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Oh, the views: spectacular! Thank you, Margie Anderson, for some fantastic photos of vistas here in Arizona, and on our "Western Wildlife" page, we salute another incredible photographer, George Andrejko, Arizona Game & Fish Department, who has some tips for taking pictures of wildlife. With so many negatives confronting us, usually from the media, there is such good news to celebrate here in the Southwest — We have family outings to enjoy as outdoor fans cut their own Christmas trees. We h... Full story
Friends, Arizona has one of the most dynamic ecosystems in the world! Arizona ranks among the top 5 states for the number of native birds, reptiles, and mammal species and is in the top 10 for overall diversity of vertebrates. Arizona provides a unique outdoor experience, whether it's hiking, kayaking, fishing or wildlife doesn't get any better than recreating outdoors in Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is a critical resource for the future of Arizona wildlife.... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has created an innovative online course - "Ethically Hunting Arizona" - that provides hunters 18 and older with an opportunity to earn a lifetime bonus point. A bonus point is simply an accumulated credit (or point) that authorizes the department to issue additional computer-generated random numbers to a big game draw application, thus providing an applicant with an added chance of receiving a low random number in the draw and improving their draw... Full story
When The Time Is Right, Wildlife Photos Can Be Incredible By George Andrejko Photographer, Arizona Game And Fish Department Wild Arizona: Two Tips For Better Wildlife Photos Wildlife photography is a pursuit that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. There's always something new to learn. This time of year offers plenty of opportunities to take pictures of birds and animals. When you're outside with a camera this month, make it a point to practice your composition skills. As you look at the subject,... Full story
Hunters should look for spots that received localized moisture. There's just no other way to say it: This is going to be one tough quail-hunting season. Now that we've gotten that announcement out of the way, that doesn't mean hunters who have high hopes of chasing Gambel's and scaled quail across the landscape should keep their boots in the closet and their shotgun in the safe when the 2021-22 season opened Oct. 15. "Hunting desert quail will probably be mediocre, generally," said Larisa Hardin... Full story
Arizona Game and Fish Department and private landowner win awards from Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) won two awards and southern Arizona rancher Ian Tomlinson and his Vera Earl Ranch won one, at the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) annual awards ceremony in Providence, Rhode Island, held in-person and virtually on Sept. 13. The awards recognize individuals and organizations for their dedication to advancing fish and... Full story
Arizona November 2021 Hunting Calendar 2021-22 Fees: General Hunting, resident: $37 Non-resident: not available see combination Combination Hunt and fish, resident: $57 Non-resident: $160 Youth combination hunt and fish (ages 10-17), resident: $5 Non-resident: $5 Short-term combination license, resident: $15/day, Non-resident: $20/day There are also fees for permit-tags and nonpermit-tags. See the 2021-2022 Hunting Regulations at for details. Report Vandalism: 1-800-VANDALS Report... Full story
Arizona Autumns Are Awesome! Especially this fall that is full of celebration and color! First, we thank Lake Havasu City Tourism and Convention Bureau, Jeff Blumenfeld, and Jason Castellucci for assembling the wonderful photos and information about this month's incredible celebration: The 50th anniversary of the dedication of Lake Havasu City's famed London Bridge. Read the page 1 story that outlines the October-filled calendar of fun and activities to mark this big birthday event. (Jim and I... Full story
Let's Talk About Catfish By Andy Clark - AZGFD Statewide Sportfish Program Supervisor I've come to the conclusion that there are few things better as an angler than feeling "tap-tap-tap" on your line in the pitch dark. Despite the many hours half-dozing in the sweltering heat of the night, forgetting my headlamp is on and wondering why the bugs keep eating me alive, catfish remain one of my favorite fishing targets. Arizona is home to some fantastic spots to catch catfish. Let's focus on simple... Full story
Portal account needed to access draw results; automated phone service ends. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is accepting applications for 2022 hunt permit-tags issued through the draw process for spring turkey, javelina, bison, bear and raptor capture. To apply, visit and click on "Apply for a Draw." For an overview of the application service, including license requirements, applying for bonus points and payment information, see Page 8 of the "2022 Spring Turkey,... Full story
Meetings are to discuss plans for the future of the state's wildlife. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is updating its 10-year conservation plan - the Arizona Wildlife Conservation Strategy (AWCS) - and is sharing the core elements of the new strategy based on public input to date. The department will host two virtual meetings in October to discuss enhancements to the AWCS and obtain feedback from the public. The meeting times and dates are - • Bats of Arizona - 6:30-8 p.m. Oct. 7 (... Full story
An angler recently wrote AZGFD with the question, "Given the recent rains we've had, do changes in barometric pressure affect fishing?" Barometric pressure changes leading up to and right after these rain events can positively affect the bite. Studies tend to suggest that low pressure/high pressure has no statistically significant impact on catch per unit effort. But barometric pressure change (increasing and falling) do have a statistically significant impact on catch per unit effort. So if... Full story
