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We never tire of reminding boaters to wear their life jackets, ideally the entire time they are out on the water. PFDs are no longer bulky, unattractive, and ill-fitting. Now they are comfortable, come in many styles, even colors, and some of the kid's jackets are nothing short of "cute and fun to wear". If you are new to life-jacket shopping, check with the Coast Guard or its Auxiliary, Arizona Game & Fish Department, and the National Safe Boating Council. Another good resource are the members... Full story
BoatUS Foundation offers required trash, oil, waste placard decals for just $5 each. Every new boat comes adorned with a plethora of warning labels for just about everything from obvious hazards to what a tow pylon should be used for. Did you know there are labels that can help remind you and your guests to keep our waters clean and ensure you are on the right side of the law? Boats new or old and 26 feet or greater must have written trash overboard and oil discharge placards "prominently posted... Full story
National Safe Boating Week will be held from May 18-24, 2024, reminding all boaters to brush up on boating safety skills and prepare for the boating season. This observance week is the annual kick-off of the Safe Boating Campaign, a global awareness effort that encourages boaters to make the most of their boating adventure by being responsible. “We’re committed to teaching boaters that the best boating experience is a safe day on the water,” said Peg Phillips, executive director of the Natio... Full story
Whether you're working in the office, at home, in the air, or on the water, all boating enthusiasts can participate in Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day on Friday, May 17, 2024. This fun day is part of the Safe Boating Campaign, a global awareness effort that encourages boaters to make the most of their boating adventure by being responsible. "Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day is a great opportunity to share with others your love for boating," said Yvonne Pentz, communications director of the... Full story
TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, AZ, helps boaters and anglers get home after running aground. YUMA, Ariz., – It's a shallow, sandy-bottomed, blue ribbon of Colorado River that stretches 44 miles across the low desert of the remote Arizona southwest. Now, recreational boaters and anglers navigating here from the Interstate 10 bridge down steam to the Imperial Dam have professional, 24/7 on-water towing and assistance available with the opening of TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, Arizona. The company, loca... Full story
With the warmer temperatures and change of seasons, "a young man's (and woman's) fancy turns to thoughts [of fishing]". Throughout the Southwest the focus is on both fresh and salt water fishing. If you are in Arizona's high country, it's time for trout stockings; if you are in San Diego, the annual Day at the Docks celebrates the start of salt-water fishing. Whatever your preference, we wish you tight lines. And when you are on the water, salt or fresh, remember to think safety first. Our... Full story
TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, Ariz., helps boaters and anglers get home after running aground. It's a shallow, sandy-bottomed, blue ribbon of Colorado River that stretches 44 miles across the low desert of the remote Arizona Southwest. Now, recreational boaters and anglers navigating here from the Interstate 10 bridge down steam to the Imperial Dam have professional, 24/7 on-water towing and assistance available with the opening of TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, Arizona. The company, located at... Full story
Most boating fatalities involve people not wearing a life jacket . The importance of wearing a life jacket while recreating on Arizona's waterways is sadly reflected in the most recent statistics involving boating tragedies. A majority of the recreational boating fatalities were individuals who drowned and were not wearing a life jacket - the most important piece of safety gear one can wear, whether on a boat, personal watercraft or paddlecraft. Drowning Victims Not Wearing Life Jackets This... Full story
The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water offers a range of online boating safety training courses - including 36 free state boating safety courses - that make boating safety education affordable and accessible. More than 220,000 boaters took one of these boating certification courses last year, which require students to correctly answer some questions at the conclusion of each course. Which questions did course takers get wrong most often? While we can't outright give you the... Full story
• More revelry at the Renaissance Festival, • More safety for drivers and elk, • More awards for positive outdoor activities and supporters, • More trout in community waters, • More places to explore, and • More focus on the Second Amendment. This issue celebrates the "newsy New Year" that is ahead of us. This month the Arizona Game & Fish Commission honors those individuals who have excelled in their support for wildlife and outdoor concerns. In February, the annual chance to step back in tim... Full story
Across much of America, including parts of Arizona, millions of recreational boats have been laid up for winter storage. With the boating season officially over, some boat owners may think they are free and clear for the next six months. However, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) offers three best practices for winter storage to ensure the off-season goes smoothy and safely. 1. If you haven’t done so yet, read your marina, boat club or storage facility contract. Every page. W... Full story
You are in luck! There is never a challenge when shopping for a gift for the boater(s) in your life. Whether your recipient sails, operates a powerboat, PWC, enjoys paddle-sports on a Stand-up paddle board, in a canoe or a kayak, chances are they are always in need of something that will enhance their day, safety or activity. Some Ideas If they’re not dropping any hints for you and you’re not comfortable asking them what they’d like, you might give their watercraft and equipment / gear a look... Full story
