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Here it is: already February of a new year that just got started "a day or so ago", didn't it? No, it was over a month ago, and 2024 is well underway. My how time flies, and it's easy to miss opportunities because they're often over even before we make our plans to participate. So, what's the bottom line here? Don't miss out. Ideas are plentiful: from Arizona Game & Fish, from 'Touch a Truck' at Lake Pleasant, from Margie Anderson, from Fearless Kitties in Fountain Hills, from the Arizona Ren Fa... Full story
February Feature During February, Fearless Kitties of Fountain Hills, Ariz., is seeking $10,000 in donations to try to get matching funds. Any amount is welcome and can be a gift in memory of either a loved one or even a beloved pet. At the rescue home, there is also a Giving Tree with ornaments for sale. There will also be a raffle. Fearless Kitty Rescue is known for saving kitties in need, its Continuing Care Program and is a non-profit 501 (C) (3) cat/kitten rescue group. More information is... Website
States and U.S. territories that shared $19.8 million in total BIG funding in the 2023 grant cycle included Arizona. Does your town or region make it easy for boaters to visit and spend locally? Having safe, protected dockage and offering amenities to these tourists by water can bring boaters in, but how do you pay for it? The Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) program, first championed by Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), has proven effective in attracting boaters and... Full story
Venturing into the great outdoors can seem a bit daunting at first. Here are some beginner-friendly suggestions to get you started and have you feeling like an Arizona outdoors pro in no time. Double Butte Loop Trail Papago Park Phoenix/Tempe Over the course of 2.2 miles, the Double Butte Loop Trail circumnavigates the large red sandstone Papago Buttes that are visible from vantage points throughout much of metro Phoenix. The... Full story
A lot of old-timers will tell you that the best way for a crappie fisherman to deal with a cold front is to stay home. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the luxury of choosing which days to go fishing. Why does it always seem like the dreaded cold fronts pass through just before the weekend, or right in the middle of the tournament? Crappie Recover Faster The effects of a cold front are particularly devastating in the spring. A five degree drop in surface temperature can drive the fish off... Full story
Arizona's bald eagles are back, and they are now preparing for the next generation of eagles at breeding sites statewide. To assist with the state's continued bald eagle population growth, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) encourages outdoor recreationists, aircraft pilots, drone operators and motorized paragliders to do their part by not disturbing the state's 97 eagle breeding areas. To protect breeding attempts, some portions of public land and water areas will be temporarily... Full story
Kids, big and small,will have the opportunity to interact with large vehicles such as firetrucks, earth movers, dump trucks, backhoes, excavators, and a bucket truck. Touch-A-Truck is being held at Pleasant Harbor, located on the southeastern shores of Lake Pleasant on February 24from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The event is FREE. However, there is a $9.00 entrance fee per vehicle. Hands-On Experience Touch-A-Truck affords kids the unique opportunity to climb on their favorite oversized vehicles, wit... Full story
Official-looking vessel documentation renewal notices can lead to confusion and higher costs. Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) is advising boaters with vessels that have a U.S. Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation to be wary of any letter arriving by U.S. mail offering renewal. BoatUS advises that while the Coast Guard does send official annual renewal notices by U.S. mail, other notices being received by BoatUS members are not from the Coast Guard but rather... Full story
The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water offers a range of online boating safety training courses - including 36 free state boating safety courses - that make boating safety education affordable and accessible. More than 220,000 boaters took one of these boating certification courses last year, which require students to correctly answer some questions at the conclusion of each course. Which questions did course takers get wrong most often? While we can't outright give you the... Full story
Publisher's Note - Reading this from Bill O'Reilly reminded me of how often I have felt frustrated because as he says below "millions of Americans simply don't care". How can they not care when the world is losing the best chance it has ever had to improve? Difficult Times By: Bill O'Reilly January 30, 2024 As the presidential election of 2024 begins to unfold, America finds itself in a bad place. Yes, political leadership is dubious, but it is a profound lack of trust that is truly eroding the... Full story
Raffle Proceeds Benefit Arizona's Wildlife Why don't you give someone special (perhaps yourself!) a ticket for Conservation First USA's 2024 raffle! Seven lucky individuals will win one of seven special big-game tags (bighorn sheep, elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, pronghorn, bison and turkey) for the 2024–25 hunting season. Buy tickets today! New this year: Purchase the "All 7 Package" and receive one entry per species, PLUS a free entry for the Swarovski Optics Package. Details: • Raf... Full story
Go Lake Havasu presents ideas to do just that. The 2007 movie The Bucket List made the term "bucket list" a cultural phenomenon. According to the Internet Movie Database, it's the comedy-drama where Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman play two terminally ill men who escape from a cancer ward and head off on a road trip with a wish list of to-dos before they die. Along Arizona's West Coast, home of the historic London Bridge and 60 miles of Colorado River shoreline, tourism officials like to think... Full story
This is the perfect time of year to take your winter guests or your family to some of the wonderful places in Arizona that get a bit warm in the summertime. We've taken the granddaughters to all of these places, and believe it or not, Trinity tells us that the Hassayampa Preserve was her favorite hike ever! Some of these places are free to visit, and others are not, so I'm including current prices as well as how to get there and what not to miss! Enjoy! Boyce Thompson Arboretum The girls have... Full story
Each year, more than 4,000 high school students from across the country participate in the VFW Auxiliary's Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest. The contest began in 1979 to recognize up-and-coming artists and encourage patriotism in youth. This contest comprises only two-dimensional entries. The 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest is exclusively for three-dimensional art pieces. Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest Full story
All Good Things Must Come To An End; And So It Is With The 'Gail Hine Presents Sailing Convention For Women' From Gail Hine As the director and producer of all past conventions for 32 years - presenter of recent 5 years under my name and prior 27 years under the Southern California Yachting Association - it is time to retire from this very rewarding and popular event! WHY? At 83, my health has interfered with my physical ability to manage the event. Early out-reach to support staff did not... Full story
Ann-Margret is gorgeous, vivacious, and talented in so many ways. Singer, song writer, actress, dancer: she had it all. She was every man's girl next door and every man's wish - a dream girl, every man's beauty to come home to. But, she was SO MUCH MORE. Ann-Margret Olsson was born April 28, 1941 in Valsjöbyn, Jämtland County, Sweden, emigrating to the United States in 1946. Ann-Margret has been a U.S. citizen since 1949. Star of stage, screen and television with many, many awards to her n...