AZGFD In The News - The Gray Wolf Anubis Is Relocated Anubis, a Mexican gray wolf found outside his territory, is relocated amid outcry from scientists, advocates Kudos to The Arizona Republic and reporter Lindsey Botts for a recent article about a Mexican gray wolf that was captured and relocated by the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) after it was found outside of the primary management zone for the endangered species. AZGFD officials believe the relocation will give the wolf the best... Full story
Kelsee Haws shows the fish that she caught in Luna Lake; it later became part of a delicious meal. Her outdoors experience is typical of many throughout the state and one of those that we can continue to enjoy even if pandemic restrictions return. (Please, no!) In fact, a whole new group of women anglers will probably be inspired by the great program "Becoming An Outdoors Woman" to be held in Prescott, Ariz., later this month. And, fishing is just one focus of the event; it includes hiking,... Full story
September 8: Commission Nominations The Arizona Game and Fish Commission is soliciting nominations for its 2021 Commission Awards. The awards recognize Arizonans who have contributed significantly to the conservation of the state's wildlife, its outdoor heritage, and the mission of the Arizona Game and Fish Department.The nomination deadline is Sept. 8, 2021. To submit a nomination, download and complete a nomination form and return by email to or by mail to Arizona Game and... Website
AZGFD webpage guides newcomers to hunting, dozens of mentored events. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has created a new webpage that offers a simplified and logical learning approach to hunting in Arizona, whether a person is new to hunting, just moved to this state, or wants to expand their skills. Visitors to can quickly access topics such as where, how and what to hunt, seasons and regulations. Visitors to the webpage also can view YouTube videos,... Full story
The Department will host virtual public meetings in September. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is updating its 10-year conservation plan - the Arizona Wildlife Conservation Strategy (AWCS) - and is sharing the core elements of the new strategy based on public input to date. The department will host three virtual meetings in September to discuss enhancements to the AWCS and obtain feedback from the public. The meeting dates and times are: • Monday, Sept. 20, 7-8 p.m. • Tuesday, Sep... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Commission is soliciting nominations for its 2021 Commission Awards. The awards recognize Arizonans who have contributed significantly to the conservation of the state’s wildlife, its outdoor heritage, and the mission of the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The nomination deadline is Sept. 8, 2021. There are 12 award categories (see list below), and nominations may include individuals, organizations, clubs, foundations or government agencies. Arizona Game and Fish D... Full story
Over the next ten years the service will support Arizona's sport fish stocking program. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) as part of the Environmental Assessment (EA) of its proposal to continue to fund, in part, the Arizona Game and Fish Department's (AZGFD) sport fish stocking program over the next 10 years. The FONSI decision means that FWS can continue funding to support AZGFD's hatchery operations and fish stocking activities... Full story
Compiled By Margie Anderson For the Spring 2021 Hunts – The Spring 2021 Hunt Regulations booklet is available online and in outdoor stores now. Applications must be submitted online at Applications will be accepted in early to mid-September unless otherwise noted in the Hunt Permit-tag regulation booklet. For spring turkey, spring javelina, spring bison, spring bear, and raptor capture, deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m. on October 13, 2020. Hunt permit-tags will be mailed o... Full story
Dove season runs September 1 – 15, with a late season from November 19 of this year until January 2, 2022for mourning dove and white-winged doves. The Eurasian Collared-Dove Season is September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022, so it's year-round. For mourning doves and white-wings, the bag limit is 15 total, with no more than 10 being white-winged doves, and the possession limit is 45, no more than 30 of which can be white-winged doves. However, for the Eurasian collared-doves, there is no limit at a... Full story
Results from monitoring work this spring suggest that Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd), the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome (WNS) in bats, may be present in samples collected from multiple species in five counties across California and northwestern Arizona. The analytical results for these samples are considered "inconclusive" based on established national standards for the disease, which means they do not provide definitive evidence of the fungus being present in those bat populations.... Full story
Water Is The Driving Force Of All Nature Leonardo da Vinci Although we fish in it, boat on it, swim in it, we sometimes take water for granted - not, of course, for our recreational needs but for its crucial role in life preservation for all flora and fauna. This need for our wildlife was recognized as early as 1945 when Arizona Game and Fish began its "Arizona Guzzler" program. This year, it is estimated that three million gallons will be used to fill water catchments throughout the state from... Full story
Stocking live, healthy fish for anglers to enjoy can be challenging, but the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is up to the task, even in this time of widespread drought. While AZGFD places a high priority on meeting its stocking schedule found on the department's website (, all scheduled stockings are subject to change based on weather, water quality, or road conditions. With warmer water temperatures and lower water levels affecting many of the state's la... Full story
Compiled by Margie Anderson For the Fall 2021 Hunt: Draw is over. Tags mailed out by Aug 9, 2021.The fall regulations booklet is available online and at outdoor stores. Applications must be submitted online. If tags are left over, first come applications accepted by mail on or after 8:00 a.m. July 26, 2021. Available at Game and Fish offices after 8:00 am Aug 2, 2021. 2021-22 Fees: General Hunting, resident: $37 Non-resident: not available see combination Combination Hunt and fish, resident: $57... Full story