Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(50) stories found containing 'Pima'

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  • International Sportsmen Exposition

    ISE Hosts The Valley's Only Boat Show


    The 16th annual International Sportsmen Exposition & Arizona Boat Show has moved across town to WestWorld of Scottsdale. And more than doubled its size! Now there are two full buildings - one for the Arizona Boat Show, and one for the Sportsman Expo, plus vast outside space. All this space will be showcasing more than 100 new exhibitors - 300+ in all. The Valley of the Sun's only boat show will spotlight more than 15 dealers, marinas and marine-accessories companies. Family Entertainment... Full story

  • ISE Moves 2016 Expo To WestWorld Of Scottsdale


    The 16th annual International Sportsmen Exposition & Arizona Boat Show has moved across town to WestWorld of Scottsdale. And more than doubled its size! Now there are two full buildings - one for the Arizona Boat Show, and one for the Sportsman Expo, plus vast outside space. All this space will be showcasing more than 100 new exhibitors - 300+ in all. The Valley's only boat show will spotlight more than 15 dealers, plus a houseboat, marinas and marine accessories companies. For The Family For... Full story

  • Governor Makes Commission Appointment


    Governor Doug Ducey has appointed Eric Slocum Sparks to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Sparks is an attorney practicing in Tucson since 1987, specializing in debtor bankruptcy law and business reorganizations. Before opening his own firm in 1990, Mr. Sparks served as general counsel to several corporations, such as the Wilson Companies, GHR Energy Corporation, Bayou Asphalt Corp., and corporate counsel to Tenneco Inc. in Houston. Additionally, Sparks has served as an international... Full story

  • Governor Ducey Makes Appointment To Game And Fish Commission


    PHOENIX - Governor Doug Ducey has appointed Eric Slocum Sparks to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Mr. Sparks is an attorney practicing in Tucson since 1987, specializing in debtor bankruptcy law and business reorganizations. Before opening his own firm in 1990, Mr. Sparks served as general counsel to several corporations, such as the Wilson Companies, GHR Energy Corporation, Bayou Asphalt Corp., and corporate counsel to Tenneco Inc. in Houston. Additionally, Mr. Sparks has served as an... Full story

  • Applications Sought For Arizona Game And Fish Commission


    PHOENIX -- Governor Ducey's Office of Boards and Commissions is currently accepting applications for the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Applications must be received or postmarked no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015. Applications received or postmarked after the deadline will not be considered. Governor Ducey is seeking members who are well-informed and passionate about Arizona wildlife and its long-term conservation. In accordance with Arizona law, the Game and Fish Commission is... Full story

  • Outdoors Expo Coming To Scottsdale's WestWorld


    PHOENIX – The outdoors is moving indoors for this weekend's "Arizona Get Outdoors Expo" at WestWorld of Scottsdale. The inaugural three-day event, in association with the Arizona Game and Fish Department, will feature plenty of family fun and adventure inside the more than 300,000-square-feet of air-conditioned space at the Tony Nelssen Equestrian Center, 16601 N. Pima Road, in Scottsdale. On display will be the newest in hunting, fishing and camping equipment and technologies, outdoor education... Full story

  • 2016 AZGFD Heritage Fund Grants Cycle Now Open

    AZGFD|Jul 1, 2015

    Do you need funding to initiate or complete a wildlife conservation-related project? Are you a teacher interested in getting children outdoors to experience nature and wildlife, but don't have the budget? Apply today for an Arizona Game and Fish Department Heritage grant and a chance to support your project. Game and Fish uses some of its Heritage Fund monies that come from Arizona Lottery ticket sales to provide grants for wildlife education and research. This year, $432,000 is being offered. "... Full story

  • Two Youths Suffer Minor Injuries From Elk Encounter

    AZGFD|Jul 1, 2015

    KINGMAN, Ariz. – The message has been clear and concise: stop feeding wildlife. The Arizona Game and Fish Department has been informing people for years about the dangers of feeding wildlife. Last week, Mohave County Parks reported that two youths suffered minor injuries that likely were the result of elk seeking human food. The encounter, which took place in Hualapai Mountain Park, involved a family at a picnic table. A group of elk approached the family and encircled the table. The two y... Full story

  • Good News! - ISE Relocates To WestWorld In 2016


    Arizona's largest fishing, hunting, boating and travel consumer show, the International Sportsmen's Exposition and Arizona Boat Show®, has announced it will be moving from Glendale to the 386-acre WestWorld Facility in Scottsdale, Ariz. Beginning in the spring of 2016, the 16th annual ISE will utilize WestWorld's North Hall and Multiuse Tent, plus outside space. Show dates will be March 10-13, 2016. "As evidenced by record attendance at our just-completed 2015 event, we have grown our show... Full story

