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Thanks to Dallas Shewmaker of LowerGear Outdoors for the enticing cover photo and for reminding us that it is time to go camping. He mentions that Arizona has a wide range of year-round camping opportunities that provide a respite from the often-chaotic hustle of the city. He quotes John Muir with this summary of the main benefit of being outdoors: "Wash your spirit clean". As we soon move from spring into summer, there are many opportunities ahead to escape and explore, many with families.... Full story
Bull Riding - Roundup, Keith Morris, Saddle Bronc Spring Rodeo Is Set To Go In Payson, Ariz., In May The 33rd Annual Gary Hardt Memorial Rodeo takes place on Friday and Saturday, May 17 and 18 at the Payson Multi-Event Center on Highway 87 across from the Mazatzal Casino. Over 200 professional rodeo contestants are expected to compete for this year's event. Performances start at 7 p.m. each evening and the gates open at 5 p.m. for some pre-rodeo entertainment! Pre-Sale tickets for adults 12 to... Full story
A Letter To Us From Lost Our Home Hi Everyone, You are an important part of Lost Our Home Pet Rescue and we want to give you an update on our upcoming remodel and the impact it will have on the pets and people we serve at the shelter. Construction will begin on May 6th and has a planned end date of August 30th. We plan to move all of the pets out of the shelter for the entirety of the remodel. It will be too noisy and stressful for them to remain here while the shelter is under construction (thi... Full story
Tonto Releases Supplemental Impact Statement For Motorized Travel Tonto officials have released a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to address responses resulting from the Forest's 2016 Final Travel Management EIS and associated Draft Record of Decision (ROD). The Draft SEIS responds to 13 objections as well as direction from the Southwestern Regional Forester to conduct additional analysis prior to issuing the Final ROD for Travel Management on the Tonto National Forest.... Full story
Beginners' Guide To Camping In Arizona Among the many benefits of living or visiting Arizona is the wide range of year-round camping opportunities. From pine trees and mountain streams, to the raw beauty of the Sonoran desert, you can enjoy time away from the hustle of the city. John Muir said it best: "Keep close to Nature's hear t... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean." Not bad advice, and easy to follow within a... Full story
If you have a concealed carry permit and carry a weapon regularly, have you ever considered carrying a back-up weapon? Not just a knife or a tactical pen or a monkey fist, but a secondary firearm? I've heard lots of reasons why you would want to have a second gun on you, and I've also heard plenty of reasons why people don't want to carry a second handgun. Let's look at both sides before discussing what type of secondary weapon to choose and where you might carry it. Pros Guns sometimes... Full story
AZGFD Warns Of Possible Rabies Exposure As Temperatures Warm Spring has sprung, temperatures are trending upward and people and pets are on the move outdoors - that means potential exposure to rabies will be on the increase. The Arizona Game and Fish Department reminds the public to protect themselves and their pets by keeping a safe distance from wildlife, especially animals that may be behaving abnormally, such as those that appear overly aggressive and/or lacking a fear of humans. "The... Full story
Nesting Efforts End At Lake Pleasant Eagles' nest is now empty after four attempts to produce hatchling. For the past four months, viewers have been treated to round-the-clock glimpses of a pair of nesting bald eagles through a live-streaming camera installed by the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). Now there's not much to see but an empty nest made of twisted twigs and branches on the side of a sheer cliff above Lake Pleasant, a disappointing sign that any hope of the birds producing a... Full story
Starting in early April, 2019 Xanterra South Rim, L.L.C., a concessionaire within Grand Canyon National Park, has begun fulfilling a contractual obligation to rebuild the Maswik South lodging complex and construct new roads near Maswik South. In October 2018, the National Park Service (NPS) completed an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Maswik South rebuild and new road construction project. This EA, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), evaluated alternatives and... Full story
Boatyards, marinas and clubs are waking up after a long winter's nap, and boaters have begun preparing their vessels for the season. While the boat needs to be looked at and readied for a summer of fun, so does your safety. The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water says that doing these four free or low-cost things now will help ensure a summer of safe boating. 1. Get a free Vessel Safety Check: Where else can you ask a professional to go over your boat to ensure it's safe and... Full story
The Northern Arizona Shooting Range has announced all ranges have been opened to the public although winter hours will remain in effect until May. The rifle and pistol ranges, as well as stations for trap, skeet, sporting clays and five-stand, will operate from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each Saturday. All shooters must arrive by 2 p.m. The rifle and pistol ranges also are open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays. The 160-acre range, located about 20 miles east of Flagstaff, is owned by the Arizona Game an... Full story
Publisher's Note - Margie mentions Wide World of Maps later in this article. Wide World of Maps has maintained a mini-store at Lookout Mountain Outdoors. With the retirement of the owner of Lookout Mountain, Wide World of Maps will expand at this location. You may visit, or call 602/279-2323 for information. Please tell them Jim and Carol sent you. Thank you. A Change In Plans Turns Into A Great Road Trip Sometimes plans don't work out. We had planned to go on an ROV ride wit... Full story
