Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Articles written by carol l allen

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  • Patriots Pen Essay Winner Dakota Park

    Carol L Allen

    Patriots Pen Essay Local Winner Is Dakota Park Patriots Pen Essay Local Winner Is Dakota Park Editor's Note: Dakota penned this patriotic essay when she was only 12 years old and in 7th grade. Her entry won locally in the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3513 Auxiliary competition. (Only minimal editing has been done to the original entry.) To be a good American, you take an oath to [pledge] all loyalty to this country. You follow the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. You are given the right to... Full story

  • Austin Deuel

    Carol L Allen

    This Remarkable Man Has Left An Incredible Legacy For Us All Editor's Note: It is difficult to encapsulate the details of the life of this richly talented man who has captured both the horror of war and the beauty of military heroes' service along with the remarkable portraits of the American West. How one man could capture so much history in his works and create so much meaningful beauty is hard to fathom, but Austin Deuel did just that, and we honor him today. We offer a sketch here that only... Full story

  • Icy Cold Was The Summer

    Carol L Allen|Feb 1, 2022

    Icy Cold Was the Summer is Carol Lemon Allen's first mystery novella; it was recognized at the 35th annual Local Authors Exhibit of the San Diego Public Library. Just before Jim and I left Phoenix, Arizona, for our month-long trip to the United Kingdom, I received a letter from some old Canadian friends--the Cramptons. The Cramptons had been a young, childless couple we had known in Calgary before they were moved by a communications system to London, England. They had been there for several... Full story

  • On The Cover January 2022

    Carol L Allen

    Magnificent, but shy: These are the sandhill cranes that are in focus on a photography tour at the end of the month. The wildlife viewing and photography tour will be conducted by AZGFD photographer George Andrejko and biologists at Whitewater Draw. And, at press time, there was still space available to join this remarkable experience. So much is in focus as we enter the New Year. The annual Arizona Renaissance Festival is back after a covid absence last year, and the Arizona Yacht Club is... Full story

  • Carol L Allen

    January 1 All Arizona hunting, fishing license sales are going online Jan. 1.License dealers will no longer sell traditional paper licenses, but many will offer an online purchase option; customers can also buy directly online at https://license.azgfd.com/ or at AZGFD offices. Also, AZGFD will discontinue selling Community Fishing licenses. Arizona General Fishing licenses are only $37 for residents and $55 for nonresidents. Through January 17 Grand Canyon Celebration of Art, Grand Canyon...  Website

  • Arizona Renaissance Festival

    Carol L Allen

    Opening Weekend – Huzzah! Let The Revelry Begin! We've missed you! Join us as we kick off our 34th Season of Revelry! Eat Drink and be Merry is the order of the day at the Village of Fairhaven. Join the celebration! • February 5 & 6 – Opening Weekend • February 12 & 13 – Romance/Italian Age of Chivalry/Carnevale Weekend • February 19, 20 & 21 – Royal Raucous Abounds Weekend • February 26 & 27 – Time Travelers Weekend • March 5 & 6 – Pirates & BrewFest Weekend • March 12 & 13 – Celtic Weekend &... Full story

  • Veterans of Foreign Wars 3513 Auxiliary Diorama

    Carol L Allen|Jan 1, 2022

    The Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 3513, Scottsdale, are so grateful for this meaningful diorama. A sincere thank you to the creative team of the Air Force JROTC cadets from Poston Butte High School, San Tan Valley. Their instructor, Major John Napier, and Cadet Jeremiah Duncan led the team as they created this beautiful honor for all veterans, past and present.... Full story

  • Arizona Firefighting Museum

    Carol L Allen

    This Fantastic Museum Celebrates Six Decades This Year The Arizona firefighting museum is the largest in the world.. The National Historical Fire Foundation (better known as the Hall of Flame Museum of Firefighting) is a museum dedicated to the historical preservation of firefighting equipment used through the years around the world. The museum's artifacts were originally the private collection of George F. Getz Jr., who opened the original Hall of Flame in Wisconsin in 1961. The collection... Full story