We are thrilled to announce the following new and exciting additions for the upcoming 2024 Arizona Renaissance Festival season. Whether you are a seasoned festival-goer or a first-time visitor, prepare to be captivated by the exquisite new additions awaiting your arrival. Huzzah! The Hops!! - New Pub Crawl Introducing "The Hops!!" - a brand new pub crawl at the Arizona Renaissance Festival! Whether you're a seasoned pub crawler or new to the experience , this limited capacity, ticketed event... Full story
Katie Hobbs has announced the nomination of James E. Goughnour as a member of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Goughnour is currently finishing a five-year term that began after his appointment in 2019 by then-Governor Doug Ducey. He served as commission chair in fiscal year 2023 and was one of two candidates forwarded in November by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission Appointment Recommendation Board for Governor Hobbs' consideration. He has lived in Arizona for more than 45 years and is... Full story
AZGFD aims to meet elk objectives. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is seeking to bolster its pool of hunters who apply to be randomly selected throughout the year for specific population management hunts. Population management hunts enhance the department's ability to meet population and habitat management objectives when traditional harvest strategies are not meeting these objectives. At this time, a population management hunt for any elk is planned for February in portions of... Full story
By the time an onboard fire is noticed, too often the conflagration has grown beyond getting close enough to subdue the flames with a handheld extinguisher. With an easily installed Pre-Engineered Fire System from market leader Sea-Fire Marine, detection and suppression is automatic. With a full ten seconds of discharge time, it provides the instant critical response needed to turn a crisis into a close call. Made in the USA, Pre-Engineered Fire Systems are offered in two versions: refillable... Full story
SIMPLE TO INSTALL - Few things are as nautical looking as a traditional cleat. But their horns detract from a sleek, modern deck and are tough to sit on. Accon Marine 460 Series Pull-Up Cleats elegantly retract flush into the deck and are simple to install. Contact local dealers or Acccon Marine: Full story
Hunt Guidelines Available For Review The Arizona Game and Fish Department’s proposed amendments to Arizona hunt guidelines for fall 2023 through spring 2028 seasons are available for review at All questions or comments about the proposed changes can be emailed to The public also is invited to call any of the department’s regional offices statewide and ask to speak with a game management bio... Full story
We've said goodbye to 2023 and now is a good time to reflect on the changes that we want - or need - to make in 2024; how about adding an outdoors resolution to your list? The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) offers some simple resolutions, any one of which should be easy for an outdoors enthusiast to stick to - • Fish local. Make it a point to wet a line this year at one (or more) of the state's 50-plus waters in the Community Fishing Program that are seasonally stocked with channel c... Full story
The data management system AZGFD uses to track the locations of wildlife, including javelinas, is getting a major overhaul. Kudos to StateScoop and reporter Keely Quinlan for a recent news story about how the Arizona Game and Fish Department is consolidating all of its wildlife tracking data into a new, cloud-based management system known as the wildlife data warehouse. With the data available in one place, Arizona's wildlife researchers can help conservationists, policymakers and land... Full story
The endangered Yuma clapper rail inhabits the Yuma Wetlands Wildlife Area. Walk On The Wild Side:Yuma Wetlands Wildlife Area Located in western Arizona, the Yuma Wetlands Wildlife Area offers outdoor recreational opportunities such as wildlife viewing, angling and hiking. There is a 2.5-mile walking trail that takes visitors through areas of restored cottonwood, willow and mesquite habitat along the Colorado River and restored back channel. Common mammals in the wildlife area include beavers,... Full story