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Tom Cole - Stories from the War in Vietnam Many people feel that it's the politicians or protesters of war who hate war the most. This, even though the vast majority of them have never experienced war firsthand. This is SO not true. It is the warriors who hate war most, for they have experienced it, seen it, smelled it, tasted it and hopefully lived through it. March 29th we celebrate Vietnam Veteran Recognition Day recognizing those who served in and during the Vietnam War. At VFW Post 3513,... Full story
In this time of political upheaval, global unrest and uncertainty many people today speculate that we may be heading towards WW III or a civil war. In many ways it seems like we're headed that way, but could we already be readying this conflict or prep'ing for it? Could be! Let's take a look. Weapons Of Today The weapons of today are very technical; however, many are overlooked. Everything is weaponized. . Communications companies are being bought up by billionaires on both sides of the politica... Full story
Ann-Margret is gorgeous, vivacious, and talented in so many ways. Singer, song writer, actress, dancer: she had it all. She was every man's girl next door and every man's wish - a dream girl, every man's beauty to come home to. But, she was SO MUCH MORE. Ann-Margret Olsson was born April 28, 1941 in Valsjöbyn, Jämtland County, Sweden, emigrating to the United States in 1946. Ann-Margret has been a U.S. citizen since 1949. Star of stage, screen and television with many, many awards to her n...
All of the services have nicknames for the other services and their members. It’s all part of the well-intentioned harassment we provide each other free of charge. For example, Navy personnel are referred to as ”squids”, “ducks” or “Marine chauffeurs”. Army as just mostly “grunts boys”. Air Force as “airdales” or “bus drivers”. Space force As “space cadets”. Marines as “soldiers of the sea”, “leathernecks”, “jarheads” and “Devil Dogs”. But, where do these come from? NAVY: Squids & Ducks are ass... Full story
The United States of America is without a doubt the strongest and most powerful nation in the world. No nation has the financial power, the military power, or the nuclear power of this nation. BUT, we are weak. The political divisiveness of our politicians has always weakened this country and I don't care which side you're on. Granted the "Left", "Doves", "Progressives" - whatever you want to tag them as - weaken our country and spend their time and our precious tax payer dollars foolishly by... Full story
In years past being a Chaplain in any service organization was usually pretty simple. You would do the standard prayers at meetings, blessings at dinners, the 7 o'clock toast, provide counseling to people for mostly mundane events and just generally help out people around you. It involved helping families of veterans to occasionally put to rest their loved ones, which were often rare events. And may I mention that Chaplains are, for the most part, ignored by the hierarchy of most organizations;... Full story
Since the 1960's, which I must admit I was there, the liberals (read that as today's Progressives) have been trying to bring back the 1960's. You, know,the fun times of the riots, the fires, the murders, the lawlessness, the racial inequality, and hatred that came with it just so that they could maintain political power. Yup, Good old liberal times and good old socialism. Well Congrats Progressives!!! Success! In the past there has been Fascist Socialism (Italy), National Socialism (Nazis),... Full story
Publishers Note - With all that is going on in our world today I wanted to highlight one of the good things. We are looking forward to the next one. Now that he was tasting the freedom that American's took for granted, .... Independence by Dana Fuller Ross These marines never took that freedom for granted. Welcome home. Thank you for your service. You Are Invited To The Ball That Honors 247 Years The 'Corps – soldiers of the sea, green amphibious monsters who will attack from the foam of the o... Full story
I am a legal gun owner. I have owned guns for years and have many according to some people's estimates. Being a legal gun owner is a heavy responsibility. It starts with ensuring you know how to properly use the weapon and adhering to the five basic safety rules: 1. All firearms are considered loaded (never assume anything – check it). 2. Always point firearms in a safe direction until on a target and ready to fire. 3. Always keep your trigger finger off the trigger until ready to fire. 4. A... Full story
An Honored Marine And Rider - Tom “Renman” Cole I love riding motorcycles and have been doing so for just short of 60 years. I've been able to do this because I try to ride as safely as possible even with some of the crazy drivers out there. I do my TCLOCS checks at least monthly and before every long ride to ensure the bike is up to snuff. I carry tools and spare parts in order to try to fix anything that does break during a run. And, I work my "road plan" so as to stay out of bad sit... Full story