Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(99) stories found containing 'page 11'

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  • Downstream Events Calendar November 2024

    Carol L Allen, Editor

    Publishers Note - If you would like to add your upcoming event to this monthly list please click on our Add Your Comments section. There is no charge for listings and links. Links will be reviewed by our Editor and included as time permits. - Jim Allen November 2 - Fly-Day Event For Challenged Kids November 4 - AZGFD Hunt Tags More than 2,200 permit-tags remain for 2025 spring hunts, raptor capture. Applications accepted — by U.S. mail only — beginning Monday. Also — The Arizona Game and Fish... Full story

  • Is Virus The Least Of Our Worries?

    WOOT|Nov 1, 2024

    Executive Order 14067 This is not what you might think. Look Closely Our Justice System Is At Serious Risk Every citizen of every country should be afraid for the future of their country when criminal illegal aliens are allowed, and encouraged, to vote in our elections. The first item listed on state and federal election rules about voting states that you must be a citizen. Pretty clear isn't it. Then why are federal judges interfering and allowing non-citizens to vote? Good question but the... Full story

  • Celebrate The Holidays In Tempe

    Nov 1, 2024

    Celebrate The Holidays In Tempe Zoo Lights Zoo Lights at the Phoenix Zoo is back! This beloved holiday tradition features millions of twinkling lights, new animal lanterns and light displays. There's also an enhanced Santa experience and the return of the tallest floating tree in North America, showcasing original music and a synchronized light show. You can also enjoy the enhanced s'mores station, explore the interactive Glow Garden and stroll through the immersive 200-foot-long light tunnel.... Full story

  • Black Fire - Tonto National Forest

    Tonto National Forest|Jul 1, 2024

    Acres: 11,162 Location: South of Roosevelt Lake on the edge of the Superstition Wilderness Personnel: 379 Containment: 45% Resources: 9 Crews | 4 Engines | 5 Helicopters | 3 Bulldozers | 6 Water Tenders Start Date: July 11, 2024 Cause: Lightning Fuels: Tall Grass and Brush Highlights: Gila County Division of Emergency Management along with the Gila County Sheriff's Office lifted evacuation orders for all residences affected by the Black Fire except for the Reavis Mountain School, which remains... Full story

  • Fishing Tips And Upcoming Events

    AZGFD, Chase Newlon, AZGFD R3 Coordinator|Dec 1, 2023

    Now that the weather is cooler, the fishing is starting to heat up! It's that time of year when cold water fishing really starts to take off, so make sure you have your gear in order. Whether you are new to fishing or are a seasoned angler, here are a few tips to make sure your gear is ready for the fall. If you are new to fishing and are looking for a rod and reel for cold water fishing, I would recommend a 7-foot, medium-power, fast-action spinning rod with a 2500-size spinning reel. This rod... Full story

  • Even Israeli Intelligence Didn't Spot Them In Time-

    Alan Korwin, Alan Korwin, Publisher Bloomfield Press|Oct 1, 2023

    page nine FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE • October 13, 2023 U.S. Border Patrol has identified and caught 150 foreign watch list suspects trying to infiltrate the U.S. through the Mexico border last month alone. Now Hamas is calling on sympathizers worldwide to commit jihad this weekend. Our president is virtually complicit-by encouraging immigrants while insisting the wide-open border is closed. "Don't be a spectator in the struggle to preserve freedom." Officials don't know how many "gotaways" are t... Full story

  • Long Beach Yacht Club Hosting Annual International Safety at Sea Course

    Capt. Ed Huntsman|Sep 1, 2023

    By Cameron MacLaren Long Beach Yacht Club is preparing for their annual US Sailing sanctioned International Safety at Sea course February 17-18, 2024. Participants may choose acomplete in-person two-day course; or a hands-on (Sunday only) course AFTER they've completed the 15 module online course, or a refresher / update if they've completed a sanctioned International course within the last 10 years. An impressive line up of seasoned and experienced presenters are scheduled to conduct the... Full story

  • Western Outdoor Times Page 11

    Jim Allen, Publisher

    Western Outdoor Times advertising is easy and affordable. You can select the pages you want to place your ad on, and in the category you want it to be seen. 1 - Go To The Western Outdoor Times Advertise Page 2 - Select The Category or Specialty Page where you would like your ad to appear. Check out this example. 3 - Press the PayPal "Buy Now Button.'... Full story

