Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(268) stories found containing 'lake pleasant'

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  • Downstream Events Calendar March 2025

    Carol L Allen, Editor

    Arizona has extensive opportunities and destinations to go fishing, from a local pond to a remote mountain stream, but many don't know where to get started. The Arizona Game and Fish Department's FishAZ Network brings all these opportunities in one place offering instructional and educational events, hands-on beginner fishing events, and other fishing based on your skill level and interest. Event Type All Events 1 - Introductory 2 - Beginner 3 - Developing 4 - Intermediate 5 - Experienced Event... Full story

  • Downstream Events Calendar February 2025

    Carol L Allen

    Note: We Found These At 'Be Outdoors Arizona'! Fall in Love with Fishing – Peoria Park Rangers February 8 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Kids ages 0-17 are invited to enjoy a heartwarming day of fishing at Paloma park. Whether you are a budding angler or just looking to enjoy a new activity, this event is for you! Bring your love for adventure and make some sweet memories. Gear will be provided, do not let this opportunity float away. Register at Peoriaaz.gov/recreation or at (623)773-7137 Monthly S... Full story

  • AZGFD Fishing Updates

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2025

    Summary Of Fishing Regulations Changes For 2025-26 Below is a list of changes published in the 2025 and 2026 Fishing Regulations: • The special regulations and seasons section is now organized by Arizona Game and Fish Department regions to make it easier for anglers to know which office to contact for additional information. • New regulation to create unlimited daily and possession limits for illegally introduced warmwater fish species at Becker Lake. Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout mus... Full story

  • Bald Eagle Breeding Begins

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2025

    Arizona's bald eagles are back, and they will soon be preparing for the next generation of eagles at breeding sites statewide. To assist with the state's continued bald eagle population growth, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) encourages outdoor recreationists, aircraft pilots, drone operators and motorized paragliders to do their part by not disturbing the state's 104 eagle breeding areas. To protect breeding attempts, some portions of public land and water areas will be... Full story

  • Kayak And Canoe Around Arizona

    Rudri Bhatt Patel For Visit Arizona|Sep 1, 2024

    Adapted From An Article By Rudri Bhatt Patel For Visit Arizona In Arizona, there are so many opportunities to get out on the water-from the lakes of the Mogollon Rim to the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Here are ten of the top spots to canoe and kayak. 1. Lake Pleasant, Morristown Lake Pleasant, located 45 minutes northwest of Phoenix, is a favorite venue for those on paddle craft. Canyons and cliffs rise over the six-mile lake, islands dot the middle of it and slot canyons hide on the... Full story

  • AZ Lakes, AZ Pros Ben Matsubu

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Sep 1, 2024

    Fall Fishing I first saw Ben in action in 1993, when I was his observer at an All Star Championship. The first day of the tournament was on San Carlos, and I had the opportunity to watch Ben fish a variety of lures, including worms, spoons, jigs, jerkbaits, and even a Pork-o! Nice Weather The championship was in September, and for a change the weather was pretty nice. It was cloudy and cool, and the water temperature was a little over 77 degrees. Ben started off in the very back of a cove,... Full story

  • AZGFD Begins Rulemaking Process To Amend Its Article 4

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2024

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department has issued a Notice of Intent to Pursue Rulemaking to begin the process to amend its Article 4 rules (live wildlife) to implement the recommendations made in the recent five-year review report. The amendments proposed in the five-year review report are intended to increase the effectiveness of the rules to meet the department’s mission, ensure consistency with state and federal statutes, and to increase the clarity of the existing rules. Except for the a... Full story

  • Maricopa County's Regional Parks

    AZBW|Aug 1, 2024

    (Maricopa County) – Who's ready to enjoy a free night's stay in one of Maricopa County's regional parks? Starting September 18, the Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department is bringing back its popular Buy One, Get One camping promotion! The promotion allows park visitors who pay the camping fee for one night or more at a participating desert mountain county park to receive one night of equal or lesser value for free during that same stay. "Maricopa County is home to 12 beautiful r... Full story

  • Carol L Allen, Editor

    JULY 1ST – JULY 7TH Downstream Events Calendar July 2024 Photo Courtesy dulcey-lima-as9sa7c81e4-unsplash Prescott Frontier Days® World's Oldest Rodeo® 840 Rodeo Drive, Prescott AZ Prescott, Arizona 86305 JULY 3RD Downstream Events Calendar July 2024 Photo Courtesy ray-hennessy-gdTxVSAE5sk-unsplash Fireworks at Lake Pleasant July 4TH 4th of July at Green Valley Park...  Website

