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PHOENIX - Your next fun-filled outdoor adventure begins at the Arizona Game and Fish Department's (AZGFD) annual Outdoor Expo on Saturday, March 29 and Sunday, March 30. Located at the 1,650-acre Ben Avery Shooting Facility in north Phoenix, this popular event showcases Arizona's abundance of wildlife-related and outdoor recreation opportunities, including wildlife viewing, fishing, hunting, shooting sports, camping, off-highway vehicle (OHV) and boating recreation, and more. Expo hours are 9... Full story
AZGFD, Partners Secure More Than $24 Million Dollars For Conservation Restoration project will benefit critical wildlife movement corridors, winter habitat for state's wildlife. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), in partnership with Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever (PFQF), the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM), and the Arizona Association of Conservation Districts (AACD), is excited to announce a recent award of $24.5 million through the USDA Natural... Full story
Wildlife has been active in the mild winter climate of Arizona's lower and mid elevations, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department has been receiving increased reports of human-wildlife conflicts in many parts of the state. Here's some recent activity: • The Tucson area has received more than 20 wildlife feeding complaints since August - made all the more concerning in light of the fact that Pima County has seen an uptick in wildlife rabies cases this year. • Pima County is also seeing issues i... Full story
'Snowbirds' Return To Whitewater A Sign Of The Seasons First, the sandhill cranes begin their journey, reminding us by their annual migration that summer is waning. Next, Mother Nature is ready to step in with wonderful weather in the Southwest, weather that welcomes great hunting and fishing opportunities. Then, soon after the autumn activities, thoughts turn to anticipation of holiday events such as the lighted boat parades in Arizona and California and, locally, to families and friends making... Full story
Whether in a canoe or kayak or on a stand-up paddleboard, all offer a calm, serene way to enjoy boating - unless of course there are many power craft sharing the lake or a sudden storm makes an appearance. Then, the best advice is to hug the shoreline and quieter waters, or if in real danger, the obvious choice is to get out of the threatening weather. (Experts will always advise that you "know before you go"; in other words, check the weather reports before putting in.) September in Arizona is... Full story
West & Preacher Fire Daily Update: September 12, 2024 West Fire - 1782 Acres Start Date: August 28, 2024 Location: Payson Ranger District, AZ Personnel: 481 Preacher Fire - 3161 Acres Cause: Lightning Containment: 0% Fuels: Ponderosa Pine, Mixed Conifer, Chaparral Highlights/Operations: Firefighters held the perimeter on both fires yesterday in anticipation of increased winds. On the West Fire, some ignitions were conducted on top of the Rim to encourage beneficial moderate fire intensity above... Full story
Cool, clear air. Sparkling stars on velvet sky. Heady fragrance of pine. Soft breeze. Gentle stream songs. Delicious aromas of brewing coffee, of sizzling bacon. Silence. Peace. Refreshment. These are some of the descriptors I could use as I remember my days of camping in Washington State and in Alberta, Canada. Mind you, I could also say "cold", "freezing", "chilling", but those would apply to late-season camping in the Northwest. Not here in the Southwest. In fact, generally that is one of... Full story
August 6: More Opportunities The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) once again will be offering hunting opportunities that will provide hunters with a chance to draw an additional elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, and Gould's turkey permit-tag, while generating revenue to support wildlife conservation efforts across the state. The draw will close at 5 p.m. (Arizona time) Tuesday, Aug. 6. Applicants who are drawn for a limited-entry permit-tag will be contacted by the department (during... Full story
Most of the trout in Arizona are stocked fish, which means that trout fishing is mostly a "put and take" game. The Arizona Game and Fish Department puts the trout in, and we take them out. Most of the fish that are stocked are small, what the Game and Fish calls "catchable" trout, but some of our lakes and streams have genuine trophy fish, and the Game and Fish Department usually throws in a couple of bigger fish in each stocking just to give you an incentive to fish. Don't miss the Arizona... Full story
Eight inductees to be honored Aug. 24 at the Wigwam Resort. PHOENIX - Make plans to honor your fellow conservationists at the Wildlife for Tomorrow(WFT) Arizona Outdoor Hall of Fame Banquet Aug. 24 at the Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park. Eight new members will be inducted this year, a diverse group of experts and advocates who have made significant contributions to Arizona's natural heritage and have demonstrated passion and leadership in shaping the future of wildlife conservation in Arizona:... Full story
Acres: 11,162 Location: South of Roosevelt Lake on the edge of the Superstition Wilderness Personnel: 379 Containment: 45% Resources: 9 Crews | 4 Engines | 5 Helicopters | 3 Bulldozers | 6 Water Tenders Start Date: July 11, 2024 Cause: Lightning Fuels: Tall Grass and Brush Highlights: Gila County Division of Emergency Management along with the Gila County Sheriff's Office lifted evacuation orders for all residences affected by the Black Fire except for the Reavis Mountain School, which remains... Full story
TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, AZ, helps boaters and anglers get home after running aground. YUMA, Ariz., – It's a shallow, sandy-bottomed, blue ribbon of Colorado River that stretches 44 miles across the low desert of the remote Arizona southwest. Now, recreational boaters and anglers navigating here from the Interstate 10 bridge down steam to the Imperial Dam have professional, 24/7 on-water towing and assistance available with the opening of TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, Arizona. The company, loca... Full story
