Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Articles from the November 15, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 26 - 34 of 34

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  • More Winter Tips

    Nov 15, 2012

    While the majority of boaters in colder parts of the country have winterized their boats or put them into storage until spring, many still rely on their vessels for hunting, fishing or necessary transportation in cold weather, substantially increasing their risk of a deadly accident. Extra caution and preparation should be taken before heading out on the water in winter. And, although Arizona winters are mild in some parts of the state, they can be very cold in other parts. The U.S Coast Guard... Full story

  • Are you fed up with looking daily at your boring garage door?

    Nov 15, 2012

    DOOR BORED? -- Are you fed up with looking daily at your boring garage door? Just stick a new decal on your door and wait for the neighborhood reaction. Make an impression on your neighbors.The German company " Style Your Garage " makes posters for your garage door. Prices vary from $199 to $399 for a double door. Everything included, and choices range from luxury cars to large animals to airplanes and trains -- you name it! We especially liked the boat!... Full story

  • Steve Jobs's Yacht

    Nov 15, 2012

    Information from Superyachttimes.com Before his death, former Apple CEO Steve Jobs was planning to build one of the world's most unusual yachts — a sleek, all-aluminum cruiser that looked more like a “Battlestar Galactica” fighter than leisure yacht. Rumors were that plans for the boat had been shelved during Jobs's illness. But now the yacht has just had its posthumous launch. The boat's name is Venus (alas, not "iYacht.") According to executives at yacht-building companies and photos from Supe... Full story

  • Phoenix, AZ - Athena Awards

    Nov 15, 2012

    Photo courtesy of Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce CONGRATULATIONS -- to the recipients of the ATHENA awards: from left, Athena Public Sector winner Deborah Ostreicher, Young Professional winner Jamie Lyons and Private Sector winner Dr. Anne McNamara... Full story


    IWWF|Nov 15, 2012

    Taking place just 400km from the Equator at Palembang City in Indonesia in constant 33C / 96Fh temperatures, this 35th World Cup Stop of the International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation (IWWF) was one of the most spectacular of the current series. The 24 Countries whose athletes qualified for invitations included Australia, Belgium, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, Greece, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand,... Full story

  • Arizona Boats At Home In San Diego Bay

    John Campbell|Nov 15, 2012

    BIG BAY BOATS -- John Campbell of San Diego (and Yellowtail Derby fame) has been intrigued for some time by the number of Arizona boats moored in San Diego Bay. He took some time recently to photograph some of these examples in their slips. Campbell is also a salesperson/broker for Yachtfinders/Windseakers in San Diego.... Full story

  • AZBW / WOT Reader Receives Reply To Federal Government Targets Sportsmen’s Dollars To Reduce Deficit

    AZGFD|Nov 15, 2012

    The Arizona Game and Fish Commission is making the public aware of a looming threat to crucial conservation funding by the federal government’s proposed sequestration of conservation trust funds, an action that could reduce Arizona’s wildlife conservation funding by several million dollars. “The Greatest Story Never Told” is the mantra extolled by the nation’s wildlife conservation community in the 75th anniversary of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration (WSFR) programs being celebrate... Full story

  • Arizona Wildlife Photo Contest Winners Announced

    AZGFD|Nov 15, 2012

    A snowy egret with enormous white wings outspread, balances precariously on a tiny yellow branch. The image, captured by Bryan Keil of Scottsdale, Ariz., is the grand prize winner in this year’s wildlife photo contest. The contest, sponsored by the Arizona Game and Fish Department, attracted more than 400 entries from across Arizona and beyond. Winning images have been published in a full-size 2013 wildlife calendar in the November–December issue of Arizona Wildlife Views magazine. The oth... Full story

  • Arizona State Parks

    Arizona State Parks|Nov 15, 2012

    As always, we are planning a multitude of activities for the holidays at State Parks. "First Day" hikes on January 1, 2013 are always popular and you can start booking them now so you can be out walking on New Year's Day. We know taking your family for a holiday excursion can be daunting when you add up all the costs for meals and hotels. But did you ever think it was odd you were traveling somewhere else when your family from cold states always wants to come to warm Arizona for the holidays?... Full story

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