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The Isle Switch Aren't all kayaks portable? Well, yes, but not all of them fit into a backpack, pump and all, with the whole package weighing just 19 pounds! The Isle Switch is the ideal kayak/paddle board for fishermen, especially fishermen who travel or who like to fish small waters that are hard to get to. One of the features of this kayak is the flat deck – you sit on a chair that is raised from the deck and there is plenty of room and plenty of straps for your gear -- and they've e... Full story
Now that the weather is cooler, the fishing is starting to heat up! It's that time of year when cold water fishing really starts to take off, so make sure you have your gear in order. Whether you are new to fishing or are a seasoned angler, here are a few tips to make sure your gear is ready for the fall. If you are new to fishing and are looking for a rod and reel for cold water fishing, I would recommend a 7-foot, medium-power, fast-action spinning rod with a 2500-size spinning reel. This rod... Full story
As thousands of visitors and locals plan their holiday getaways, Go Lake Havasu, the tourism board for Lake Havasu City, turned to the Director of Fun at London Bridge Resort for her favorite holiday traditions. That's the actual title of Joelle Dickinson – as her business card can attest – an Illinois native who has lived in the city for ten years, working for the past seven at the resort. Dickinson previously ran the Toy Story ride and birthday parties at Walt Disney World in Orlando, so thi... Full story
Spring draw results just came out, and a lot of hunting seasons are in full swing right now, so a gift for a hunter would be very much appreciated! Here are some ideas for gifts that will totally make their day! Turkey Decoys Did your hunter draw a spring turkey tag? Montana Decoy Co. has lightweight turkey decoys that fold down to the size of a dinner plate! They've got hens, Jakes, and even Toms! Get a couple of hens and a box call and your spring turkey hunter will be sitting pretty! Find... Full story
Though it’s thought of as a desert state, Arizona has a surprisingly wide variety of climates that support a wide variety of wildlife from rodents to reptiles, birds and large predators be they common and familiar or the rarest and the strange. Here is information about some of the animals in Arizona. Much of Arizona’s wildlife can be found in its state parks and trails. The state parks include Catalina, Cattail Cove, Lyman Lake, Lost Dutchman, Patagonia Lake, Lake Havasu, the San Rafael Sta... Full story
Don McDowell Outdoors is hosted by Don McDowell with a slew of guests from politicians, members of the AZ Game & Fish, avid hunters and anglers and so many more! Each Sunday you can be sure to hear great insight into current events both around the country and locally as well as the perfect guides for the current state of hunting, fishing, and conservation. Meet Don McDowell Don McDowell, Arizona native, is an avid outdoorsman and has been an active bass pro fisherman for over 22 years and in... Full story
Bait Finesse System 101 Get Hooked On This System (originally published on The Bait Finesse System uses very small and light baitcasting rods and reels and it's gaining popularity with bass fishermen everywhere. But John and I love it for trout fishing on the small forest lakes and even in streams – we're long-time bass anglers who are more comfortable with baitcasting gear than a fly rod or a spinning rod. Ideal For Panfish The BFS method is ideal for trout and other p... Full story
The legend is that an angler eating lunch on the lake accidently dropped a spoon overboard. As he watched the silver spoon drift downward, sun glinting off the handle and bowl, he saw a fish dart out and try to eat it.A typical angler, this guy was inventive and always looking for a new bait, so he went home, sawed some spoons up, and put hooks and a place to tie the line on them. Voila! A new killer lure is born! Large Variety Today's spoons are usually store-bought. Some of the spoons are just... Full story
Years ago, when I was in my home town of Yakima, Wash., my dad gave my husband and me tickets to see Louis Armstrong. He was marvelous, and I still remember his singing "Summer time and the livin' is easy; fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high ... ". In fact, as I read the fishing stories that come across my desk, I can still hear Armstrong's fantastic rendition of "Summertime". Here in Arizona, the fish are definitely "jumpin", and there are great reports available from those who know:... Full story
Back in the day, nearly every Saturday, all year 'round, you'd find Gregg Warne fishing a tournament somewhere in Arizona, Nevada, Utah, or California, and the conditions were not always perfect. But regardless of freezing or torrid temperatures, rain, wind, or cold front, the tournament must go on. No matter what the conditions, Warne was a very consistent finisher. He almost always managed to get in the money. Gregg had earned a reputation as a master of split-shotting, and for good reason.... Full story
Carolina rig fishing is simple. A large weight and a glass or plastic bead are strung onto the main line. The bead protects the knot from the heavy weight. A swivel is then tied to the end of the line, and a leader, usually of slightly lighter line, is attached to the swivel. Tie on a hook and you're rigged, Carolina style. Choosing The Right Weight To click or not to click, that is the question. When the water is really dirty, or you're fishing really deep, you may want your rig to make some... Full story
Got fish? Gone fishin'. Go fish. All apply to Arizona and the angling opportunities offered in this state. Bass Junkyz, high school and college programs, Arizona Game & Fish Department are among the outstanding promoters of this family friendly sport. Whether you fish in community waters or head to the high country lakes, you can enjoy the time near and on the water. Fly fishing, striper fishing, trout fishing, bass fishing, blue gill fishing, catfish fishing-- whatever your preference, all are... Full story
