Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(137) stories found containing 'john anderson'

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 137

  • Arizona's Community Fishing Program

    Margie Anderson, Outdoor Editor|Mar 1, 2025

    Our community lakes are such great places to fish – the Game and Fish stocks them with a variety of fish at different times of year, including trout, catfish, and bluegill. Some of the lakes have bass in them, too! You've probably got an urban lake close by – there are over 50! - and sitting on the bank with a line in the water is one of the best ways to spend a day that I know of. We've been taking our granddaughters to urban lakes since they were very small, and they not only love to fish, but... Full story

  • Nominations Open For Arizona Outdoor Hall Of Fame


    Nominations Open ForArizona Outdoor Hall Of Fame Deadline to submit nominations is April 7. Wildlife for Tomorrow is now accepting nominations for the 27th annual Arizona Outdoor Hall of Fame. Established in 1998 through a partnership between Wildlife for Tomorrow and the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), the Arizona Outdoor Hall of Fame honors individuals and organizations that have made significant and lasting contributions to wildlife conservation, natural resource preservation, and... Full story

  • Margie Anderson ProvenTechniques For Prespawn Bass

    Margie Anderson|Feb 1, 2025

    Prespawn bass have a notorious reputation for being hard to catch, but fortunately not all bass in a lake spawn at the same time. This means that in early spring you’ve got fish that are still deep, some that are moving up, and maybe even some already making beds and getting ready to rock and roll. All of these fish may be catchable, and some of the best fishermen I know choose baits that can be worked at a variety of depths at this time of year. 1. Dart Head + Floating Worm Back in the day, t... Full story

  • Boo!

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Oct 1, 2024

    If you stop and think about it, the days of the wild west aren’t that far behind us, and Arizona used to be wild as all get-out. Miners, ranchers, and sheep herders didn’t always get along well, and of course there have always been jilted lovers and jealousy, especially back when women were fairly scarce on the ground! So it’s no wonder that Arizona has so many haunted places! And in addition to those ghostly spots, we’ve got a lot of ghost towns in various stages of ruin that can be fun to visi... Full story

  • Camping Tips For Everyone

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Aug 1, 2024

    Note - All photos courtesy of John and Margie Anderson Camping is the ideal outdoor adventure – it can be inexpensive and close to home, and gets you out in the fresh air and away from the news stories. If you're new to camping, don't feel like you need to go out and buy a bunch of stuff. You can probably borrow a lot of what you need from friends and family, or find used gear online. Find out if your neighborhood or church has a "Buy Nothing" program. Once you sign up, you can get a lot of g... Full story

  • On The Road Again With The Anderson's

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Jul 1, 2024

    Mochi loves off-roading! Note - all photos were by John and Margie Anderson. When I was a kid, my dad always took us kids hunting off Dugas Road. There used to be a dirt road and a gate right on the side of I-17 and that road led to Hooker Tank, and from there over the hill to road 68D which goes from Dugas Road north to Squaw Peak Road. We loved it there and since we went there so often we all knew that area very well. There's a lot to be said about knowing all the best and prettiest places in... Full story

  • AZ Outdoor Hall Of Fame Banquet


    Eight inductees to be honored Aug. 24 at the Wigwam Resort. PHOENIX - Make plans to honor your fellow conservationists at the Wildlife for Tomorrow(WFT) Arizona Outdoor Hall of Fame Banquet Aug. 24 at the Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park. Eight new members will be inducted this year, a diverse group of experts and advocates who have made significant contributions to Arizona's natural heritage and have demonstrated passion and leadership in shaping the future of wildlife conservation in Arizona:... Full story

  • Arizona Outdoor Hall Of Fame Inductees


    Induction banquet is Aug. 24 at the Wigwam Resort. The Wildlife for Tomorrow Foundation (WFT) has selected eight individuals for induction this year into the Arizona Outdoor Hall of Fame. This year's inductees are a diverse group of experts and advocates who have made significant contributions to Arizona's natural heritage and have demonstrated passion and leadership in shaping the future of wildlife conservation in Arizona. They are - • Thomas Slaughter • Randy Stalcup • Jim Walker • Tom Britt... Full story

