Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(1187) stories found containing 'azgfd'

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  • Arizona's Waterfowl Season

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    The general waterfowl and snipe seasons in the "Desert Zone" (Game Management Units 10 and 12B through 46B, and those portions of Units 6 and 8 within Yavapai County) runs through Jan. 26, 2020. Meanwhile, the general waterfowl and snipe seasons in the "Mountain Zone" (Game Management Units 1-5, 7, 9, 11M, 12A, and those portions of Units 6 and 8 within Coconino County) continue through Jan. 12, 2020. The following are legal wildlife in both Mountain and Desert zones: ducks, including mergansers... Full story

  • Winter Break Professional Development

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department is pleased to be offering two FREE teacher professional development opportunities over the winter break. Both take place in north Phoenix and last 4 hours. So, if you are looking for some exciting learning opportunities or you just want to get out of the house, check out the information below. Building Literacy with Wildlife, Monday, December 30, 9am-1pm Join us for an engaging, hands-on workshop that will introduce educators to practical techniques and... Full story

  • Arizona Quail Outlook

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    Winter moisture improves overall brood survival. Truth be told, Arizona's quail hunters are also weather wonks - always checking the forecasts, particularly during the winter months, their fingers crossed that the wet stuff is on the way. After all, good doses of timely precipitation that time of year are what give the state's Gambel's and scaled quail populations a much-needed boost, which usually points to better hunting in the fall. Case In Point: Winter 2018 "Unlike the past few years, when... Full story

  • AZGFD To Host Game Management 'Open Houses'

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    A wildlife biologist from the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) will be available to answer questions about local game management at two locations: •Dec. 3: 4-6 p.m., AZGFD regional office, 7200 E. University Drive, Mesa. •Dec. 4: 6-7:30 p.m., Chasin’ A Dream Outfitters, 612 S. Beeline Highway, Payson. The public is invited to bring questions and engage in one-on-one conversation about game management. In addition, hunt recommendations for 2020 and 2021 pronghorn, elk, fall turkey and p... Full story

  • Arizona Hunt Recommendations

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department's proposed recommendations for 2020 and 2021 pronghorn, elk, fall turkey and population management hunts, and for 2021 and 2022 spring turkey hunts, are available for review at www.azgfd.gov/huntguidelines. The hunt structures and recommendations were formulated based on the hunt guidelines approved by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Questions, Comments Welcome All questions or comments about a particular game management unit or hunt are welcome by... Full story

  • Pronghorn Elk Turkey Hunt Recommendations

    AZGFD|Nov 1, 2019

    Proposed hunt recommendations available for review for pronghorn, elk, and fall and spring turkey for 2020-21, 2021-22 PHOENIX - The Arizona Game and Fish Department's proposed recommendations for 2020 and 2021 pronghorn, elk, fall turkey and population management hunts, and for 2021 and 2022 spring turkey hunts, are available for review at www.azgfd.gov/huntguidelines. The hunt structures and recommendations were formulated based on the hunt guidelines approved by the Arizona Game and Fish Comm... Full story

  • Canyon Coolers

    AZGFD|Nov 1, 2019

    AZGFD continues innovative public-private collaborations to help fund wildlife conservation. Join Canyon Coolers in supporting the 800-plus species of wildlife that call Arizona home. Now through Nov. 22, go to https://canyoncoolers.com/?utm_source=partners&utm_medium=promo&utm_campaign=azgfdto automatically apply the discount code "CONSERVE" at CanyonCoolers.com and you'll get 10 percent off and a FREE copper tumbler (while supplies last). Plus, Canyon Coolers will donate 10 percent of your... Full story

  • Tortoises

    AZGFD|Nov 1, 2019

    For some, a dog or cat will do just fine. But for others who are considering adopting something uniquely Arizonan, say hello to your next family member: a captive Sonoran desert tortoise. How To Adopt Due primarily to illegal breeding, the department has dozens of tortoises of varying ages and sizes available for adoption. Arizona residents interested in providing an adoptive home can submit an online application at www.azgfd.gov/tortoise and an information packet on how to properly care for a... Full story