Jerry Tate of JT's Arizona Hunting and Fishing specializes in fishing Lake Pleasant.He's on the water several days a week, and has a handful of good friends who also spend tons of time on Pleasant. Between them, they always seem to know exactly where and how to fish for any species in the lake. Action Is Fast And Furious "The great thing about fishing for white bass and stripers is that once you find them, the action is fast and furious," Tate says. This kind of fishing is perfect for kids, beca... Full story
Great Outdoors Month helps remind us all of the physical and mental benefits of outdoor recreation and to inspire your interactions with Mother Nature. Seek adventure and you'll be rewarded with the positive effects of a connection with the natural world. Don't put adventure on hold as summer settles in! You'll find plenty of unforgettable outdoor experiences available throughout Arizona in spite of increasing temps. Cool off in the water at any of our lake or river parks, tour an... Full story
Jeff Blumenfeld, who has promoted Lake Havasu City for over a decade, now needs your help. Lake Havasu City is situated on the eastern shore of Lake Havasu on the Colorado River border of California and Arizona. The city was established in 1963 by Robert P. McCulloch, Sr. as a self-sufficient, planned community. Lake Havasu City is located on what is known as "Arizona's West Coast." Driving time is three hours west of Phoenix, 2-1/2 hours south of Las Vegas and four to five east of the Los... Full story
These tournaments are not just events; they are community. A Bass Junkyz event is not just a bass fishing tournament event; it is a community of anglers coming together for a sport they love. We invite family and friends to attend every event. Our weigh-in system is state of the art and our process is streamlined to increase the survival rate of bass. Food is provided after every weigh in and checks are handed out in a timely manner. Two Comments From Competitors "Fished the Bass Junkyz team... Full story
Director Mike Hoffarth The AZ High School Bass program is for High School anglers who will compete at local lakes in a Team format. Teams will be required to have their own Boat Captain who will take them out on the water to fish these qualifiers. Teams who do not have Boat Captains will be assigned a Boat Captain if possible by the Tournament committee. These assigned Boat Captains will be AZ Bass Nation members or local Pros. This program will hopefully increase these anglers fishing skills &... Full story
AZGFD Reports On All Things Fishing A recent article by Nixza Gonzalez for the A-Z Animals blog/website discusses some of the rainbow trout records in Arizona. The Arizona record for largest rainbow trout caught with a hook and line in an inland water is 15 pounds, 9.2 ounces, caught at Willow Springs Lake on Sept. 29, 2006, by Harold Wright of Sun City. The largest rainbow trout ever caught and released in Arizona’s inland waters is a 32-inch rainbow caught at Silver Creek on Jan. 30, 2010, by... Full story
June 20, 2023 Bass Junkyz, currently the longest brand identified Teams circuit in Arizona is growing again. The bass boat circuit has plans to launch two other fishing circuits spanning across Arizona over to storied bass fishing waters of Texas. "We see an opportunity to grow and to diversify our product over other angling platforms for competitive tournament environments; Kayak and PWC." (Greg Krueger) Kayak bass fishing has seen rapid growth over the past 15 years and is now has a place... Full story
Faces Of CNIC: Mac Ralph Deines ‘Success At CNIC Equals Success At Any Other Command’ From Coleen R. San Nicolas-Perez Commander, Navy Installations Command Public Affairs Editor’s Note: This is a special edition of Faces of CNIC in recognition of the 130th birthday of the Navy’s chief petty officer. Chief Master-at-Arms Ralph Deines considers himself “nobody special.” Well, with all due respect to Chief Deines, the rest of us disagree. There is something distinctive about Deines that makes him... Full story
A succession of winter storms has provided much-needed moisture to Arizona's waters and landscapes over the last several months. Salt River Project (SRP) said this winter has been one of the best for the Verde and Salt River water systems in the last three decades, and SRP's reservoirs (Roosevelt, Apache, Canyon and Saguaro on the Salt, and Horseshoe and Bartlett on the Verde) are projected to fill or be close to capacity. While the rain and snow is welcome in terms of helping to mitigate dry... Full story
Page 11 is a one page business directory found in Western Outdoor Times. It contains some of our finest advertisers. SOLD OUT ADVENTURE iDIAZ B.A.S.S. Arizona High School Nation Bass Junkyz Bryan Church - Bartlett Lake Marina Clippership RV Rental & Sales Don McDowell Outdoors Farmers Insurance Chalyce McQueen Hall of Flame Krog's Kamp Nationwide Warranties Prescott Jazz Summit Riverbound Sports Russell Financial Scottsdale American Legion Post 44 VFW 720 VFW 3513 Western Outdoor Times Check... Full story
'Feed The Addiction' These tournaments are not just events; they are community. Bass JunkyzBass Junkyz is not just a bass fishing tournament event, it is a community of anglers coming together for a sport they love. We invite family and friends to attend every event. Our weigh-in system is state of the art and our process is streamlined to increase the survival rate of bass. Food is provided after every weigh in and checks are handed out in a timely manner. Fished the Bass Junkyz team... Full story
Levi Wittrock graduated from Northern Arizona University where he was the president of the NAU Bass Fishing Club for two years. He and his partner represented NAU at many tournaments during those two years – tournaments that were piggy-backed onto FLW and BASS tournaments, using the same stage and the same crew. "The opportunities were insane," Levi says, "because you get to meet so many of the big names – not just the tournament anglers, but also industry reps and the people who run the tou... Full story
AZ Lakes, AZ Pros – Bass Fishing In Winter Gary Dobyns Talks Winter Tournament Fishing From Dobyns To Margie Anderson I know Gary Dobyns is originally a California boy, but he’s in Texas now and no matter where he lives, he is arguably one of the best western bass anglers EVER. So this month, I’m letting Gary tell you how he approaches winter tournaments. Even if you don’t fish tournaments, this will help your winter bass fishing. So here’s Gary: One of the questions I get most is: What’s th... Full story