984. The statue depicts three American servicemen and the things they carried. Sculptor Frederick Hart's goal was to create a moving evocation of the experience and service of the Vietnam veteran. As Hart described the sculpture, "The contrast between the innocence of... Full story
Please Note - Articles and information will be added throughout the month. We welcome readers input on each article. Thank you. - Publisher It's All About Fish As the weather warms, a young man's (and woman's) fancy turns to thoughts of - fish. And, although there are many fantastic angling destinations in Arizona, Margie Anderson says to keep in mind the community waters that make fishing possible in waters near you. For some, this is the first opportunity to enjoy casting a line and a good... Full story
Arizona has extensive opportunities and destinations to go fishing, from a local pond to a remote mountain stream, but many don't know where to get started. The Arizona Game and Fish Department's FishAZ Network brings all these opportunities in one place offering instructional and educational events, hands-on beginner fishing events, and other fishing based on your skill level and interest. Event Type All Events 1 - Introductory 2 - Beginner 3 - Developing 4 - Intermediate 5 - Experienced Event... Full story
As we move further into 2025, there are so many events to enjoy. Ahead are the always popular Arizona Game & Fish Expo, the wild and wonderful Renaissance Festival, and the thrilling and colorful Dragon Boat Races. And, there's so much more as the weather reaches "perfect" levels to get outdoors. Although the Expo is next month, it's not too early to plan ahead to attend. When you are there, activities abound for all interests: from a kid's fishing pond to seminars on a plethora of wildlife spec... Full story
Note: We Found These At 'Be Outdoors Arizona'! Fall in Love with Fishing – Peoria Park Rangers February 8 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Kids ages 0-17 are invited to enjoy a heartwarming day of fishing at Paloma park. Whether you are a budding angler or just looking to enjoy a new activity, this event is for you! Bring your love for adventure and make some sweet memories. Gear will be provided, do not let this opportunity float away. Register at or at (623)773-7137 Monthly S... Full story
Welcome Home, Vietnam Veterans From The VFW National Home For Children On March 29, the VFW National Home for Children stands with the entire nation in commemorating Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. From the Presidential Proclamation: Our veterans answered our country's call and served with honor, and on March 29, 1973, the last of our troops left Vietnam. Yet, in one of the war's most profound tragedies, many of these men and women came home to be shunned or neglected - to face treatment... Full story
It just happens. The old year slips away so quickly. Didn't 2024 just begin? Where do the days, weeks, months go? And, if you are enjoying the outdoors or life in general, they go by even faster. And, that's a good thing. Speaking of good things, just around the corner is one of the first harbingers of a new year: the annual Renaissance Festival -- one of our favorite events. The jousting, the artisans, the Pleasure Feast, the entertainers are all part of the "raucous revelry" we have come to... Full story
Cheers to a new year! Arizona celebrates January in various ways, from automobile auctions to a hot-air balloon spectacular. Celebrate a fresh start in the Grand Canyon State by partaking in one or many of the January celebrations. New Year's Day: January 1 We're ringing in 2025 and ready to take on whatever it sends our way. Fingers crossed for good times all around. But first some football. LAKE HAVASU CITY: Havasu Balloon Festival and Fair: January 9-12 The sky fills with beautiful balloons... Full story
The 2025 Arizona Renaissance Festival is here, huzzah! Take a unique trip back in time to the Arizona Renaissance Festival. Not even in her wildest dreams would Queen Elizabeth have imagined a celebration such as this taking place in the foothills of the Superstition Mountains! One of the largest events of its kind in the United States, this special event is a place to revel in the atmosphere of a 16th-century European village! Join in the revelry every Saturday and Sunday from February 1... Full story
Publishers Note - If you would like to add your upcoming event to this monthly list please click on our Add Your Comments section. There is no charge for listings and links. Links will be reviewed by our Editor and included as time permits. - Jim Allen November 2 - Fly-Day Event For Challenged Kids November 4 - AZGFD Hunt Tags More than 2,200 permit-tags remain for 2025 spring hunts, raptor capture. Applications accepted — by U.S. mail only — beginning Monday. Also — The Arizona Game and Fish... Full story
Before Memorial Day in 1922, VFW conducted our first poppy distribution, becoming the first veterans' organization to organize a nationwide distribution. The poppy soon was adopted as the official memorial flower of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, as it remains today. Click Here For More Veterans In The News During our 1923 encampment, we decided that VFW "Buddy"® Poppies would be assembled by disabled and needy veterans who would be paid for their work to provide them... Full story
Bison (aka buffalo) have long been an important resource for indigenous people. That truth is recognized in the herd management of the valuable animals that inhabit the Grand Canyon's North Rim. One hundred bison were successfully relocated last month and transferred to the Intertribal Buffalo Council. Since herb reduction began in 2018, 282 buffalo have been transferred to eight different American Indian tribes. The sharing of this resource is as it should be, contributing to both conservation... Full story
