Sorted by date Results 226 - 250 of 388
Las Vegas, Nev. – The 13th annual “Mountain Gear Presents: Red Rock Rendezvous” (RRR) rock climbing festival will return to the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area near Las Vegas, Nev., Friday through Sunday, April 1-3, 2016. Mountain Gear is offering early registration packages that start at $119 for the weekend clinics with world-class athletes and the nation’s top climbing guides. For more information on regitration options or to register, visit Special early... Full story
Thomas Orozco, 15, of Union City, Calif., placed first in his age division at the International Game Fish Association Young Anglers Tournament held at Shelter Island Pier in San Diego, Calif., on August 8. Orozco caught and released calico bass, sand bass and mackerel during the three-hour tournament in which 125 kids ages 6-15 participated. This summer young Orozco also won the IGFA Marin Rod & Gun Club Pier Tournament in San Rafael, Calif., on August 1, during which he caught this rare... Full story
Tonto National Forest Supervisor Neil Bosworth has further postponed any action regarding the horses on the Salt River for at least 120 days (from Aug. 18). "I have decided to postpone any Forest Service action associated with the impound notice for at least 120 days. Over the coming months, I hope to work with the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group and with other interested parties and stakeholders to try to find a collaborative solution to address the Salt River Horses" said Bosworth. "In... Full story
Please join us in celebrating the life and legacy of one of Washington State's greatest leaders for higher education and a nationally respected voice for higher education access and affordability, the late Washington State University President Elson S. Floyd.... Full story
GeoWorld Outdoors, Inc. recently announced the launch of Fishtacular (, a personal freshwater fishing application for the iOS and Android mobile platforms, designed to help fishing enthusiasts find nearby bodies of water, locate fish species, identify fish species, plan fishing trips for optimal catch conditions, and record catches - all while helping protect the environment. Fishtacular's predictive technology accurately provides optimum fishing locations and times... Full story
California condor conservation achieved a milestone last hunt season with a record number of big game hunters in the species' core range voluntarily using non-lead ammunition or removing lead-infected gut piles from the field to prevent condors from feeding on them. In Arizona, a total of 91 percent of the big game hunters voluntarily used non-lead ammunition or removed gut piles from the field. In Utah, 84 percent of big game hunters in the core range did the same. New Groups Encouraged Now,... Full story
jim@azbw.comAd Reservations & Story Copy Due August 15, 2015 for our September 2015 issue. Don't miss out on being in our 10th anniversary issue. Please let us know by August 15th if you would like to change your existing ad, if you have new editorial you would like us to consider, or, if you would like to submit a new ad. Thank you.... Full story
Across America at boat launch ramps, the familiar growl of boat motors waking up from their long winter nap heralds the start of the boating season. But what makes boating, fishing or sailing this time of year different from all others? When it comes to safety, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has three tips to answer that question: 1. The water is still cold. Darn cold. Even though the white stuff is gone and you're in a T-shirt and can feel the sun's warmth on your face, l... Full story
Our next issue (August/September) of Western Outdoor Times/Arizona Boating & Watersports promises to have something for everyone. Guest editors will be the ever-popular columnists and outdoors enthusiasts Margie and John Anderson. We welcome their contributions and thank them for sharing their editing skills. Other than some editorial specials, this late summer issue will feature New Products - everything from floodlights to macerating pumps to barrel bolts to technology innovations, and more;... Full story
Grand Canyon, Ariz. – National Park Service fire managers on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon are managing the Kanabownits Fire for multiple objectives. Lightning ignited the fire Tuesday, July 8, about one mile northeast of the historic Kanabownits Cabin on the Walla Valley Peninsula. The Kanabownits Fire, mapped July 24 at 260 acres, experienced minimal growth for several days until fire behavior increased with hot, dry weather this week. The fire, which is burning in the 2003 Poplar Fire b... Full story
Anglers in the Gulf of Mexico region need to make their voices heard in support of improved access to one of the region's most important fisheries – red snapper! A landmark rule currently being considered by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council would shift a larger allocation of future red snapper quotas to the recreational sector, which will result in greater opportunities for you, your friends and your family to enjoy time on the water in pursuit of this iconic fish. This will be a...
Publisher's Note - Western Outdoor Times would appreciate your comments regarding this article. You may e-mail your comments to Thank you. Action: Change fishing regulations at Upper Wheeler Reservoir from closed waters to fly fishing only. Effective dates: May 17, 2014 through Sept. 12, 2014. Species affected: Trout and all other game fish Location: Upper Wheeler Reservoir, located approximately 11 miles southwest of the town of Wenatchee (Chelan Co.). Reason for action:... Full story
Groups and organizations encouraged to apply immediately. National Hunting and Fishing Day (NHF Day) and Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A., have partnered to promote a grant program called the NHF Day Live It! Grant. Enrollment for the grants opened in late April. NHF Day and Yamaha continue to promote conservation throughout the community. Through the Live It! Grant, deserving organizations are able to help further the program's goal of connecting everyone to the outdoors. NHF Day encourages...