  • On The Cover December 2021

    Carol L Allen

    Dixie Belle, the official "hostess" for Lake Havasu City, would be happy to have you aboard during the holidays. In fact, a ticket to get a tour on the lady would make an excellent Christmas gift, or a party on her decks would be a perfect way to celebrate the holidays. Dixie Belle, originally built in 1983, is a replica of an 1800's paddle wheeler. She has recently undergone a 10-year restoration project and is opening for business late November/ early December 2021. She's a beauty, just... Full story

  • Carol L Allen

    Now through January 15, 2022 (Select Nights) The wonder of wandering through the Phoenix Zoo Lights is a magical part of the Christmas season. From 5:30-10:30 p.m. experience the thrill of incredible lighting throughout the part. Tickets are $20/person, $16/member, and children two and under are free. December 3 The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) will ......  Website

  • "Came Christmas"

    Carol L Allen

    Carol Elizabeth Lemon Allen "CAME CHRISTMAS" During the night - velvet, dark and quiet, Beyond the river - silver, soft and deep, Above the trees - standing still and silent, In the sky - hushed and asleep, APPEARED A STAR. With a promise - bright and shining, For a world wrapped in fear, Into a moment shot with silver, To a place so far, yet near, CAME CHRISTMAS. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all!... Full story

  • Arizona Renaissance Festival

    Arizona Renaissance Festival

    Carol L Allen

    The Arizona Renaissance Festival will return on Saturday, Feb. 5 for its 34th season of merrymaking. The festival held in Gold Canyon is a 16th century European style park with its "Village of Fairhaven" where attendees are immersed in a whimsical and historical setting featuring artisans, 16 stages featuring live entertainment, rides, games, jousting knights, music, comedy and ample food and drink. The festival offers an opportunity to enjoy and explore the outdoor 50-acre village for nine... Full story

  • On The Cover November 2021

    Carol L Allen

    Oh, the views: spectacular! Thank you, Margie Anderson, for some fantastic photos of vistas here in Arizona, and on our "Western Wildlife" page, we salute another incredible photographer, George Andrejko, Arizona Game & Fish Department, who has some tips for taking pictures of wildlife. With so many negatives confronting us, usually from the media, there is such good news to celebrate here in the Southwest — We have family outings to enjoy as outdoor fans cut their own Christmas trees. We h... Full story

  • Carol L Allen

    Boating, Auctions, Yard Sales, And Brunch Are All Just Ahead Now: A Special Offer From Bartlett Lake Marina Enjoy Bartlett Lake with your whole family! The weather is gorgeous, and Bartlett Lake has great ideas for enjoying some time on the water. Until December 15, the marina is offering a pontoon boat or ski boat rental for a full week day (Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays and subject to weather) for special prices. We are offering a 20 foot Pontoon Boat that will hold eight people...  Website

  • VFW Post 3513

    Carol L Allen

    VFW Post 3513 prepares delicious and very reasonably priced meals three days a week. Sunday brunch is served from 10 a.m. until noon; Wednesday dinners are from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Friday meals start at 5 p.m. We hope our neighbors will join us at VFW Post 3513 for great eating with good company. All are welcome (although anyone not a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and its Auxiliary, the American Legion, or Disabled American Vets (DAV), may need to be signed in as a guest). A... Full story

  • On The Cover October 2021

    Carol L Allen

    Arizona Autumns Are Awesome! Especially this fall that is full of celebration and color! First, we thank Lake Havasu City Tourism and Convention Bureau, Jeff Blumenfeld, and Jason Castellucci for assembling the wonderful photos and information about this month's incredible celebration: The 50th anniversary of the dedication of Lake Havasu City's famed London Bridge. Read the page 1 story that outlines the October-filled calendar of fun and activities to mark this big birthday event. (Jim and I... Full story

  • VFW Auxiliary Scholarship

    Carol L Allen

    The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and VFW Auxiliary offer several scholarships that are available to students in grades 9 through 12. The Scholarship program is not a new one, but it is so important. In these troubling times of our nation, it is important that we hear from our young people on what they think and how they feel about Patriotism and Americanism which is relayed through essays and art. We need to keep these ideas out there and encourage these students, who represent our future, to... Full story

