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(362) stories found containing 'boating safety'

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  • Monsoon

    AZGFD|Jul 1, 2023

    Monsoon weather is just around the corner, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) cautions boaters, anglers and off-highway vehicle (OHV) users that weather conditions can quickly change and become dangerous for those who aren't prepared. The severity of monsoon storms varies greatly, from a minor dust storm to a violent thunderstorm capable of producing hail, deadly lightning and flash flooding. "Arizona is known for its often unbearable summer heat; it's also known for great places... Full story

  • Boating Navigation Rules In Arizona

    Capt. Ed Huntsman, Boating Co-Editor|Jul 1, 2023

    Not surprising that if you "know" the navigation rules on the waterway upon which you're boating, it's easy to spot those that don't. In fact, many boaters don't even know they exist, let alone what they are and that we are all legally responsible to know and understand them. Part of the reason there's confusion is that unless you've completed a National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved boating safety education course or you've "heard" about the NAV Rules somewhe... Full story

  • Watersports and Signals BoatUS Magazine

    Boat US|Jul 1, 2023

    To maximize fun and safety while towing a waterskier, make sure everyone on board knows these simple hand signals for communication. By Chris Landers BoatU.S.Magazine Contributing Writer 1. Faster: Thumb up 2. Slower: Thumb down 3. Go right, go left: Point right, point left 4. We're turning around: Driver's or spotter's arm up, pointing, making circles 5. Make another loop: Skier's arm up, pointing, making circles 6. I'm finished and letting go of tow rope: Skier uses a hand to simulate "slice... Full story

  • AZGFD Steps Up Patrols For Impaired Boaters

    AZGFD|Jul 1, 2023

    To keep the public safe from watercraft-related accidents this upcoming Fourth of July weekend, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) and partner agencies will increase patrols on Arizona’s waterways from July 1-3 during Operation Dry Water. This nationwide campaign focuses on decreasing the number of alcohol- and drug-related incidents and fatalities, and educating recreational boaters about the dangers of boating under the influence. Law enforcement officers will remove dangerous and im... Full story

  • http://halesmarineservices.com/
  • VHF Marine Band Radio – How Do I Use It?

    Capt. Ed Huntsman, Boating Co-Editor|Jul 1, 2023

    It never fails – every time I’m on the water, be it on a powerboat, and sailboat or paddling I always hear a boater doing a radio check. And frequently, others demonstrating their total lack of understanding on proper radio procedure by engaging in two-minute plus conversations on channel 16 while everyone else listens in –- not unlike the person speaking loudly on their cell phone in a restaurant.Many apparently justdon’t understand, or have not taken the time to learn how to properly use their... Full story

  • Weather Smart

    Capt. Ed Huntsman|Jun 1, 2023

    Non-boat owner friends often comment just after boarding our boat in San Diego about the traffic on our VHF marine radio offering up the latest weather information. More than one frequently remark about what a beautiful day it is – so what's up with the weather concern? Capt Debbie and I are quick to remind them that while the sun may be shinning now and the breeze is gentle, the Southern California coastal weather can change rapidly. And we take advantage of the moment to educate our guests t... Full story

  • Boat Fueling Mishap

    Boat US|Jun 1, 2023

    On Boating Season's Kickoff BoatUS Reminds Boaters to Avoid a Misfuel Mishap 'Regular 88,' an E15 fuel, is prohibited for use in recreational boats. Today's gas station pumps no longer provide clear and transparent information to help consumers make the right fuel choice. Dispensing pumps have become a marketer's dream, chock full of attention-grabbing video screens blasting amplified sound that visually plaster a captive audience with a mishmash of eye-catching advertisements from two-for-one... Full story

  • AZGFD Cautions Boaters

    AZGFD|Jun 1, 2023

    AZGFD Cautions Boaters, Anglers, OHV Users During Monsoon Monsoon Awareness Week is June 11-17 Monsoon weather is just around the corner, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) cautions boaters, anglers and off-highway vehicle (OHV) users that weather conditions can quickly change and become dangerous for those who aren't prepared. The severity of monsoon storms varies greatly, from a minor dust storm to a violent thunderstorm capable of producing hail, deadly lightning and flash... Full story

