Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(132) stories found containing 'bartlett lake'

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 132

  • BREAKING NEWS: Arizona Lakes Still Remain Open

    AZGFD|Jun 1, 2021

    PHOENIX - Though conditions remain very dry and several major wildfires continue to burn in our state, some lakes remain open and many have been stocked by the Arizona Game and Fish Department with trout or catfish for anglers to enjoy this weekend. Lakes that are currently accessible are: Show Low as well as Show Low Creek in the Pinetop/Show Low area Goldwater, Lynx, Granite Basin, Watson and Fain lakes in the Prescott area Mormon Lodge Pond south of Flagstaff and Frances Short Pond in... Full story

  • AZGFD Begins Rulemaking Process To Amend Its Article 4

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2024

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department has issued a Notice of Intent to Pursue Rulemaking to begin the process to amend its Article 4 rules (live wildlife) to implement the recommendations made in the recent five-year review report. The amendments proposed in the five-year review report are intended to increase the effectiveness of the rules to meet the department’s mission, ensure consistency with state and federal statutes, and to increase the clarity of the existing rules. Except for the a... Full story

  • Camping Tips For Everyone

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Aug 1, 2024

    Note - All photos courtesy of John and Margie Anderson Camping is the ideal outdoor adventure – it can be inexpensive and close to home, and gets you out in the fresh air and away from the news stories. If you're new to camping, don't feel like you need to go out and buy a bunch of stuff. You can probably borrow a lot of what you need from friends and family, or find used gear online. Find out if your neighborhood or church has a "Buy Nothing" program. Once you sign up, you can get a lot of g... Full story

  • Wearing A Life Jacket Should Be

    AZGFD|Mar 1, 2024

    Most boating fatalities involve people not wearing a life jacket . The importance of wearing a life jacket while recreating on Arizona's waterways is sadly reflected in the most recent statistics involving boating tragedies. A majority of the recreational boating fatalities were individuals who drowned and were not wearing a life jacket - the most important piece of safety gear one can wear, whether on a boat, personal watercraft or paddlecraft. Drowning Victims Not Wearing Life Jackets This... Full story

  • Margie Anderson's Favorite Indigenous People's Sites In Arizona

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Oct 1, 2023

    These Are My Favorite Indigenous People's Sites In Arizona. Because my dad was a Chippewa Indian and I'm a registered member of the Red Lake Band of Chippewas, I've always had an interest in the sites around the state that were built by the peoples who lived here long ago. And in fact, many of their descendants live here in Arizona to this day! John and I have visited a lot of the more famous sites with the girls, so I'll start out telling you about those, but I thought I'd also add some... Full story

  • New Zealand Mudsnails Confirmed In Tonto Creek

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2023

    Director's Orders (list of waters with aquatic invasive species) updated to include Tonto Creek; Tonto Creek Hatchery closed to public. PAYSON, Ariz. - The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has confirmed the presence of New Zealand mudsnails, an aquatic invasive species (AIS), in upper Tonto Creek approximately 2.5 miles downstream of Tonto Creek Hatchery. AZGFD continues to conduct surveys in the area to determine the extent of infestation. Tonto Creek Hatchery will remain closed to the... Full story

  • Tonto Creek Hatchery Closes

    Tonto Creek Hatchery Closes

    AZGFD|Jul 1, 2023

    Precaution Taken After Invasive Mudsnails Detected In Creek 2.5 Miles Downstream Of Hatchery The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has confirmed the presence of New Zealand mudsnails, an aquatic invasive species, in Tonto Creek approximately 2.5 miles downstream of Tonto Creek Hatchery. AZGFD continues to conduct surveys in the area to determine the extent of infestation. Beginning June 22, the Tonto Creek Hatchery was closed to the public. This will provide the department with time to en... Full story

  • AZBW-WOT June 2023 Page 1

    Bass Junkyz

    Jun 1, 2023

    These tournaments are not just events; they are community. A Bass Junkyz event is not just a bass fishing tournament event; it is a community of anglers coming together for a sport they love. We invite family and friends to attend every event. Our weigh-in system is state of the art and our process is streamlined to increase the survival rate of bass. Food is provided after every weigh in and checks are handed out in a timely manner. Two Comments From Competitors "Fished the Bass Junkyz team... Full story