October 7 The Governor’s Office is now accepting applications to fill an upcoming vacancy on the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Residents knowledgeable and passionate about Arizona wildlife and conservation in eligible counties are welcome to apply by Monday, Oct. 7 Information: Indigenous Peoples' Day: October 14 Halloween Events In Northern Arizona Costumes for Kids 5K Fun Run Where: 120 S Cortez St., Prescott What: Join in on a costumed dash in the heart of downtown Prescott. R... Full story
Donate Needed Items Please send address' for Soldiers serving overseas to Full story
Wonderful scholarships are available for you. The VFW Auxiliary offers several scholarships, including: • Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest Open to students in grades 9–12, including home-schooled students. The national first-place winner receives a $15,000 scholarship. The submission deadline for 2025 is March 31. • 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest Open to students in grades 9–12, including home-schooled students. The national first-place winner receives a $2,500 scholar... Full story
Whether in a canoe or kayak or on a stand-up paddleboard, all offer a calm, serene way to enjoy boating - unless of course there are many power craft sharing the lake or a sudden storm makes an appearance. Then, the best advice is to hug the shoreline and quieter waters, or if in real danger, the obvious choice is to get out of the threatening weather. (Experts will always advise that you "know before you go"; in other words, check the weather reports before putting in.) September in Arizona is... Full story
September 2: Labor Day September 8: Grandparents' Day In February 1977, Senator Randolph, with the concurrence of many other senators, introduced a joint resolution to the senate requesting the president to "issue annually a proclamation designating the first Sunday of September after Labor Day of each year as 'National Grandparents' Day'." Congress passed the legislation ... September 11: Patriots' Day In the United States, Patriot Day occurs on September 11 of each year in memory of the... Full story
Cool, clear air. Sparkling stars on velvet sky. Heady fragrance of pine. Soft breeze. Gentle stream songs. Delicious aromas of brewing coffee, of sizzling bacon. Silence. Peace. Refreshment. These are some of the descriptors I could use as I remember my days of camping in Washington State and in Alberta, Canada. Mind you, I could also say "cold", "freezing", "chilling", but those would apply to late-season camping in the Northwest. Not here in the Southwest. In fact, generally that is one of... Full story
August 6: More Opportunities The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) once again will be offering hunting opportunities that will provide hunters with a chance to draw an additional elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, and Gould's turkey permit-tag, while generating revenue to support wildlife conservation efforts across the state. The draw will close at 5 p.m. (Arizona time) Tuesday, Aug. 6. Applicants who are drawn for a limited-entry permit-tag will be contacted by the department (during... Full story
From bears to bison, from trout to turkeys, from fish to falcons, our Arizona wildlife is a plethora of precious beings who share our world. Arizona Game & Fish is a major guardian of this resource, assisted by various species-specific groups and caring individuals. The Wildlife for Tomorrow's Hall of Fame each year recognizes people and organizations who have significantly cared for the environment and those who inhabit it, our wildlife. We congratulate this year's inductees and thank them... Full story
JULY 1ST – JULY 7TH Downstream Events Calendar July 2024 Photo Courtesy dulcey-lima-as9sa7c81e4-unsplash Prescott Frontier Days® World's Oldest Rodeo® 840 Rodeo Drive, Prescott AZ Prescott, Arizona 86305 JULY 3RD Downstream Events Calendar July 2024 Photo Courtesy ray-hennessy-gdTxVSAE5sk-unsplash Fireworks at Lake Pleasant July 4TH 4th of July at Green Valley Park... Website
Salute 'Old Glory' George M. Cohen said it well in the song he composed: " You're a grand old flag; you're a high-flying flag, and forever in peace may you wave; you're the emblem of the land I love, the home of the free and the brave... " June 14 we are reminded of this on Flag Day and again on Independence Day, July 4. Even in disturbing times like these, there is hope that all that Old Glory has symbolized will prevail. In celebration of our nation's independence, the folks at Lake Pleasant H... Full story
June 1: Free Fishing Day When can you fish for free in Arizona? Arizona fishing licenses are not required when - fishing any public water on free fish ing day, which usually takes place on the first Saturday of National Fishing and Boating week. June 1-8: Star Party The 34th annual Grand Canyon Star Party will be held from Saturday, June 1 through Saturday, June 8, 2024, on the South and North Rims of Grand Canyon National Park. National Parks such as Grand Canyon are protective havens for some... Website
We never tire of reminding boaters to wear their life jackets, ideally the entire time they are out on the water. PFDs are no longer bulky, unattractive, and ill-fitting. Now they are comfortable, come in many styles, even colors, and some of the kid's jackets are nothing short of "cute and fun to wear". If you are new to life-jacket shopping, check with the Coast Guard or its Auxiliary, Arizona Game & Fish Department, and the National Safe Boating Council. Another good resource are the members... Full story
May-July 7 There Is A Bonus To Buying Raffle Tickets Early Conservation First USA is not only offering $10 raffle tickets for a chance to hunt big game, but the group also is entering you into monthly drawings to win BONUS PRIZES. Yes, you read that right! Do not miss this opportunity. Visit the website to buy your raffle tickets and learn more about the monthly bonus prize drawings. Raffle Details - Seven lucky individuals will win one of seven special big-game tags (bighorn sheep, elk, mule... Website