Now that the weather is cooler, the fishing is starting to heat up! It's that time of year when cold water fishing really starts to take off, so make sure you have your gear in order. Whether you are new to fishing or are a seasoned angler, here are a few tips to make sure your gear is ready for the fall. If you are new to fishing and are looking for a rod and reel for cold water fishing, I would recommend a 7-foot, medium-power, fast-action spinning rod with a 2500-size spinning reel. This rod... Full story
BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water program supervisor Alan Dennison has been elected chairman of the National Safe Boating Council (NSBC). Created in its current form by the Federal Boating Safety Act of 1971, the Council is the nation's principal public-private boating safety advocacy organization, representing a coalition of more than 330 U.S. and international member organizations. Its mission is to promote a safer recreational boating experience through education, outreach... Full story
You - the people, the citizens, the patriots, the Americans - all are the wind beneath our country's wings. With your loyalty and support, our eagle flies free, unencumbered by a divided citizenry, destructive politics, and weak leadership. It is up to you: Be a strong wind beneath our country's eagle or let it falter and fall. This next month on Veterans' Day, we salute those who did not let the eagle fall: our veterans. Poppies Honor Veterans - Proudly Show Your Support Pleasant Harbor... Full story
What's Different About Fall Boating? Plus, take a deep dive into choosing your winter boat cover from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation. For some boaters, fall is the best time for boating. Summer's steamy days have surrendered to more comfortable temperatures, angling improves, and winds are stronger for sailing. It's also time to embrace extra boating-safety efforts for the season and look ahead to how you're going to store your boat this winter. The nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safet... Full story
Nonprofit to develop competitive grant program to fund removal of abandoned, derelict vessels. Includes prevention and education measures. Boats end up abandoned or derelict on our nation's coasts for several reasons. Irresponsible owners abandon vessels when they can no longer afford to care for them or pay for their disposal. Poorly maintained, "at risk" anchored boats combined with the increasing frequency and severity of storms leave shorelines littered with wrecks after each hurricane. A... Full story
Although the heat continues to scorch the Desert Southwest, the good times ahead remind us of all the cool events Arizona has to offer. Soon, Lake Pleasant will revel in the sounds of western music at the September "Countryfest". Best Fest In The West - Come Celebrate Country At the same time, hunters will eagerly be hitting the countryside for the ever-popular dove-hunting season. And, as the cooler temperatures finally arrive, there are ideal times to visit some of the state's lakes (which... Full story
By Cameron MacLaren Long Beach Yacht Club is preparing for their annual US Sailing sanctioned International Safety at Sea course February 17-18, 2024. Participants may choose acomplete in-person two-day course; or a hands-on (Sunday only) course AFTER they've completed the 15 module online course, or a refresher / update if they've completed a sanctioned International course within the last 10 years. An impressive line up of seasoned and experienced presenters are scheduled to conduct the... Full story
Protect your crew and you while boating in severe heat. As the country continues to bake under record high temperatures, boaters often head to the water for respite. However, some may be unprepared for what it takes to withstand a high-heat day. Here are five tips from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water that can help ensure everyone's safety as temperatures climb. 1. Create shade. Direct sunlight can make the air feel 10- to 15 degrees warmer. Reduce the time you... Full story
Protect yourself and your guests - It's still hot! And September doesn't look like it's going to be much cooler. As a matter of fact, many areas in the Southwest – especially the Phoenix area of the Northern Sonora Desert are generally much warmer than other areas of the country. Unseasonably Hot Both Southern and Northern California, Utah, Southern Nevada, in fact the entire lower Colorado basin is definitely unseasonably hot. This is the hottest summer on record since the National Weather s... Full story
Summer boating season is in full swing and you've been enjoying your time on the water. Has it all been good so far? Maybe you've found yourself in a situation where, perhaps, you felt less-than-confident behind the wheel, or simply got a sense that something didn't feel safe. The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water has the fix for that: Taking a free online boating safety course can help make you feel good behind the helm – prepared, more confident, and able to handle situation... Full story
California Governor Newsom's 2024 Budget Proposes 300% Boat Registration Fee Increase Boaters currently pay $107 million in annual motor fuel taxes; revenue increase won't fund recreational boating needs. SACRAMENTO, Calif. -The nation's largest recreational boat owners advocacy, services and safety group Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), and the nonprofit state advocacy organization Recreational Boaters of California (RBOC), are asking Golden State boat owners to speak up o... Full story
Recreational Fishing and Boating Community Opposes Vessel Speed Restrictions In The Gulf of Mexico, Calls for Collaboration in Conserving Rice's Whales The leading organizations representing recreational fishing and boating in the United States have urged the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to reject a petition to establish a year-round 10-knot (11 mph) vessel speed limit and other vessel-related measures in the Rice's whale "core" habitat area in the Gulf of Mexico. The... Full story
Years ago, when I was in my home town of Yakima, Wash., my dad gave my husband and me tickets to see Louis Armstrong. He was marvelous, and I still remember his singing "Summer time and the livin' is easy; fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high ... ". In fact, as I read the fishing stories that come across my desk, I can still hear Armstrong's fantastic rendition of "Summertime". Here in Arizona, the fish are definitely "jumpin", and there are great reports available from those who know:... Full story