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Note: We Found These At 'Be Outdoors Arizona'! Fall in Love with Fishing – Peoria Park Rangers February 8 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Kids ages 0-17 are invited to enjoy a heartwarming day of fishing at Paloma park. Whether you are a budding angler or just looking to enjoy a new activity, this event is for you! Bring your love for adventure and make some sweet memories. Gear will be provided, do not let this opportunity float away. Register at or at (623)773-7137 Monthly S... Full story
PHOENIX - Your next fun-filled outdoor adventure begins at the Arizona Game and Fish Department's (AZGFD) annual Outdoor Expo on Saturday, March 29 and Sunday, March 30. Located at the 1,650-acre Ben Avery Shooting Facility in north Phoenix, this popular event showcases Arizona's abundance of wildlife-related and outdoor recreation opportunities, including wildlife viewing, fishing, hunting, shooting sports, camping, off-highway vehicle (OHV) and boating recreation, and more. Expo hours are 9... Full story
It just happens. The old year slips away so quickly. Didn't 2024 just begin? Where do the days, weeks, months go? And, if you are enjoying the outdoors or life in general, they go by even faster. And, that's a good thing. Speaking of good things, just around the corner is one of the first harbingers of a new year: the annual Renaissance Festival -- one of our favorite events. The jousting, the artisans, the Pleasure Feast, the entertainers are all part of the "raucous revelry" we have come to... Full story
John and I are always looking for new roads to explore in the Jeep, and this past week we found one that we could have done in the car, so I thought I'd share it, because there were plenty of interesting things to see and some incredibly beautiful areas. You could do this whole loop in one day like we did, even taking time to hop out and wander around, plus a stop for a picnic lunch. In all, we covered 286 miles from the west valley, round trip. FIRST UP: DOLL BABY RANCH ROAD I saw this road on...
Cool, clear air. Sparkling stars on velvet sky. Heady fragrance of pine. Soft breeze. Gentle stream songs. Delicious aromas of brewing coffee, of sizzling bacon. Silence. Peace. Refreshment. These are some of the descriptors I could use as I remember my days of camping in Washington State and in Alberta, Canada. Mind you, I could also say "cold", "freezing", "chilling", but those would apply to late-season camping in the Northwest. Not here in the Southwest. In fact, generally that is one of... Full story
Note - All photos courtesy of John and Margie Anderson Camping is the ideal outdoor adventure – it can be inexpensive and close to home, and gets you out in the fresh air and away from the news stories. If you're new to camping, don't feel like you need to go out and buy a bunch of stuff. You can probably borrow a lot of what you need from friends and family, or find used gear online. Find out if your neighborhood or church has a "Buy Nothing" program. Once you sign up, you can get a lot of g... Full story
(Maricopa County) – Who's ready to enjoy a free night's stay in one of Maricopa County's regional parks? Starting September 18, the Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department is bringing back its popular Buy One, Get One camping promotion! The promotion allows park visitors who pay the camping fee for one night or more at a participating desert mountain county park to receive one night of equal or lesser value for free during that same stay. "Maricopa County is home to 12 beautiful r... Full story
Mochi loves off-roading! Note - all photos were by John and Margie Anderson. When I was a kid, my dad always took us kids hunting off Dugas Road. There used to be a dirt road and a gate right on the side of I-17 and that road led to Hooker Tank, and from there over the hill to road 68D which goes from Dugas Road north to Squaw Peak Road. We loved it there and since we went there so often we all knew that area very well. There's a lot to be said about knowing all the best and prettiest places in... Full story
Lake Pleasant Fireworks – July 3, 2024 Watch The Best Fireworks Show In Town! Pleasant Harbor at Lake Pleasant will host its annual Celebrate America fireworks show on Wednesday, July 3, 2024. Pleasant Harbor is home to this annual firework show, as well asfood trucks, free kids' activities, and live concert featuring the band, Rock Lobster. Gates open at 5:00 p.m. with fireworks at 9:00 p.m. and activities running through 10:30 p.m.Presale parking admission is $27.50(per vehicle)and $35 day o... Full story
Road trips have long been the crown jewel of American vacations, and it's no surprise, given the country's obsession with car culture. The 1956 Interstate Highway System made road trips more convenient and accessible than ever before, and the following year, Jack Kerouac's On the Road compelled free-spirited youth to travel by almost any wheeled means necessary. But after the global pandemic, the chrome has worn off of many road trip luxuries the travelers of yesteryear took for granted.... Full story
John and I love Arizona because you can cruise the deserts in winter and the mountains in summer. That's why we decided to visit the ruins of Swansea, an old mining town in February. It never occurred to me that I would need to check for any major events on Swansea Road, so off we went, taking 60 through Wickenburg, Aguila, Vicksburg, and Bouse. Bouse We planned to fill the Jeep in Bouse then head north on Swansea Road to the remains of the town. I was stoked because the map showed a natural arc... Full story
AZGFD offers essential tips for avoiding conflicts. With Arizona's hottest months right around the corner, how black bears forage for typical food sources will become more challenging. As a result, the chances of them wandering into populated areas in search of an easier meal will be on the rise. While bears are typically shy and tend to avoid humans, their excellent sense of smell can be problematic for both the animals and humans. Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) officials advise... Full story
