Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(264) stories found containing 'washington fishing'

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  • Cowlitz River

    WDFW|Feb 15, 2015

    OLYMPIA - The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is seeking nominations through Feb. 27 for membership on its Cowlitz River Advisory Group. The ad hoc group generally meets about four times a year to develop recommendations designed to support sustainable fishing opportunities on the Cowlitz River, while conserving wild native runs. "We want a diverse group of individuals to promote sustainable fisheries that meet our recovery and conservation goals," said Jim Scott, who... Full story

  • WDFW Seeks Comments On Proposal To Open Fishing For Flatfish In Quilcene, Dabob Bays

    WDFW|Feb 15, 2015

    OLYMPIA - Fisheries managers are seeking public comments through April 1 on a state proposal to reopen recreational fishing for flounder, sole and other flatfish - except halibut - in Quilcene Bay and the northern portion of Dabob Bay in Hood Canal. To review and comment on the proposal, visit the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's (WDFW) website at http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/regulations/flatfish/ . The public also can provide input at a meeting scheduled March 19 in Port Townsend. Und... Full story

  • WDFW Police Featured On Animal Planet's 'Rugged Justice'

    WDFW|Jan 15, 2015

    Animal Planet's new documentary series 'Rugged Justice' follows Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) police as they patrol mountains, coasts and city streets, protecting natural resources and serving the people of Washington. The six-episode series premieres Sunday, Jan. 18, at 8 p.m. on Animal Planet. "Our participation in the series provides an opportunity for WDFW's Law Enforcement Program to promote the department and the dedicated professionals that carry out our mission... Full story

  • Razor Clam Digging BeginS Jan. 17

    WDFW|Jan 15, 2015

    OLYMPIA – State fishery managers have given the OK for a second razor clam dig this month, this one scheduled from Jan. 17 through Jan. 24 on evening tides at various ocean beaches. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) approved the eight-day dig after marine toxin tests showed the clams are safe to eat. Low afternoon tides the first few days will allow diggers to hit the beaches in daylight, said Dan Ayres, WDFW coastal shellfish manager. The best digging typically occurs one to... Full story

  • NMMA Analysis 2014 Election

    AZBW, National Marine Manufacturers Association|Nov 15, 2014

    The 2014 midterm elections have come and gone. So what does that mean for our industry and your business? Read on for complete election coverage and analysis from NMMA's government relations experts. If you have questions about the results or the legislative road ahead for 2015, contact Nicole Vasilaros at nvasilaros@nmma.org. What Do The Results Mean For The Boating Industry? You're probably wondering first and foremost how the Nov. 4 vote may impact the recreational boating industry, and... Full story

  • WDFW Seeks Public Comment On Razor Clam Season Options

    WDFW|Sep 15, 2014

    OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is accepting public comments on digging days, catch limits and other management options for the upcoming razor clam season. Suggestions for the 2014-15 season, which is tentatively set to begin the second week of October, can be sent by email to razorclams@dfw.wa.gov or by postal mail to: Razor Clams, 48 Devonshire Road, Montesano, WA 98563. An overview of the just completed 2014 coastwide razor clam stock assessment and a look b... Full story

  • WDFW

    WDFW|Sep 15, 2014

    OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is seeking members of the sport fishing community to serve on a committee that oversees the Puget Sound Recreational Fisheries Enhancement program. People interested in serving on the 10-member Puget Sound Recreational Fisheries Enhancement Oversight Committee have through Oct. 15 to apply. The committee was created in 2003 by the Legislature to advise WDFW’s director on all aspects of the fisheries enhancement program. Key res... Full story

  • Sept. 27 Hunting And Fishing Day


    SPOKANE – Saturday, Sept. 27, marks the final event to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area in Okanogan County. Concurrent with National Hunting and Fishing Day and National Public Lands Day, the event at Sinlahekin headquarters features a “Mule Deer Dash” fun run/walk through the wildlife area at 10 a.m., a fishing workshop at 1 p.m., and a hunting workshop at 2 p.m. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) will also host a hunting, fishing and publi... Full story

  • "Robot Fish" Engage Angling Community near Payson

    AZGFD|Aug 15, 2014

    PAYSON, Ariz. -- Call them robot fish, mechanical fish, even Frankenfish. In the tiny Payson community of Beaver Valley, hatchery-raised rainbow trout hover in pools of the East Verde River, or perhaps enjoy the shade of a shoreline undercut. Then there's a different sort of rainbow trout in these waters – ones that mill around with a pair of protruding, lightweight tags. These fish have undergone surgery. Since April, Arizona Game and Fish Department biologists at the Tonto Creek Hatchery h... Full story

  • Searching For Weekend Get-Aways?