  • On The Cover June 2024

    Carol L Allen

    Salute 'Old Glory' George M. Cohen said it well in the song he composed: " You're a grand old flag; you're a high-flying flag, and forever in peace may you wave; you're the emblem of the land I love, the home of the free and the brave... " June 14 we are reminded of this on Flag Day and again on Independence Day, July 4. Even in disturbing times like these, there is hope that all that Old Glory has symbolized will prevail. In celebration of our nation's independence, the folks at Lake Pleasant H... Full story

  • Lake Pleasant Fireworks

    Lake Pleasant Fireworks – July 3, 2024 Watch The Best Fireworks Show In Town! Pleasant Harbor at Lake Pleasant will host its annual Celebrate America fireworks show on Wednesday, July 3, 2024. Pleasant Harbor is home to this annual firework show, as well asfood trucks, free kids' activities, and live concert featuring the band, Rock Lobster. Gates open at 5:00 p.m. with fireworks at 9:00 p.m. and activities running through 10:30 p.m.Presale parking admission is $27.50(per vehicle)and $35 day o... Full story

  • On The Cover May 2024

    Carol L Allen, Editor - Western Outdoor Times

    We never tire of reminding boaters to wear their life jackets, ideally the entire time they are out on the water. PFDs are no longer bulky, unattractive, and ill-fitting. Now they are comfortable, come in many styles, even colors, and some of the kid's jackets are nothing short of "cute and fun to wear". If you are new to life-jacket shopping, check with the Coast Guard or its Auxiliary, Arizona Game & Fish Department, and the National Safe Boating Council. Another good resource are the members... Full story

  • Cranks With Kevin Finley

    Margie Anderson, Outdoor Editor|May 1, 2024

    At the U.S. Open about several years ago, Arizona Nitro pro Kevin Finley found a Storm Arashi crankbait in the goodie bag he received at tournament HQ. Later, he went fishing at Lake Pleasant with a buddy, Taj White, and told him, "you tie on whatever you think I should throw – I've got a tournament coming at Pleasant." Taj absolutely smashed them with the Arashi. That's how he found out about the Arashi, and now he says it's the best crankbait he's ever used. Never Lost One Finley says he's n... Full story

  • Ten Best Swimbait Tips

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Mar 1, 2024

    "Swimbait" is a broad term – it can mean anything from a grub to a 15-inch trout imitation. They are distinct from crankbaits in design and usually in material – swimbaits tend to be made of softer stuff than crankbaits, but they are all designed to imitate some kind of baitfish. Spring is the perfect time to get acquainted with these baits if you aren't already a fan, so here are some tips to help you improve your swimbait techniques. D-Shad And Fluke Baits These little baits are all the rag... Full story

  • Wearing A Life Jacket Should Be

    AZGFD|Mar 1, 2024

    Most boating fatalities involve people not wearing a life jacket . The importance of wearing a life jacket while recreating on Arizona's waterways is sadly reflected in the most recent statistics involving boating tragedies. A majority of the recreational boating fatalities were individuals who drowned and were not wearing a life jacket - the most important piece of safety gear one can wear, whether on a boat, personal watercraft or paddlecraft. Drowning Victims Not Wearing Life Jackets This... Full story

  • On The Cover February 2024

    On The Cover February 2024

    Carol L Allen

    Here it is: already February of a new year that just got started "a day or so ago", didn't it? No, it was over a month ago, and 2024 is well underway. My how time flies, and it's easy to miss opportunities because they're often over even before we make our plans to participate. So, what's the bottom line here? Don't miss out. Ideas are plentiful: from Arizona Game & Fish, from 'Touch a Truck' at Lake Pleasant, from Margie Anderson, from Fearless Kitties in Fountain Hills, from the Arizona Ren Fa... Full story

  • Touch A Truck Returns To Lake Pleasant


    Kids, big and small,will have the opportunity to interact with large vehicles such as firetrucks, earth movers, dump trucks, backhoes, excavators, and a bucket truck. Touch-A-Truck is being held at Pleasant Harbor, located on the southeastern shores of Lake Pleasant on February 24from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The event is FREE. However, there is a $9.00 entrance fee per vehicle. Hands-On Experience Touch-A-Truck affords kids the unique opportunity to climb on their favorite oversized vehicles, wit... Full story