Tour de Scottsdale APR 12TH – APR 13TH HOURS7:00am – 5:00pm ADMISSION$125 The Honor Health Tour de Scottsdale offers challenging and scenic courses that will undoubtedly push the limits of cyclists WestWorld Scottsdale 16601 N. Pima Rd Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 520-745-2033 Adventure Van Expo APR 13TH HOURS10:00am – 5:00 pm (saturday) 10:00am – 3:00pm (sunday) ADMISSION: $5 at the door TIME10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Open house vans, DIY contest, Live Music, Food trucks, Camping. Adventure Vans are the... Website
Here it is: already February of a new year that just got started "a day or so ago", didn't it? No, it was over a month ago, and 2024 is well underway. My how time flies, and it's easy to miss opportunities because they're often over even before we make our plans to participate. So, what's the bottom line here? Don't miss out. Ideas are plentiful: from Arizona Game & Fish, from 'Touch a Truck' at Lake Pleasant, from Margie Anderson, from Fearless Kitties in Fountain Hills, from the Arizona Ren Fa... Full story
Kids, big and small,will have the opportunity to interact with large vehicles such as firetrucks, earth movers, dump trucks, backhoes, excavators, and a bucket truck. Touch-A-Truck is being held at Pleasant Harbor, located on the southeastern shores of Lake Pleasant on February 24from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The event is FREE. However, there is a $9.00 entrance fee per vehicle. Hands-On Experience Touch-A-Truck affords kids the unique opportunity to climb on their favorite oversized vehicles, wit... Full story
This is the perfect time of year to take your winter guests or your family to some of the wonderful places in Arizona that get a bit warm in the summertime. We've taken the granddaughters to all of these places, and believe it or not, Trinity tells us that the Hassayampa Preserve was her favorite hike ever! Some of these places are free to visit, and others are not, so I'm including current prices as well as how to get there and what not to miss! Enjoy! Boyce Thompson Arboretum The girls have... Full story
John and I have been wanting to visit Childs for several years now, but the road was closed for a long time. Now that it's open again, we took a day and drove out there. It was a fun ride with a lot of cool stuff to see, and it's one you can do in a passenger car – but let me tell you, it's seriously washboard-y all the way to the split where one road goes to Fossil Creek access and one goes to Childs. Getting There Starting at Camp Verde, take the 260 east to the Fossil Springs road, which i... Full story
Instead of spending the winter months camped inside, explore some of Arizona's most beautiful spaces by visiting a state park and enjoying all the amazing wintertime activities available. Make memories and take pictures, and share your photos for a chance to win major prizes! Arizona State Parks and Trails encourages you to Opt Outside and submit photos between November 24, 2023, and January 15, 2024 at midnight. Each contestant may submit up to five entries and may be entered in multiple... Full story
The Isle Switch Aren't all kayaks portable? Well, yes, but not all of them fit into a backpack, pump and all, with the whole package weighing just 19 pounds! The Isle Switch is the ideal kayak/paddle board for fishermen, especially fishermen who travel or who like to fish small waters that are hard to get to. One of the features of this kayak is the flat deck – you sit on a chair that is raised from the deck and there is plenty of room and plenty of straps for your gear -- and they've e... Full story
Now that the weather is cooler, the fishing is starting to heat up! It's that time of year when cold water fishing really starts to take off, so make sure you have your gear in order. Whether you are new to fishing or are a seasoned angler, here are a few tips to make sure your gear is ready for the fall. If you are new to fishing and are looking for a rod and reel for cold water fishing, I would recommend a 7-foot, medium-power, fast-action spinning rod with a 2500-size spinning reel. This rod... Full story
Gift-giving season is upon us, and I don’t know about you, but with prices the way they are this year, I’m looking for every opportunity to save a few quid here and there! So this year’s gift list will include quite a few DIY gifts for your outdoor enthusiast, as well as very economical gifts they’ll love! Homemade Trail Mix One thing I learned early on when hiking with the granddaughters is that trail mix is the ultimate snack for the outdoors. We’d snack on it in the car as well as on the tr... Full story
Effective April 1, 2024, Grand Canyon National Park will increase the cost of overnight backcountry permits. Grand Canyon began charging for overnight backcountry permits in 1997 and last modified backcountry fees in 2022. The cost recovery charge for overnight backcountry permits will increase for all permits that begin on or after April 1, 2024. The charge of $10 per backcountry permit remains the same; the nightly per person fee will be increased from $12 per person to $15 per person or s... Full story
These Are My Favorite Indigenous People's Sites In Arizona. Because my dad was a Chippewa Indian and I'm a registered member of the Red Lake Band of Chippewas, I've always had an interest in the sites around the state that were built by the peoples who lived here long ago. And in fact, many of their descendants live here in Arizona to this day! John and I have visited a lot of the more famous sites with the girls, so I'll start out telling you about those, but I thought I'd also add some... Full story
John and I and Mochi took a fun ride up in the cool pines the other day – it wasn't a ride packed with things to see, but it did take us past Marshall Lake, Upper and Lower Lake Mary, Mormon Lake, and Stoneman Lake – all of which are currently chock full of water! You will need a high-clearance vehicle for this drive, and I'm thinking it could get iffy after a big rain. I'm an Arizona native, but this is the first time I've ever seen water in Stoneman Lake, and the first time I remember see... Full story
Although the heat continues to scorch the Desert Southwest, the good times ahead remind us of all the cool events Arizona has to offer. Soon, Lake Pleasant will revel in the sounds of western music at the September "Countryfest". Best Fest In The West - Come Celebrate Country At the same time, hunters will eagerly be hitting the countryside for the ever-popular dove-hunting season. And, as the cooler temperatures finally arrive, there are ideal times to visit some of the state's lakes (which... Full story