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Most of the time if I want to trade a gun in on a new one I just take it to Legendary Guns and those guys are great – I'm always happy with the trade and it's just plain fun to chew the fat with those guys. But recently I was in the market for a side-by-side shotgun – a kind of once in a lifetime purchase, and I wanted to trade in some other shotguns for it. Since Legendary didn't have the gun I wanted, I decided to see if I could do the deal online. Here's what happened. Trading Or Selling A G... Full story
Spring draw results just came out, and a lot of hunting seasons are in full swing right now, so a gift for a hunter would be very much appreciated! Here are some ideas for gifts that will totally make their day! Turkey Decoys Did your hunter draw a spring turkey tag? Montana Decoy Co. has lightweight turkey decoys that fold down to the size of a dinner plate! They've got hens, Jakes, and even Toms! Get a couple of hens and a box call and your spring turkey hunter will be sitting pretty! Find... Full story
If you have a shooter on your list (even if it's YOU!), I've got some great ideas for gifts – from stocking stuffers to splurges. Some require that you know the exact gun, but others don't, so I'll separate those out for you. I can pretty much guarantee that anything on this list will please a person who enjoys shooting. If You Know The Gun (Or At Least The Caliber) Alien Gear Holster You can't go wrong with Alien Gear – they have a variety of holsters for pocket, IWB, OWB, and every kind of... Full story
I hope you got drawn for something this year, but even if you didn't there are plenty of opportunities to get out in the field this fall. Margie and I didn't get a tag, but we plan to spend some time out at Desert Creek Sportsman's Club shooting pheasants and chukar, plus we'll be out hunting for quail and grouse with Mochi. Not to mention waterfowl and snipe seasons just around the corner! There are also some big-game hunts that don't require a tag. Check the October Hunt Calendar or the... Full story
Take Good Care Of You So You Can Continue To Enjoy As I've gotten older, I've had some challenges as a hunter and shooter. Things like eye problems, aching joints, and less stamina can quickly get out of hand if you don't do something about them early. I'm not going to admit my age here, but suffice it to say that I acquired my Pioneer Hunting License a couple of years ago! Yet, here I am, plugging along! We still go hunting for doves, quail, blue grouse, and Coues. Margie and I go off-roading,... Full story
It's that time of year again – time for a list of fantastic gifts for shooters. There are so many – for some, you will need some information about the gun: make, model, caliber, whether it has a red dot sight. Just ask your shooter – they love to talk about their guns! GIFTS UNDER $25 WINCHESTER SILVERTIP .22 AMMO is a great stocking stuffer, making a .22 rimfire pistol a valid choice for self-defense. It's optimized for short barrels and tailored for common personal defense firearms so it deliv... Full story
Don't Miss! There Is Only One Way To Become A Better Shot No matter how much you scout, no matter how well you spot and stalk, no matter how long you prepare for your hunt, it's all for nothing if you miss the shot. You may only get one chance – do you really want to blow it after investing all that time and money? There is only one way to become a better shot, and that is to practice. Taking your rifle to the range and shooting a target at 100 or 200 yards over and over until you c... Full story
Micro 9's For Everyday Carry It's hard to beat a micro 9 for concealed carry, especially if you have a hard time concealing a full sized 9mm pistol. I like the idea of replacing my .380 pocket pistols with micro 9's, simply because it eliminates having to keep two different types of ammo on hand. In addition to that, the micro 9's have a greater capacity. My pocket .380 holds just seven rounds (6 + 1), but some of the micro 9's are 13 + 1. If you're thinking of getting one for yourself or someon... Full story
Dove season runs September 1 – 15, with a late season from November 19 of this year until January 2, 2022for mourning dove and white-winged doves. The Eurasian Collared-Dove Season is September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022, so it's year-round. For mourning doves and white-wings, the bag limit is 15 total, with no more than 10 being white-winged doves, and the possession limit is 45, no more than 30 of which can be white-winged doves. However, for the Eurasian collared-doves, there is no limit at a... Full story
Bob Corbin, former Attorney General of Arizona, is a staunch supporter of our constitutional right to bear arms. He served as AG from 1972 to 1991, the longest of any other elected official. Mr. Corbin served as President of the National Rifle Association from 1992 – 1993 and is currently one of the ten board members who serve on the NRA Civil Rights Legal Defense Fund board. Mr. Corbin met with Pastor Ryan Rice, who is now heading up the AZ Quail Today website ( , and we l... Full story
If your dad likes to shoot, hunt, or carry, Father's Day is a snap – I've got some great ideas for gifts for dad at a variety of price points. You'll be the favorite when Dad opens one of these! Here's the code: $=less than $25; $$=$25-$50; $$$=$50-$75; $$$$=$75+ Safariland Foam Impuse Hearing Protection $ Every shooter needs hearing protection, and Safariland's Foam Impulse Hearing Protection is fantastic. Forget those awful little foam capsules in the cellophane wrapper – these are Uni... Full story
Of course, all of this advice applies to women as well. When I was growing up, the high school parking lot would be full of pickup trucks with a full gun rack on the back window. Everybody I knew hunted or had a hunter in their family, and nobody thought it was "weird" to have a gun. Kids were taught early to respect firearms. That isn't the case today. In fact, it's starting to become the exact opposite. The other day, Margie got an email from NRA Women with a story, "Should you tell people you... Full story
