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Doves and pigeons (squab when you buy them in a store) deserve their own category because they are dark meat birds with very little fat on them. You can use small ducks such as bufflehead or teal with these recipes, but they will often have a layer of fat that a pigeon or dove will not. A sharp-tailed grouse is an excellent alternative, though. If you harvest your own doves and pigeons, please – please – pluck them and keep them whole. They are the easiest birds to pluck, taking only sec... Full story
Community Hall Of Flame Museum Of Firefighting - Heritage, History, Honor Burn Brightly Here - The Hall of Flame Museum in Scottsdale is fascinating and educational. Hunting The wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) is native to North America. It is the same species as the domestic turkey, which was originally derived from a southern Mexican subspecies of wild turkey. Although native to North America, the turkey probably got its name from the domesticated variety being imported to Britain in ships... Full story
As a special event for ladies who love shotgun sports, the Ben Avery Clay Busters (BACB) will be hosting a pheasant and chukar hunt on Sunday, Feb. 8 in Mayer, Ariz., at the YMCA High Desert Hunt Club. This program will introduce 18 women to upland bird hunting, specifically pheasant and chukars, and it is funded through a Sportsmen's Group Grant by the Arizona Fish and Game Commission to make America's favorite hunting pastime more obtainable for more women shooters. A pre-event hunter's... Full story
Ben Avery Clay Busters (BACB) will begin its winter league on Wednesday, Jan. 14, from 5–7 p.m. at the Ben Avery Clay Target Center, located at 5060 W. Skeet Street, Phoenix, AZ 85086. Registrations are now open for the organization's eight-week competitions in Trap, Double Trap, International Bunker Trap, Skeet, and 5-Stand. Pre-registration will take place on Jan. 7 from 5-7 p.m. at the Ben Avery Clay Target Center, and team assignments can be obtained at this registration event. League e... Full story
We hope all is well with you and your family. We wanted to remind you of a hunting opportunity that you might be interested in because it is perfect for continuing to develop your hunting skills and requires minimal resources and equipment. • Quail season (Gambel's and scaled) is open through Feb. 8, 2015. The bag limit is 15 birds, and they can be found in most desert areas. All you need is a general hunting license (youth or adult), which many of you have if you attended one of our hunting eve... Full story
Dove hunters are advised that the printed copies of the 2014-15 Arizona Dove Regulations have a misprint regarding the starting and ending dates of the late dove season (they are off by a day). The correct dates for the late dove season are Friday, Nov. 21, 2014 through Sunday, Jan. 4, 2015. The amended regulations with the correct dates have been posted on the Arizona Game and Fish Department website at and Full story
PORTSMOUTH, R.I. (Nov. 3, 2014) ─ A new scholarship fund has been established for Rhode Island's Official Sailing Education Vessel, SSV Oliver Hazard Perry, by friends and family of Virginia Wagner (Newport. R.I.). Wagner, a charter consultant for Nicholson Yachts and highly respected Tall Ship and yacht captain (with a 3,000 ton license and over 400,000 miles at sea), is fighting a courageous battle with mesothelioma. On Saturday October 25 she was the guest of honor at a special gathering o... Full story
On November 3, after two days of waiting for a break in the weather, 18 well-prepared sailboats left Newport, R.I. to embark on a nearly 1500 mile journey that, at its conclusion, will mark the completion of the 15th annual North American Rally to the Caribbean (NARC). Masterminded by Hank Schmitt of Offshore Passage Opportunities (OPO), the rally is free to its participants and supports the annual migration of East Coast boats heading south for the winter with either free or deeply discounted d... Full story