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Executive Order 14067 This is not what you might think. Look Closely Our Justice System Is At Serious Risk Every citizen of every country should be afraid for the future of their country when criminal illegal aliens are allowed, and encouraged, to vote in our elections. The first item listed on state and federal election rules about voting states that you must be a citizen. Pretty clear isn't it. Then why are federal judges interfering and allowing non-citizens to vote? Good question but the... Full story
Washington, D.C. -- Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09), issued the following statement after the House Foreign Affairs Committee released a report detailing the findings from a three-year long investigation into the deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021: "The report detailing the disastrous Afghanistan troop withdrawal confirms what I've said for three years: the incompetent Biden-Harris administration left over $80 billion of the best military equipment to our sworn enemies. Worse,... Full story
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? ....Their story. . . Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; ..Another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.... Full story
Note - This article was found on facebook. In September of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha Cothren, a History teacher at RobinsonHigh School in Little Rock, did something not to be forgotten. On the first day of school, with the permission of the school superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor, she removed all of the desks in her classroom. When the first period kids entered the room they discovered that there were no desks. 'Ms. Cothren, where are our desks?' She... Full story
Publisher's Note - Bob Hope tried to join the military but was told he could do more to help in another way. Between 1941 and 1991, he made 57 tours for the United Service Organizations (USO), entertaining military personnel around the world. In 1997, Congress passed a bill that made him an honorary veteran of the Armed Forces. On The Side - In the 70's one of my friends was married to a lady whose father (who lived in Cleveland) had been a friend of Bob Hope. They met playing pool. Hope who... Full story
We thought they were coming in just to help balance the voting. Wonder still why all those young (military age) men without children or wives are taking on the task of traveling all those miles posing as refugees . But don't worry. All they want to do is ruin your way of life and/or kill you. Just for fun, let's do the math: 52 tons of guns & ammo. Let's just say that 10 tons or 20,000 pounds is ammo. That leaves 42 tons or 84,000 pounds of automatic weapons. Let's guess that an automatic... Full story
At Mission 22, our commitment could not be more personal. Mission 22 was founded by Veterans. Most of our staff are Veterans, spouses of Veterans, or have immediate family members who have served in the US military. We provide extensive, personalized support and resources to help Veterans and their families thrive. Mission 22's programs for Veterans and military spouses offer everything from biometric monitoring of stress, sleep, and activity levels; to meditation and coaching; to exercise... Full story
The term "Roger that" is a widespread term for confirmation, either between truckers on their CB radios, kids playing back and forth with walkie-talkies, or even face to face. But it's easy to adopt the phrase and understand what it means without ever really knowing where it came from. So here's a (very) brief history for your edification. "Roger" comes from the phonetic alphabet used by military and aviation personnel during WWII, when the use of two-way radios became a main form of... Full story
In February 1944, an American soldier discovered a Yorkshire terrier dog in an abandoned trench in the jungles of New Guinea, which received the nickname "Smokey". It was owned by Ohio corporal William Wynn, who bought it from the soldiers for two Australian pounds. For the next two years, Smokey was with her master in the Pacific theater of operations. The dog participated in 12 air and sea rescue and photo reconnaissance missions. During these operations, Smokey was often under fire in a... Full story
Like someone once said, "you just can't make this idiocy up". Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Congress said, "Someone may steal from it at night." So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job. Then Congress said, "How does the watchman do his job without instruction?" So they created a planning department and hired two people, one person to write the instructions, and one person to do time studies. Then Congress said, "... Full story
Publisher's Note - Reading this from Bill O'Reilly reminded me of how often I have felt frustrated because as he says below "millions of Americans simply don't care". How can they not care when the world is losing the best chance it has ever had to improve? Difficult Times By: Bill O'Reilly January 30, 2024 As the presidential election of 2024 begins to unfold, America finds itself in a bad place. Yes, political leadership is dubious, but it is a profound lack of trust that is truly eroding the... Full story
From Tim Rafferty [] Did you know that in 2021 the bureaucrats at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) claimed that there were 21,000 firearms related fatalities in the US? After making this statement, the CDC soon thereafter declared that the fabricated term, "gun violence" (its people violence stupid) is now a health-related issue, thus justifying their position to jump into the anti-gun frenzy. why is a government agency tasked with identifying and eradicating... Full story
The Mission "The VFW National Home assists military, veterans, and their families with children, by creating a foundation of services and resources to achieve their personal and family goals in order to move forward in a positive, safe and healthy environment." About Us Born from the belief that America needs to care for the children and families of men and women who sacrificed for our country, the VFW National Home is a place of healing, support and refuge. It was founded in 1925 as a place... Full story