  • AZ Lakes, AZ Pros Curt Rambo, Leroy Price, Art Chamberlin At Roosevelt Lake

    Margie Anderson|Nov 1, 2019

    Cool Days Mean Great Crappie Fishing Cool days mean great crappie fishing, and nobody knows Roosevelt crappie better that Curt Rambo, Leroy Price, and Art Chamberlin. Curt is a jig guy and Art and Leroy like to troll. Here's how they do it. "I drive around and look for brush in twenty to thirty feet of water," Rambo explains. "Sometimes it takes an hour to find a good spot, and sometimes you don't find one all day." Just about any cove with submerged brush can be good. Drop A Jig Down There Look... Full story

  • Bald Eagle Breeding

    AZGFD|Nov 1, 2019

    A record number of bald eagle breeding areas couldn't guarantee another shattered record of eagle nestlings, which dipped to 71 during the 2019 breeding season from 87 hatched in 2018. During the Arizona Game and Fish Department annual bald eagle survey this summer, raptor biologists counted a minimum of 74 occupied breeding areas statewide, which was up from the 69 counted last year. Despite that, the number of eggs laid this year dipped slightly to 97 from the 102 counted last year.... Full story

  • On The Cover October 2019

    Carol L Allen

    In many parts of our country, summer warmth has turned into crisp, cool fall weather. However, in the Southwest, we have an extended season of time to spend in and on the water and to enjoy many other outdoor activities. It's a wonderful transition season with temperatures neither too hot nor too cold, and there are so many adventures for us still in October: boating, hiking, RVing, camping, off-roading, fishing, and more. If we want a touch of fall, we can head north to the awesome colors of au... Full story

  • Arizona Hunting Calendar October 2019

    Margie Anderson|Oct 1, 2019

    Compiled By Margie Anderson October is a great month for hunters, with opportunities for many species even if you didn't draw a tag. Visit the Game and Fish website at www.azgfd.com for more info on hunts as well as where and how to hunt different species. 2019 Fees: General Hunting, resident: $37 Non-resident: not available see combination Combination Hunt and fish, resident: $57 Non-resident: $160 Youth combination hunt and fish (ages 10-17), resident: $5 Non-resident: $5 Short-term... Full story

  • Water Catchment Contamination

    AZGFD|Oct 1, 2019

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is seeking information officers hope will lead to those responsible for contaminating a water catchment with diesel fuel or gasoline northeast of Flagstaff. Sometime around Sept. 15, fuel was deliberately poured into Young's Canyon Trick Tank, a water catchment in Game Management Unit 7E near U.S. Forest Service Road 775 and east of the high tension powerlines. The catchment is approximately 2 miles east of the Winona exit (211) along Interstate 40.... Full story

  • Black-Footed Ferrets Aubrey Valley Arizona

    AZGFD|Oct 1, 2019

    Volunteers can help spotlight endangered black-footed ferrets. The Arizona Game and Fish Department is seeking volunteers to assist with fall spotlighting efforts to help document the population of endangered black-footed ferrets in Aubrey Valley and on the Double O Ranch, both near Seligman. As part of the recovery effort, the department scheduled two five-night spotlighting events; the remaining one is Oct. 17-21. The spotlighting method involves using high-powered lights to locate and... Full story

  • Woodbury Fire

    Oct 1, 2019

    New story map and podcast discuss the fire's impact on wildlife and the Superstition wilderness. The Woodbury Fire burned nearly 124,000 acres, much of it in the Superstition Wilderness Area, from early June through mid-July. Because of the popularity of this area among hikers, hunters and wildlife watchers, many people are asking, what damage did the fire do to landscapes and habitat? What impact did the fire have on wildlife? There are two new resources to help answer those questions:... Full story

  • Aquatic Invasives

    AZGFD|Oct 1, 2019

    Record number of boat decontaminations in Arizona helps fight spread of aquatic invasives in Western states. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) continues to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS), and it seems the ramifications are being felt throughout some Western U.S. states. During the 2018-19 fiscal year, AZGFD decontaminated a record 237 boats -- up from 159 the previous fiscal year. This increase in decontaminations also has helped some Western states, namely... Full story