Alexandria, VA – May 13, 2014 – After decades of dedicated service to the recreational fishing industry; fisheries resource conservation and management; and advocating on behalf of both, American Sportfishing Association (ASA) Vice President Gordon Robertson has announced his retirement as of June 30, 2014. Since joining ASA in 2002 as Vice President and lead for Government Affairs, Robertson has been a crucial advocate for fisheries conservation and management, representing the rec...
The information in this safety alert is derived from a recent parasail casualty investigation. Two passengers were successfully launched from a parasail vessel for a ride aloft. As they were being winched in the winds picked up. The parasail towline winch became inoperable and 800 feet of towline payed out stranding the passengers aloft. Additionally, the vessel was unable to make way through the water while battling rough seas and the strong winds. The cause of the winch malfunction was due to... Full story
OLYMPIA - The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is accepting public comments through June 2 on a draft Willapa Hills Elk Herd Plan, designed to guide future management of elk in the southwest corner of the state. State wildlife managers will also hold two public meetings to discuss the draft plan, which is posted on WDFW's website at . The meetings are scheduled at the following locations and times: Montesano - May 13 from 6-7:30 p.m. at...
OLYMPIA - The 75th anniversary of the state's first wildlife area will be celebrated Saturday, June 7, kicking off a summer-long series of public events sponsored by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) at the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area in Okanogan County. WDFW Director Phil Anderson will be joined at the celebration by local, state, tribal and federal officials, including Dan Ashe, director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The event will begin at 11 a.m. at the wild... Full story
OLYMPIA - Starting Thursday, May 15, anglers will have another full month to catch hatchery-reared spring chinook salmon and steelhead on the lower Columbia River under an agreement reached today by fishery managers from Washington and Oregon. Under that agreement, anglers can catch and keep one marked, hatchery chinook salmon daily through June 15 as part of their catch limit from the Tongue Point/Rocky Point line upriver to Bonneville Dam. In all, they may retain up to two adult salmon or...
OLYMPIA – Effective immediately, Snake River spring chinook fishing will close for the season below Ice Harbor Dam and Little Goose Dam, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced today. The closure does not include spring chinook fisheries in the four miles below Lower Granite Dam, or in the Clarkston area. Both areas will remain open on a weekly schedule until further notice. John Whalen, WDFW’s eastern region fish program manager, said the department is closing the fis...
Action: Close the recreational halibut fishery in Marine Area 2 (Westport-Ocean Shores), except that halibut fishing is allowed in the northern nearshore area from the Queets River (47º31.70'N. latitude) south to 46º58.00'N. latitude and east of a line approximating the 30 fathom depth contour as defined by the following coordinates until further notice. 47 º 31.70 N. lat, 124 º 37.03 W. long 47 º 25.67 N. lat, 124 º 34.79 W. long 47 º 12.82 N. lat, 124 º 29.12 W. long 46 º 58.00 N. lat, 124...
Action: Close Lake Sylvia to fishing by the public 12 hours prior to the kids-only fishing event. Effective dates: 6:00 p.m. Friday, June 6, through 5:59 a.m. Saturday, June 7, 2014. Location: Lake Sylvia (Grays Harbor Co.). Reason for action: This closure is necessary to ensure a safe and successful kids fish-in event. The fish will be planted the evening prior to the event to better acclimate them to the lake. Other Information: Organizers of this event donate time, effort, and money to raise...
Action: Barbless hooks required, night closure and anti-snagging rule added beginning Monday May 19th. Species affected: Chinook and steelhead Location and effective dates: Wind River from 100 feet above Shipherd Falls to 800 yards downstream of Carson National Fish Hatchery (except closed waters from 400 feet below to 100 feet above coffer dam): May 19 through June 30. Other information: When the anti-snagging rule is in effect, only fish hooked inside the mouth may be retained. Daily limit is...
Washington, D.C. – May 29, 2014 – As Congress continues exploring reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act), the primary law governing U.S. marine fisheries management, the recreational fishing and boating community continues to seek substantive legislative changes that will improve saltwater recreational fisheries management. The House Natural Resources Committee today approved a Magnuson-Stevens Act reauthorization bill, H.R. 474... Full story
Grand Canyon, Ariz. – On Friday, May 23, four fire starts were reported on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. The North Rim of the park is currently at High fire danger and the South Rim is at Very High. A storm this afternoon produced rain and hail on the North Rim moderating fire behavior. Two fires are actively being suppressed; the first is located on Uncle Jim Point (east of the developed area) and is approximately 1/3 of an acre. The second fire is located on the Tail of the D... Full story
Grand Canyon, Ariz. – National Park Service fire managers on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon have decided to manage the Galahad Fire for multiple objectives. The lightning-caused Galahad Fire was discovered in Grand Canyon National Park on Friday, May 23, 2014 and is approximately 223 acres in size. Current fire behavior is moderate with isolated and group torching in Ponderosa Pine. The fire is located approximately 1 mile south west of the historic Kanabownits Cabin on the Walla Valley P... Full story