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The camera is set, zoomed in and ready to broadcast the day-to-day life of a pair of bald eagles hoping to raise a family inside their nest at Lake Pleasant Regional Park. In mid-December, the Arizona Game and Fish Department - in partnership with Salt River Project, Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department, Arizona State Land Department and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation - began live-streaming from the camera perched near the bald eagle nest on Lake Pleasant. Watch Eagle Cam Footage "We... Full story
You must have a valid hunting license for all hunts, and permit tags for some. You must read the regulations. You can pick up a hard copy at many outdoor stores and all Game and Fish offices. You can also read and/or download all the regulation booklets at Application Deadlines This Month Elk and antelope online application deadlines: • Antelope permit tag fees: resident $103, non-resident $565 Deadline for paper applications was January 15. Apply online until February 12. • Elk... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department has announced a new target-shooting opportunity on the 300-yard range at the world-class Ben Avery Shooting Facility (BASF). In what the department hopes will hit the mark with recreational shooters of all ages and skill levels, all 14 shooting lanes will be available for the public to shoot paper and steel targets the second and third weekend of each month. For a fee of $12 for adults - free for youths 17 and under - customers will be able to shoot... Full story
The deadline is 11:59 p.m. (Arizona time) Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) now is accepting online applications for 2019 hunt permit-tags issued through the draw process for pronghorn and elk. To apply online, visit and click on "Apply for a Draw." For an overview of the online application service, including license requirements, applying for bonus points and payment information, see Page 10 of the "2019 Pronghorn Antelope and Elk Hunt Draw... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department has announced the harvest threshold for Mountain Lion Management Zone 8 has been met - this includes Units 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B and 3C. All units in Zone 8 were closed to mountain lion hunting at sundown on Wednesday, January 9, 2019. The harvest threshold in Zone 8 was seven mountain lions. The annual harvest thresholds throughout the state are reflective of recent changes in mountain lion regulations. When the number of harvested mountain lions reaches the... Full story
Arizona hunters who were successful in the 2018 draws probably noticed some formatting changes to their mailed hunt permit-tags — one of those is that the hunter-harvest survey now is found on the back. On the back side of the top half of the perforated mailing (upper right corner) is a hunter-harvest survey. The Arizona Game and Fish Department no longer will be mailing a separate hunter-harvest survey postcard. A hunter can visit, or scan a QR c... Full story
Online applications for 2019 pronghorn, elk hunts are due soon. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. (Arizona time) Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019. PHOENIX – The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) reminds hunters that time is running out to apply online for 2019 hunt permit-tags issued through the draw process for pronghorn and elk. All online applications must be received by AZGFD no later than 11:59 p.m. (Arizona time) Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019. To apply online, visit and click on “Apply for a... Full story
Arizona's general quail season closes Sunday, Feb. 10. PHOENIX — Arizona hunters have one more weekend to get out in the field and chase the state’s three main species of quail — Gambel’s, scaled and Mearns’. The season ends Sunday, Feb. 10. The general bag limit is 15 quail per day in the aggregate, of which no more than eight may be Mearns’ quail. The general possession limit is 45 quail in the aggregate, of which no more than 15 Gambel’s, scaled or California quail in the aggregate may... Full story
Annual Bald Eagle Event Set For Feb. 23 In Flagstaff FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Did you know that Arizona is visited by more than 200 bald eagles during the winter? To learn more about these amazing birds, and to see live eagles, the public is invited to attend the annual Bald Eagle Celebration on Saturday, Feb. 23, at the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Flagstaff regional office at 3500 S Lake Mary Road. Several programs will be offered during this year’s event, which is hosted by the Arizona Game... Full story
Paddlesport, boating enthusiasts reminded to keep safe on the water. The calendar says winter is weeks away, but the thermometer says otherwise. For that reason, the Arizona Game and Fish Department reminds undeterred paddlesport enthusiasts to practice coldwater safety when heading on the water. Hypothermia Dangerous The U.S. Coast Guard reports that cold water immersion and hypothermia can occur in water as cool as 70 degrees. Even in a healthy person, cold-water immersion can impact muscle... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department is excited to announce the winners of the 2018 wildlife photo contest. James Stamsek’s photo of mule deer at Lost Dutchman State Park was awarded best in show and will be showcased on both the cover and in the 2019 wildlife calendar. Stamsek, of Mesa, was at Lost Dutchman State Park with the goal of capturing a beautiful sunset and the Superstition Mountains during what photographers call the “golden hour,” the time just after the sun rises or before it sets.... Full story
Outdoor recreationists, pilots and drone operators asked to avoid bald eagle nest areas. Arizona's bald eagle breeding season is on the horizon and multiple public land and water areas will be closed to protect the majestic animals and ensure even more young eagles take to the skies this spring. Highly Successful Program Each year as part of its highly successful program to conserve and protect bald eagles in the state, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) asks outdoor recreationists, ai... Full story
