Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Articles from the November 15, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 33

  • Lighted-Boat Parades

    Carol L Allen

    One of the favorite traditions nationwide and beyond are the holiday boat parades; three of the most-loved in the Southwest are in Lake Havasu, Tempe, and San Diego. Arizona Lake Havasu, Ariz. - "Light Up the Lake"! 32nd Annual Boat Parade of Lights Dec. 5-6 @ 6:30pm Description: For the past 32 years the Annual Boat Parade of Lights has been the must-see event of the holiday season. Many boats brightly decorated in their holiday best will delight children and adults alike. This year's theme: "L... Full story

  • Arizona Yacht Club News

    Arizona Yacht Club, Mike Ferring|Nov 15, 2014

    Arizona Yacht Club members are urged to register now for the 2014 Governor's Cup Regatta, scheduled for two laps around Lake Pleasant. It starts Saturday morning, Dec. 6. The first boat will be signaled to start at 11 am. The actual start time will depend on one's PHRF rating, with all competitors rated to finish at exactly the same time. First across the finish line wins. The event organizer is Cruising Captain Tom Errickson, who's opting for a simple format this year: Start near the dam, sail... Full story

  • Glen Canyon Dam Does High-Flow Release

    AZBW, U.S. Department of Interior|Nov 15, 2014

    The U.S. Department of the Interior triggered a "high-flow release" at Glen Canyon Dam beginning Nov. 10 and lasting four days. The release was part of a long-term strategy that was announced in May 2012 by former Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to meet water and power needs, as well as to allow better conservation of sediment downstream and to better address the important resources in the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam. Benefit To Downstream Resources The high-flow release, which... Full story

  • Out Of Africa

    Out Of Africa|Nov 15, 2014

    Out Africa Wildlife Park is dedicated to wildlife and the wild places that sustain all of us. As many of those wild places around the globe are diminishing, we have heeded the call of developing and maintaining this 104-acre animal sanctuary that offers a haven to those who have no home. Perpetuating this real living and breathing planet we all inhabit with all of its wildlife beauty is something we feel is worth devoting our lives to, and it starts in our own back yard. Building and... Full story

  • Hall of Flame Museum Of Firefighting

    Hall of Flame, Mark V. Moorhead, Contributor Curator of Education|Nov 15, 2014

    The Hall of Flame in Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz., has almost an acre of fire-history exhibits with over 90 fully restored pieces of fire apparatus from around the world on display. Also here is the National Firefighting Hall of Heroes, which honors firefighters who have died in the line of duty or who have been decorated for heroism, and a memorial to the firefighters and other rescue workers lost on 9/11. In addition, there is a large fire-safety exhibit, which includes a two-room safety house... Full story

  • Lost Our Home Pet Foundation

    Carol L Allen|Nov 15, 2014

    Just a little south of the intersection of Broadway and Hardy in Tempe, Ariz., is a shelter that gives comfort and hope to pets that have lost their homes through no fault of their own. A visit there is happy, heartwarming experience and one that makes one realize that there is comfort not only for the animals but also for their previous owners who had run out of options for their beloved furkids. Lost Our Home Pet Foundation (LOH) ensures that all pets have loving homes when families face major... Full story

  • Arizona Game & Fish Department Wildlife Photo Contest Winners Announced

    AZGFD|Nov 15, 2014

    Chandler photographer Robert Rinsem's image of a handsome hooded merganser gliding across golden waters has captured the grand prize in this year's Arizona wildlife photo contest, sponsored by the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The contest, which promotes Arizona's diverse wildlife, attracted more than 700 entries on the theme "Arizona's surprising wildlife." Thirteen winning images have just been published in a full-size 2015 wildlife calendar in the November–December issue of Arizona W... Full story

  • Stay Alert: Avoid Tragic Vehicle-Wildlife Collisions

    AZGFD|Nov 15, 2014

    More people are now on the roads at the time of day when wildlife can be difficult to see: dusk. The sun is setting and the shadows make many species of wildlife particularly difficult to spot, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department is reminding motorists to use caution when on the roads as the sun begins to set. "There are more cars on the road when many wildlife are active and the shadows allow them to blend in well to the surroundings," said Zen Mocarski, public information officer for the... Full story

