Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(207) stories found containing 'veterans'

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 207

  • On The Cover March 2025 Western Outdoor Times

    Carol L Allen, Editor

    Please Note - Articles and information will be added throughout the month. We welcome readers input on each article. Thank you. - Publisher It's All About Fish As the weather warms, a young man's (and woman's) fancy turns to thoughts of - fish. And, although there are many fantastic angling destinations in Arizona, Margie Anderson says to keep in mind the community waters that make fishing possible in waters near you. For some, this is the first opportunity to enjoy casting a line and a good... Full story

  • Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day

    Tom Cole Marine Retired, Special Features Writer

    Tom Cole - Stories from the War in Vietnam Many people feel that it's the politicians or protesters of war who hate war the most. This, even though the vast majority of them have never experienced war firsthand. This is SO not true. It is the warriors who hate war most, for they have experienced it, seen it, smelled it, tasted it and hopefully lived through it. March 29th we celebrate Vietnam Veteran Recognition Day recognizing those who served in and during the Vietnam War. At VFW Post 3513,... Full story

  • Top 10 Vietnam War Telefilms/TV Shows

    WOOT, Western Outdoor Other Times

    1. China Beach TV Series The trials of a weary nurse, her friends and colleagues in a Vietnam War field hospital. Creators: John Sacret, Young ,William Broyles Jr. Stars: Dana Delany, Marg Helgenberger, Brian Wimmer 2. Tour of Duty TV Series The trials of a U.S. Army platoon serving in the field during the Vietnam War. Creators: L. Travis Clark, Steve Duncan Stars: Terence Knox, Stephen Caffrey, Tony Becker 3. A Rumor of War TV Mini Series The memories of a US Marine lieutenant in Vietnam who... Full story

  • Welcome Home, Vietnam Veterans

    Carol L Allen

    Welcome Home, Vietnam Veterans From The VFW National Home For Children On March 29, the VFW National Home for Children stands with the entire nation in commemorating Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. From the Presidential Proclamation: Our veterans answered our country's call and served with honor, and on March 29, 1973, the last of our troops left Vietnam. Yet, in one of the war's most profound tragedies, many of these men and women came home to be shunned or neglected - to face treatment... Full story

  • See Natural Arches, Springs, Caves, Guzzlers

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Feb 1, 2025

    John and I love to toodle around Arizona in our Jeep, and often we don’t actually have a planned route in mind. Such was the case last week. Our only plan was to avoid I-17. Since we live in the west valley, we hopped on the 60 and headed out past Wickenburg. My thoughts were that we’d be heading to Eagle Eye Road, but since I didn’t actually communicate that thought to the guy driving the Jeep, we ended up on Vulture Mine Road, headed south. Vulture City Tours You’ll come to spot along this ro... Full story

  • TSA Screening Legislation

    WOT|Dec 1, 2024

    Gosar Lauds Passage of Veterans Expedited TSA Screening Legislation. Washington, D.C. -- Congressman Paul Gosar issued the following statement after passage of H.R. 7365, the Veterans Expedited TSA Screening (VETS) Safe Travel Act, bipartisan legislation introduced by Congressman Gosar that would provide expedited security screening under the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) PreCheck program to severely injured or disabled veterans free of charge: "I am very pleased that my... Full story

  • On The Cover November 2024

    'Snowbirds' Return To Whitewater A Sign Of The Seasons First, the sandhill cranes begin their journey, reminding us by their annual migration that summer is waning. Next, Mother Nature is ready to step in with wonderful weather in the Southwest, weather that welcomes great hunting and fishing opportunities. Then, soon after the autumn activities, thoughts turn to anticipation of holiday events such as the lighted boat parades in Arizona and California and, locally, to families and friends making... Full story

  • Downstream Events Calendar November 2024

    Carol L Allen, Editor

    Publishers Note - If you would like to add your upcoming event to this monthly list please click on our Add Your Comments section. There is no charge for listings and links. Links will be reviewed by our Editor and included as time permits. - Jim Allen November 2 - Fly-Day Event For Challenged Kids November 4 - AZGFD Hunt Tags More than 2,200 permit-tags remain for 2025 spring hunts, raptor capture. Applications accepted — by U.S. mail only — beginning Monday. Also — The Arizona Game and Fish... Full story

  • Is Virus The Least Of Our Worries?