This was sent to us by one of our readers. I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white, into a two-parent household which now, whether I like it or not, makes me privileged, a racist and responsible for slavery. I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan, budget and support myself. I went to school for 19 years and have always held a job. But I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but... Full story
1)Before the modern state of Israel there was the British mandate, Not a Palestinian state . 2) Before the British mandate there was the Ottoman Empire, Not a Palestinian state . 3) Before the Ottoman Empire there was the Islamic Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt, Not a Palestinian state . 4)Before the Islamic Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt there was the Ayyubid Dynasty, Not a Palestinian state .Godfrey of Bouillon conquered it in 1099. 5) Before the Ayyubid Dynasty there was the Christian Kingdom of... Full story
I may not know exactly what they’re planning, but I know when something smells funny. Friend, my name is Dr. Mike Strain, and I am honored to serve as the Commissioner for the Louisiana Department of Agriculture. I was born and raised on a cattle farm in Covington, Louisiana, and my love of farming has stayed with me ever since. Unfortunately, the farming way of life is under threat from not only the Radical Left but also foreign powers. HELP STATE GOP PROTECT U.S. FARMLAND Foreign nationals a... Full story
We Salute All The United States Armed Forces Especially on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month The United States Armed Forces are the military forces of the United States. The armed forces consists of six service branches: the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard. All six armed services are among the eight uniformed services of the United States. Each Has Assigned Role/Domain Each of the different military services is assigned a role and domain. The... Full story
We're in the Middle of a Global Coup — Here's How We Stop It Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked October 01, 2023 The World Health Organization's upcoming pandemic treaty and the International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments are part of a global “soft coup” to strip nations of their sovereignty and people of their bodily autonomy and freedom The WHO wants to put into law a requirement that nations must censor their citizens, so that only public health messages aligned with the WHO’s... Full story
A camouflage shortage in the Marine Corps will lead to service members wearing less regulated uniforms in the near future. In an Instagram video, Commandant Gen. Eric Smith addressed service members’ concerns over an inability to find and purchase woodland-patterned “cammies” in an ongoing manufacturing shortage. He announced that as the problem continues, local members will be allowed to wear alternate uniforms contrary to Marine standards.... Website
Patriot, I think we can all agree: this is really getting out of hand... The Deep State is now declaring war on our America First movement. Crooked Joe has summoned a "war crimes prosecutor" to join the special counsel to try and imprison me for life as an innocent man. By adding a "war crimes" prosecutor to the Biden special counsel team, the Left is trying to send a message and make an example out of me... ...They want to show the nation that these are the consequences of choosing to put a... Full story
Established in 1994 and held annually on the fourth Saturday in September, National Public Lands Day is traditionally the nation's largest single-day volunteer effort. It celebrates the connection between people and green space in their community, inspires environmental stewardship, and encourages use of open space for education, recreation, and health benefits. Volunteer Help care for your national parks by volunteering during a one-time event or on a reoccurring basis. Join The... Full story
Publishers Note - Over the years I have read a number of reasons why all citizens should be wary of any and all governments. I did a search for "Who has cautioned over the years that all citizens should be concerned with corruption in any government". The below article was there. In today's world we all need to be aware of, and look for, corruption in our government no matter what our party affiliations are. Our country, and indeed the world, is in dire jeopardy at this point in history. We are... Website
In case you forgot or didn't know.....Khrushchev's Prediction in 1959!!! A sobering reminder. It's been almost 64 years (next month) since Russia's Khrushchev delivered this. Many of us Sr. Citizens remember this speech on September 29, 1959 quite vividly thinking to ourselves: 'No way. This is just a crazy commie spewing forth his hatred for the U.S.' "Your children's children will live under communism, You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but we will keep... Full story
Washington, D.C. - Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09) issued the following statement in response to a recent report from Judicial Watch noting the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) releasing an illegal alien on the terrorist watch list in Yuma, Arizona: "What is happening along the Southern Border in Yuma is a disgrace. In addition to Yuma being overrun by a flood of illegal aliens and deadly drugs, a terrorist on the FBI's terrorist watchlist was recently released.... Full story
Publisher's Note - I recently saw "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" with Jimmy Stewart. In today's times people everywhere could benefit from seeing this movie. We are at a crossroads with our country. Which ever direction our country goes in this struggle will be felt around the world. This movie points out how one man can change the course of history. It also points out the need for every citizen to be constantly on the lookout for corruption in our government. This Veteran Served In Many Roles... Full story