  • Davis Instrument's DockShockle

    AZBW|Nov 15, 2014

    SHOCK NOT -- Davis Instrument's DockShockle is a fast, easy way to add a shock-absorbing element to dock lines. Available in black, the 12" DockShockle safely absorbs shock loads on smaller, lighter boats up to 40 feet. Contact local dealers or Davis Instruments, 3465 Diablo Ave., Hayward, CA 94545; (510)-732-9229; Fax: 510-732-9188; email: info@davisnet.com; Web site: www.davisnet.com.... Full story

  • Lake Powell Stripers, Shad Ready For Winter

    Wayne Gustaveson|Nov 15, 2014

    Striped bass annual migration is now almost complete. Fish movement begins in the spring as stripers react to warming water by leaving the backs of the canyons and heading toward the main channel to spawn. Then in summer they pursue forage in open water wherever they can find it whether on the surface or at great depths. As temperature declines in fall, stripers move toward the backs of canyons where they will spend the winter with shad schools that descend to 60-90 feet where water temperature... Full story

  • In Memory Of Darrel Jacobs: Nov. 29, 1946 - Nov.10, 2014


    Viet Nam veteran Darrel Jacobs was a good friend, taken far too early by Huntington's Disease. Darrel is shown with his beloved family: Sue, his life partner, and Lisa, Jessica, and Dara, their daughters. He was also an angler (hence, a fan of this publication), and as Sue commented, "This is the image that I want to stay in my mind. Darrel was happiest when fishing." Even just five days after his death, Darrel's family participated in and were instrumental in making sure the Huntington's... Full story

  • Christmas Tree Permits

    Tonto National Forest|Nov 15, 2014

    Permits to cut your own Christmas tree will be available starting Nov. 20 at Tonto National Forest offices. The Tonto National Forest will sell Christmas tree permits starting on Thursday, Nov. 20. Permits will be available at the Mesa and Payson Ranger Districts and the Tonto Supervisors Office, Monday –Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The Pleasant Valley Ranger District will be open for permit sales on Thursdays and Fridays, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. In addition, the Payson Ranger District will be open on... Full story

  • Winterizing Your Boat

    Boat US|Nov 15, 2014

    True or False? Take The Boat Winterizing Quiz You're putting the boat away for winter. So what half-truth, wife's tale, urban myth, or tall story have you heard about winterizing a recreational boat? Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) helps to set the record straight. 1. Ethanol (E10) fuel and engines: If a boat has a built-in gas tank, it's recommended to leave the tank as full as possible over the winter with a smidgen of room for fuel expansion. TRUE: Leaving the tank... Full story

  • Captain's Corner

    Captain Dave Esparza|Nov 15, 2014

    I would like to talk about what has transpired over the last few days, including Veterans’ Day. You often hear people asking, “Oh, when is Veteran's Day; what time does the parade start? Veterans’ Day has three simple numbers, 11, 11, 11. Veterans’ Day is always the 11th month, celebrated on the 11th day, and if there is a formal event, it starts at the 11th hour. Veteran's Day is the one day out of the year to show your respect to our country and its veterans who have done and given so much fo... Full story

  • NMMA Analysis 2014 Election

    AZBW, National Marine Manufacturers Association|Nov 15, 2014

    The 2014 midterm elections have come and gone. So what does that mean for our industry and your business? Read on for complete election coverage and analysis from NMMA's government relations experts. If you have questions about the results or the legislative road ahead for 2015, contact Nicole Vasilaros at nvasilaros@nmma.org. What Do The Results Mean For The Boating Industry? You're probably wondering first and foremost how the Nov. 4 vote may impact the recreational boating industry, and... Full story

  • Here's Your Once-A-Year Opportunity To Go 'Wild'


    Come see a bald eagle, bobcat, ringtail, and many bird and reptile species at the free Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center's open house on Saturday, Nov. 22 and Sunday, Nov. 23 from 10-3 p.m. daily. During this once-a-year glimpse into the center's operations, visitors will have the opportunity to see wildlife up close, view educational displays, make wildlife-related crafts and meet wildlife experts. Over thirty years ago, the Arizona Game and Fish Department opened the first state-run wildlife... Full story