Sandhill cranes have returned to southeastern Arizona and the Arizona Game and Fish Department's live-streaming camera is again trained on their wintering grounds at Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area. Viewers this year can now watch thousands of the large migrating birds in high-definition after the department recently upgraded its live-streaming camera. Exciting Time Of Year "This is truly an exciting time of year at Whitewater Draw," AZGFD Watchable Wildlife Program Manager Randy Babb said,... Full story
Arizona dove hunters will be able to double their wing-shooting pleasure through the first week of January 2019. Unlike the 15-day season that begins Sept. 1, the late season lasts 45 days and runs through Jan. 6, 2019. There still is a 15-bird daily bag limit, all of which must be mourning doves. The possession limit remains 45 mourning doves after opening day, of which no more than 15 may be taken in any one day. As always, there is an unlimited daily bag and possession limit for the invasive... Full story
More Than 7,000 Permit-Tags Remain For Spring JavelinaHunts Leftovers also available for general, youth-only turkey hunts. Arizona hunters who were unsuccessful in the recent 2019 spring draw still have an opportunity to receive a hunt permit-tag for javelina or turkey. The Arizona Game and Fish Department has posted a list of leftover hunt permit-tags on its website at As of Monday, there were 7,671 leftover hunt permit-tags for the following hunts: • 2,627 g... Full story
Sixty of Arizona's bighorn sheep were relocated in Nov. 2018 to their historical ranges as part of two translocations from robust populations of desert bighorns in the Silver Bell Mountains northwest of Tucson and Rocky Mountain bighorns near Morenci. Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep are released to establish a population in East Clear Creek/Leonard Canyon north of Payson.... Full story
The annual Arizona Game and Fish Commission Awards Banquet will be held on Saturday, Jan. 12 at the Point Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort, 11111 N. 7th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85020. The event will honor the recipients of the 2018 Commission Awards who were selected this fall. The purpose of these awards is to recognize Arizonans who have contributed significantly to the conservation of the state's wildlife, its outdoor heritage, and the mission of the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The... Full story
11-19 Waterfowl, Snipe Hunting Regulations Available Online The Arizona Game and Fish Department has posted the 2018-2019 Arizona Waterfowl and Snipe Regulations at The general waterfowl season in the "Mountain Zone" (Game Management Units 1-5, 7, 9, 11M, 12A, and those portions of Units 6 and 8 within Coconino County) begins Oct. 5, 2018, and runs through Jan. 13, 2019. The general waterfowl season in the "Desert Zone" (Game Management Units 10 and... Full story
AZGFD invests in retention programs for new hunters, anglers. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has awarded $75,000 in grant funding for local sportsmen's organizations to provide public, hands-on, mentored projects focused on the retention of new hunters and anglers. Of the 26 proposals that were submitted in this latest grant cycle and rated by a three-member panel, 17 were approved and awarded through a competitive application process that closed Aug. 15. Next Generation Is Focus... Full story
KINGMAN, Ariz. — The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) will be conducting an off-highway vehicle (OHV) sobriety checkpoint from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Oct. 13 along Castle Hot Springs Road north of Lake Pleasant. The purpose of the checkpoint is to detect and deter violations of Arizona’s laws regarding the operation of OHVs while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A few OHV safety tips: Never operate an OHV while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Helmets are required by law for riders und... Full story
Ever wondered what happens to the thousands of trout that the Arizona Game and Fish Department stocks into streams all around the state every year? You’re not alone. We just completed a 4-year study (beginning in 2013) to investigate the fate of rainbow trout and Apache trout stocked into several of Arizona’s popular stream trout fisheries. As part of this project, AZGFD biologists conducted nearly 5,000 angler interviews on six different streams (Canyon Creek, East Fork Black River, East Verde... Full story
Hello, and I hope everyone is doing fantastic. The Become a Hunting Mentor Trivia and Pint Night went excellent. We had about 35 attendees and 18 HAHWG reps at this first-time event and the room was buzzing with interest, engagement and buy in. Ryan will be sending out more details, but I wanted to give you a quick update. Thank you all for your input, support and contributions. JOB OPPORTUNITIES (LOTS) I've gotten a number of notices of job openings in Conservation and R3 that I've been... Full story
COOLER SPOT -- The Autumn Equinox, or first day of fall in the northern hemisphere, was September 22, and yet, 100-plus degree air temperatures were still predicted to continue in the desert regions. Anglers can enjoy cool, high-country spots such as Kinnikinick Lake southeast of Flagstaff (shown here), where Arizona Game & Fish recently stocked about 2,700 nice-sized brown trout. See more Arizona fishing locations at and Full story
Arizona remains CWD-free due to surveillance efforts. The Arizona Game and Fish Department is asking hunters to continue doing their part to help keep Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a neurodegenerative wildlife disease that is fatal to deer and elk, at bay. All successful deer and elk hunters are encouraged to bring the head of their harvested animal, especially bucks and bulls, to any department office statewide between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The preferred method for delivery... Full story
Eighty others are waiting to be adopted. After being hit by a car near Wickenburg, causing irreparable damage to a hind leg that needed to be amputated, one could say he's earned it. No longer able to survive in the wild, he found his way into the Arizona Game and Fish Department's Desert Tortoise Adoption program and recently into his forever home at Cibola Vista Resort and Spa in Peoria. "It was great to partner with Cibola Vista Resort, where Cisco not only has a permanent home, he now serves... Full story