Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(476) stories found containing 'camping'

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  • Pleasant Harbor Country Fest 2023


    Pleasant Harbor at Lake Pleasant will host the Pleasant Harbor Country Fest on Saturday, October 14, 2023, featuring country music from several popular local bands and LIVE bull riding. In addition, the event includes food trucks, a VIP experience, along with mechanical bull riding. The event runs from 2:00 p.m. –10:00 p.m. General admission tickets are $45.00 per person, and $15.00 per child (12 & under). A limited number of VIP tickets are available at $125.00.Tickets can be purchased o... Full story

  • Margie Anderson|Sep 1, 2023

    A lot of our friends have trailers or RVs, but John and I like to throw our gear in (and on) the Jeep and just set up camp wherever we find a beautiful place to stop. But, just because we tent camp doesn't mean we're roughing it! I've been camping for decades now, and we've fine-tuned our gear to give use the most comfort for the least weight and space. With all the advancements in technology these days, it's easier than ever to take the comforts of home with you, even on a tent-camping trip....  Website

  • Arizona State Parks And Trails Presents Its Fall Kickoff Issue

    Arizona State Parks|Sep 1, 2023

    Hopefully you had a chance to enjoy a high-country camping or lake trip this summer to escape the record-breaking heat we experienced across the state! School is back in session and families are getting back into their routines, and most Arizonans are looking forward to cooler temps and fall weather. Try not to let your adventurous spirit get lost in the fray of your busy life this year. Remember to get outside this fall to remain connected with nature and enjoy the array of physical and mental... Full story

  • Summer Fun In The Pinaleno Mountains

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Aug 1, 2023

    If you're looking for a cool getaway in Arizona that is a bit off the beaten path (and therefore not quite so packed with human beings), you should give the Pinaleno Mountains a try. There are lots of excellent hiking trails, a lake to fish in, and plenty of good campgrounds whether you favor a tent or an RV. The tallest peak is over 10,000 feet, and you may be familiar with the name – Mt. Graham: the mountain with the famous protected red squirrels. The Pinalenos are one of the "sky islands i... Full story

  • New Zealand Mudsnails Confirmed In Tonto Creek

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2023

    Director's Orders (list of waters with aquatic invasive species) updated to include Tonto Creek; Tonto Creek Hatchery closed to public. PAYSON, Ariz. - The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has confirmed the presence of New Zealand mudsnails, an aquatic invasive species (AIS), in upper Tonto Creek approximately 2.5 miles downstream of Tonto Creek Hatchery. AZGFD continues to conduct surveys in the area to determine the extent of infestation. Tonto Creek Hatchery will remain closed to the... Full story

  • Paul Gosar Congressman 9th District Arizona

    Gosar Statement Regarding Biden Grand Canyon Land Grab

    Paul Gosar, Congressman 9th District Arizona|Aug 1, 2023

    Kingman, AZ - Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09), issued the following statement in response to the Biden administration's announcement designating almost one million acres adjacent to the Grand Canyon as a national monument: "Circumventing Congressional authority and with the swipe of a pen, Joe Biden intends to lock up one million acres of public land and permanently prohibit mining of the richest and highest-grade uranium in the United States from deposits that are far outside the... Full story

  • Bears

    Jul 1, 2023

    Safety tips can prevent attracting bears and advise what to do in case of an encounter. Editor's Note: In light of the recent tragedy near Prescott, Ariz., we publish this reminder from AZGFD and send sincere condolences to the family and friends of the victim. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has started to receive its first confirmed reports of the year of bear sightings in Arizona. As temperatures rise, bears will come out of their dens searching for food. Black bears are typicall... Full story

  • Whoopsie and Henderson Again

    Margie Anderson|Jul 1, 2023

    We're "On The Road Again" The epic rains we had all winter were great for the wildflower bloom, but not so fantastic for off-roading! John and I avoid going on dirt roads when it's muddy – not because we think we'll get stuck, but because it trashes the roads. It seemed like every time we wanted to go out, it was either going to rain or had recently rained. Being an Arizona native, there is no way I'm going to complain that we had too much rain, but I have to confess that it did put a damper on... Full story

