Sorted by date Results 101 - 125 of 388
Barron Boats an industry familiar name readies for the release of a new line-up of deckboats and center consoles. Sometimes when one door closes, another one opens. And so it is with Jerry Barron, son of now deceased southern California boat building icon, Nick Barron of Hallett Boats. AZBW/WOT March 2018 AZBW/WOT March 2018 Boats Play A Big Role - First, thanks to for the cover photo. Second, from kayaks to high-performance boats to fishing craft - and more - spring shows... Full story
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - The Humane Society of the United States and their Arizona Shell Organization, Arizonans for Wildlife, Admit Major Defeat by a Coalition of Arizona Wildlife Conservationists Phoenix - The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), a scandal laden political organization, waited until a slow news holiday weekend to announce their stunning failure to qualify an anti-science based wildlife management initiative for the upcoming 2018 ballot. In an excuse laden message to... Full story
We are grateful for all the activities that celebrate our outdoors - expos, festivals, shows, etc. - and for those who work so hard to make them successful. AZBW/WOT Feb. 2018 AZBW/WOT Feb. 2018 Together, The Sky's The Limit - We are grateful for all the activities that celebrate our outdoors - expos, festivals, shows, etc. - and for those who work so hard to make them successful. Find out more on MagCloud LAND CRUISING - Artisans Abound At The Faire HUZZAH! -- Come see the plethora of artisan... Full story
The fish shown in this picture are tilapia. These warm water fish, native to Africa, cannot tolerate cold water temperatures below 55 degrees. When lake temperatures fall below 55 degrees, then tilapia most often die. This situation occurs during normal or cold winters and generally lasts a few weeks to a month. Tilapia are found in many Community Fishing Program lakes. There is no public health risk. Cold water temperatures cause the immune system of tilapia to fail. Consequently, dying... Full story
As a New Year begins, [it is interesting] to review where the Lees Ferry fishery has been in the past few years - and where it's headed. Fall 2013 Decline In the fall of 2013, there was a decline in the trout population due to much lower- than-normal water flows and warmer-than-normal water temperatures from Glen Canyon Dam. The lower water flows were part of the Experimental High Flow Event and the warmer water was a result of Lake Powell water levels' being low due to drought. This was the... Full story
Tonto National Forest joins other federal agencies in waiving fees at day-use sites on six remaining days. These special days will provide people an easier way to experience national forests and grasslands, sometimes referred to as "America's Backyard". The fee-waiver program is in cooperation with other federal land management agencies under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act. Day-use fees will be waived at all standard amenity fee sites operated by the forest for these listed dates.... Full story
While many parts of the country are shoveling snow and driving snow mobiles, in the desert areas of the Southwest, others are readying their craft for a new year of boating pleasure. Soon, two popular expos will showcase - among other outdoor activities -boating models and accessories. As the fun on the water begins, it is vitally important to remember "safety first" so that 2018 has zero-to-very few boating accidents. To this end, we highly recommend one of the safety courses listed on page 3... Full story
Attention target shooters! The Tonto National Forest has implemented restrictions on target types — as of November 20 — in an effort to reduce the amount of refuse and trash being left on the forest from target shooting. Only the following types of approved targets will be allowed during target shooting on the Tonto National Forest: • Cardboard, and/or cardboard targets with reusable frames (excluding wooden pallets), which are removed from the site after shooting • Paper and/or paper targets... Full story
The Tonto National Forest is extending the comment period on the Preliminary Proposed Plan. After receiving several requests, the public and interested parties have an additional 22 days to provide comments to the plan, the first step toward revising the current Tonto National Forest land and resource management plan. January 12, 2018, is the new deadline to submit comments. Comments on the Preliminary Proposed Plan can be submitted in the following ways: • By e-mail to: ... Full story
One of the most unique RVs to debut this year is the EarthRoamer XV-HD. The self-sufficient, off-road Super C class luxury camper comes with an Aqua-Hot 600D hydronic heating solution for maximum comfort, no matter how far off the grid the vehicle may wander. The Aqua-Hot 600D delivers 65,600 BTUs of quiet, evenly-distributed heat throughout the XV-HD and offers on-demand hot water. EarthRoamer chose in-floor radiant heating to eliminate cold spots and drafts. A secondary system quickly gets the... Full story
The importance of driving-best practices are underscored by these three actions that need to be avoided as they are major contributors to accidents. Following recent fatal off-highway vehicle (OHV) accidents, the Arizona Game and Fish Department reminds everyone about the importance of following best practices when driving on the state's trails and public land roads. In late September, a 58-year-old woman died in Cave Creek after being pinned underneath her utility-task vehicle (UTV). A week... Full story
New Compact Tecniq LED Fixture Delivers Massive Light Lighting a deck or cockpit space provides safety and security, but too often LED fixtures are large and expensive. Guaranteed for life, TecNiq's new compact D30 Surface Mounted Load Light provides 2,000 lumens of bright white LED light, illuminating 150 sq. ft. from a height of 10', at an affordable price. Balancing power and illumination area is key with any lighting solution and the D30 delivers. Its 64° by 51° beam angle brightens a s... Full story