  • 62 To Hillside

    Margie Anderson, Outdoor Editor|May 1, 2024

    John and I love Arizona because you can cruise the deserts in winter and the mountains in summer. That's why we decided to visit the ruins of Swansea, an old mining town in February. It never occurred to me that I would need to check for any major events on Swansea Road, so off we went, taking 60 through Wickenburg, Aguila, Vicksburg, and Bouse. Bouse We planned to fill the Jeep in Bouse then head north on Swansea Road to the remains of the town. I was stoked because the map showed a natural arc... Full story

  • On The Cover March 2024

    Carol L Allen, Editor

    Not only does Daylight Saving Time begin this month, but so do many other great things. In the Valley of the Sun, fans' thoughts turn to diamonds, baseball that is, as Spring Training is underway. Wildlife and outdoor enthusiasts look forward to the annual Arizona Game and Fish Expo; the Arizona Game and Fish Department's Outdoor Expo will feature everything from wildlife exhibits and family fishing tanks and trying out firearms in a safe, controlled environment on the range. Dates are March... Full story

  • Cruising 17 Mile And Signal Roads

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Mar 1, 2024

    Photos Courtesy of John and Margie Anderson John and I had been wanting to explore the area southwest of Wikieup for a long time, and we finally got there last month. We honestly didn't even know if there was anything worth seeing back there, but the fact that you would be able to check out the Big Sandy River decided me! Click here for more on Arizona Rivers and Streams. We did this whole trip in one day from Phoenix, so it's doable, but it makes for a very long day. Starting on Highway 93, go... Full story

  • Buying Or Selling A Gun Online?

    John Anderson, Shooting Sports Editor|Dec 1, 2023

    Most of the time if I want to trade a gun in on a new one I just take it to Legendary Guns and those guys are great – I'm always happy with the trade and it's just plain fun to chew the fat with those guys. But recently I was in the market for a side-by-side shotgun – a kind of once in a lifetime purchase, and I wanted to trade in some other shotguns for it. Since Legendary didn't have the gun I wanted, I decided to see if I could do the deal online. Here's what happened. Trading Or Selling A G... Full story

  • Great Gifts For Hunters

    John Anderson, Shooting Sports Editor|Nov 1, 2023

    Spring draw results just came out, and a lot of hunting seasons are in full swing right now, so a gift for a hunter would be very much appreciated! Here are some ideas for gifts that will totally make their day! Turkey Decoys Did your hunter draw a spring turkey tag? Montana Decoy Co. has lightweight turkey decoys that fold down to the size of a dinner plate! They've got hens, Jakes, and even Toms! Get a couple of hens and a box call and your spring turkey hunter will be sitting pretty! Find... Full story

  • On The Cover July 2023

    On The Cover July 2023

    Carol L Allen

    Years ago, when I was in my home town of Yakima, Wash., my dad gave my husband and me tickets to see Louis Armstrong. He was marvelous, and I still remember his singing "Summer time and the livin' is easy; fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high ... ". In fact, as I read the fishing stories that come across my desk, I can still hear Armstrong's fantastic rendition of "Summertime". Here in Arizona, the fish are definitely "jumpin", and there are great reports available from those who know:... Full story

  • Prescott Jazz Summit

    Prescott Jazz Summit


    Information Provided By Mike Vax The Prescott Jazz Summit Educational Outreach Program The Prescott Jazz Summit has an educational component as part of its yearly schedule. We have given clinics for bands from all over Arizona, had student ensembles perform at our annual festival, given funds to local music departments, given scholarships to deserving students, and presented assembly programs in schools. We have reached over 5000 students all over Arizona. We present assemblies for the WHOLE stu... Full story

  • On The Cover February 2023

    Carol L Allen

    John and Margie Anderson know how to find out-of-the-way points of interest, and it's always a pleasure to ride along with them. This month they started at the Salome interchange on I-10 and visited "royalty": The Royal Arch. Read on to discover highlights along the way. Speaking of royalty, it's time for the Faire! The Renaissance Festival began this month and will offer "foolish pleasures" until April 2. This has been a "must see" for my family for many years, and we missed it during the... Full story