Proposed Fall/Spring Hunt Recommendations Available For Review The Arizona Game and Fish Department's proposed hunt recommendations for the 2019-20 fall deer, turkey, javelina, bighorn sheep, bison, bear, mountain lion, predatory and furbearing mammals, and trapping seasons, as well as for the 2020-21 spring javelina, bison, and bear seasons, are available for review at The hunt structures and recommendations were formulated based on the hunt guidelines approved by... Full story
Desert View To Become An Inter-Tribal Cultural Heritage Site A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was signed by Kate Hammond, acting regional director for the Intermountain Region of the National Park Service (NPS), for a site plan to transform Desert View in Grand Canyon National Park into an Inter-tribal Cultural Heritage Site and share a unifying message from the park's traditionally associated tribes: "We are still here". The NPS is committed to honoring the cultural, historic, and... Full story
Due to the difficulty of carrying large amounts of cooking fuel, campers often require their meals to cook in a short amount of time (5–20 minutes). Many campers prefer a 'just add boiling water' method of cooking, while others enjoy a more involved, and therefore, often higher quality meal. The amount of cooking time can be disregarded if campers are able to cook over a campfire; however, due to the possibility of a burn-ban being in place, campers do not often rely on this option. Here Are Som... Full story
Join us on a family campout to learn the ropes of camping and experience all the fun of being in the outdoors! 2019 Spring Dates • May 11-12 - River Island State Park – Parker • May 18-19 - Dead Horse Ranch State Park – Cottonwood 2019 Fall Dates • September 14-15 - Tonto Natural Bridge State Park – Payson • September 21-22 - Slide Rock State Park – Sedona • October 5-6 - Cattail Cove State Park – Lake Havasu • October 12-13 - Kartchner Caverns State Park – Benson • October 26-27 - Roper Lak... Full story
The word "innovative" is oft-used, but rarely in reference to a pail. With Shurhold Industries' One Bucket System, the term is almost insufficient. Creatively designed and engineered, it stores and organizes RV cleaning products in one convenient, portable location and functions as a highly effective wash station. A video is at The One Bucket System starts with the World's Best Rope Handle Bucket. Made in the USA of durable molded plastic that's thicker than average, it has a...
The numbers are in, and last weekend’s Arizona Game and Fish Department Outdoor Expo had the largest turnout in the event’s 15-year history. The expo, presented by Shikar Safari Club International, drew 52,000 visitors over the March 30-31 weekend at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix. That broke the previous weekend record of 46,600, set in 2017. Supports Outdoor Passions “We’re not aware of any other free event of this scale that combines conservation, recreation and industry into su... Full story
Public comment period runs to May 12. The Arizona Game and Fish Commission is proposing to adopt a rule that would prohibit using any lethal method of take during a hunting contest for predatory and fur-bearing animals, as defined under Arizona Revised Statutes 17-101. In a public meeting March 15, the commission unanimously approved a Notice of Rulemaking Docket Opening and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (also posted at The Notice was published in the Arizona... Full story
(This news release was issued by the Arizona Attorney General's Office.) The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the limited use of motor vehicles to retrieve lawfully taken elk and bison on the Kaibab National Forest. In January 2016, several environmental litigants (WildEarth Guardians, Grand Canyon Wildlands Council, Wildlands Network, and the Sierra Club) sued the U.S. Forest Service over its decision to allow hunters to drive cross-country up to one mile off of designated roads to... Full story
Tiffin Motorhomes recently debuted its much-awaited 2019 Allegro RED loaded with a host of upgraded features. One optional amenity that enhances the luxurious Class A's renowned livability is Aqua-Hot Heating Systems' new 250D hydronic heating solution. It provides 40,000 Btu/hr of evenly distributed warmth without the dry, blowing air associated with traditional systems, plus continuous hot water for a total residential-style experience. The Aqua-Hot 250D uses diesel fuel and is operated by 12V... Full story
WDFW's lowland lake trout derby continues in May and runs through Oct. 31. Anglers with a 2019-20 freshwater, combination fishing license, or Fish Washington license, who catch one of hundreds of tagged fish can claim prizes provided by license dealers located across the state. A list of lakes with prize fish and details on how to claim prizes is available at the derby website. With the warmer temperatures heading our way, May is a great time to head outside for outdoor adventures. Popular... Full story
The Bureau Of Land Management is seeking a broad spectrum of nominees to help improve public lands management. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced that it is seeking public nominations for positions on 31Resource Advisory Councils (RACs) nationwide, including Arizona’s RAC. These citizen-based committees assist in the development of recommendations that address public land management issues. The BLM maintains 38 such advisory committees formally chartered under the Federal Advisory C... Full story
PHOENIX – Discover high country adventure at Lyman Lake State Park this summer! As the southern region of Arizona starts to heat up, take a trip to our northern parks to enjoy cooler temperatures and find awesome new hiking spots! Lyman Lake State Park will host a guided hike every Saturday this summer, so you can explore the Petroglyph Trail and learn about the archaeological wonders you’ll see along the way! The views from the trail are incredible, from rolling hills and high desert to the... Full story
Action: Opens hatchery chinook, trout and hatchery steelhead. Effective date: June 1 through June 30, 2019. Species affected: Hatchery chinook, trout, steelhead. Location: The Hoh River from the Olympic National Park boundary upstream to the boat launch at the DNR’s Oxbow Campground. Reason for action: The Hoh River wild spring/summer chinook are projected to return in numbers sufficient to allow incidental release impacts on this stock while allowing a sport fishery to target trout and d... Full story