Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Articles from the February 1, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 38

  • Arizona Anglers Get Hooked On Kayak Fishing

    Dallas Shewmaker|Feb 1, 2017

    While shore and motorboat fishing still lead the way, kayak fishing is rapidly growing in popularity as more and more anglers make the shift to the "Tupperware Navy". The most recent national data suggest close to 2 million anglers go out on kayaks each year, as more kayak brands introduce wider, more-stable platforms from which anglers can test their skill against even large ocean-based fish, such as marlin, tuna and grouper. Growth Attributable To Several Factors According to Dallas... Full story

  • Hobie-McCulloch Cup Comes To Lake Havasu

    AZBW|Feb 1, 2017

    The Hobie-McCulloch Cup - March 10-12 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - is open to all multihull catamaran sailors; however, only current members of HCANA (Hobie Class Association of North America) are eligible to race in the regatta. Membership applications are available at the event. Competitors travel from across the western United States for the event, which is the first event of the 2017 Hobie Division 2 Regatta schedule. Races will take place in the waters north of the island, from Windsor Beach,... Full story

  • AYC's Leukemia Cup Is 'First In The Nation'

    AYC, Chris Smith Regatta Chairman|Feb 1, 2017

    There are changes: a new date, new race courses, and new events, but the same fun and hospitality in the most beautiful setting for winter sailing in the desert - Lake Pleasant, Ariz. The Arizona Yacht Club's "First in the Nation" Leukemia Cup and Birthday Regatta will be held on President's Day Weekend, Friday to Sunday, Feb. 17-19. The new date will eliminate conflicts with multiple other events that take place on the Martin Luther King weekend in January, while increasing the likelihood of... Full story

  • San Diego Maritime Museum

    AZBW|Feb 1, 2017

    The Maritime Museum of San Diego enjoys a worldwide reputation for excellence in restoring, maintaining and operating historic vessels. The museum has one of the world's finest collections of historic ships, including the world's oldest active ship Star of India. Our collection of ships and exhibits are available for daily public tours. The San Diego Maritime Museum has events for everyone. Concert Series Pacific Heritage Tour Pirate Days Sweetheart Sail aboard San Salvador Whale... Full story

  • Comprehensive Recreational Powerboat Education 'How-To' Manual Now Available

    USCG|Feb 1, 2017

    The U.S. Coast Guard's National On-Water Standards (NOWS) Program grant management team and the American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) are pleased to announce the release of a new comprehensive "How-to..." guide for designing On-Water instruction using the American National Standard (ANS) for On-Water recreational powerboat operation. The Power Standard Technical Support Document (Power TSD) was developed to assist education providers, course developers and instructors in designing and... Full story

  • Learn To Sail Right Here In Arizona

    AYC, Mike Ferring|Feb 1, 2017

    Yes, it's true. You or your kids can learn to sail right here in the desert. The Arizona Sailing Foundation offers classes set up for fun-with maximum time on the water. A little classroom, a lot of boat. Soon you're scooting across Tempe Town Lake powered by nothing but the wind. What a kick! ASF is the educational subsidiary of the Arizona Yacht Club, a nonprofit run by AYC members who share their passion for sailing with others. The classes use our boats and are taught by instructors... Full story

  • Boaters: Should You Add Ice And Freeze Coverage To Your Boat Policy? - Even In Southern States

    BoatUS|Feb 1, 2017

    Many boat owners think they don't have to worry about freeze damage if they live in temperate states or if they keep their boat in heated indoor storage areas in Northern climates. However, every year the Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) Marine Insurance Program gets freeze-damage insurance claims for boats in Southern states hit by a hard freeze, and claims for boats stored indoors in Northern states where storms took out the electrical power – which usually means no h... Full story

  • Four Tips For Buying A Used Boat Trailer

    Boat US|Feb 1, 2017

    As the boating season begins in the southern climates, some boaters may be looking to find a trailer to store or haul the boat. If you're looking to buy a used boat trailer now or planning on buying a boat that comes with a used trailer, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has four buying tips: Bring a measuring tape: With older trailers, the capacity plate or sticker may be long gone or too hard to read after being outside in the weather for years. But if you'd like to know a... Full story