  • On The Cover September 2021

    Carol L Allen

    Kelsee Haws shows the fish that she caught in Luna Lake; it later became part of a delicious meal. Her outdoors experience is typical of many throughout the state and one of those that we can continue to enjoy even if pandemic restrictions return. (Please, no!) In fact, a whole new group of women anglers will probably be inspired by the great program "Becoming An Outdoors Woman" to be held in Prescott, Ariz., later this month. And, fishing is just one focus of the event; it includes hiking,... Full story

  • Carol L Allen

    September 8: Commission Nominations The Arizona Game and Fish Commission is soliciting nominations for its 2021 Commission Awards. The awards recognize Arizonans who have contributed significantly to the conservation of the state's wildlife, its outdoor heritage, and the mission of the Arizona Game and Fish Department.The nomination deadline is Sept. 8, 2021. To submit a nomination, download and complete a nomination form and return by email to sbernal@azgfd.gov or by mail to Arizona Game and...  Website

  • Lost Our Home Pet Rescue

    Carol L Allen|Sep 1, 2021

    As the economy took a great nose dive in 2008, Lost Our Home Pet Foundation (LOH) sprung to life to help pets in need. LOH was founded as a grassroots response to the thousands of pets in need as a direct result of the economic downturn in general, and the Phoenix-area foreclosure crisis in particular. Then And Now The economic crisis took its toll on Arizona's homeowners and workers and saw serious, sometimes fatal consequences for thousands of dogs and cats often left abandoned, underfed and t... Full story

  • Kelsee At Luna Lake

    Carol L Allen|Sep 1, 2021

    We Had A Delicious Dinner From Luna Lake And we salute a beautiful Arizona town nearby. By Kelsee P. Haws Kelsee Haws, Mesa, Ariz., says "I hooked roughly a 10 1/2 inch cutthroat trout using an Abu Garcia - Black Max 6'6" pole with a double Power Bait egg setup. A garlic red salmon egg was stacked on over a garlic rainbow glitter power egg. This fish was a fun fight and I was appreciative of the sacrifice made for the game and the food it provided." Haws continued, "From lake to plate in three... Full story

  • AZBW / WOT August 2021 Issue

    On The Cover August 2021

    Carol L Allen

    Water Is The Driving Force Of All Nature Leonardo da Vinci Although we fish in it, boat on it, swim in it, we sometimes take water for granted - not, of course, for our recreational needs but for its crucial role in life preservation for all flora and fauna. This need for our wildlife was recognized as early as 1945 when Arizona Game and Fish began its "Arizona Guzzler" program. This year, it is estimated that three million gallons will be used to fill water catchments throughout the state from... Full story

  • Lost Our Home Pet Rescue

    Carol L Allen|Aug 1, 2021

    These are only two of the myriad at Lost Our Home pet rescue. Scooby "Hi, my name is Scooby. I was brought to Lost Our Home Pet Rescue in November of 2020. I had a bit of a bumpy path because I was exposed to Parvo before entering the shelter. Since Parvo is very contagious, I was put on a medical hold for what seemed like forever. This made me sad because I didn't meet new people or hang out with other doggies for 30 days! Then I got tested, and everyone seemed very happy with the results...I... Full story

  • Margie Anderson Stories On Western Outdoor Times

    On The Cover July 2021

    Carol L Allen

    In addition to the thrill of having our Outdoors Editor inducted into the arizona outdoor hall of fame, we feel honored to have both Margie and John Anderson as loyal and valuable contributors to our publications. Of course we honor the other four inductees as well; our Wildlife benefits incredibly from their hard work, dedication, and commitment. Another reason to celebrate is the annual incredible fireworks display at Pleasant Harbor. We send a warm thank-you to them for honoring our... Full story

  • Carol L Allen

    July 9-21: Win The Hunt Of A Lifetime; enter the Arizona Big Game Super Raffle. If you win, you can hunt AZ big game species for 365 days (August 15, 2021-August 14, 2022). Get raffle tickets for elk, antelope, Coues, mule deer, black bear, desert bighorn sheep, buffalo, mountain lion, javelina, turkey. Mail order entries must be received by July 9. Online orders accepted through July 11. Main drawing date will be July 21, time and place TBA. Downstream Events Calendar July 2021Go to the...  Website

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