    ASP|Jul 15, 2014

    If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, bedroom and the living room and head for your favorite family retreat, the State Parks! Rural State Parks in Northern Arizona can be five to 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix or Tucson. Adventures include camping, fishing, swimming, boating, hiking, wildlife watching and learning about Arizona's history. The number to call for all this is (602) 542-4174. "Vacation & Camping Central" is located at the State Parks headquarters at 1300 W.... Full story

  • WDFW Fishing Rule Change

    WDFW|Jul 15, 2014

    Action: The portion of Marine Area 7 South that is west of Point Colville is reopening for six days of recreational spot shrimp fishing. The portion of Marine Area 7 South that is east of Point Colville will remain closed to spot shrimp fishing. Effective date: July 29 through Aug. 3, 2014 Species affected: All shrimp species Location: Marine Area 7 South lies west of a line projected due south from Point Colville on Lopez Island. This open area includes the Iceberg Point and Salmon Bank shrimp...

  • Summer Chinook Mark Selective Fishery To Open In The Entiat River

    WDFW|Jul 15, 2014

    Action: Anglers will be able to fish for and retain adipose fin-clipped adult and jack summer chinook salmon in the lower mainstem Entiat River beginning July 25, 2014. Effective date: July 25 through Sept. 30, 2014. Location: Upstream from the Alternate Highway 97 Bridge near the mouth of the Entiat River to the upper Roaring Creek Road Bridge, immediately downstream of the Entiat National Fish Hatchery. Daily limit: Two hatchery chinook salmon, (adult or jack) minimum size 12 inches. Anglers... Full story

  • Hanford Reach Fall Chinook Salmon Fishery Enhancements

    WDFW|Jul 15, 2014

    Actions: Daily limit 6 salmon, up to three (3) may be adult salmon. Once the daily limit of adult salmon is retained, anglers may not continue to fish for any species for the remainder of the day. The Columbia River between the Highway 395 Bridge and the Old Hanford townsite wooden powerline towers is open to fishing for salmon through Oct. 31, 2014. Fishing with two poles is permitted from the Highway 395 Bridge in Pasco to Priest Rapids Dam if the angler possesses a two-pole license endorsemen...

  • Searching for Weekend Get-Aways? Call "Vacation & Camping Central" (602-542-4174)

    ASP|Jun 15, 2014

    (Phoenix, AZ - July 2, 2014) If you can't stand the heat...get out of the kitchen, bedroom and the living room and head for your favorite family retreat, the State Parks! Rural State Parks in Northern Arizona can be five to 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix or Tucson. Adventures include camping, fishing, swimming, boating, hiking, wildlife watching and learning about Arizona's history. "Vacation & Camping Central" is located at the State Parks headquarters at 1300 W. Washington in Phoenix. Just... Full story

  • Federal Fisheries Agency Adjusts Misleading Economic Information

    NMMA|Jun 15, 2014

    Washington, D.C. – June 26, 2014 – After significant objection from the recreational fishing and boating community, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has taken steps to correct a key fisheries economics report that misleadingly indicated that the domestic commercial fishing industry in the United States was significantly larger than the recreational fishing industry. When imported seafood, which is not regulated or managed by NMFS, is removed from the equation, the corrected data sho...

  • Open Upper Wheeler Reservoir for "Fly Fishing Only"

    WOT, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife|May 15, 2014

    Publisher's Note - Western Outdoor Times would appreciate your comments regarding this article. You may e-mail your comments to publisher@azbw.com. Thank you. Action: Change fishing regulations at Upper Wheeler Reservoir from closed waters to fly fishing only. Effective dates: May 17, 2014 through Sept. 12, 2014. Species affected: Trout and all other game fish Location: Upper Wheeler Reservoir, located approximately 11 miles southwest of the town of Wenatchee (Chelan Co.). Reason for action:... Full story

  • Anglers Get 2 More Days To Catch Spring Chinook On Lower Columbia

    AZBW, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife|May 15, 2014

    OLYMPIA – The sportfishing season for spring chinook salmon on the lower Columbia River will reopen for two days this week under an agreement reached today by fishery managers from Washington and Oregon. Under that agreement, anglers can catch and keep one marked, hatchery chinook salmon Friday, May 9, and Saturday, May 10, as part of their daily catch limit from the Tongue Point/Rocky Point line upriver to Rooster Rock. Bank anglers, but not boat anglers, can also fish farther upriver to the de...

