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How many times do we use the phrase, "Take care" when signing off on texts and emails? We mean this, but it is often just a cursory comment. However, around water, whether boating, fishing, swimming, or just enjoying, the message needs to be powerful and at the fore of our thoughts. "Safety First" and "Take Care" are not just well wishes. They are life savers. And having pfds for all on board, including our precious pets, is paramount to doing just that: saving lives. That being said, having... Full story
Gas prices are up. What can boaters do to prepare for a summer of boating? The 800,000-plus member Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has 21 fuel-saving tips boaters can do to help save on fuel and still enjoy a fulfilling season on the water. While some of these techniques may sound obvious, there may be some you never considered. Before Heading Out: 1. Tune your engine now. A once a year for a tune-up and service will help it run more efficiently. 2. Match the boat’s prop to... Full story
This pontoon boat at Lake Pleasant displays a great combination: freedom to enjoy the outdoors and our waterways in particular. In the middle of June we celebrated Flag Day (June 14) and the birth of the U.S. Army (June 14, 1775). This month, of course, is Independence Day on July 4. All these are reminders of the good fortune we have to live in this country -- even with its flaws and shortcomings. The United States of America offers us opportunities to accomplish all we can be, and she needs... Full story
John and I and Mochi went to Williams again this past week and I've got to tell you, it's one of our favorite places to get away in the summer. It can be a bit warm during the day, but since we spend most of our time in the woods, it's shady, breezy, and wonderful! Camping was amazing. There are plenty of places for dispersed camping along the main roads, so you don't need a 4x4 – although I would recommend high clearance. We have the Jeep, so we took some true 4x4 trails, and that's always a... Full story
Just now, in this transition season before it gets too hot, is the perfect outdoor time. Hiking, enjoying water activities, or experiencing the grand glory of Arizona's world-famous canyon: All these invitations to visit Mother Nature await you. Please join us with an RSVP that you will be there; you will surely be refreshed and thrilled with the beauty and grandeur of our state. PORTS DOWNSTREAM - It's time to tune into June. Page 2 BOATING - Before summer sizzles, get out on the water in... Full story
Dive In! The "merry, merry month of May" brings us both the lighter side of taking selfies with mermaids and the more serious side of remembering our moms on Mothers' Day and loved ones lost on Memorial Day. Scuba Show 2022 in L.A. promises to be a family friendly event with many programs focused on the kids. However, there is lots for the adults too who are interested in scuba diving: products, programs, educational seminars and more. Also in this delightful, not-too-hot-yet month are the... Full story
This is worth celebrating: The Arizona Game & Fish Department's Outdoor Expo is back! After a two-year hiatus, the popular family friendly event returns. I am taking this as a sign that our past couple of years of restricted activities are finally coming to an end. I hope I am right and that we will be able to cheer on "normal", be it the new or otherwise. The Expo, in a sense, kicks off the spring season in the Southwest, and as you will note in this issue, the focus is on such great outdoor... Full story
First, we offer a big thank-you to Margie Anderson for guiding us on a very interesting trip to/through the Belmont Mountains and for this intriguing photo. Her and John's road trip story starts on page 14 of this issue. As I write this monthly column, I realize how fortunate we are to have things to celebrate such as awards, raffles, fairs, sailing, and travel - and have the freedom to do so. Yes, there are many activities to enjoy in this state, but as I look forward to all of them, my joy is... Full story
Dixie Belle, the official "hostess" for Lake Havasu City, would be happy to have you aboard during the holidays. In fact, a ticket to get a tour on the lady would make an excellent Christmas gift, or a party on her decks would be a perfect way to celebrate the holidays. Dixie Belle, originally built in 1983, is a replica of an 1800's paddle wheeler. She has recently undergone a 10-year restoration project and is opening for business late November/ early December 2021. She's a beauty, just... Full story
Oh, the views: spectacular! Thank you, Margie Anderson, for some fantastic photos of vistas here in Arizona, and on our "Western Wildlife" page, we salute another incredible photographer, George Andrejko, Arizona Game & Fish Department, who has some tips for taking pictures of wildlife. With so many negatives confronting us, usually from the media, there is such good news to celebrate here in the Southwest — We have family outings to enjoy as outdoor fans cut their own Christmas trees. We h... Full story
Arizona Autumns Are Awesome! Especially this fall that is full of celebration and color! First, we thank Lake Havasu City Tourism and Convention Bureau, Jeff Blumenfeld, and Jason Castellucci for assembling the wonderful photos and information about this month's incredible celebration: The 50th anniversary of the dedication of Lake Havasu City's famed London Bridge. Read the page 1 story that outlines the October-filled calendar of fun and activities to mark this big birthday event. (Jim and I... Full story
Kelsee Haws shows the fish that she caught in Luna Lake; it later became part of a delicious meal. Her outdoors experience is typical of many throughout the state and one of those that we can continue to enjoy even if pandemic restrictions return. (Please, no!) In fact, a whole new group of women anglers will probably be inspired by the great program "Becoming An Outdoors Woman" to be held in Prescott, Ariz., later this month. And, fishing is just one focus of the event; it includes hiking,... Full story
