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There are a lot of great organizations in Arizona full of people who enjoy sharing their love of the outdoors with others, especially kids. One of them is Arizona Quail Today, which hosted its first Kids/Youth Fun Hunt at Desert Creek Sportsman's Club in February. There were kids, dogs, birds, shotguns, food, and tons of fun. The kids got to shoot sporting clays and chukar and spend the day outdoors with their folks and some great people. I found out about it on the Arizona Upland Hunting page... Full story
Flagstaff Mother Earth Symphony Concert The concert will be presented by Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra at Ardrey Auditorium, Northern Arizona University campus. A concert and panel discussion will be focused on our environment, with a performance of Haydn's Creation, performed by The Master Chorale of Flagstaff & the Shrine of the Ages choir from Northern Arizona University April 16th at 7:30pm. This is a unique concert and discussion focused on the importance of everyone's role in protecting...
The Eleventh Hour of The Eleventh Day of The Eleventh Month: At this time, we give thanks to our veterans, past and present. There are many events recognizing these special Americans and honoring their service -- from parades to programs to individuals' flying flags, wearing poppies, and remembering service members they know or have known. It is a time to be reminded that our freedoms do not come "free", but rather, they come at great cost to many. "Thank you for your service" may sound... Full story
This photo from the National Park Service inspired the cover of this issue. As we remember the tragic events of September 11, 2001, she symbolizes to me the importance of remembering our history -- both the glory and the darkness. She watched as the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center burned and cried with us at the loss of life and the terrifying events of that infamous day. Patriot Day, established soon after, is a national day of mourning and reminds us how quickly and easily we can lose... Full story
June is a month of very special dates. On June 14, we celebrate Flag Day and its fascinating background. And, on June 21 we honor our fathers, step dads, and grandfathers. Both Flag Day and Father's Day have interesting stories of how they came to be. Their histories are explored in this issue's "Downstream" section, which begins on page 2. We hope you will find interesting some of the facts behind these celebrations and others as well. This year too after the "quarantine" that has kept many of... Full story
First, I want to acknowledge the source of this cover photo. It was one of the winners in Wisconsin's Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Auxiliary's "Young American Creative Patriotic Art" contest. This contest is held annually by VFW Auxiliaries throughout the nation, including by our local Posts. It is one several scholarship opportunities for school-aged children and for those interested in continuing education. Information about these VFW Auxiliary contests may be found at https://vfwauxiliary.o... Full story
The deadline is 11:59 p.m. (Arizona time) Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) now is accepting online applications for 2019 hunt permit-tags issued through the draw process for pronghorn and elk. To apply online, visit and click on "Apply for a Draw." For an overview of the online application service, including license requirements, applying for bonus points and payment information, see Page 10 of the "2019 Pronghorn Antelope and Elk Hunt Draw... Full story
Online applications for 2019 pronghorn, elk hunts are due soon. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. (Arizona time) Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019. PHOENIX – The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) reminds hunters that time is running out to apply online for 2019 hunt permit-tags issued through the draw process for pronghorn and elk. All online applications must be received by AZGFD no later than 11:59 p.m. (Arizona time) Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019. To apply online, visit and click on “Apply for a... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department is excited to announce the winners of the 2018 wildlife photo contest. James Stamsek’s photo of mule deer at Lost Dutchman State Park was awarded best in show and will be showcased on both the cover and in the 2019 wildlife calendar. Stamsek, of Mesa, was at Lost Dutchman State Park with the goal of capturing a beautiful sunset and the Superstition Mountains during what photographers call the “golden hour,” the time just after the sun rises or before it sets.... Full story
The public is invited to the release of the endangered California Condors. This will take place on Saturday, Sept. 22 at Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. There is nothing quite as iconic in the western United States as a California Condor soaring over the red-rock-canyon landscapes of northern Arizona and southern Utah. Thanks to people working together to recover this species, condors have become a fixture in southwestern skies. On National Public Lands Day On National Public Lands Day this... Full story
Grand Canyon, AZ - Fire managers are reporting that the Obi Fire has now consumed nearly all of the fuels located in the containment area on the Walhalla Plateau. Fire behavior was observed as creeping with continued smoke production. The final acreage reported for the fire is 11,532. There have been no injuries to firefighters or public reported at this time which achieves our first and highest goal in wildfire management. Resources currently assigned to the Obi Fire are being dispatched to... Full story
Compiled By Carol L. Allen For lasting memories, visit the Verde Valley – recently named one of the Top 10 U.S. travel destinations by Lonely Planet. Located in the "heart" of Arizona, the Verde Valley is ideally situated above the heat of the desert and below the cold of Arizona's high country. Surrounded by the red rocks of Sedona to the northeast and Mingus Mountain to the southwest, its low elevation of 3,300' and moderate climate are enjoyed year-round. Ancient civilizations, with their u... Full story