    WOOT|Nov 1, 2024

    Executive Order 14067 This is not what you might think. Look Closely Our Justice System Is At Serious Risk Every citizen of every country should be afraid for the future of their country when criminal illegal aliens are allowed, and encouraged, to vote in our elections. The first item listed on state and federal election rules about voting states that you must be a citizen. Pretty clear isn't it. Then why are federal judges interfering and allowing non-citizens to vote? Good question but the... Full story

  • VFW 3513 Scottsdale

    Veterans Of Foreign Wars Buddy Poppy

    Carol L Allen

    Before Memorial Day in 1922, VFW conducted our first poppy distribution, becoming the first veterans' organization to organize a nationwide distribution. The poppy soon was adopted as the official memorial flower of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, as it remains today. Click Here For More Veterans In The News During our 1923 encampment, we decided that VFW "Buddy"® Poppies would be assembled by disabled and needy veterans who would be paid for their work to provide them... Full story

  • "Red Dawn"

    Tom Cole Marine Retired, Special Features Writer|Oct 1, 2024

    In this time of political upheaval, global unrest and uncertainty many people today speculate that we may be heading towards WW III or a civil war. In many ways it seems like we're headed that way, but could we already be readying this conflict or prep'ing for it? Could be! Let's take a look. Weapons Of Today The weapons of today are very technical; however, many are overlooked. Everything is weaponized. . Communications companies are being bought up by billionaires on both sides of the politica... Full story

  • District 4 2024 Boxes for Troops Event

    Carol L Allen

    Donate Needed Items Please send address' for Soldiers serving overseas to actad2@hotmail.com... Full story

  • Are You A Winner?

    Carol L Allen

    Wonderful scholarships are available for you. The VFW Auxiliary offers several scholarships, including: • Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest Open to students in grades 9–12, including home-schooled students. The national first-place winner receives a $15,000 scholarship. The submission deadline for 2025 is March 31. • 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest Open to students in grades 9–12, including home-schooled students. The national first-place winner receives a $2,500 scholar... Full story

  • MAM Is For Veterans And Their Families


    About Us Military Assistance Mission (MAM) provides financial assistance and morale aid to Arizona military and their families and our wounded heroes. MAM strives to provide financial assistance each year to 120 Arizona active duty, guard & reserve military service members. Each year approximately 2,500 military members and families benefit from MAM's morale/event programs such as Operation Holiday Giving, Seats for Soldiers, and Baby Bundle Bash. Our Mission • Provide financial assistance a... Full story

  • Downstream Events Calendar September 2024

    Carol L Allen

    September 2: Labor Day September 8: Grandparents' Day In February 1977, Senator Randolph, with the concurrence of many other senators, introduced a joint resolution to the senate requesting the president to "issue annually a proclamation designating the first Sunday of September after Labor Day of each year as 'National Grandparents' Day'." Congress passed the legislation ... September 11: Patriots' Day In the United States, Patriot Day occurs on September 11 of each year in memory of the... Full story

  • Washington, D.C. -- Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09)

    WOOT, Western Outdoor Other Times|Sep 1, 2024

    Washington, D.C. -- Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09), issued the following statement after the House Foreign Affairs Committee released a report detailing the findings from a three-year long investigation into the deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021: "The report detailing the disastrous Afghanistan troop withdrawal confirms what I've said for three years: the incompetent Biden-Harris administration left over $80 billion of the best military equipment to our sworn enemies. Worse,... Full story