  • Valentine Fire Update

    Tonto National Forest

    Size: 1089 acres Start Date: August 16, 2023 Cause: Lightning Completion: 35% Total personnel: 200 Location: 11 miles northeast of Young, Arizona and 27 miles east of Payson, Arizona Fuels: Ponderosa Pine, Hardwood litter and timber Highlights: Gila County Sheriff's Office announced yesterday that the communities of Ponderosa Estates and Colcord Estates have been placed into SET status. This decision was made by Forest Officials, the Fire Management Team, and Gila County Sheriff's Office for... Full story

  • On The Cover July 2023

    On The Cover July 2023

    Carol L Allen

    Years ago, when I was in my home town of Yakima, Wash., my dad gave my husband and me tickets to see Louis Armstrong. He was marvelous, and I still remember his singing "Summer time and the livin' is easy; fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high ... ". In fact, as I read the fishing stories that come across my desk, I can still hear Armstrong's fantastic rendition of "Summertime". Here in Arizona, the fish are definitely "jumpin", and there are great reports available from those who know:... Full story

  • On The Cover June 2023

    Carol L Allen

    Got fish? Gone fishin'. Go fish. All apply to Arizona and the angling opportunities offered in this state. Bass Junkyz, high school and college programs, Arizona Game & Fish Department are among the outstanding promoters of this family friendly sport. Whether you fish in community waters or head to the high country lakes, you can enjoy the time near and on the water. Fly fishing, striper fishing, trout fishing, bass fishing, blue gill fishing, catfish fishing-- whatever your preference, all are... Full story

  • AZGFD Arizona Fall Hunts

    AZGFD|Jun 1, 2023

    There’s not a better time than right now to apply for 2023 hunt permit-tags issued through the fall draw process for deer, turkey, javelina, bighorn sheep, bison, and sandhill crane. To apply, visit www.azgfd.gov and click on “Apply for Big Game Draw.” For an overview of the application service, including license requirements, applying for bonus points and payment information, see Page 26 of the “2023-2024 Arizona Hunting Regulations” booklet. The booklet can be viewed at www.azgfd.com/Hunting/R... Full story

  • On The Cover April 2023

    Carol L Allen

    There's something about this time of year, isn't there? We're suspended between the end of a chilly Arizona-type winter and the blistering heat of an Arizona summer. However, that's not all of the state; we can always escape the Valley oven and enjoy the cool freshness of our High Country in areas like Flagstaff, Prescott, Payson, Greer, etc. . And, of course, there are our waterways - everything from swimming pools to ponds to rivers and streams to beautiful, refreshing lakes. Boating of all ty... Full story

  • Page 11

    Jim Allen

    Page 11 is a one page business directory found in Western Outdoor Times. It contains some of our finest advertisers. SOLD OUT ADVENTURE iDIAZ B.A.S.S. Arizona High School Nation Bass Junkyz Bryan Church - Bartlett Lake Marina Clippership RV Rental & Sales Don McDowell Outdoors Farmers Insurance Chalyce McQueen Hall of Flame Krog's Kamp Nationwide Warranties Prescott Jazz Summit Riverbound Sports Russell Financial Scottsdale American Legion Post 44 VFW 720 VFW 3513 Western Outdoor Times Check... Full story

  • On The Cover March 2023

    Carol L Allen, Editor - Western Outdoor Times

    Our Desert Blooms However you envision their creator, the desert wildflowers in bloom are a masterpiece. There are so many places to savor this beauty -- from the Bartlett Lake area to Lake Havasu. Arizona is simply bursting with gorgeous colors, yes, even on the cactus. As our writers advise, this is definitely a reason to go for a drive now and enrich yourselves with the festival of the flowers. March into April is just the start of wonderful things: the Arizona Game & Fish Expo, the ongoing... Full story

  • On The Cover December 2022

    On The Cover December 2022

    Carol L Allen

    There really are no words to express all the facets of this season's joy. Of course the birth of Christ is truly the "reason for the season", and many of us treasure that joy above all others. However, the celebration of that original event has evolved into beautiful traditions that even the non-religious can enjoy. One we feature each year is the cutting of your own Christmas tree; it makes a wonderful and memorable time that family will remember for years to come. Another of our favorites is... Full story