  • Be Bear Aware

    AZGFD|Jul 1, 2023

    As always, keep food sources unavailable, be aware of your surroundings, and enjoy wildlife from a distance. Many people will be headed to Arizona's high country this weekend, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is reminding outdoor recreationists and residents to be aware of the chance encounter with bears or other native wildlife. The best way to enjoy wildlife is from a safe distance. Bears, in particular, are powerful animals that should always be considered unpredictable and... Full story

  • Lake Pleasant Fireworks


    It's The Best Fireworks Show in Town! Pleasant Harbor at Lake Pleasantand the City of Peoria will host the annual Celebrate America fireworks show on Monday, July 3, 2023. Pleasant Harbor is home to this annual firework show, as well as food trucks, free kids' activities, including water slide, bounce house and live concert featuring, Rock Lobster. Festivities begin at 5:00 p.m. with fireworks at 9:00 p.m. and activities running through 10:30 p.m. Presale parking admission through June 30th is... Full story

  • Pleasant Harbor

    Jun 1, 2023

    Pleasant Harbor Is Just Minutes Away Just forty-five minutes from downtown Phoenix, Pleasant Harbor, located on the southeastern shores of Lake Pleasant, serves as a one-stop recreation spot for lakeside fun. Pleasant Harbor, open 365 days a year and operating 24 hours a day, is the place to cool down as summer temperature rise. Do you want to rent a boat, show-off on water skis, wake board or lake surf? Jet Ski,kayak, paddle board or sail? Did we mention, Pleasant Harbor is home to the World's... Full story

  • Whoopsie Trail And Henderson Road

    Margie Anderson|Jun 1, 2023

    The epic rains we had all winter were great for the wildflower bloom, but not so fantastic for off-roading! John and I avoid going on dirt roads when it's muddy – not because we think we'll get stuck, but because it trashes the roads. It seemed like every time we wanted to go out, it was either going to rain or had recently rained. 'Rain, Rain, Go Away' Being an Arizona native, there is no way I'm going to complain that we had too much rain, but I have to confess that it did put a damper on our... Full story

  • National Great Outdoors Month

    AZBW|Jun 1, 2023

    Great Outdoors Month helps remind us all of the physical and mental benefits of outdoor recreation and to inspire your interactions with Mother Nature. Seek adventure and you'll be rewarded with the positive effects of a connection with the natural world. Don't put adventure on hold as summer settles in! You'll find plenty of unforgettable outdoor experiences available throughout Arizona in spite of increasing temps. Cool off in the water at any of our lake or river parks, tour an... Full story

  • Outdoor Skills Network and FishAZ Network Partners

    Doug Burt, AZGFD Recruitment, Retention ad Reactivations R3 Manager|Jun 1, 2023

    Summer Partner Gathering - Outdoor Skills Network (OSN) July 22-23, 2023 Arizona Nordic Village Flagstaff, AZ Meeting details: Onsite camping or lodging in town Saturday noon - 5pm: host lunch and dinner, followed by social Sunday 8-noon: host breakfast, meeting and depart RSVP HERE - https://www.register-ed.com/events/view/200789 Local Sportsmen's Group Grant Program (LSG) The annual grant should be opening on July 10, 2023. And will be open for 6 weeks. Once again, we have $75,000 available... Full story

  • Maricopa County Parks Fire Ban

    AZBW|May 1, 2023

    Maricopa County's regional parks set May 1 as the start date for the annual fire ban (Maricopa County) – The Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department initiated its annual fire ban on Monday, May 1, 2023. The City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department's annual fire ban went into effect the same day. The department's annual fire ban dates align with the county's Air Quality Department burn activity regulations. Under these regulations, outdoor recreational fires are prohibited w... Full story

  • Perfect Gifts For Outdoors Lovers

    Margie Anderson|Dec 1, 2022

    Wondering what to get that hiker, climber, nomad, off-roader, camper, or just plain day dreamer for the holidays? I've got you covered! I've been saving great ideas all year long so I could share them with you this month. I'll give you ideas from stocking stuffers to splurges, so you're sure to find something fun and fitting in this list. Aspen Water Bottle Hey, even if you're not an outdoorsman, carrying a refillable water bottle is a great way to save a lot of money – bottled water prices a... Full story