With the warmer temperatures and change of seasons, "a young man's (and woman's) fancy turns to thoughts [of fishing]". Throughout the Southwest the focus is on both fresh and salt water fishing. If you are in Arizona's high country, it's time for trout stockings; if you are in San Diego, the annual Day at the Docks celebrates the start of salt-water fishing. Whatever your preference, we wish you tight lines. And when you are on the water, salt or fresh, remember to think safety first. Our... Full story
Rent a boat or bring your own-don't miss this Arizona lake boating experience! Lake Havasu is one of America's best boating lakes. Unlike other recreational lakes in the arid Southwest, Lake Havasu remains at a near-constant water elevation. Boaters enjoy ideal boating conditions and great weather year-round. From high-performance race boats to pontoon boats, there's plenty of room for everyone to have fun. Family Boaters If you have a family, you'll cherish making lasting memories on a... Full story
TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, Ariz., helps boaters and anglers get home after running aground. It's a shallow, sandy-bottomed, blue ribbon of Colorado River that stretches 44 miles across the low desert of the remote Arizona Southwest. Now, recreational boaters and anglers navigating here from the Interstate 10 bridge down steam to the Imperial Dam have professional, 24/7 on-water towing and assistance available with the opening of TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, Arizona. The company, located at... Full story
Not only does Daylight Saving Time begin this month, but so do many other great things. In the Valley of the Sun, fans' thoughts turn to diamonds, baseball that is, as Spring Training is underway. Wildlife and outdoor enthusiasts look forward to the annual Arizona Game and Fish Expo; the Arizona Game and Fish Department's Outdoor Expo will feature everything from wildlife exhibits and family fishing tanks and trying out firearms in a safe, controlled environment on the range. Dates are March... Full story
Photos Courtesy of John and Margie Anderson John and I had been wanting to explore the area southwest of Wikieup for a long time, and we finally got there last month. We honestly didn't even know if there was anything worth seeing back there, but the fact that you would be able to check out the Big Sandy River decided me! Click here for more on Arizona Rivers and Streams. We did this whole trip in one day from Phoenix, so it's doable, but it makes for a very long day. Starting on Highway 93, go... Full story
Whether you're new to angling or a seasoned pro, the fishing challenges provide opportunities to pursue and catch your "big fish" and have it posted on our website. Find your challenge, see how to enter, and explore the official rules. Fishing Challenges Offered By AZGFD Bass Anglers: The Arizona Hawg Bass Challenge Arizona is home to great largemouth bass fishing! The Arizona Game and Fish Department works to provide great opportunities for anglers to catch huge largemouth bass all over the... Full story
Go Lake Havasu presents ideas to do just that. The 2007 movie The Bucket List made the term "bucket list" a cultural phenomenon. According to the Internet Movie Database, it's the comedy-drama where Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman play two terminally ill men who escape from a cancer ward and head off on a road trip with a wish list of to-dos before they die. Along Arizona's West Coast, home of the historic London Bridge and 60 miles of Colorado River shoreline, tourism officials like to think... Full story
John and I have been wanting to visit Childs for several years now, but the road was closed for a long time. Now that it's open again, we took a day and drove out there. It was a fun ride with a lot of cool stuff to see, and it's one you can do in a passenger car – but let me tell you, it's seriously washboard-y all the way to the split where one road goes to Fossil Creek access and one goes to Childs. Getting There Starting at Camp Verde, take the 260 east to the Fossil Springs road, which i... Full story
Lake Havasu State Park Saturday, Dec. 9, 2023 4 p.m. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs, because Lake Havasu State Park will again be offering free admission to the Windsor 4 event area for the Holiday Boat Parade of Lights! The entrance gate from Paseo Del Sol will be open for free admission at 4 p.m. on Saturday, December 9. Restrooms will be open for public use, and a limited number of picnic tables will be placed along the shoreline and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Propane... Full story
These Five Are The State's Representatives Though it's thought of as a desert state, Arizona has a surprisingly wide variety of climates that support a wide variety of wildlife from rodents to reptiles, birds and large predators be they common and familiar or the rarest and the strange. Here is information about some of the animals in Arizona. Official State Bird Arizona's state bird is the cactus wren. This bird is only found in the deserts of the southwest and upper Mexico. It's the United... Full story
Although the heat continues to scorch the Desert Southwest, the good times ahead remind us of all the cool events Arizona has to offer. Soon, Lake Pleasant will revel in the sounds of western music at the September "Countryfest". Best Fest In The West - Come Celebrate Country At the same time, hunters will eagerly be hitting the countryside for the ever-popular dove-hunting season. And, as the cooler temperatures finally arrive, there are ideal times to visit some of the state's lakes (which... Full story
Don McDowell Outdoors is hosted by Don McDowell with a slew of guests from politicians, members of the AZ Game & Fish, avid hunters and anglers and so many more! Each Sunday you can be sure to hear great insight into current events both around the country and locally as well as the perfect guides for the current state of hunting, fishing, and conservation. Meet Don McDowell Don McDowell, Arizona native, is an avid outdoorsman and has been an active bass pro fisherman for over 22 years and in... Full story
Protect yourself and your guests - It's still hot! And September doesn't look like it's going to be much cooler. As a matter of fact, many areas in the Southwest – especially the Phoenix area of the Northern Sonora Desert are generally much warmer than other areas of the country. Unseasonably Hot Both Southern and Northern California, Utah, Southern Nevada, in fact the entire lower Colorado basin is definitely unseasonably hot. This is the hottest summer on record since the National Weather s... Full story