  • Wear A Life Jacket

    AZGFD|May 1, 2023

    There were 13 boating fatalities, 60 injuries, $1 million in damages last year. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is urging all who recreate on Arizona's waters to wear a life jacket, follow safety regulations and laws, as well as designate a sober operator. So far in 2023, three people have lost their lives boating in Arizona. In 2022, boating accidents claimed the lives of 13 people, injured 60 more, and caused $1 million in damages. "A life jacket does exactly what it says - it... Full story

  • New Zealand Mudsnails

    AZGFD|May 1, 2023

    Anglers and others recreating in Canyon Creek are now required to clean, drain, dry and decontaminate their equipment after each visit The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has added Canyon Creek to its list of "Aquatic Invasive Species Affected Waters" (also known as Director's Order 2) after recently confirming the presence of invasive New Zealand mudsnails in lower Canyon Creek about 3 miles downstream of Canyon Creek Fish Hatchery. Director's Orders are authorized by ARS §17-255.01... Full story

  • Arizona Wet Winter

    AZGFD|Apr 1, 2023

    A succession of winter storms has provided much-needed moisture to Arizona's waters and landscapes over the last several months. Salt River Project (SRP) said this winter has been one of the best for the Verde and Salt River water systems in the last three decades, and SRP's reservoirs (Roosevelt, Apache, Canyon and Saguaro on the Salt, and Horseshoe and Bartlett on the Verde) are projected to fill or be close to capacity. While the rain and snow is welcome in terms of helping to mitigate dry... Full story

  • Page 11

    Jim Allen

    Page 11 is a one page business directory found in Western Outdoor Times. It contains some of our finest advertisers. SOLD OUT ADVENTURE iDIAZ B.A.S.S. Arizona High School Nation Bass Junkyz Bryan Church - Bartlett Lake Marina Clippership RV Rental & Sales Don McDowell Outdoors Farmers Insurance Chalyce McQueen Hall of Flame Krog's Kamp Nationwide Warranties Prescott Jazz Summit Riverbound Sports Russell Financial Scottsdale American Legion Post 44 VFW 720 VFW 3513 Western Outdoor Times Check... Full story

  • Bass Junkyz

    Bass Junkyz

    AZBW|Apr 1, 2023

    'Feed The Addiction' These tournaments are not just events; they are community. Bass JunkyzBass Junkyz is not just a bass fishing tournament event, it is a community of anglers coming together for a sport they love. We invite family and friends to attend every event. Our weigh-in system is state of the art and our process is streamlined to increase the survival rate of bass. Food is provided after every weigh in and checks are handed out in a timely manner. Fished the Bass Junkyz team... Full story

  • On The Cover March 2023

    Carol L Allen, Editor - Western Outdoor Times

    Our Desert Blooms However you envision their creator, the desert wildflowers in bloom are a masterpiece. There are so many places to savor this beauty -- from the Bartlett Lake area to Lake Havasu. Arizona is simply bursting with gorgeous colors, yes, even on the cactus. As our writers advise, this is definitely a reason to go for a drive now and enrich yourselves with the festival of the flowers. March into April is just the start of wonderful things: the Arizona Game & Fish Expo, the ongoing... Full story

  • Carol L Allen

    Boating, Auctions, Yard Sales, And Brunch Are All Just Ahead Now: A Special Offer From Bartlett Lake Marina Enjoy Bartlett Lake with your whole family! The weather is gorgeous, and Bartlett Lake has great ideas for enjoying some time on the water. Until December 15, the marina is offering a pontoon boat or ski boat rental for a full week day (Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays and subject to weather) for special prices. We are offering a 20 foot Pontoon Boat that will hold eight people...  Website

  • AZ Lakes AZ Pros Fred Ward At Bartlett Lake

    Margie Anderson|Nov 1, 2021

    John and I have known fishing legend Fred Ward for many years, but we actually met him in Florida. At that time I was writing for a tiny publication (now defunct) called Arizona Fishing News. My day job, The New Times, sent me to Denver for a week, then to Miami for a week, and as a reward, they gave me a guided fishing trip on Lake Okeechobee and even flew John out there to join me. Fred was guiding for the Roland Martin resort, and when he found out I was a writer, he comped our stay! We got... Full story

  • Catfish

    AZGFD|Oct 1, 2021

    Let's Talk About Catfish By Andy Clark - AZGFD Statewide Sportfish Program Supervisor I've come to the conclusion that there are few things better as an angler than feeling "tap-tap-tap" on your line in the pitch dark. Despite the many hours half-dozing in the sweltering heat of the night, forgetting my headlamp is on and wondering why the bugs keep eating me alive, catfish remain one of my favorite fishing targets. Arizona is home to some fantastic spots to catch catfish. Let's focus on simple... Full story