Water Is The Driving Force Of All Nature Leonardo da Vinci Although we fish in it, boat on it, swim in it, we sometimes take water for granted - not, of course, for our recreational needs but for its crucial role in life preservation for all flora and fauna. This need for our wildlife was recognized as early as 1945 when Arizona Game and Fish began its "Arizona Guzzler" program. This year, it is estimated that three million gallons will be used to fill water catchments throughout the state from... Full story
In addition to the thrill of having our Outdoors Editor inducted into the arizona outdoor hall of fame, we feel honored to have both Margie and John Anderson as loyal and valuable contributors to our publications. Of course we honor the other four inductees as well; our Wildlife benefits incredibly from their hard work, dedication, and commitment. Another reason to celebrate is the annual incredible fireworks display at Pleasant Harbor. We send a warm thank-you to them for honoring our... Full story
As I began to gather material for this June issue, I was noticing that there is some optimism about scheduling and re-scheduling events. Is our long wait over? Can we really recreate again? So many events were cancelled last year and some will still need to be rescheduled, but overall, with caution and care, it appears the worst may be over. We hope so! Meanwhile, before the weather really heats up, it is an excellent time to go to our waterways. Lake Pleasant with all its amenities is a... Full story
It goes without saying that water is probably our most important resource. It is, obviously, for the survival of all living things, and when we are threatened with extreme drought conditions - especially in the Southwest - the treasured commodity becomes even more precious. Besides the basic need of it for physical survival, water can probably be considered vital for our emotional survival as well - at least for many. We fish in it. We boat on it. We recreate around it. We meditate by it. We... Full story
We salute spring in the Southwest, one of the best times of the year to get out and enjoy the wildflowers, hiking, biking, boating, fishing, bird watching, etc. The "venue menu" is endless - literally a buffet of welcoming outdoor activities, many available very close to home. With thanks to Arizona State Parks and Tempe Tourism, we've included their suggestions for and descriptions of both local and statewide destinations that are particularly suited to excellent hiking opportunities. And,... Full story
That's the start of an old rhyme that you probably heard as a kid. However, here in the Southwest we know this and are looking forward to some of the highlights of this special season. My husband and I attended an Arizona Game & Fish Department Zoom meeting recently and were amazed and delighted with statistics that show more and more people embracing the outdoors: For example, fishing and boating participation have increased tremendously. If there is a positive side to the pandemic, this may... Full story
Joan Rowton is a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Auxiliary Post 720 in Phoenix. She is an Arizona photographer who turns her exceptional photos into greeting cards that are sold to benefit the Post. No two cards are alike. Check out the upcoming Jammin' Jubilant Jamboree If you are interested in purchasing one or many more of Rowton's beautiful cards, email her at For more information, call the Post at (602) 620-6418 or stop by 4853 E. Thomas Road, Phoenix, Ariz.... Full story
It goes without saying that things are different this year, that the limitations of 2020 are still affecting much of what we do and curtailing some of the events we have enjoyed in the past. However, the spirit and resourcefulness of our people ensure that the "state of the state" remains active. We celebrate this. Celebrating - The State Of The State One example is the adjustments Arizona Yacht Club have made to their annual Leukemia Cup and Birthday Regatta. It is not the same, but it will hap... Full story
At Press Time, This Is The State Lands Information One spark is all it takes! • On Friday, Aug. 14, Stage I fire restrictions were re-implemented to state lands within Coconino County - SOUTH of the Grand Canyon and in Yavapai County. • Stage II fire restrictions remain in place in Gila, La Paz, Maricopa, Mohave and Yuma Counties and Coconino - NORTH of the Grand Canyon. • Target shooting and fireworks are never allowed at any time of the year. • For more information, please call our state f... Full story
From Cary Institute Of Ecosystem Studies In the Grand Canyon reach of the Colorado River, two species play an outsized role in the fate of mercury in the aquatic ecosystem, and their numbers are altered by flood events. So reports new research, published in Science Advances, that is among the first to meld ecotoxicology and ecosystem ecology to trace how mercury flows through aquatic food webs and then spreads to land. Mercury is an environmental contaminant that occurs in ecosystems globally.... Full story
First, I want to acknowledge the source of this cover photo. It was one of the winners in Wisconsin's Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Auxiliary's "Young American Creative Patriotic Art" contest. This contest is held annually by VFW Auxiliaries throughout the nation, including by our local Posts. It is one several scholarship opportunities for school-aged children and for those interested in continuing education. Information about these VFW Auxiliary contests may be found at https://vfwauxiliary.o... Full story
Editor, We're all in this together and we'll be with you every step of the way. Here at the National Wildlife Federation, we're adjusting to the new realities and school closures - I'm actually trying to write this with my two-year old Alana hanging on my arm! Though it's not easy, we are taking every step possible to keep our staff safe and flatten the curve, because it is absolutely the right thing to do. Meaningful Educational Opportunities As the largest provider of environmental... Full story
Although some venues may temporarily be unavailable, they will be ready for you when the current crisis has passed. The seduction of the crimson Sedona sandstone has long captivated people around the world. Such stunning beauty in a beautiful yet easily accessible back country makes us unique – and attracts spiritual seekers, rugged outdoors types, and world class artists from sculptors to chefs. In the last two years we have been working toward keeping Sedona the Most Beautiful Place on E... Full story