  • Easy Does It - Boat Motor Oil Analysis Made Simple

    Boat US|Feb 1, 2017

    A lot goes on inside a boat engine, and akin to drawing blood, and an engine oil sample analysis (OSA) can tell you a lot about the health of your boat's motor. While a single sample may not give you the whole story, an OSA creates a "baseline" that helps you look at your engine's health over time. That's why some mechanics and surveyors recommend taking one sample every year. But what does a typical oil sample analysis include and what does it tell a boat owner or buyer? BoatUS, the nation's... Full story

  • U of A College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Announces New Director of Boyce Thompson Arboretum State Park


    PHOENIX - S.H. ("Sy") Sohmer has been named director of Boyce Thompson Arboretum State Park (https://azstateparks.com/boyce-thompson/), effective Jan. 29, 2017. Boyce Thompson Arboretum State Park is part of the University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, or CALS, and is managed in cooperation with Arizona State Parks and Trails and the Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum, Inc. Sohmer brings to CALS more than 40 years of experience as a research botanist, university... Full story

  • Get Ready For The Largest Hands-On Outdoor Expo In Arizona


    The Arizona Game and Fish Department Outdoor Expo (https://www.azgfd.com/Expo) dates are set for Saturday, March 25 and Sunday, March 26, at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix. Admission and parking are free. Once again, there will be plenty of hands-on fun for all ages. Check out the huge kids' fishing tanks. See all sorts of live wildlife. Learn target archery and try other shooting sports in a safe, supervised, controlled environment on the range. Get a feel for specialty shooting... Full story

  • It's Show Time!


    Arizona's largest sportsmen, outdoor and boat show will again be at WestWorld of Scottsdale. ISE's Arizona show had great success at WestWorld of Scottsdale in 2016. The venue provides easy freeway access to the more populous eastern corridor and surrounding cities. The show was able to expand its outdoor exhibits to include more recreational vehicles, a wakeboarding feature and more. The inaugural year for ISE Scottsdale and Arizona Boat Show were a rousing success and we expect even more... Full story

  • Arizona Lakes, Arizona Pros

    Margie Anderson|Feb 1, 2017

    I've known Matt Shura since he was just a kid, and he's been a heck of a stick all that time. He started out catching bluegills at a pond at Power and Guadalupe with his dad when he was about five or six years old. That first bluegill had him hooked for life. Going to the lake? Check out the lake level at http://data.hydrometdataservice.info/dwr/ Then he started watching bass fishing on television, and he was fascinated. By age ten he had his first boat - a ten-foot jon boat with a trolling... Full story

  • Fishing Winter Crappie In Arizona

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2017

    Some good lakes to try are Bartlett, Apache, Roosevelt and Canyon. Many anglers have reported spotting huge schools of black crappie on fish-finders at lakes such as Roosevelt and Canyon. Other good lakes to try are Apache and Bartlett. (Crappie fishing at Alamo Lake reportedly is poor.) With some stable winter weather, this can be an excellent time to fish for crappie and they head into deeper waters of our desert impoundments and form large schools. But some anglers will troll jigs with grubs,... Full story

  • South Meets South With This Bourbon-Glazed Catfish Recipe

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2017

    So you've caught some line-ripping cats and taken advantage of bragging to some buddies about your Mr. Whisker's success; now try cooking for them with this great recipe. Here's an alcohol-infused creation to turn your catfish into some fine Southern dining. Fare Afield's Bourbon-Glazed Catfish By Johnathan O'Dell (https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnathan-o-dell-4372b677) Serves 4 Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Ingredients: • Four 6-ounce catfish fillets • 1/4 cup cornmeal ... Full story

  • Arizona Kayaking

    Margie Anderson|Feb 1, 2017

    If you have been reading my stories here on Arizona Boating & Watersports and Western Outdoor Times for long, you know that my husband John and I love to go outdoors adventuring with our granddaughters. We've been taking them fishing, hiking, shooting, exploring, and hunting almost since they could walk, but we had never been kayaking together until yesterday. I found a Groupon for the Clarkdale Kayak Company and it was such a bargain I signed up the four of us. First off, let me tell you that I... Full story