Expect to find bass in the spawn and post-spawn modes. Just pick your favorite lake and go. Top picks are Roosevelt, Bartlett and Alamo lakes for largemouth bass.For places like Roosevelt and Alamo, flipping and pitching is a great technique, especially around submerged trees. The Reel Deal The transition to spring fishing conditions is finally setting in -- time to get out and fish! Let's get to some highlights: Striped bass catch rates are picking up at Lake Pleasant. Check out a... Full story
Action: Marine Area 7 (San Juan Islands) will close to salmon fishing Feb. 11. Effective Date: Feb. 11, 2017, until further notice. Species affected: Salmon. Location: Marine Area 7. Reason for action: Preliminary estimates and fishery projections indicate that Marine Area 7 will exceed the allowable limit of total chinook encounters – including both retained and released fish – prior to the planned April 30 closure date. The fishery is being temporarily closed until early April to allow the... Full story
Back by popular demand, Maricopa County's Parks and Recreation Department last month rolled out the 100 Miles in 100 Days Challenge. "This is the sixth year Parks has offered the 100 Miles in 100 Days Challenge. Visitors love it because it's open to all abilities and user groups - hikers, trail runners, mountain bikers and horseback riders. It's also a great motivator for those looking to transition their indoor exercise routines back outdoors," stated Maricopa County Board of Supervisor Steve G... Full story
Lost Our Home Pet Rescue and event co-chairs Gina Page and Anne Marie Geary cordially invite you to our best-ever and 6th Annual Holiday Champagne Brunch & Auction, Sunday, Dec. 11 from 11 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. Join hundreds of other pet lovers at the Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia, Paradise Valley, for an inspiring, fun event filled with sparkling champagne, a delicious brunch, and a huge silent auction brimming with gifts for everyone's holiday gift. For your entertainment there will... Full story
A National Park Service (NPS) report shows that nearly 2.5 million people visited Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Rainbow Bridge National Monument in 2015. Those visitors spent over $171 million in communities near the park and supported 2440 jobs in the local area, with a cumulative benefit to the local economy of $195 million. "International tourism to Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Rainbow Bridge National Monument has increased in recent years, bringing significant... Full story
I'm a true believer that every situation we encounter in our daily lives can (and should) be a learning experience - from meeting people on the street to driving to work in the morning to dealing with co-workers and/or customers to communicating with our families (and everything in between). Everything we do we can learn from. If something didn't go right in a situation, instead of looking to place blame, ask yourself, what could I have said or done differently? There are so many things to be... Full story
Over 60 hot air balloons will fly above Lake Powell in the 13th Annual Page Lake Powell Hot Air Balloon Regatta Friday through Sunday Nov 6 – Nov 8. The balloons will lift off each morning at 7 a.m. from the Lake Powell National Golf Course. There is no charge to the public to join in the festivities, including viewing the morning launches and on Saturday The Chamber Page Lake Powell's Vendor Fair and evening balloon glow. Information is available on the Web site. O... Full story
PHOENIX – The Arizona Game and Fish Department reminds hunters who applied online for 2016 spring hunt permit-tags that 11:59 p.m. (MST) Thursday, Nov. 12, is the deadline to update their credit card or debit card account information. Online applicants are responsible for keeping their account information current. If a credit card or debit card is invalid for any reason at the time when the computerized draw is performed, an online application could be rejected. Online applicants who have b... Full story
Arizona waterways are teeming with activity and the Arizona Game and Fish Department reminds all boaters to ensure a safe boating experience by remaining vigilant when out on the water. The reminder comes after a boat operator on Lake Mohave accidentally reversed the boat and struck a man with the boat’s propeller on Saturday. The man died of his injuries. “Our thoughts go out to the family of those impacted by this horrible accident,” said Josh Hoffman, AZGFD Boat Safety Education coord... Full story
The West is finally getting a great tournament circuit with 100 percent payback, championships with prize boats, and television coverage of every tournament. It's about time! For years I've heard guys say that if you want to fish a decent circuit, Arizona is not the place to be. Well, they can't say that any more. The Wild West Bass Trail debuts in 2016, and per their Facebook page, "our objective is to provide anglers the ability to participate in elite bass tournaments with the highest... Full story
Tip Of The Week If you are in Apache County, don't ignore Nelson Reservoir. It's often ignored by anglers zooming to Luna, Big Lake and beyond, but it's a decent late-spring rainbow producer. It even has some crappie. And of course, Big Lake is providing some of the best fishing in the state for wild-like rainbows, cuts and brookies. The Reel Deal Trout Hot Spots Luna Lake: This 27-inch, 7.5-pound rainbow trout was recently caught. The lake has more large holdover trout. Thanks to The Friends... Full story
The Arizona Department of Transportation opened Highway 67 to the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park on May 15, and Grand Canyon Lodge North Rim, a Forever Resorts property, and Grand Canyon Trail Rides commenced their 2015 seasonal operations. All services provided by the National Park Service, including the visitor center, Backcountry Permits Office, and campground, as well as the Grand Canyon Association Bookstore, became available on May 15. Grand Canyon Lodge North Rim operations -... Full story
PHOENIX – The Arizona Game and Fish Department now is accepting online applications for 2015 hunt permit-tags issued through the draw process for deer, fall turkey, fall javelina, bighorn sheep, fall buffalo and pheasant (the draw process for elk and pronghorn antelope took place in early April). To apply online, visit and scroll down to “Apply for a Draw.” The deadline by which the department must receive all applications – online or paper -- is 11:59 p... Full story