  • Razor Clam Digs May 13 Through June 1

    AZBW, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife|May 15, 2014

    OLYMPIA - Clam diggers hoping for a few late-season razor clam digs on Washington beaches will have plenty of options to consider. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) today approved eight days of digging, beginning May 13. WDFW gave the OK for the series of digs after marine toxin tests showed the clams are safe to eat. No digging will be allowed on any beach after noon. The agency also announced a list of proposed digs, which would run May 27 through June 1. Final approval of... Full story

  • Upper Section Of Yakima River To Open For Hatchery Spring Chinook Fishing May 17

    AZBW, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife|May 15, 2014

    OLYMPIA - With the spring chinook fishery in the lower Yakima River just getting under way, a section of the river farther upstream will open to fishing May 17 from the Interstate 82 Bridge at Union Gap to the railroad bridge below Roza Dam. Spring chinook are now moving into the lower river in increasing numbers, and should provide fishing opportunities in the upper river when that area opens for fishing, said John Easterbrooks, regional fish program manager for the Washington Department of... Full story

  • June 7 Events Will Begin The 75th Anniversary Celebration Of Washington's First Wildlife Area

    WOT, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife|May 15, 2014

    OLYMPIA - The 75th anniversary of the state's first wildlife area will be celebrated Saturday, June 7, kicking off a summer-long series of public events sponsored by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) at the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area in Okanogan County. WDFW Director Phil Anderson will be joined at the celebration by local, state, tribal and federal officials, including Dan Ashe, director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The event will begin at 11 a.m. at the wild... Full story

  • Anglers Get Another Month To Catch Spring Chinook On The Lower Columbia

    WOT, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife|May 15, 2014

    OLYMPIA - Starting Thursday, May 15, anglers will have another full month to catch hatchery-reared spring chinook salmon and steelhead on the lower Columbia River under an agreement reached today by fishery managers from Washington and Oregon. Under that agreement, anglers can catch and keep one marked, hatchery chinook salmon daily through June 15 as part of their catch limit from the Tongue Point/Rocky Point line upriver to Bonneville Dam. In all, they may retain up to two adult salmon or...

  • Chinook Fisheries On Lower Snake River To Close

    WOT, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife|May 15, 2014

    OLYMPIA – Effective immediately, Snake River spring chinook fishing will close for the season below Ice Harbor Dam and Little Goose Dam, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced today. The closure does not include spring chinook fisheries in the four miles below Lower Granite Dam, or in the Clarkston area. Both areas will remain open on a weekly schedule until further notice. John Whalen, WDFW’s eastern region fish program manager, said the department is closing the fis...

  • Halibut Fishing To Close In Most of Marine Area 2

    WOT, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife|May 15, 2014

    Action: Close the recreational halibut fishery in Marine Area 2 (Westport-Ocean Shores), except that halibut fishing is allowed in the northern nearshore area from the Queets River (47º31.70'N. latitude) south to 46º58.00'N. latitude and east of a line approximating the 30 fathom depth contour as defined by the following coordinates until further notice. 47 º 31.70 N. lat, 124 º 37.03 W. long 47 º 25.67 N. lat, 124 º 34.79 W. long 47 º 12.82 N. lat, 124 º 29.12 W. long 46 º 58.00 N. lat, 124...

  • Restrictions Added To Wind River Spring Chinook Fishery Above Shipherd Falls

    WOT, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife|May 15, 2014

    Action: Barbless hooks required, night closure and anti-snagging rule added beginning Monday May 19th. Species affected: Chinook and steelhead Location and effective dates: Wind River from 100 feet above Shipherd Falls to 800 yards downstream of Carson National Fish Hatchery (except closed waters from 400 feet below to 100 feet above coffer dam): May 19 through June 30. Other information: When the anti-snagging rule is in effect, only fish hooked inside the mouth may be retained. Daily limit is...

  • Recreational Fishing and Boating Community Underwhelmed By House Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization Bill

    WOT, The American Sportfishing Association|May 15, 2014

    Washington, D.C. – May 29, 2014 – As Congress continues exploring reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act), the primary law governing U.S. marine fisheries management, the recreational fishing and boating community continues to seek substantive legislative changes that will improve saltwater recreational fisheries management. The House Natural Resources Committee today approved a Magnuson-Stevens Act reauthorization bill, H.R. 474... Full story

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