  • Don McDowell Is 'The Bass Daddy' - And So Much More

    Carol L Allen|Feb 1, 2017

    Many of you know Don McDowell as the host of the extraordinarily popular and award-winning radio show "Shake, Rattle, and Troll", which airs each Sunday on KFNX 1100 AM from 7 to 9 a.m. and on Internet Radio at www.shakerattleandtroll.com. McDowell is a professional bass angler, a saltwater charter master, a member of the United States Coast Guard, a hunting enthusiast, and, of course, a radio personality. He is a powerful advocate for fishing, hunting, conservation, and veterans as well as an... Full story

  • Arizona - Raucous Renaissance Revelry Returns


    Don't miss Raucous Revelry at the Annual Arizona Renaissance Festival! The Arizona Renaissance Festival is a medieval amusement park, a 13-stage theater, a 30-acre circus, an arts and crafts fair, a jousting tournament and a feast -- all rolled into one non-stop, day-long family adventure. You never know what you will find on or off the stage! 16th-Century European Village Market The Festival is an outdoor event that combines entertainment and wares reminiscent of what may have been found in a... Full story

  • There Are Many Things To Consider

    John Anderson|Feb 1, 2017

    Once you get your concealed carry permit, you have to decide how you're going to carry. There are lots of options, and the bad news is that you really won't know which one you like best until you've tried them. And, I don't mean just try on a holster at a store - you've got to actually put a gun in that holster and wear it for a few days. Don't base your decision on what your buddy uses – holsters are different for every person. You're probably going to end up with quite a few holsters in the d... Full story

  • When Democracy Fails

    John Koleszar, Special Features Editor|Feb 1, 2017

    We have all been led to believe that democracy is the best way of life and that the United States is the best example of how a society should be lived. I have long held that belief, but current events have had me wondering if that is really true or if as a sportsman democracy could put an end to the pursuits that I hold dear. How can this possibly be? Let's follow along and see if you agree with my train of thought. The Right To Hunt And Fish The right to bear arms is always front and center of... Full story

  • The Two Gunsmiths Continue Their Project/Passion

    Mike Berger|Feb 1, 2017

    By Mike Berger with Pat Knight Editor's Note: Retired Fire Chief Mike Berger and his friend Pat Knight have been submitting articles about the progression of refurbishing vintage rifles; their mutual project I would call a passion, and we are certainly benefitting from their willingness to share the story. It continues here with reference to the gun's stock. The next main component of a rifle is the stock. Many rifles today are built with a synthetic stock material. There are people who think... Full story

  • Kayaking At Cudjoe Key

    WOT|Feb 1, 2017

    CELL POWER -- Dan Wilcox (Web master extraordinaire) of Lions Light Corporation shows that even from a distance, modern technology allows him to carry on with his business. He and his wife Lea are "on the road" in their new RV, stopping here at Cudjoe Key, Fla. KAYAKS - As shown on the cover of this issue and as Dallas Shewmaker of Lower Gear writes in his article "Arizona Anglers Get Hooked On Kayak Fishing" (page 1), more and more boaters are making "the shift to the 'Tupperware Navy'." This... Full story

  • Two Great Winter Hikes (Walks)

    Margie Anderson|Feb 1, 2017

    If you are looking for easy hikes with great scenery close to Phoenix, I've got a couple for you. Both of these are easy enough for very small children and older folks, but one has a waterfall (sometimes!), and one has a flowing river. Both have entry fees, but they are small. The Hassayampa River is a hundred miles long, but for most of that distance it runs underground. At the Hassayampa River Preserve near Wickenburg, however, the water comes to the surface and runs crystal clear over the... Full story

  • On The Cover - Think 'Outside The Box'

    Carol L Allen

    We thank Dallas Shewmaker of Lower Gear for reminding us of another way, of so many, to enjoy the Southwest's outdoors, specifically on the water. The "lower-gear" option for anglers is becoming more and more popular, and he urges those who are considering making a shift to kayaks to "try one on for size". Kayaks, boating in general, and fishing are just a few of the ways to participate in and enjoy the plethora of resources and activities available to outdoors enthusiasts. During our publicatio... Full story

  • WDFW seeks comments on draft status report for yellow-billed cuckoos

    WDFW|Feb 1, 2017

    Publishers Note - We are hearing from our readers that many times these attempts to include species on the endangered list are driven by other than just concerns for the species. We welcome your comments. OLYMPIA – State wildlife managers are seeking public input on their recommendation to list the yellow-billed cuckoo as an endangered species in Washington. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) reviews the status of rare and declining species in the state. The public can c... Full story

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