  • 2015 Arizona Game And Fish Heritage Fund Grants Cycle Now Open

    AZBW|Jul 15, 2014

    Whether you won or lost when you bought a lottery ticket last year, some of your money benefits Arizona's wildlife and students. [So, overall, you won!] That's because the Arizona Game and Fish Department uses some of its Heritage Fund monies that come from Arizona Lottery ticket sales to provide grants for wildlife education and research. This year, more than $410,000 is being awarded to 27 grant projects across Arizona. When combined with matching money from other sources, the projects being... Full story

  • Springerville School Rehabilitation Project Received Grand Award


    (Phoenix, AZ - June 23, 2014) - Awards for historic preservation achievements were recently presented at the 2014 Arizona Governor's Awards in Historic Preservation Ceremony on June 13, 2014 as part of the 12th Annual Arizona Historic Preservation Conference. Nearly 300 attended the awards luncheon held in Rio Rico, Ariz. and hosted by the Arizona Preservation Foundation and the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), which is part of Arizona State Parks. At the Governor's Awards in... Full story

  • Central Arizona Friends of NRA To Hold Fundraiser


    Scottsdale, AZ - The Central Arizona Friends of NRA will host a fundraising banquet on June 28th at Pinnacle Peak Patio Steakhouse, located at 10426 E. Jomax Road, in Scottsdale, AZ 85262. Early bird dinner tickets are $40, but specially priced packages are also available that include raffle tickets. Ticket prices will be $50 after June 21st. Doors open at 4 PM, and this fundraiser Banquet features cowboy steak dinners with all the trimmings, live and silent auctions, games, raffles, and a... Full story

  • Fire restrictions throughout Arizona begin Memorial Day weekend

    AZGFD|May 15, 2014

    PHOENIX – To reduce the looming threat of summer wildfires following one of Arizona’s driest winters on record, officials have announced fire restrictions for many locations throughout Arizona. The restrictions take effect just as the busy Memorial Day weekend begins on Friday, May 23. Fire danger conditions, local closures and restrictions are subject to change. Many of the state’s most popular destinations will be affected by the fire restrictions that take effect this Friday. Stage II and e... Full story

  • Off-Highway Vehicle Ambassadors Offer

    AZBW|Mar 15, 2014

    The Arizona Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Ambassadors are offering a chance for people to come out, get involved and get to know the area at the very popular Boulders/Hieroglyphic Mountains, Table Mesa OHV locations and Wildcat OHV location. The "Show Me" experience is for those who are current OHV or four-wheeling riders or who have recently purchased an ATV, UTV, motorcycle or Jeep and want to know where to ride or wheel off-highway, or for those that want to learn more about the most popular... Full story

  • Closure Remains For Welfare Of Bighorn Sheep

    AZGFD|Feb 15, 2014

    The Coronado National Forest, Santa Catalina Ranger District, has released an updated map and Special Closure Order for the Pusch Ridge Wilderness Bighorn Sheep Management Area. The new map more clearly defines the east and north boundary of the management area through the use of National Forest System trails. "Previous closure orders and maps relied heavily on descriptions using township, range, and sections or portions of sections for boundaries. Wilderness visitors often found these... Full story

  • How To Drive In Phoenix

    AZBW, Arizona Boating And Watersports News|Nov 15, 2013

    1. You must first learn to pronounce the city name, it is: FEE-NICKS'. There are other names to learn such as Awatukee (Ah-wa-Too-Kee) but that will be included in the advanced course. 2. The morning rush hour is from 5:00 am to noon. The evening rush hour is from noon to 7:00 pm. Friday's rush hour starts on Thursday morning. 3. The minimum acceptable speed on most freeways is 85 mph. On Loop 101, your speed is expected to at least match the highway number. Anything less is considered 'Wussy'.... Full story

  • Millions in Grants Awarded In Growing Smarter State Land Trust Acquisition Grant Funds

    ASP|Sep 15, 2013

    (Phoenix, Arizona - September 19, 2013) - On September 18, 2013, the Arizona State Parks Board awarded $15,391,690 in Growing Smarter State Trust Land Acquisition Fund grants from the Land Conservation Fund. The following three grants were awarded: · City of Scottsdale - McDowell Sonoran Preserve towards the purchase of 2,365 acres for up to $8,044,190 · Pima County - Tortolita Mountain Park Expansion Acquisition Phase II towards the purchase of 800 acres for up to $1,347,500. · City of Fl... Full story

