Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Bartlett Lake Marina Arizona

(305) stories found containing 'The Southwest'

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  • Carol L Allen

    Downstream is a list of upcoming events. Examples of the many outdoor activities available to us in Arizona. Keynote Dinner, with special guest speaker Alvaro Jaramillo Southwest Wings 32nd Summer Festival Sierra Vista Enjoy a special, and educational evening with special guest Alvaro Jaramillo, a distinguished ornithologist who has been birding since his childhood in Chile. Now living in California, Alvaro will be talking about one of his favorite bird families, the New World Blackbird. $45...  Website

  • Summer Fun In The Pinaleno Mountains

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Aug 1, 2023

    If you're looking for a cool getaway in Arizona that is a bit off the beaten path (and therefore not quite so packed with human beings), you should give the Pinaleno Mountains a try. There are lots of excellent hiking trails, a lake to fish in, and plenty of good campgrounds whether you favor a tent or an RV. The tallest peak is over 10,000 feet, and you may be familiar with the name – Mt. Graham: the mountain with the famous protected red squirrels. The Pinalenos are one of the "sky islands i... Full story

  • Mexican Wolf Recovery Program Update

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2023

    The following is a summary of Mexican Wolf Recovery Program activities in the Mexican Wolf Experimental Population Area (MWEPA) in Arizona, including the Fort Apache Indian Reservation (FAIR), San Carlos Apache Reservation (SCAR), and New Mexico. Additional Program information can be obtained by calling (928) 339-4329 or toll free at (888) 459-9653, or by visiting the Arizona Game and Fish Department website at www.azgfd.gov/wolf, or by visiting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website at... Full story

  • Gosar Hosts Field Hearing in Goodyear, Arizona on Critical Minerals

    WOT|Aug 1, 2023

    Goodyear, AZ – Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09), Chairman, House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, issued the following statement after hosting Members of Congress for a site visit and a field hearing before a packed audience to discuss the importance of accessing American critical minerals in order to secure supply chains and ensure national security: "Minerals are integral to our modern way of life. Rapid growth in renewable energy technologies is expecte... Full story

  • Bartlett Lake Marina Arizona
  • MANA House

    MANA House Serves Homeless Vets In Phoenix Arizona


    https://manahouseaz.org/about-us Formerly known as Madison Street Veterans Association, the MANA (Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force) House is a peer-support organization of homeless and formerly homeless veterans. We help support veterans rebuilding their lives by providing support from our staff and partners.' Vision Alone, the challenge of homelessness is daunting. Together, no one is alone and we can overcome any obstacle. Together we can bring an end to veteran homelessness. Mission MANA House... Full story

  • Jeff Blumenfeld Kidney Search

    Lake Havasu's PR Specialist Update

    Jun 1, 2023

    Publishers Note - This update contains much more information about Lake Havasu's PR Specialist Jeff Blumenfeld and kidney programs. Please take a look. Thank you. The original article may be found at https://www.westernoutdoortimes.com/story/2023/06/01/woot/lake-havasus-pr-specialist/4903.html . Jeff Blumenfeld - I guess you can say I'm a volunteer in need of a volunteer: a living kidney donor. To find one, I essentially have to market myself. It's a pain, but if that's what I have to do, I'm... Full story

  • Lake Havasu Attractions

    AZBW|Apr 1, 2023

    Cool And Unusual Attractions In The Lake Havasu City Area In the first half of the 20th Century, one of the most famous people alive was Robert Ripley: creator of the Ripley's Believe It or Not! newspaper panel series, radio show and television series. Starting in 1919, he made his fortune highlighting odd facts from around the world. Were he still alive today, we think he'd be fascinated about strange sights and oddities in the Lake Havasu City area. Visitors to the area can explore this... Full story

  • On The Cover October 2022

    Carol L Allen

    There's no doubt about it: These times are stressful in so many ways, including financially, politically, and emotionally - to name only three. This is one of the reasons we are featuring fishing this issue. When times are tough, tight lines are just plain good medicine. Are you worried - as many of us are - about the ballot box? Of course you are, but for just a little while, we suggest you change that ballot box focus onto to your tackle box instead. Even for a day, you may be able to breathe... Full story