Household selfie sticks may capture backyard action, but when it comes to surviving repeated use in a marine environment-or reaching up 9'-they come up short. Shurhold Industries' Camera Adapter mounts onto any of the company's 11 handles and securely holds a GoPro or Garmin VIRB camera. It makes the ideal holiday gift. The ultimate selfie stick, the Camera Adapter is perfect for capturing every fun and exciting moment from a unique, show-stopping perspective. Completely rustproof, it's ideal... Full story
Chiricahua leopard frogs received extra help getting the hop on avoiding extinction after 454 of the threatened species were recently released into restored habitat on the Clifton Ranger District on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. The young frogs were released under a partnership between the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD), Arizona Center for Nature Conservation (ACNC) – Phoenix Zoo, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Bureau of Land Management New Mexico (BLM), U.S. Forest Se... Full story
SEEING STARS -- The Highland Center for Natural History, Friends of JS Acker Park, and the City of Prescott Recreation Services Department have collaborated to offer year-round educational star parties, close and convenient to town at JS Memorial Park. Come and join long-time local naturalist and docent John Mangimeli for the final 2017 fun trek through the fall sky constellations on Friday, Dec. 15, 6-7 p.m.... Full story
In upcoming years, entrance fees could more than double their current rates at some of the U.S.'s most popular national parks, including the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Zion. A large backlog of infrastructure and maintenance projects have led to this request by the National Park Service. Currently priced at around $30 per vehicle, the National Park Service has proposed that entrance fees be raised to $70. These price hikes would occur during peak season from the months of May through... Full story
Boat hooks and brush handles can accidentally scratch and mar fine boat finishes. Shurhold Industries' patented Handle Mate PFD slips over the aluminum shaft of its Telescoping and Fixed Length Handles to protect gelcoat, paint and chrome. And because those oops moments happen, like dropping the tool overboard, the innovative device keeps it floating for easy retrieval. Made from soft, high-quality neoprene, Handle Mate PFD provides a solid, comfortable grip. The durable sleeve is easily... Full story
Images of vessels lost during the recent Hurricanes Harvey and Irma are still fresh in the minds of many. These catastrophic storms galvanize the need to have an anchoring plan in place, even for those whose boats are on inland lakes. Fortress Marine Anchors offers free resources to assist owners in developing the skills needed to keep a boat safely anchored during a storm. Focused more on education than product, they provide a wealth of information. Surviving a Storm at Anchor by noted author... Full story
Whether tied to a dock or mooring, at anchor or towing a dinghy, lines and chains create enormous stress on cleats, chocks, fairleads and related fittings, especially when suddenly jarred. Shockles™ from Davis Instruments is a patented line of simple, innovative devices that absorbs the damaging shock loads placed on a boat's hardware and cordage from wakes, chop, waves and tidal surges. They make for a safer, more comfortable boating experience. Shockles are built to last. They're made from U... Full story
From highlighting the Sonoran pronghorn recovery to an in-depth look at the making of a wildlife manager, the Arizona Wildlife Views TV show covered a diverse range of wildlife and topics in the last season. And, there's good news if you missed any of the shows from 2016: You can watch them all now on the Arizona Game and Fish Department's YouTube channel. The Emmy-award winning program is produced by the department's Information Branch and airs on PBS and city cable channels. It was recently... Full story
After nearly 100 years since its opening, Grand Canyon Pioneer Cemetery has closed to new burials due to lack of space. Although the cemetery is closed to new plots, some burials may continue for individuals with a spouse or immediate family already interred in the cemetery. Anyone who believes they have a reservation for burial at Grand Canyon Pioneer Cemetery should contact the park's permitting office at 928-638-7707 or email a copy of the reservation to as soon as... Full story
According to a report released in April by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the total economic impact of the firearms and ammunition industry in the United States increased from $19.1 billion in 2008 to $51.3 billion in 2016, a 168 percent increase, while the total number of full-time equivalent jobs increased from approximately 166,000 to more than 300,000, an 81 percent increase in that period. On a year over year basis, the industry's economic impact rose from $49.3 billion in 2015 to... Full story
Many outdoors fans forgo cubes and freeze large chunks of ice instead. It lasts longer and is easier to use inside a cooler. Chipping and splitting ice blocks has never been easier than with the Beckson Marine Shipmate Stainless Steel Pick, which has a multitude of other uses. This simple but strong tool is a rugged multitasker for boating, hunting, fishing, camping or working around the home. It can be used as an awl to punch holes in leather, thin sheet metal or other material, or make pilot h... Full story
The single best way to protect an RV's finish is to wax it. Shurhold Industries, the global leader in RV care and maintenance products, offers simple tips for creating a perfect, long-lasting shine-without the sore muscles and long hours the task is known for. As an RV is exposed to sunlight and UV rays, oxidation occurs, leaving the surface porous. Dirt and road grime get trapped in the clear coat, creating a faded, chalky appearance. Traditional wax works for a while, but is only a thin shell...
Warm weather is when boat and RV owners notice nature taking its toll - inside and out. Between the mold, algae and dirt, things start looking dingy. Iosso Products' Mold & Mildew Stain Remover Cleaner does all the hard work to remove the toughest stains and leave fabrics looking like new. Mold & Mildew Stain Remover Cleaner is ideal for cleaning boat covers, awnings, tents and tarps, indoor and outdoor furniture cushions, carpeting and patio umbrellas. It doesn't contain bleach or chlorine, so... Full story