  • New Manager Selected for BLM Tucson Field Office

    WOT, Bureau Of Land Management|Aug 15, 2013

    Tucson, Ariz. Vi Hillman has been selected as the new BLM Tucson field manager within the Gila District. She is currently serving as the associate district manager for Arizona’s Colorado River District in Lake Havasu City, where she has worked since December 2009. “Vi’s background in education and expertise in employee development, training, mentoring, and human resources will be a great asset to the Tucson Field Office,” said Gila District manager Tim Shannon. She will start her new job in... Full story

  • Great Arizona Shakeout - Oct.17, 2013

    WOT, Arizona Geological Survey

    Tucson, Ariz. — On 17 Oct., 2013, communities throughout Arizona will participate in the second annual Great Arizona Shakeout earthquake preparedness drill: Drop, Cover, and Hold On. The Arizona Geological Survey and Arizona Division of Emergency Management are working with county emergency management and public health departments; state, federal and local authorities; and school districts throughout the state to engage Arizonans in the ShakeOut event scheduled for 10:17 a.m. on Oct. 17. A... Full story

  • Applications sought for Arizona Game and Fish Commission

    AZGFD|Jul 15, 2013

    The Governor's Office is currently accepting applications for the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Applications must be received or postmarked no later than 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20, 2013. Applications received or postmarked after the deadline will not be considered. Governor Jan Brewer is seeking members who are well-informed and passionate about Arizona wildlife and its long-term conservation. In accordance with Arizona law, the Game and Fish Commission is required to be politically-balanced a... Full story

  • Fire Restrictions In Effect Across Arizona

    Bureau Of Land Management|May 15, 2013

    It’s that time of the year when Arizonans flock to their favorite outdoor places, and the continued warm, windy and dry conditions mean that fire and smoking restrictions will be in place throughout the state by the Memorial Day weekend. Public land managers are urging the public to be careful with fires and to know if the area they plan to visit is under fire restrictions. Know before you go! During these times of warmer weather and high winds, and before the start of the monsoons and lightning, most wildfires are human caused. Public land m... Full story

  • Catalina State Park Celebrating 30th anniversary on May 4, 2013

    Apr 15, 2013

    Catalina State Park in Tucson, Arizona will be celebrating its 30th anniversary on May 4, 2013. Arizona State Parks and the Friends of Catalina State Park are co-sponsoring a daylong celebration that will take place at the Park. The day's activities will commemorate the founding of the Park in May 1983. There will be guided hikes throughout the day starting at 7 a.m. Beginning at 9 a.m. and continuing until 4 p.m., there will be interpretative programs, live animal displays, informational... Full story

  • Arizona's 20 National Parks

    Arizona State Parks|Mar 15, 2013

    A new National Park Service report shows that more than 10.1 million national park visitors in Arizona in 2011 spent $766 million and supported 12,886 jobs in the state. Nationwide, visitors to the 398 units of the National Park System had a combined $30 billion economic benefit that supported 252,000 jobs. The Arizona jobs figure is the nation’s second highest after California. “The national parks of Arizona are exceptional and diverse – from the Sonoran Desert borderlands of Organ Pipe Cactu... Full story

  • Arizona - Growing Smarter Fund Distributes $25 Million

    Dec 15, 2012

    Earlier this fall, the Arizona State Parks Board awarded $24,646,380 in Growing Smarter State Trust Land Acquisition Fund grants from the Land Conservation Fund. "The State Parks Board feels these six open space projects will ensure protection of Arizona's scenic deserts around urban areas that are experiencing high growth," said State Parks Director Bryan Martyn. The following six grants were awarded: 1. City of Scottsdale — McDowell Sonoran Preserve/Cholla Mountain-Rawhide Wash towards the purchase of 2,045 acres for up to $4,824,330 2. C... Full story

  • $1,000 Reward Offered In Illegal Javelina Slaying Near Pima

    Carol L Allen|Jan 15, 2012

    $1,000 Reward Offered In Illegal Javelina Slaying Near Pima The Arizona Game and Fish Department Operation Game Thief program is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in connection with the illegal killing of five javelina found dead Dec. 15 north of Pima. A boar was found in a field to the west of Marshall Lane, just north of the Gila River, 1.5 miles from Bryce-Eden Road. Approximately 100 yards north of that location a sow and three juveniles were discovered. All had... Full story