  • AZGFD Is Accepting Applications For Heritage Fund Grants


    The Arizona Game and Fish Department is accepting applications for $380,000 in Heritage Fund grants beginning through 5 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 31. Grant funding will be available through a competitive application process in the following categories: schoolyard habitat, urban wildlife/habitat, public access, and Identification, Inventory, Acquisition, Protection and Management (IIAPM). In addition to local, county, state, federal and tribal governmental agencies, school districts and public... Full story

  • On The Cover September 2019

    Carol L Allen

    Finally cool weather is ahead and along with that are some great autumn events. Now is the transition time to fall and winter outdoor activities, including all that is available on local deserts, mountains, rivers and lakes. And, for women especially, the how to get the most out of the myriad of outdoor activities in the Southwest, is what "Becoming an Outdoors Woman" is all about. It's coming up soon - Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Sept. 6-8 - at Friendly Pines Camp near Prescott. Sponsored by the... Full story

  • Elk Workshop

    AZGFD|Sep 1, 2019

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department is again partnering with the Arizona Elk Society White Mountain Chapter (AES) to offer an elk natural history and viewing workshop Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019 at Sipe White Mountain Wildlife Area near Eagar. Workshop presentations will begin at 11 a.m. and are followed by an early dinner AES. Maps will be provided to nearby areas with likely elk viewing opportunities. Sipe Wildlife Area has several hiking trails where you might see elk or other wildlife. Late... Full story

  • AZGFD Commission Honored


    The Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) honored conservation professionals from several western states with awards commending their work to conserve fish and wildlife resources at an awards ceremony July 15 at the organization’s annual conference in Manhattan, Kansas. The Arizona Game and Fish Commission was recognized with the WAFWA Commission of the Year Award. Current AZGFD Commission members are: James Zieler; Eric Sparks; Kurt Davis; Leland “Bill” Brake; and James... Full story

  • AZGFD Assists Thirsty Wildlife

    AZBW|Sep 1, 2019

    Water is the essence of life and it's just as precious for Arizona's wildlife. For that reason, the Arizona Game and Fish Department has trucked or airlifted more than 1.5 million gallons of precious water to catchments throughout the state since January 2018. And trail cameras tell the tale of this important work with footage of elk, deer, bighorn sheep and countless other species leaning over for a refreshing drink at one of 3,000 catchments maintained by the department. "Water catchments are... Full story

  • Water Catchment Contamination Flagstaff Reward Offered

    AZGFD|Sep 1, 2019

    FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. - The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is seeking information officers hope will lead to those responsible for contaminating a water catchment with diesel fuel or gasoline northeast of Flagstaff. Publisher's Note - Volunteers for water catchment placements are always welcome. Please contact Don McDowell at don@huntingfishing.com for information. Sometime around Sept. 15, fuel was deliberately poured into Young's Canyon Trick Tank, a water catchment in Game Management Uni... Full story

  • Arizona's Top Five

    AZGFD|Sep 1, 2019

    These Are Recommended As Summer Temps Continue Into Fall - By Nick Walter For AZGFD Sun sweats, triple-digit fidgets, dog days - they seem to make most outdoors lovers crave cool times in the high country. Some of the best family camping and fishing options include waters with stocked or self-sustaining fish, quality camping amenities, and striking scenery. Those factors were used by AZGFD fishing report editors and regional staff to determine this list. Be sure to check the latest fire... Full story

  • AZGFD Wildlife Education

    AZGFD|Sep 1, 2019

    New Teacher Workshop Just Announced Join educators from the Arizona Game and Fish Department as we explore the science, management and recreation of Arizona's aquatic communities. In this two-day workshop, which conveniently occurs during Fall Break for many teachers, you will learn how macroinvertebrates can be an indicator for stream health, visit a fish hatchery, try your hand at fly fishing and so much more. Participants will receive access to numerous resources and activities for their... Full story

  • Water Catchment Contamination Reward Offered

    Don McDowell|Sep 1, 2019

    9 – VANDALS To Report Vandalism An award of $2,500 has been offered by the Arizona Deer Association with an additional $1,000 offered by Don McDowell Outdoors, for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for contaminating a water catchment that was used to provide water to wildlife with diesel fuel or gasoline northeast of Flagstaff, according to the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Sometime around Sunday, fuel was deliberately poured into Young’s Canyon Tri... Full story

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