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Our community lakes are such great places to fish – the Game and Fish stocks them with a variety of fish at different times of year, including trout, catfish, and bluegill. Some of the lakes have bass in them, too! You've probably got an urban lake close by – there are over 50! - and sitting on the bank with a line in the water is one of the best ways to spend a day that I know of. We've been taking our granddaughters to urban lakes since they were very small, and they not only love to fish, but... Full story
PHOENIX - Your next fun-filled outdoor adventure begins at the Arizona Game and Fish Department's (AZGFD) annual Outdoor Expo on Saturday, March 29 and Sunday, March 30. Located at the 1,650-acre Ben Avery Shooting Facility in north Phoenix, this popular event showcases Arizona's abundance of wildlife-related and outdoor recreation opportunities, including wildlife viewing, fishing, hunting, shooting sports, camping, off-highway vehicle (OHV) and boating recreation, and more. Expo hours are 9... Full story
Wildlife has been active in the mild winter climate of Arizona's lower and mid elevations, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department has been receiving increased reports of human-wildlife conflicts in many parts of the state. Here's some recent activity: • The Tucson area has received more than 20 wildlife feeding complaints since August - made all the more concerning in light of the fact that Pima County has seen an uptick in wildlife rabies cases this year. • Pima County is also seeing issues i... Full story
Publishers Note - If you would like to add your upcoming event to this monthly list please click on our Add Your Comments section. There is no charge for listings and links. Links will be reviewed by our Editor and included as time permits. - Jim Allen November 2 - Fly-Day Event For Challenged Kids November 4 - AZGFD Hunt Tags More than 2,200 permit-tags remain for 2025 spring hunts, raptor capture. Applications accepted — by U.S. mail only — beginning Monday. Also — The Arizona Game and Fish... Full story
October 7 The Governor’s Office is now accepting applications to fill an upcoming vacancy on the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Residents knowledgeable and passionate about Arizona wildlife and conservation in eligible counties are welcome to apply by Monday, Oct. 7 Information: Indigenous Peoples' Day: October 14 Halloween Events In Northern Arizona Costumes for Kids 5K Fun Run Where: 120 S Cortez St., Prescott What: Join in on a costumed dash in the heart of downtown Prescott. R... Full story
Arizona's deer and elk hunters are urged to attend any of the four remaining workshops about Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a fatal wildlife disease that affects the nervous system of cervid animals. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) had scheduled a total of eight workshops that began earlier this month at department headquarters and regional offices throughout the state. The remaining workshops will take place at regional offices in Pinetop (Aug. 17), Kingman (Aug. 24), Tucson... Full story
September 2: Labor Day September 8: Grandparents' Day In February 1977, Senator Randolph, with the concurrence of many other senators, introduced a joint resolution to the senate requesting the president to "issue annually a proclamation designating the first Sunday of September after Labor Day of each year as 'National Grandparents' Day'." Congress passed the legislation ... September 11: Patriots' Day In the United States, Patriot Day occurs on September 11 of each year in memory of the... Full story
Wildlife officers from the Arizona Game and Fish Department released to the wild a mountain lion that had wandered onto the campus of the Tucson Medical Center on Friday and became entrapped in an enclosed courtyard. The department was alerted to the presence of the subadult male mountain lion around 10:30 a.m. Friday. With the assistance of officers from the Tucson Police Department, the wildlife officers were able to successfully dart and tranquilize the mountain lion without injury around... Full story
Most of the trout in Arizona are stocked fish, which means that trout fishing is mostly a "put and take" game. The Arizona Game and Fish Department puts the trout in, and we take them out. Most of the fish that are stocked are small, what the Game and Fish calls "catchable" trout, but some of our lakes and streams have genuine trophy fish, and the Game and Fish Department usually throws in a couple of bigger fish in each stocking just to give you an incentive to fish. Don't miss the Arizona... Full story
Community Fishing Program waters teeming with scrappy fighters. It doesn't have to be Friday to enjoy a good, old-fashioned fish fry. Cole slaw. French fries. Red beans and rice. Oh, and don't forget hush puppies. All are perfect complements to a pile of fresh-caught catfish filets, fried in a savory cornmeal batter until crisp and golden-brown. Whatever your choice of side dishes, leave the main course up to the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), which is now stocking Community Fishing... Full story
Eight inductees to be honored Aug. 24 at the Wigwam Resort. PHOENIX - Make plans to honor your fellow conservationists at the Wildlife for Tomorrow(WFT) Arizona Outdoor Hall of Fame Banquet Aug. 24 at the Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park. Eight new members will be inducted this year, a diverse group of experts and advocates who have made significant contributions to Arizona's natural heritage and have demonstrated passion and leadership in shaping the future of wildlife conservation in Arizona:... Full story
Tours of Goodfellow Lodge at Tonto Natural Bridge Tonto Natural Bridge State Park Sundays and Wednesdays 11 a.m. (Wed. & Sundays) | 2 p.m. (Sundays) Join us for a ranger or volunteer led walk through the Goodfellow Lodge, with a history of the property, the Lodge, and the people that called Tonto Natural Bridge home. The history, former use, and present use of these buildings will be included. Tour is approximately 45 minutes and is available at 11 a.m. on Wednesdays and Sundays, as well as at... Full story