  • AZGFD Report

    AZGFD|Nov 15, 2014

    Tip Of The Week For rainbow trout in the high country, PowerBait and worms are still the best baits, but trout are also more willing to chase down a lure in these cooler water temperatures than they would during the warm summer months. You can cover a lot of ground by casting a Panther Martin spinner or Kastmaster. Some anglers choose to fish bait on one rod while casting a lure with a second rod to find what the fish are hitting. The new license structure allows the use of two rods with any... Full story

  • Arizona Community Fishing Program

    AZGFD|Nov 15, 2014

    For all you trout enthusiasts, Friday, Nov. 14 was the day! Rainbow trout made their return to the core Community Fishing Program waters. Except for Tempe Town Lake, all expansion waters will be stocked with trout the week of Dec. 15. These trout stockings will continue in CFP Waters through mid-March - so grab your fishing poles and hit the lakes and ponds - it's time to catch some trout! Welcome Back The Trout The City of Tempe and the Arizona Game and Fish Department will host the annual... Full story

  • Southern Arizona Bass Lakes That Are Often-Overlooked

    Margie Anderson|Nov 15, 2014

    Even native Arizonans tend to overlook the southern bass lakes when they get the urge to bass fish. The biggest lakes are in the central part of the state and along the Colorado River, and those areas are also quicker and easier to get to for a majority of the population. For those who live closer to the border, and for those willing to take the time to get there, four smaller more peaceful lakes beckon. Although you could do a drive-by of all four in a single day, each of them is different... Full story

  • Pronghorn Sheep Poaching Case Information Could Bring Reward

    AZGFD|Nov 15, 2014

    Arizona Game and Fish is seeking information regarding the poaching of a yearling pronghorn buck in Game Management Unit 19B at Juniper Woods south of Interstate 40. Officers with Game and Fish need the public's help and Operation Game Thief (OGT) is offering up to a $750 reward for information leading to an arrest of those responsible for the crime. The Arizona Antelope Foundation is offering up to $750 upon conviction. Evidence At The Scene "Significant physical evidence was collected at the... Full story

  • Target Range Coming To The White Mountains

    U.S. Forest Service|Nov 15, 2014

    The U.S. Forest Service has issued a special use permit to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission for a new target range to be built near Show Low. The Second Knoll Target Range will be operated by the White Mountain Shooters Association (WMSA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, through a license agreement with the commission. The target range will be located in an unused cinder pit that was previously permitted by the Forest Service to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). The... Full story

  • RMEF Rant Reinforces Safety Message

    Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation|Nov 15, 2014

    Youth participants in the Arizona Game and Fish Department's hunter education program will receive a blaze orange ("hunter orange") cap when they graduate, thanks to a $9,700 grant from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF). The grant will provide 2,475 caps for the program this year. "Blaze orange enhances hunter safety by making the wearer more visible to other hunters in the field," says Denise Raum, conservation education program manager for Game and Fish. "While not required in Arizona,... Full story

  • Native Fish In Danger - Small, But Mighty, Endangered Fish Take A Step Towards Recovery

    AZGFD|Nov 15, 2014

    The endangered, native desert pupfish took another step towards recovery recently when over 300 fish were released by the Arizona Game and Fish Department into a refuge pond at Mesa Community College's Red Mountain Campus (MCC). The fish that were released came from ponds at the Phoenix Zoo and Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center. Both partners work to help reproduce pupfish. "Partnerships are the key to helping recover Arizona's native wildlife species that are in peril," said Mike... Full story

  • Quagga Mussel Update

    AZBW|Nov 15, 2014

    Glen Canyon National Recreation Area staff continue to monitor park waters to determine the distribution of quagga mussels. Quagga mussels were recently identified in sampling locations between Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry. Mussel larvae (veligers) are passing through the Glen Canyon Dam and low numbers of adult mussels have been confirmed in the Glen Canyon stretch of the river. Managers and research staff remain hopeful that the river current and sediment in the water below the Paria River... Full story

  • Deer, Deer, And More Deer

    Doug Burt|Nov 15, 2014

    Doug Burt Hunting and Shooting Sports Program Manager Arizona Game and Fish Department Nov. 21-23 kicks off another string of youth camps! If you're interested in visiting an event to get an idea of what they look like, want to help out – glass, cook, fire tending, etc., or just looking for a road trip with the family during this great weather, here are some great options. Details and contact information are below. Also, don't forget it's small game season, so take advantage of flushing q... Full story

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