  • Wear A Life Jacket

    AZGFD|May 1, 2023

    There were 13 boating fatalities, 60 injuries, $1 million in damages last year. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is urging all who recreate on Arizona's waters to wear a life jacket, follow safety regulations and laws, as well as designate a sober operator. So far in 2023, three people have lost their lives boating in Arizona. In 2022, boating accidents claimed the lives of 13 people, injured 60 more, and caused $1 million in damages. "A life jacket does exactly what it says - it... Full story

  • Seen And Heard

    Boat US|May 1, 2023

    Visual distress signals can be very effective for summoning help from those assets closest to your location – fellow boaters – potentially shortening response time. Five Ways To Be Seen And Heard When You Really Need To Summon Help National Safe Boating Week is May 21–27. When you have an emergency on the water, how do you get help? For National Safe Boating Week, May 21-27, the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is reminding boaters that having the ability to be se... Full story

  • On The Cover April 2023

    Carol L Allen

    There's something about this time of year, isn't there? We're suspended between the end of a chilly Arizona-type winter and the blistering heat of an Arizona summer. However, that's not all of the state; we can always escape the Valley oven and enjoy the cool freshness of our High Country in areas like Flagstaff, Prescott, Payson, Greer, etc. . And, of course, there are our waterways - everything from swimming pools to ponds to rivers and streams to beautiful, refreshing lakes. Boating of all ty... Full story

  • Safe Boating Make The Most Of Your Boating Season

    AZBW|Apr 1, 2023

    'The best boating experience is safe boating.' National Safe Boating Week will be held from May 20-26, 2023, reminding all boaters to brush up on boating safety skills and prepare for the boating season. This observance week is the annual kick-off of the Safe Boating Campaign, a global awareness effort that encourages boaters to make the most of their boating adventure by being responsible. "The best boating experience is safe boating," said Yvonne Pentz, communications director of the National... Full story

  • Bartlett Lake Marina Arizona
  • Carol L Allen

    May 20-26: National Safe Boating Week Downstream Events Calendar April 2023National Safe Boating Week reminds all boaters to brush up on boating-safety skills and prepare for the boating season. This observance week is the annual kick-off of the Safe Boating Campaign, a global awareness effort that encourages boaters to make the most of their boating adventure by being responsible. "The best boating experience is safe boating," said Yvonne Pentz, communications director of the National Safe...  Website

  • Vessel Safety Check

    Boat US|Apr 1, 2023

    How do you know your boat is ready for a safe summer boating season and complies with new U.S. Coast Guard regulations? A no-cost, no-penalty vessel safety check from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and U.S. Power Squadrons/America's Boating Club can help. Scheduled inspections are often offered at launch ramps, marinas and boat clubs, or appointments can be made for a vessel examiner to come to your boat. Go to cgaux.org/vsc to learn more. The program is sponsored by the BoatUS Foundation for... Full story

  • Boating Safety

    Ed Huntsman|Apr 1, 2023

    It never fails – every time I'm on the water, be it on a powerboat, and sailboat or paddling I always hear a boater doing a radio check. And frequently, others demonstrating their total lack of understanding on proper radio procedure by engaging in 2 minute plus conversations on channel 16 while everyone else listens in – not unlike the person speaking loudly on their cell phone in a restaurant.Many apparently justdon't understand, or have not taken the time to learn how to properly use the... Full story

  • Boating Safety "Speak Easy"

    BoatUS|Mar 1, 2023

    BoatUS Reveals Top Three Mistakes Boaters Make When Using VHF Radios Help ensure you’re heard every time. For most recreational boaters, VHF radios are a better lifesaving tool than the omnipresent cellphone, even as more boaters use cellphones for emergency on-water communications. Why? The VHF radio remains the only tool at the boater’s disposal that can summon those potential rescuers on the water nearest you – sometimes with the press of one simple red button – saving critical rescue... Full story

  • Sun Valley Fiber-Glas
  • Boat Bags And Pillows

    BoatUS|Dec 1, 2022

    BoatUS Foundation holiday fundraiser offers a few nautical favorite things and gives back to boating. A few of boaters' favorite stocking stuffers and nautical gifts, such as flags, boat mats, towels and pillows – all customizable to include a boat name – are available in an annual fundraising drive for the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. In addition, customizable holiday cards with nautical designs crafted on high-quality FSC-certified paper are available in mod... Full story