The wildlife center has the tortoise adoption program, animal ambassadors and is sometimes the first stop for sick and injured wildlife. Desert Tortoise Adoption Program Adoption facilities in Phoenix and Tucson. Questions about adopting a tortoise, call 844 896-5730 or email for information to What You Need To Know To Adopt A Tortoise Each year the Arizona Game and Fish Department adopts out hundreds of captive desert tortoises that are surrendered to the department. These... Full story
We have established fishing waters in 23 Arizona communities. Whether you are an experienced, occasional or new angler, the Arizona Community Fishing Program offers fishing opportunities that you are sure to enjoy. There are currently more than 50 city park lakes participating in the Program, a partnership between the Arizona Game and Fish Department and 23 communities across the state. Detailed maps and park-specific information on all Community Fishing waters are found in this website... Full story
This is the perfect time of year to take your winter guests or your family to some of the wonderful places in Arizona that get a bit warm in the summertime. We've taken the granddaughters to all of these places, and believe it or not, Trinity tells us that the Hassayampa Preserve was her favorite hike ever! Some of these places are free to visit, and others are not, so I'm including current prices as well as how to get there and what not to miss! Enjoy! Boyce Thompson Arboretum The girls have... Full story
Award of $24 million comes from Federal Highway Administration. PHOENIX - The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has awarded Arizona a $24 million grant for a wildlife overpass and other improvements designed to reduce crashes involving wildlife and better connect habitats across Interstate 17 south of Flagstaff in northern Arizona. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), in partnership with the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), sought the grant through FHWA's Wildlife... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has announced the winners of the 2023 wildlife photo contest. The 12 winning photographs are included in the full-size 2024 wildlife calendar that is published in the November-December 2023 issue of Arizona Wildlife Views magazine. AZGFD currently has a subscription special for Arizona Wildlife Views. A one-year subscription to the bi-monthly magazine ordered by Dec. 31, 2023, will include the wildlife calendar and a bonus issue (seven issues total)... Full story
Now that the weather is cooler, the fishing is starting to heat up! It's that time of year when cold water fishing really starts to take off, so make sure you have your gear in order. Whether you are new to fishing or are a seasoned angler, here are a few tips to make sure your gear is ready for the fall. If you are new to fishing and are looking for a rod and reel for cold water fishing, I would recommend a 7-foot, medium-power, fast-action spinning rod with a 2500-size spinning reel. This rod... Full story
Hopefully you had a chance to enjoy a high-country camping or lake trip this summer to escape the record-breaking heat we experienced across the state! School is back in session and families are getting back into their routines, and most Arizonans are looking forward to cooler temps and fall weather. Try not to let your adventurous spirit get lost in the fray of your busy life this year. Remember to get outside this fall to remain connected with nature and enjoy the array of physical and mental... Full story
As always, keep food sources unavailable, be aware of your surroundings, and enjoy wildlife from a distance. Many people will be headed to Arizona's high country this weekend, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is reminding outdoor recreationists and residents to be aware of the chance encounter with bears or other native wildlife. The best way to enjoy wildlife is from a safe distance. Bears, in particular, are powerful animals that should always be considered unpredictable and... Full story
Jerry Tate of JT's Arizona Hunting and Fishing specializes in fishing Lake Pleasant.He's on the water several days a week, and has a handful of good friends who also spend tons of time on Pleasant. Between them, they always seem to know exactly where and how to fish for any species in the lake. Action Is Fast And Furious "The great thing about fishing for white bass and stripers is that once you find them, the action is fast and furious," Tate says. This kind of fishing is perfect for kids, beca... Full story
The thirty-third annual Grand Canyon Star Party will be held Saturday, June 10 through Saturday, June 17, on both the South and North rims of Grand Canyon National Park. National parks such as Grand Canyon are protective havens for some of the last remaining dark skies in the United States. The event is sponsored by the National Park Service, Grand Canyon Conservancy, the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, and the Saguaro Astronomy Club of Phoenix. Numerous telescopes will offer views of... Full story
Information Provided By Mike Vax The Prescott Jazz Summit Educational Outreach Program The Prescott Jazz Summit has an educational component as part of its yearly schedule. We have given clinics for bands from all over Arizona, had student ensembles perform at our annual festival, given funds to local music departments, given scholarships to deserving students, and presented assembly programs in schools. We have reached over 5000 students all over Arizona. We present assemblies for the WHOLE stu... Full story
Here are answers to frequent questions to help you plan your "Trip Back in Time". Open Rain Or Shine The Festival is open Saturdays and Sundays including Presidents' Day Monday 10 a.m-6 p.m. every event day, rain or shine. Mark your calendars for February 4-5, 11-12, 18-19-20, 25-26; March 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, 25-26, and April 1-2. What is the Renaissance Festival? The Renaissance Festival is a medieval outdoor amusement park, a 16-stage theatre, a 50-acre circus, an arts and crafts fair, a Jousti... Full story
There are so many opportunities to enjoy angling in Arizona. Here are a few to add to your tackle box. Editor's Note: Fishing is one of the most popular outdoor activities in Arizona; both tournaments and fun family angling events are available almost every month of the year. There is not room here to even begin to cover them all, but here are a few sites to check for upcoming events. Arizona Game & Fish Department Volunteer The Arizona Game and Fish Department is seeking volunteers to help buil... Full story