Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(362) stories found containing 'boating safety'

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  • Reminder

    Apr 15, 2013

    PAGE, Ariz. — A new Personal Watercraft (PWC) regulation went into effect on January 1, which requires PWC operating on Lake Powell to meet 2006 emission standards established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The NPS delayed implementation of this regulation for ten years to minimize impacts to PWC owners and provide time for people to plan for this new requirement. “We are actively reaching out to the boating public about this change and will take the opportunity next summer to... Full story

  • Mark Your Calendars For AZGFD Outdoor Expo, March 23-24

    Mar 15, 2013

    Outdoor enthusiasts won’t want to miss the Arizona Game and Fish Department Outdoor Expo on Saturday, March 23, and Sunday, March 24, at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix. The family friendly Expo offers loads of activities, presentations and exhibits for everyone ranging from novices to seasoned outdoor recreationists. Best of all, admission and parking are free. Activities and attractions include educational live wildlife exhibits (raptors, reptiles, small mammals, more), the huge c... Full story

  • Safety First

    Phoenix Sail & Power Squadron|Feb 15, 2013

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  • Mark Your Calendars For AZGFD Outdoor Expo, March 23-24

    Outdoor enthusiasts won’t want to miss the Arizona Game and Fish Department Outdoor Expo on Saturday, March 23, and Sunday, March 24, at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix. The family friendly Expo offers loads of activities, presentations and exhibits for everyone ranging from novices to seasoned outdoor recreationists. Best of all, admission and parking are free. Activities and attractions include educational live wildlife exhibits (raptors, reptiles, small mammals, more), the huge c... Full story

  • As Boating Season Begins Again

    Ed Huntsman, USCG - District Eight Recreational Boating Safety Program Manager|Feb 15, 2013

    A boating accident, often resulting in property damage, personal injury, or more tragically a death, is a terrible way to introduce anyone to the world of boating and water-related recreational activity. 2011, the most current year for which we have Coast Guard annual statistics, was the most catastrophic year since 1998 in the United States for boating-related deaths, injuries and property damage. We now have an opportunity to change our behavior and avoid becoming a similar statistic for last... Full story

  • Are You Qualified To Be a Licensed Captain?

    Feb 15, 2013

    First of all, who has to have a Captain’s License? Captain’s licenses are first and foremost required in order to legally carry passengers for hire. They are also a requirement in many commercial, law enforcement, transportation, charter; fishing; sailing instruction; merchant marine, and large yacht vessel operations. All kinds of new and used boats, yachts and vessels frequently have to be moved around for many reasons, and insurance companies frequently require a licensed Captain to make off... Full story

  • Experience The Great Outdoors At The Free Arizona Outdoor Expo

    Jan 15, 2013

    Come out on Saturday, March 23 and Sunday, March 24, for the free Arizona Game and Fish Department Outdoor Expo, held on the 1,600-acre grounds of the world-renowned Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix. Arizona’s largest hands-on outdoor expo offers fun activities, exhibits and educational presentations for the entire family. Two Days’ Of Fun, Information For All • See live wildlife — hawks, owls, reptiles, • Learn target archery, • Take the kids to the huge catch-and-release fish tanks,... Full story

  • 'Wear It!' Campaign Will Offer Resources, Funding Support for Grassroots Efforts

    National Safe Boating Council|Jan 15, 2013

    As part of the 2013 North American Safe Boating Campaign ("Wear It!"), the National Safe Boating Council is offering resources and funding to state agencies, organizations and other groups throughout the United States and Canada to help promote the campaign in their communities. There is a total of up to $35,000 to be awarded to approximately 8 - 10 applicants for an average of $3,500 each. The North American Safe Boating Campaign and this project are produced and supported under a grant from the Sports Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund,... Full story

  • Boat Safe, Boat Smart, Boat Sober!

    AZGFD|Jan 15, 2013

    Do not let the temperature outside fool you. Cold-water immersion and hypothermia can occur in water as cool as 70 degrees at any time of the year, even on a warm and sunny day. Arizona winters are mild, and recreational boating is popular year-round, but a sudden and unexpected immersion into cold water can cause hypothermia and even lead to a life-threatening situation. Entering extremely cold water causes an immediate gasp reflex that can fill the lungs with water. After falling overboard or... Full story

  • What To Do With ‘Down Time’?