  • Danger Outdoors

    Margie Anderson|Sep 1, 2021

    When I was a kid, the only things I worried about when I was camping or hunting were bears and mountain lions. As it happens, I've only seen lions two or three times in my life, and each time the lion was hightailing it away from me. And sad to say, I've never seen a bear in the wild. However, I have had plenty of narrow escapes and a few times when I didn't escape some of the dangers that you might run into when you're enjoying Arizona's great outdoors. Most can be avoided if you simply pay... Full story

  • Margie Anderson|Aug 1, 2021

    Yamamoto Pro MartyLawrence fishes a lot of night tournaments in the summer, and summer in Arizona means monsoon storms. These storms usually do roll in at night and if you're out on the water, it can mean that jigs and reaction baits can fill the boat in a hurry. He says that a fisherman's best friend in a storm is a Minnkota Ultrex because it will hold your position all night, even if water is coming over the bow. He has actually stayed on the water in those conditions – he just sets the U...  Website

  • On The Cover October 2020

    Carol L Allen

    "I was thirsty and you gave me drink" (Matthew 25:35). The Arizona Game & Fish Department, along with several wildlife organizations, has trucked and airlifted over 250,000 gallons of water to volunteer-built catchments throughout the state this year. And, because of the exceptionally long, hot summer of 2020, these life-sustaining efforts have continued past their usual August finish. Water, the essence of life, is just as vital for Arizona wildlife as it is for us, and creatures large and... Full story

  • AZ Lakes AZ Pros Brett Hite At Bartlett Lake

    Margie Anderson|Oct 1, 2020

    Bass Pro Brett Hite has won over $1.6 million fishing tournaments. We got to go out with him on Bartlett a couple of years ago, and he gave us some great fall fishing tips. He's a cool guy. Keep It Basic Brett says keep it basic in the fall. He likes topwater, jigs, and drop shot rigs for the most part this time of year. He took us into the river at Bartlett and fished rocky banks that pretty much no one else fished, targeting banks on the deeper side of the river channel where it swings close... Full story

  • Sears Fire In Arizona - Update

    Tonto National Forest

    EVENING UPDATE: Sears Fire - Oct. 1 PHOENIX, Oct. 1, 2020 -Firefighters continue to patrol, monitor and mop up hotspots along the perimeter of the Sears Fire. The fire remains at 14,476 acres and is now 48 percent contained. Higher temperatures today caused an increase in fire activity which resulted in an unburned pocket of vegetation to ignite within the fire's interior, however there was no threat of it spotting over containment lines. Fire crews continue to monitor and protect critical... Full story

  • Tonto National Forest Has Opened Many Recreation Sites

    Tonto National Forest|Jun 1, 2020

    As of May 15, many of the Tonto National Forest's developed recreation sites have opened for use. This includes all developed sites for the lower Salt River and Saguaro Lake, most developed sites at Apache, Canyon, and Roosevelt Lakes. Bartlett Lake sites are also open. "In conjunction with Governor Ducey's phased reopening of Arizona, we are opening many popular sites on the forest for public use and enjoyment," Tonto National Forest Supervisor Neil Bosworth said. "We recognize the importance... Full story

  • AZ Lakes, AZ Pros: Dylan Maxon At Bartlett Lake

    Margie Anderson|Feb 1, 2020

    This is a huge year for Dylan with tournaments and marriage ahead. We wish him well. February can be a tough month at Bartlett. The water isn't warm yet, but it's coming, and a degree or two a day can put the bass in pre-spawn mode. This time of year, Dylan Maxon reaches for a big spinnerbait to get a limit at Bartlett. Dylan is a long-time tournament bass fisherman with some great sponsors – Signature Gates and Welding (the owner is another great fisherman – Kevin Finley), Irod Fishing Rod... Full story

  • Bald Eagle Breeding Season

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    Outdoor Recreationists, Pilots And Drone Operators Asked To Avoid Bald Eagle Nest Areas Arizona's bald eagles are back and they will soon be working on the next generation of eagles at breeding sites statewide. To assist with the state's continued bald eagle population growth, the Arizona Game and Fish Department encourages outdoor recreationists, aircraft pilots, drone operators and motorized paragliders to do their part by not disturbing the state's 89 eagle breeding areas. As such, some... Full story

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