  • Four Easy Ways To Become A Better Bass Angler

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Jan 1, 2024

    The late Aaron Martens, Rick Clunn, Gary Dobyns, and Eddie Johns are four of the most consistently successful anglers I've ever known, but their prowess isn't due just to natural ability, although that does play a part. Aaron was known as a finesse fisherman. People used to say that Rick Clunn was the Zen master of fishing. Gary Dobyns is known as a power fisherman. You may not know Eddie Johns, but if you lived anywhere near him, you'd be familiar with his name. He dominates the tournaments in... Full story

  • Two Amazingly Portable Kayaks

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Dec 1, 2023

    The Isle Switch Aren't all kayaks portable? Well, yes, but not all of them fit into a backpack, pump and all, with the whole package weighing just 19 pounds! The Isle Switch is the ideal kayak/paddle board for fishermen, especially fishermen who travel or who like to fish small waters that are hard to get to. One of the features of this kayak is the flat deck – you sit on a chair that is raised from the deck and there is plenty of room and plenty of straps for your gear -- and they've e... Full story

  • On The Cover October 2023

    Carol L Allen, Editor

    You - the people, the citizens, the patriots, the Americans - all are the wind beneath our country's wings. With your loyalty and support, our eagle flies free, unencumbered by a divided citizenry, destructive politics, and weak leadership. It is up to you: Be a strong wind beneath our country's eagle or let it falter and fall. This next month on Veterans' Day, we salute those who did not let the eagle fall: our veterans. Poppies Honor Veterans - Proudly Show Your Support Pleasant Harbor... Full story

  • Women Set Sail On Lake Pleasant In November

    Capt. Ed Huntsman, Boating Co-Editor|Oct 1, 2023

    WHO: Tumbleweed Sailing (Lake Pleasant, Arizona) & National Women's Sailing Association WHAT: WOWazr! (Women on the Water Zonie Regatta) presented by Tumbleweed Sailing Friday through Sunday, Nov. 3-5 at the Maricopa County Desert Outdoor Center (https://youtu.be/iJ25KkJHJaM) near Pleasant Harbor Marina located north of Phoenix, Ariz. Tumbleweed Sailing offers identically prepared Catalina 25 Fin Keel boats available for unlimited annual use for a fraction of what it would cost to own, dock,... Full story

  • Behind Walnut Canyon

    Margie Anderson|Oct 1, 2023

    John and I and Mochi took a fun ride up in the cool pines the other day – it wasn't a ride packed with things to see, but it did take us past Marshall Lake, Upper and Lower Lake Mary, Mormon Lake, and Stoneman Lake – all of which are currently chock full of water! You will need a high-clearance vehicle for this drive, and I'm thinking it could get iffy after a big rain. I'm an Arizona native, but this is the first time I've ever seen water in Stoneman Lake, and the first time I remember see... Full story

  • Western Outdoor Times September 2023 Online Issue

    On The Cover September 2023

    Carol L Allen, Editor

    Although the heat continues to scorch the Desert Southwest, the good times ahead remind us of all the cool events Arizona has to offer. Soon, Lake Pleasant will revel in the sounds of western music at the September "Countryfest". Best Fest In The West - Come Celebrate Country At the same time, hunters will eagerly be hitting the countryside for the ever-popular dove-hunting season. And, as the cooler temperatures finally arrive, there are ideal times to visit some of the state's lakes (which... Full story

  • Pleasant Harbor Country Fest 2023


    Pleasant Harbor at Lake Pleasant will host the Pleasant Harbor Country Fest on Saturday, October 14, 2023, featuring country music from several popular local bands and LIVE bull riding. In addition, the event includes food trucks, a VIP experience, along with mechanical bull riding. The event runs from 2:00 p.m. –10:00 p.m. General admission tickets are $45.00 per person, and $15.00 per child (12 & under). A limited number of VIP tickets are available at $125.00.Tickets can be purchased o... Full story

  • Summer Fun In The Pinaleno Mountains

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Aug 1, 2023

    If you're looking for a cool getaway in Arizona that is a bit off the beaten path (and therefore not quite so packed with human beings), you should give the Pinaleno Mountains a try. There are lots of excellent hiking trails, a lake to fish in, and plenty of good campgrounds whether you favor a tent or an RV. The tallest peak is over 10,000 feet, and you may be familiar with the name – Mt. Graham: the mountain with the famous protected red squirrels. The Pinalenos are one of the "sky islands i... Full story

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