    U.S. Coast Guard Auxilliary|Dec 15, 2012

    Are you patiently waiting for the ice to thaw or the weather to warm up so you can get your boat back on the water again? Then why not use the down time productively and take a boating-safety class conducted by your local Coast Guard Auxiliary flotilla or AZGFD, the local U.S. Power Squadron, or the Lake Pleasant Sailing Club? The Coast Guard Auxiliary (as do the others above) offers numerous boating courses for the public, but you may want to go with the basic “About Boating Safely” course or... Full story

  • More Winter Tips

    Nov 15, 2012

    While the majority of boaters in colder parts of the country have winterized their boats or put them into storage until spring, many still rely on their vessels for hunting, fishing or necessary transportation in cold weather, substantially increasing their risk of a deadly accident. Extra caution and preparation should be taken before heading out on the water in winter. And, although Arizona winters are mild in some parts of the state, they can be very cold in other parts. The U.S Coast Guard... Full story

  • AZBW / WOT Reader Receives Reply To Federal Government Targets Sportsmen’s Dollars To Reduce Deficit

    AZGFD|Nov 15, 2012

    The Arizona Game and Fish Commission is making the public aware of a looming threat to crucial conservation funding by the federal government’s proposed sequestration of conservation trust funds, an action that could reduce Arizona’s wildlife conservation funding by several million dollars. “The Greatest Story Never Told” is the mantra extolled by the nation’s wildlife conservation community in the 75th anniversary of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration (WSFR) programs being celebrate... Full story

  • Arizona State Parks

    Arizona State Parks|Nov 15, 2012

    As always, we are planning a multitude of activities for the holidays at State Parks. "First Day" hikes on January 1, 2013 are always popular and you can start booking them now so you can be out walking on New Year's Day. We know taking your family for a holiday excursion can be daunting when you add up all the costs for meals and hotels. But did you ever think it was odd you were traveling somewhere else when your family from cold states always wants to come to warm Arizona for the holidays?... Full story

  • You Are Invited

    Carol L Allen, Editor Arizona Boating & Watersports|Oct 15, 2012

    Outdoor enthusiasts have been familiar with Arizona Boating & Watersports news magazine. However, as the publication expanded its coverage to include camping, fishing, hunting, RVing, safety and wildlife, it was felt the name needed to reflect growth into new and varied content. Therefore, Western Outdoor Times now appears above the parent name Arizona Boating & Watersports, the original branding of the paper. Along with the expansion of areas covered, we are also expanding our geographic reach.... Full story

  • LPSC Presents Ladies’ Day At The Lake

    Debbie Huntsman, Commodore Lake Pleasant Sailing Club|Oct 15, 2012

    The Ladies’ Day@the Lake is a day-long, sailing summit for women sponsored by Lake Pleasant Sailing Club (LPSC). It is designed to introduce women to and/or enhance their skills in recreational boating through both land-based seminars and on-the-water workshops. This third LPSC ladies’ summit is scheduled on Nov. 10 at Lake Pleasant. There will be something for every skill level. Instructors include Mike and Mary Ellen Ferring, Fran Weber (winner of the 2012 SCWSA Peggy Slater Award), Nancy Erl... Full story

  • California Department of Boating and Waterways NEWS

    CDBW|Oct 15, 2012

    Sacramento, Calif. – October through December are statistically the most dangerous months for anglers on California’s waterways. The California Department of Boating and Waterways (DBW) boating accident statistics show that close to 90 percent of all fishing-related boating fatalities in the off-season involve vessels capsizing or people falling overboard. To improve the chances of surviving such accidents, DBW urges anglers to follow safe boating practices, especially the use of life jackets. "... Full story

  • Coast Guard Auxiliary Joins With Alliance For Safe Navigation

    Thomas Nunes, U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Public Affairs|Oct 15, 2012

    The Coast Guard Auxiliary has joined forces with the Alliance for Safe Navigation (Alliance) to inform boaters of the importance of maintaining current navigation information. Alliance members include the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), BoatUS, Jeppesen Marine, the U.S. Power Squadron, OceanGrafix, and the Sea Tow Foundation for Boating Safety and Education. Surveys have revealed that most boaters are not concerned about the accuracy of their charts and related... Full story

  • Vessel Lighting

    Ed Huntsman, Formerly With AZGFD|Oct 15, 2012

    A boater is quite right about only needing a flashlight or lantern for a (non-mechanized) boat less than 7 meters (23 feet). However, if the boat has machinery (a motor — even a trolling motor) on board, according to A.R.S. Title Five, which is what “Officer Friendly” out at the lake in Arizona enforces, you'll need running lights if you're out between sunset and sunrise, or operating in restricted (rain, dust or the like) visibility: 5-333. Classification of watercraft; lights A. Water...