  • Sierra Vista Fun

    Margie Anderson|Sep 1, 2022

    Check out the river that runs "backwards" on this trip. We have a tendency to head north most of the time when we leave town, but we have learned the error of our ways. There are a lot of great places to visit in the southern part of the state, and the area around Sierra Vista is no exception. From a river that runs "backward" to creek preserves and mountaintop campsites, there are tons of things to see and do around there. Sierra Vista, Canelo, Elgin Loop Drive This one will take you most of... Full story

  • MANA House

    MANA House

    AZBW|Sep 1, 2022

    MANA house is for Marine, Army, Navy, and Air Force vets who need a helping hand. Far too many veterans are homeless. At MANA House, we offer a safe place to start over for veterans experiencing homelessness in Phoenix. Once they reach stability and move on to permanent housing, we do our best to send them off equipped with a Welcome Home Kit. Learn about these kits, the important role they play in veteran housing success, and how you can help. https://www.catholiccharitiesaz... Full story

  • Arizona Game And Fish Watches Wildlife

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2022

    Wild Arizona: 200 Captive Desert Tortoises Need Forever Homes For some, a dog or cat will do just fine. But for others who are considering adopting something truly unique to Arizona, say hello to your next family member: "Many people don't even consider opening up their homes to desert tortoises, but they make fantastic and personable pets," said Tegan Wolf, desert tortoise adoption program coordinator for the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). "It's rewarding to hear stories from those... Full story

  • AZGFD Wildlife Series

    AZGFD|Jul 1, 2022

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has partnered with the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center (SWCC) to host virtual wildlife lectures. In addition to partnering with SWCC, the department's Wildlife Viewing Program will conduct its own critter-based lectures twice each month. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has partnered with the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center (SWCC) to host virtual wildlife lectures. In addition to partnering with SWCC, the department's... Full story

  • All In One Fitness Scottsdale
  • On The Cover April 2022

    Carol L. Allen

    This is worth celebrating: The Arizona Game & Fish Department's Outdoor Expo is back! After a two-year hiatus, the popular family friendly event returns. I am taking this as a sign that our past couple of years of restricted activities are finally coming to an end. I hope I am right and that we will be able to cheer on "normal", be it the new or otherwise. The Expo, in a sense, kicks off the spring season in the Southwest, and as you will note in this issue, the focus is on such great outdoor... Full story

  • Arizona Game And Fish Department Outdoor Expo 2022


    It has been decided that we will be hosting an Outdoor Expo April 2-3, 2022. Event times have changed to 9am - 4pm on Saturday and 9am - 3pm on Sunday.Due to some scheduling conflicts along with COVID precautions, the Expo will have a slightly different look and feel this year. A good majority of the event will take place on the Southside of the road (traditionally known as Area 3 - Outdoor Recreation / Shotgun Area), with the exception of Firearms Manufacturers and/or trailer space for those... Full story

  • AZGFD Owls

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2022

    The western burrowing owl is one of the most interesting birds of prey in Arizona. Its species name, cunicularia, means "miner", in reference to this owl's unusual habit of spending time underground. Their use of burrows makes them susceptible to impacts from ground-disturbing activities. Burrowing owls are increasingly at risk of displacement in the greater Phoenix area due to commercial and residential development. As one of several solutions to help conserve and protect the species, the... Full story

  • Austin Deuel

    Carol L Allen

    This Remarkable Man Has Left An Incredible Legacy For Us All Editor's Note: It is difficult to encapsulate the details of the life of this richly talented man who has captured both the horror of war and the beauty of military heroes' service along with the remarkable portraits of the American West. How one man could capture so much history in his works and create so much meaningful beauty is hard to fathom, but Austin Deuel did just that, and we honor him today. We offer a sketch here that only... Full story

  • Sun Valley Fiber-Glas
  • On The Cover January 2022

    Carol L Allen

    Magnificent, but shy: These are the sandhill cranes that are in focus on a photography tour at the end of the month. The wildlife viewing and photography tour will be conducted by AZGFD photographer George Andrejko and biologists at Whitewater Draw. And, at press time, there was still space available to join this remarkable experience. So much is in focus as we enter the New Year. The annual Arizona Renaissance Festival is back after a covid absence last year, and the Arizona Yacht Club is... Full story