  • Christmas Specials

    Christmas Specials

    Jim Allen

    There are three great Christmas Specials Ad Opportunities This Year. The first five to order an ad in each category (Fishing, Boating & Water Safety, Business Card / Logo Section) will receive two Arizona Renaissance Festival tickets as a bonus. 1. Fishing Arizona Game & Fish, Margie Anderson and Wayne Gustaveson are some of the main contributors to these great fishing stories. There are many stories to choose from to sponsor. Click Here To See Example Click here to purchase.. 2. Boating &... Full story

  • Patriot PAWS Service Dogs

    On The Cover November 2022

    Carol L Allen

    November is also a month to express our gratitude. As John Anderson writes, dogs are a key to both hunting success and rewarding companionship. I second that as I have had the honor of living with dogs many years of my life and will always remember my first dog a little black English cocker spaniel - Sammy - who was an excellent hunter and my best friend growing up. This article is featured because it is bird-hunting season, and the best luck for a hunter will be to go into the field with a... Full story

  • On The Cover October 2022

    Carol L Allen

    There's no doubt about it: These times are stressful in so many ways, including financially, politically, and emotionally - to name only three. This is one of the reasons we are featuring fishing this issue. When times are tough, tight lines are just plain good medicine. Are you worried - as many of us are - about the ballot box? Of course you are, but for just a little while, we suggest you change that ballot box focus onto to your tackle box instead. Even for a day, you may be able to breathe... Full story

  • Downstream Events Calendar October 2022

    Carol L Allen

    Downstream is a list of upcoming events in Arizona. An opportunity for you and your family t plan ahead to enjoy the best that Arizona has to offer. October 11 Deadline For Applications The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is accepting applications for 2023 hunt permit-tags issued through the draw process for spring turkey, javelina, bison and raptor capture. To apply, visit www.azgfd.gov and click on "Apply for a Draw." For an overview of the application service, including license requi...  Website

  • AZGFD Asks Hunters To Report Harvest Anomalies

    AZGFD|Oct 1, 2022

    Nature isn't perfect. If a hunter spends enough time in the field, there's a chance he or she, at some point, might harvest an animal that appears to be sick or deformed, or looks suspect during the field-dressing process. While oddities are few and far between, and rarely present any cause for concern - especially when it comes to turning that harvest into delicious table fare - hunters are being encouraged to let a wildlife health specialist at the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD)... Full story

  • On The Cover September 2022

    Carol L Allen

    No, a lot country this September out at Lake Pleasant. Peoria Country Fest will feature everything from bull riding (the real deal) to rockin' music from four popular country bands: Justin Hitson & Southbound, Billy Shaw Jr Band, Ryan Bexley and Josh Roy. Grab your cowboy boots, bring the kids and celebrate your western heritage at this festive event. Camping might be just the ticket to round out the weekend; all the facilities are there at Lake Pleasant. And, speaking of camping, Maricopa... Full story

  • On The Cover For August 2022

    Carol L Allen

    How many times do we use the phrase, "Take care" when signing off on texts and emails? We mean this, but it is often just a cursory comment. However, around water, whether boating, fishing, swimming, or just enjoying, the message needs to be powerful and at the fore of our thoughts. "Safety First" and "Take Care" are not just well wishes. They are life savers. And having pfds for all on board, including our precious pets, is paramount to doing just that: saving lives. That being said, having... Full story

  • Arizona Game And Fish Watches Wildlife

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2022

    Wild Arizona: 200 Captive Desert Tortoises Need Forever Homes For some, a dog or cat will do just fine. But for others who are considering adopting something truly unique to Arizona, say hello to your next family member: "Many people don't even consider opening up their homes to desert tortoises, but they make fantastic and personable pets," said Tegan Wolf, desert tortoise adoption program coordinator for the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). "It's rewarding to hear stories from those... Full story

  • On The Cover July 2022

    Carol L. Allen

    This pontoon boat at Lake Pleasant displays a great combination: freedom to enjoy the outdoors and our waterways in particular. In the middle of June we celebrated Flag Day (June 14) and the birth of the U.S. Army (June 14, 1775). This month, of course, is Independence Day on July 4. All these are reminders of the good fortune we have to live in this country -- even with its flaws and shortcomings. The United States of America offers us opportunities to accomplish all we can be, and she needs... Full story

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