  • Use ‘Down Time’To Refresh Boating Skills

    Oct 15, 2012

    Even some places in the Southwest may have ice and cold temps, beginning soon. If you are in one of those locations, as you patiently wait for the ice to thaw or the weather to warm up so you can finally get your boat back on the water again, here’s an idea. Why not use the down time productively and take a boating safety class conducted by your local Coast Guard Auxiliary flotilla? Also, Arizona Game & Fish Department, the Phoenix Power Squadron, and the Lake Pleasant Sailing Club all offer classes that are referenced each month on page t... Full story

  • Federal Government Targets Sportsmen's Dollars To Reduce Deficit

    AZGFD|Oct 15, 2012

    This report is provided by WOT/AZBW to bring our readers some of the current updates from Arizona Game & Fish Department. AZGFD offers a vast amount of information on all outside activities and may be found at www.azgfd.gov. October 24, 2012 “The Greatest Story Never Told” is the mantra being extolled by the nation’s wildlife conservation community in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Fund (WSFR). Farsighted and forward-looking sportsmen worked with... Full story

  • Strictly Sail Long Beach Announces Largest Sailing Seminar Program in Southern California

    NMMA|Aug 15, 2012

    Orange County, Calif. – September 11, 2012 – Strictly Sail Long Beach, Southern California’s only all-sail boat show (formerly the Long Beach Yacht & Boat Show), will provide sailing enthusiasts a rare opportunity to learn from world renowned pros with more than 60 exclusive sailing seminars expected during the four-day event, taking place at Shoreline Marina at Rainbow Harbor October 18-21. With sailing experts including George Day, Kathy Parsons and Lee Chesneau, plus dozens of sailing pros and topics across the spectrum, Strictly Sail Long... Full story

  • Lake Pleasant Receives Funding for Interpretive Displays

    John Menard|Aug 15, 2012

    Lake Pleasant Receives Funding for Interpretive Displays Recently, members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a Collection Agreement between the Arizona Game and Fish Commission and Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department. “Through the agreement, Lake Pleasant Regional Park will receive $10,000 to construct interpretive exhibits that focus on boating safety, aquatic recreation opportunities and educational matters,” said Maricopa County Supervisors’ Chair... Full story

  • Boating Basics: On the Water

    AZGFDs|Aug 15, 2012

    Boating Basics: On the Water Monsoons Often Cause For Concern Arizona weather can change rapidly, creating the unexpected. From AZGFD’s “Arizona Handbook of Boating Laws & Responsibilities” Weather Emergencies Weather can change very rapidly and create unexpected situations for boat operators, and weather-related accidents in Arizona are on the rise. Even meteorologists have trouble predicting rapid weather changes. [Think Arizona monsoons!] You should always monitor weather developments. Besid... Full story

  • US Coast Guard Auxiliary Celebrates 73 Years Helping Keep America Safe

    USCGA, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary|Jul 15, 2012

    The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary celebrated its 73rd anniversary of service to America June 23. As the uniformed, volunteer component of the Coast Guard, Auxiliary members dedicate countless hours each year toward supporting the Coast Guard in nearly all of the service's mission areas. In The ‘30s In the 1930s, rowing and yachting races were among the most popular spectator sports in America. With WWII on the horizon and more than 300,000 boats operating in U.S. waters, Congress passed l... Full story

  • Tri-State Boating Safety Fair To Promote Life Jackets

    May 15, 2012

    LAKE HAVASU CITY, Ariz. — Boating officials from three states are teaming up once again to stress the importance of wearing a life jacket; they will be at the ninth annual Tri-State Boating Safety Fair at the Colorado River. The event will take place May 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at London Bridge Beach Park, 1340 McCulloch Blvd., Lake Havasu City. The event coincides with the kickoff of National Boating Safety Week (May 19-25) and the “Ready, Set, Wear It” life jacket campaign sponsored by th... Full story

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