  • On The Cover December 2021

    Carol L Allen

    Dixie Belle, the official "hostess" for Lake Havasu City, would be happy to have you aboard during the holidays. In fact, a ticket to get a tour on the lady would make an excellent Christmas gift, or a party on her decks would be a perfect way to celebrate the holidays. Dixie Belle, originally built in 1983, is a replica of an 1800's paddle wheeler. She has recently undergone a 10-year restoration project and is opening for business late November/ early December 2021. She's a beauty, just... Full story

  • On The Cover November 2021

    Carol L Allen

    Oh, the views: spectacular! Thank you, Margie Anderson, for some fantastic photos of vistas here in Arizona, and on our "Western Wildlife" page, we salute another incredible photographer, George Andrejko, Arizona Game & Fish Department, who has some tips for taking pictures of wildlife. With so many negatives confronting us, usually from the media, there is such good news to celebrate here in the Southwest — We have family outings to enjoy as outdoor fans cut their own Christmas trees. We h... Full story

  • Boat Winterizing

    Boat US|Nov 1, 2021

    Free downloadable winterization checklist and guide explains how to properly prepare a boat for winter. Yes, even in the colder areas of the Southwest! Recreational boat owners are preparing their boats for a long winter's nap, but sugarplums aren't dancing in their heads. What may keep them up at night is hoping cold temperatures won't damage their boats. Freshwater expands in volume by about 9 percent when it freezes and can push outward with a force of tens of thousands of pounds per square i... Full story

  • Kokopelli Trailers
  • Lake Pleasant Live Country Music


    With Live Country Music At Pleasant Harbor Pleasant Harbor at Lake Pleasant and the City of Peoria will host the Peoria Country Fest on Saturday, Oct. 9, featuring live country music from three popular country artists. The event also features food trucks, a beer garden and live bull riding. The event runs from 2 p.m. –10 p.m. Headlining this year's country fest is David Nail, a country music artist whose multiple albums have produced seven chart entries on Hot Country Songs and Country A... Full story

  • Lake Havasu City


    Over a Dozen Events Celebrate the Vision and Innovation of the late Robert P. McCulloch LAKE HAVASU CITY, Arizona (Sept. 16, 2021) – Fifty years ago, one man's audacious dream came to life when he purchased a bridge in rainy London and moved it to his new planned community in the arid Arizona desert. On October 10, 1971, the late entrepreneur and real estate developer Robert P. McCulloch presided over a lavish dedication ceremony that attracted an estimated 25,000 spectators to the London B... Full story

  • AZGFD Hauls Water

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2021

    Public can help by texting "SENDWATER" to 41444. Water is the essence of life, and it's just as precious for Arizona's wildlife. As drought conditions continue to worsen across the Southwest, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is preparing for another record-setting year of delivering lifesaving water to thirsty Arizona wildlife. Three Million Gallons AZGFD trucked and airlifted an unprecedented 2.4 million gallons of life-sustaining water to catchments throughout the state in 2020.... Full story

  • Tragedies

    GCNP|Aug 1, 2021

    Excerpts From NPR Articles Flash Flood Proves Deadly In mid-July, the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a report of two individuals missing and multiple parties injured after flash flood activity impacted Tatahatso Camp near River Mile 38 on the Colorado River. ... one patient who was in critical condition was flown out via Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) helicopter ... four additional patients were evacuated by air to the Flagstaff Medical Center. At approximately... Full story

  • http://halesmarineservices.com/
  • Lake Powell Report

    Wayne Gustaveson|Jul 1, 2021

    Lake Powell Report (6/23/21) Lake Powell is dropping. Inflowing water today is 10,000 Acre Feet less than outflow. The parched Southwest really needs Monsoon rain to fall this summer. Be careful when traveling on the lake. Stay in the middle of the main channel to ensure a safe trip. Stripers Still Hitting Bait Stripers are still hitting bait in the normal spots like Buoy 25 Cove and Wall, Rincon, and Moki Canyon. On my weekly fishing trip, we saw fewer slurping stripers in the channel between... Full story

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