  • Christmas Specials

    Christmas Specials

    Jim Allen

    There are three great Christmas Specials Ad Opportunities This Year. The first five to order an ad in each category (Fishing, Boating & Water Safety, Business Card / Logo Section) will receive two Arizona Renaissance Festival tickets as a bonus. 1. Fishing Arizona Game & Fish, Margie Anderson and Wayne Gustaveson are some of the main contributors to these great fishing stories. There are many stories to choose from to sponsor. Click Here To See Example Click here to purchase.. 2. Boating &... Full story

  • Patriot PAWS Service Dogs

    On The Cover November 2022

    Carol L Allen

    November is also a month to express our gratitude. As John Anderson writes, dogs are a key to both hunting success and rewarding companionship. I second that as I have had the honor of living with dogs many years of my life and will always remember my first dog a little black English cocker spaniel - Sammy - who was an excellent hunter and my best friend growing up. This article is featured because it is bird-hunting season, and the best luck for a hunter will be to go into the field with a... Full story

  • Ladies, Let's Go Fishing

    Female Fishing Participation On The Rise

    Traditions Media|Nov 1, 2022

    Forestville, WI (November 2, 2022) – Women now account for 37 percent of anglers in the U.S., the highest level on record according to the Special Report on Fishing announced at ICAST 2022 by the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) in collaboration with the Outdoor Foundation. 19.4 million women went fishing in 2021, an 8% increase in fishing outings since 2019. 1.6 million female participants were first timers. The total number of fishing outings for females in 2021 was 288 m... Full story

  • Boating And Water Safety

    Capt. Ed Huntsman|Nov 1, 2022

    Capt. Ed Huntsman US Coast Guard Licensed Captain Member, US Sailing Safety at Sea Committee Why is safety such a hard sell? Why should water and boating safety officials across the country even have to try? Its always interesting that those most interested in the topic are rarely, if ever, those that would most benefit from learning about it and adopting the culture. As I sit here writing this article, I just finished reading a Coast Guard notification regarding a 65-year-old fisherman who... Full story

  • Boat-Buyer's Toolbox

    Boat US|Oct 1, 2022

    The Boat-Buyer's Toolbox When it's time to buy a boat, you'll need all the tools available to score a great deal. By Charles Fort Wonder just how popular boating is? In the United States, one in three American adults participates in boating every year. That translates to a lot of boats, and a lot of people buying boats. In fact, 1.5 million of us buy a new or used boat every year. Whether you're a first-timer or an old salt, there are things you can do to ensure that your next purchase goes off... Full story

  • Boating Safety Tips

    Boat US|Oct 1, 2022

    Fall boating season has arrived, and with it come different types of risks that cold water and air temperatures bring. Here are three boating safety tips from the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water just right for leaf peeping season. 1. A float plan is needed: A float plan is as simple as telling a responsible person where you will be going and when you’ll be back. With fewer other boats on the water (potential Good samaritans) after Labor Day, a float plan ensures rescuers wil... Full story

  • Boating And Water Safety

    Ed Huntsman|Oct 1, 2022

    Fisherman is missing; was he wearing a life jacket? Why is safety such a hard sell? Why should water and boating safety officials across the country even have to try? Its always interesting that those most interested in the topic are rarely, if ever, those that would most benefit from learning about it and adopting the culture. As I sit here writing this article, I just finished reading a Coast Guard notification regarding a 65-year-old fisherman who went missing in Texas a few nights back.... Full story

  • All In One Fitness Scottsdale
  • Used Boat? Don't Forget To Check The Trailer

    Margie Anderson|Oct 1, 2022

    Buying a used boat is a great way to get into boating, and there are a lot of good bargains out there. When you check out a boat before buying, don't forget to examine the trailer. First, check to see if the trailer is NMMA-certified. That will mean that it meets industry guidelines for safety and quality. Then check the weight limit that the trailer can handle and make sure that the total weight of the boat, motor, and the gear you're putting in there doesn't exceed that number. Check the... Full story

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