If your mom likes to shoot and/or hunt, think outside the box when it comes to great gifts for Mother's Day that she will love. For example, a mom who hunts may be out in the boonies for a week or more. Make it easy for her to keep her phone charged so she can access those maps she has downloaded. You're probably familiar with Zagg because of their fantastic screen protectors, but they also have portable chargers. Morphie Powerstation The MorphiePowerstation with PD in pink or black is just... Full story
There are a lot of great organizations in Arizona full of people who enjoy sharing their love of the outdoors with others, especially kids. One of them is Arizona Quail Today, which hosted its first Kids/Youth Fun Hunt at Desert Creek Sportsman's Club in February. There were kids, dogs, birds, shotguns, food, and tons of fun. The kids got to shoot sporting clays and chukar and spend the day outdoors with their folks and some great people. I found out about it on the Arizona Upland Hunting page... Full story
Learn And Feel More At Ease With Your Firearm According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), over five million Americans became first-time gun owners in 2020. That's great news for the sport! In fact, in the first seven months of 2020, over 12 million guns were purchased, up more than 70 percent over the same period in 2019. The numbers might have been higher if gun shops hadn't been scrambling to meet the demand. And you were wondering why ammo is so scarce? Seriously, it's not a... Full story
The year 2021 is starting out with ammunition shortages that are probably going to continue well into the year, according to the NRA. Even guys who reload their own ammo are having a hard time, because primers are in short supply too. If you have a bit of ammo, you might be loathe to shoot it up until you can replace it, and I get that – I feel the same way. But just because you don't want to "waste" your ammo doesn't mean you can't practice and keep your shooting skills sharp. Shotgun P... Full story
People are always telling me I'm hard to buy for, but since I shoot and hunt, it's actually really easy to find great things I'd love to have. If you have a shooter or hunter on your list, here are some things to consider this year. The Jaeger Pak ™ The Jaeger Pak ™ by Outdoor Edge has everything your hunter needs to field dress and break down game of any size. Compact and lightweight, it has a skinning, gutting, and boning knife, a rib cage spreader, wood/bone saw, and a two stage cer... Full story
In Other Words, Know Before You Go If you have taken a Concealed Carry class and have gotten your permit, congratulations! Now you need to start thinking about what that permit does and doesn't do for you. Within Arizona, there are still many places where you cannot legally carry a firearm, even with a permit. As for travel, well -- Native American Reservations, National Forests and Parks, and other states have different rules, even within your home state. I'll try to cover some of those rules,... Full story
If you have tried to buy any ammunition lately, you already know that shelves are bare. Buying online is just as trying: I've put a couple boxes in my cart on the Cabelas website, and before I could check out, they were already out of stock. Ditto on other websites: page after page of "out of stock" messages on almost every kind and caliber of pistol ammo. The only thing I've found on the shelves lately is bird shot, rifle ammo, and tracers. So odds are, even if you want to get a little practice... Full story
Take Time To 'Try It On' And Practice We are currently in the process of buying a new handgun for our granddaughter who is soon moving out on her own. She has been shooting for years, but the only pistol that actually belongs to her is a Ruger .22 semi-automatic pistol. Now don't get me wrong – if a .22 is all you can shoot, it's better than nothing, but for self-defense I'd prefer her to have something with a little more power. Choosing A Gun The Fit First off, let me emphasize that all of the... Full story
It's June and you know what that means – time to celebrate Dad! Here are some ideas for you to give to your hunting/shooting buddy. There is a wide range of prices to suit any wallet and dad is sure to love any of them. Grizzly Targets If you dad likes to go out in the desert to target practice, he probably already knows that the Forest Service says you must take your targets home with you. Personally, I think the targets that are the most fun are the metal ones because you can hear whether y... Full story
If you're lucky enough to have a mom in your life who likes to shoot, getting her something for Mothers' Day that she will love is easier now than ever. More and more companies are designing gear just for women, and you can find something great no matter what your budget is. Read on for some ideas for this Mother's Day. Tactica CC Clothing Tactica Defense Fashion has concealed-carry clothing such as jackets, sweaters, and pants that look great – they don't look tactical at all unless you want th... Full story
If you are new to shooting, going to the range may be a bit intimidating. I know my girls were nervous the first time, and they wanted to know all about it before they went. Just knowing what to expect and how to act takes a lot of the apprehension out of things, so here's what you need to know about going to the shooting range. Outdoor Range I usually visit Ben Avery Shooting Range on the Carefree Highway, but shooting ranges will all have very similar rules. Safety, obviously, is the... Full story
There are two big outdoor events in Arizona this month, plus two fantastic new holsters I wanted to tell you about. Also, dove seasons, quail season, and waterfowl seasons may all be over, but that doesn't mean you can't still do some great bird hunting. Read on for details! Alien Gear Grip Tuck Holster This holster is different from the other Alien Gear holsters in a couple of ways – it's designed to fit an entire class of firearms instead of a single model like their hard polymer holsters, a... Full story
In the movies, the heroes only have problems with their firearms if it suits the plot. In real life, I've taken a lot of classes and gone to a lot of ranges, and believe me, if you have problems, you're not alone. As you get older, the sights may be harder to see and racking the slide can get harder to do as well. You don't even have to be older – many smaller people or those with handicaps or just weak hands also have trouble doing things like racking the slide, reloading, locking the slide b... Full story