  • Ladies, Let's Go Fishing

    Female Fishing Participation On The Rise

    Traditions Media|Nov 1, 2022

    Forestville, WI (November 2, 2022) – Women now account for 37 percent of anglers in the U.S., the highest level on record according to the Special Report on Fishing announced at ICAST 2022 by the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) in collaboration with the Outdoor Foundation. 19.4 million women went fishing in 2021, an 8% increase in fishing outings since 2019. 1.6 million female participants were first timers. The total number of fishing outings for females in 2021 was 288 m... Full story

  • Gear Up For Hunting Season

    John Anderson|Oct 1, 2022

    I hope you got drawn for something this year, but even if you didn't there are plenty of opportunities to get out in the field this fall. Margie and I didn't get a tag, but we plan to spend some time out at Desert Creek Sportsman's Club shooting pheasants and chukar, plus we'll be out hunting for quail and grouse with Mochi. Not to mention waterfowl and snipe seasons just around the corner! There are also some big-game hunts that don't require a tag. Check the October Hunt Calendar or the... Full story

  • On The Cover September 2022

    Carol L Allen

    No, a lot country this September out at Lake Pleasant. Peoria Country Fest will feature everything from bull riding (the real deal) to rockin' music from four popular country bands: Justin Hitson & Southbound, Billy Shaw Jr Band, Ryan Bexley and Josh Roy. Grab your cowboy boots, bring the kids and celebrate your western heritage at this festive event. Camping might be just the ticket to round out the weekend; all the facilities are there at Lake Pleasant. And, speaking of camping, Maricopa... Full story

  • Lake Pleasant Country Fest


    Pleasant Harbor at Lake Pleasant and the City of Peoria will host the Peoria Country Fest on Saturday, Oct. 8, featuring live country music from four popular country artists and live bull riding. The event also includes food trucks, a beer garden, and mechanical bull riding. The Peoria Country Fest runs from 2 p.m. – 10 p.m. Tickets are $30.00 per person and $10.00 for children, 12 and under. A limited number of VIP tickets are also available at $75.00 and include a meal, designated seating a... Full story

  • Maricopa County Parks

    AZBW|Sep 1, 2022

    Who's ready to enjoy a free night's stay in one of Maricopa County's regional parks? Starting October 1, the Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department is bringing back its popular Buy One, Get One camping promotion! The promotion allows park visitors who pay the camping fee for one night, or more, at a participating desert mountain county park to receive one night of equal or lesser value for free during that same stay. "This Buy One, Get One camping promotion allows our residents to... Full story

  • Fit For The Outdoors

    John Anderson

    Take Good Care Of You So You Can Continue To Enjoy As I've gotten older, I've had some challenges as a hunter and shooter. Things like eye problems, aching joints, and less stamina can quickly get out of hand if you don't do something about them early. I'm not going to admit my age here, but suffice it to say that I acquired my Pioneer Hunting License a couple of years ago! Yet, here I am, plugging along! We still go hunting for doves, quail, blue grouse, and Coues. Margie and I go off-roading,... Full story

  • Arizona Game And Fish Watches Wildlife

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2022

    Wild Arizona: 200 Captive Desert Tortoises Need Forever Homes For some, a dog or cat will do just fine. But for others who are considering adopting something truly unique to Arizona, say hello to your next family member: "Many people don't even consider opening up their homes to desert tortoises, but they make fantastic and personable pets," said Tegan Wolf, desert tortoise adoption program coordinator for the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). "It's rewarding to hear stories from those... Full story

  • AZBW|Jul 1, 2022

    Come to the fun side of Lake Pleasant. Pleasant Harbor is located on the southeastern shores of Lake Pleasant and is the lake closest entrance from Phoenix. For those wanting a weekend camping experience, both full hook-up campsites (electric, water, sewer and internet access), as well as dry camping spaces are available. Pleasant Harbor also features a full-service marina, including several boats ramps. The marina and campground are open 24/7, 365 days a year. Even on busy summer holiday...  Website

  • Williams - Great Family Getaway

    Margie Anderson|Jul 1, 2022

    John and I and Mochi went to Williams again this past week and I've got to tell you, it's one of our favorite places to get away in the summer. It can be a bit warm during the day, but since we spend most of our time in the woods, it's shady, breezy, and wonderful! Camping was amazing. There are plenty of places for dispersed camping along the main roads, so you don't need a 4x4 – although I would recommend high clearance. We have the Jeep, so we took some true 4x4 trails, and that's always a... Full story

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