  • Al Lipphardt, VFW National Commander

    September 27, 2024 WASHINGTON - This Sunday, Sept. 29, we proudly celebrate VFW Day, marking the 125th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). This extraordinary milestone is not only a testament to our rich history but also a reflection of the unwavering dedication of veterans across our nation and around the world. 125 Years of the VFW Since our founding in 1899, the VFW has been a beacon of hope and assistance for millions of veterans and their families. We have fought for the...  Website

  • Independence Day 2024

    Jim Allen, Publisher|Jul 1, 2024

    Intelligence allows you to learn from your mistakes. Wisdom allows you to learn from other peoples mistakes. Wisdom generally only comes with age. In the 70's I made one of the largest mistakes I have ever made in judging a political figure. Because I had unknowingly listened to some bad information I made a judgment about a key political figure. Over the years when the subject came up I stuck to my opinion, wrong though it was. Many years later I took the time to listen to someone whose... Full story

  • VFW 3513 Alley Cats

    AZBW|Jul 1, 2024

    VFW 3513 Alley Cats Rescue The 'VFW Alley Cat Project' Has Brought Kitties, Vets, And Community Together Another Success Story Fearless Kitty Rescue was kind enough to help us find a home for Greystoke. Greystoke was one of those young cats who just tells you he would like a real home. In fact Greystoke found two homes. The owners of the first home did not know until Greystoke got there that the husband was allergic to cats. They reluctantly had to bring Greystoke back to Fearless Kitty. While... Full story

  • Teacher to Her Students

    WOOT, Western Outdoor Other Times|Jul 1, 2024

    Note - This article was found on facebook. In September of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha Cothren, a History teacher at RobinsonHigh School in Little Rock, did something not to be forgotten. On the first day of school, with the permission of the school superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor, she removed all of the desks in her classroom. When the first period kids entered the room they discovered that there were no desks. 'Ms. Cothren, where are our desks?' She... Full story

  • Our Flag

    Jun 1, 2024

    The original "Old Glory" was owned by sea captain William Driver. Old Glory is a nickname for the flag of the United States. The original "Old Glory" was a flag owned by the 19th-century American sea captain William Driver (March 17, 1803 – March 3, 1886), who flew the flag during his career at sea and later brought it to Nashville, Tenn., where he settled. Driver greatly prized the flag and ensured its safety from the Confederates, who attempted to seize the flag during the American Civil W... Full story

  • VFW 2024 National Youth Scholarship Winners Named


    WASHINGTON – In early March the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) proudly presented more than $173,000 in scholarships and awards as it named the national winners of its 2023-2024 Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen youth scholarship competitions. This year's national winners were announced at the 2024 VFW Washington Conference in Washington, D.C., during the 77th annual Parade of Winners ceremony, sponsored by Twisted X. VFW National Commander Duane Sarmiento was joined by VFW Auxiliary P... Full story

  • Voting

    Jim Allen, Publisher|Jun 1, 2024

    I keep receiving unsolicited information telling me about letting illegals vote. Has this country and "We The People" really become this jaded by our politicians that we will even consider letting this happen? There are so many things wrong with this concept that it is hard to find a starting point. Our Job is not to convince those who "don't know" to change their minds. Our job is to convince those who "do know" to work harder to save our country, and all of the country's that rely on us, to... Full story

  • Hope It Brings A Smile - Bob Hope

    WOOT, Courtesy Of Bill Clapham|Jun 1, 2024

    Publisher's Note - Bob Hope tried to join the military but was told he could do more to help in another way. Between 1941 and 1991, he made 57 tours for the United Service Organizations (USO), entertaining military personnel around the world. In 1997, Congress passed a bill that made him an honorary veteran of the Armed Forces. On The Side - In the 70's one of my friends was married to a lady whose father (who lived in Cleveland) had been a friend of Bob Hope. They met playing pool. Hope who... Full story

  • Lest We Forget

    Carol L Allen, Editor

    Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. From 1868 to 1970, it was observed on May 30. Since 1971, it is observed on the last Monday of May. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day to honor and mourn those who died while serving in the U.S. military. Many volunteers place American flags on the graves of military... Full story

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