  • On The Cover December 2022

    On The Cover December 2022

    Carol L Allen

    There really are no words to express all the facets of this season's joy. Of course the birth of Christ is truly the "reason for the season", and many of us treasure that joy above all others. However, the celebration of that original event has evolved into beautiful traditions that even the non-religious can enjoy. One we feature each year is the cutting of your own Christmas tree; it makes a wonderful and memorable time that family will remember for years to come. Another of our favorites is... Full story

  • Holiday Gifts For Shooters

    John Anderson|Dec 1, 2022

    If you have a shooter on your list (even if it's YOU!), I've got some great ideas for gifts – from stocking stuffers to splurges. Some require that you know the exact gun, but others don't, so I'll separate those out for you. I can pretty much guarantee that anything on this list will please a person who enjoys shooting. If You Know The Gun (Or At Least The Caliber) Alien Gear Holster You can't go wrong with Alien Gear – they have a variety of holsters for pocket, IWB, OWB, and every kind of... Full story

  • Patriot PAWS Service Dogs

    On The Cover November 2022

    Carol L Allen

    November is also a month to express our gratitude. As John Anderson writes, dogs are a key to both hunting success and rewarding companionship. I second that as I have had the honor of living with dogs many years of my life and will always remember my first dog a little black English cocker spaniel - Sammy - who was an excellent hunter and my best friend growing up. This article is featured because it is bird-hunting season, and the best luck for a hunter will be to go into the field with a... Full story

  • On The Cover October 2022

    Carol L Allen

    There's no doubt about it: These times are stressful in so many ways, including financially, politically, and emotionally - to name only three. This is one of the reasons we are featuring fishing this issue. When times are tough, tight lines are just plain good medicine. Are you worried - as many of us are - about the ballot box? Of course you are, but for just a little while, we suggest you change that ballot box focus onto to your tackle box instead. Even for a day, you may be able to breathe... Full story

  • Gear Up For Hunting Season

    John Anderson|Oct 1, 2022

    I hope you got drawn for something this year, but even if you didn't there are plenty of opportunities to get out in the field this fall. Margie and I didn't get a tag, but we plan to spend some time out at Desert Creek Sportsman's Club shooting pheasants and chukar, plus we'll be out hunting for quail and grouse with Mochi. Not to mention waterfowl and snipe seasons just around the corner! There are also some big-game hunts that don't require a tag. Check the October Hunt Calendar or the... Full story

  • Used Boat? Don't Forget To Check The Trailer

    Margie Anderson|Oct 1, 2022

    Buying a used boat is a great way to get into boating, and there are a lot of good bargains out there. When you check out a boat before buying, don't forget to examine the trailer. First, check to see if the trailer is NMMA-certified. That will mean that it meets industry guidelines for safety and quality. Then check the weight limit that the trailer can handle and make sure that the total weight of the boat, motor, and the gear you're putting in there doesn't exceed that number. Check the... Full story

  • Fit For The Outdoors

    John Anderson

    Take Good Care Of You So You Can Continue To Enjoy As I've gotten older, I've had some challenges as a hunter and shooter. Things like eye problems, aching joints, and less stamina can quickly get out of hand if you don't do something about them early. I'm not going to admit my age here, but suffice it to say that I acquired my Pioneer Hunting License a couple of years ago! Yet, here I am, plugging along! We still go hunting for doves, quail, blue grouse, and Coues. Margie and I go off-roading,... Full story

  • Margie Anderson|Aug 1, 2022

    Then the weather heats up and the fish quit chasing reaction baits, John Murray starts using a spoon, especially at Lake Pleasant. "Spoons will catch everything in the lake," says Murray, "including not just bass but stripers, whites, crappie, and even catfish." The beauty of spoons is that you can fish them on almost any structure. Murray likes white spoons, and he likes to have feathers on the hooks. For deep summer fishing, he usually chooses a jigging spoon like a Crippled Herring and...  Website

  • On The Cover July 2022

    Carol L. Allen

    This pontoon boat at Lake Pleasant displays a great combination: freedom to enjoy the outdoors and our waterways in particular. In the middle of June we celebrated Flag Day (June 14) and the birth of the U.S. Army (June 14, 1775). This month, of course, is Independence Day on July 4. All these are reminders of the good fortune we have to live in this country -- even with its flaws and shortcomings. The United States of America offers us opportunities to accomplish all we can be, and she needs... Full story

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