Sorted by date Results 226 - 250 of 264
OLYMPIA - Most marine areas of Puget Sound will reopen for recreational crab fishing Oct. 1, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced today. The openings were approved by fishery managers after summer catch assessments by WDFW indicated more crab are available for harvest, said Rich Childers, shellfish manager for the department. Waters reopening to sport crabbing Oct. 1 at 8 a.m. include marine areas 4 (Neah Bay), 5 (Sekiu), 6 (eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca), 7 (San... Full story
Action: Allows retention of both clipped and un-clipped Chinook from Buoy 10 upstream to the Warrior Rock boundary (near the Lewis River) prior to the previously scheduled date of Oct. 1. Effective date: Sept. 26, 2013 Species affected: Fall chinook Area: The mainstem Columbia River from Buoy 10 upstream to the Warrior Rock line (a line from the Warrior Rock Lighthouse on the Oregon shore through red buoy #4 to the orange marker atop the dolphin on the Washington shore. Daily limit: Daily limit... Full story
OLYMPIA - The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has tentatively scheduled razor-clam digs through October, while continuing to accept public comments on openings for the rest of the season. The department is planning two series of evening digs at four ocean beaches in October, provided that marine toxin tests show the clams are safe to eat. Dan Ayres, WDFW coastal shellfish manager, said final word on the first series of digs will be announced after test results are received... Full story
OLYMPIA - The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission will consider amending state wildlife interaction rules during a public meeting Oct. 4 in Olympia. Those rules include conditions that allow ranchers and farmers to take lethal action to protect livestock from predators, as well as for compensation for the loss of livestock killed by predators. The commission, a citizen panel appointed by the governor to set policy for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), will convene in Roo... Full story
Columbia River Zone News: Beginning Jan. 1, 2013 the Columbia River, and select tributaries (listed under regulation updates for Northwest Zone and Willamette Zone) will be restricted to barbless hooks when fishing for salmon, steelhead and trout. SALMON, STEELHEAD, and SHAD FALL SEASON (August 1-December 31) All Permanent Regulations apply unless noted otherwise. See 2013 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Buoy 10 upstream to Tongue Point/ Rocky Point (Buoy 10 line... Full story
OLYMPIA -- The tidal waters of Hood Canal will reclaim 32 acres of former salt marsh when a dike is partially breached at the mouth of the Union River near Belfair, completing a joint habitat-restoration project by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group. The dike has been in place since the early 20th century and will be breached in two locations later this month in the Union River tidelands. Two walking bridges spanning the dike will be... Full story
OLYMPIA - The sport fishery for chinook salmon in Marine Area 10 (Seattle/Bremerton) will close at the end of the day Sunday (Aug. 18), when state fishery managers anticipate the annual catch guideline for that area will be met. Exceptions are Sinclair inlet and five fishing piers within the marine area, where anglers can continue to catch chinook salmon as part of their daily limit. Those piers include Elliott Bay Fishing Pier at Terminal 86, Seacrest Pier, Waterman Pier, Bremerton Boardwalk,... Full story
Action: Opens salmon fishing. Effective Date: 12:01 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 17, through 11:59 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, 2013. Species affected: Salmon. Location: Marine Area 9 (Admiralty Inlet), south of a line from Foulweather Bluff to Olele Point. Reason for action: This area is closed during the chinook mark-selective fishery in compliance with state and tribal management plans. Recent estimates indicate there is no chance of re-opening the chinook fishery and this area can now be opened for coho... Full story
OLYMPIA - Anglers will soon have an opportunity to catch large trout this summer in Beaver Lake near Issaquah, thanks to the release of about 1,200 hatchery rainbows averaging about one pound each. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is scheduled to release the fish Aug. 20. To facilitate fish planting, the agency will close the Beaver Lake access site at sunset on Aug. 19 and reopen the site at sunrise on Aug. 21. Beaver Lake, however, will remain open to fishing while the acc... Full story
OLYMPIA - Washington's razor clam season will get off to an early start this year with an evening dig at Twin Harbors beach set for Sept. 19-23. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) approved the dig after marine toxin tests confirmed the clams on those two beaches are safe to eat. Although the department is still developing the digging schedule for fall, state fishery managers saw no reason to delay approving a dig at Twin Harbors, said Dan Ayres, WDFW coastal shellfish... Full story
OLYMPIA - More upriver fall chinook salmon are returning to the Columbia River than any time in the past 75 years, so Washington and Oregon fishery managers are expanding sport fishing options below Bonneville Dam beginning Sept. 13. Scrapping a previous rule that would have closed the chinook fishery that day in a portion of the lower river, both states adopted new regulations that: Allow anglers to continue fishing for chinook salmon through the end of the year in all areas of the mainstem... Full story
WASHINGTON, DC (9-12-2013) – A bipartisan coalition led by Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) and Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) introduced legislation today that charts a new course for management of Gulf red snapper, an important commercial and recreational fishery that has been plagued by controversy Joining Miller and Richmond as original co-sponsors of the Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Conservation Act were Reps. Charles Boustany (R-La.); Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.); Blake Farenthold (R-Texas); Bob Latta (... Full story
OLYMPIA - The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission extended protections for giant Pacific octopuses in Puget Sound today by prohibiting the recreational harvest of the species at seven popular scuba diving sites from Whidbey Island to Tacoma. The commission, a nine-member citizen panel appointed by the Governor to set policy for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), also adopted 2013-14 hunting seasons for migratory waterfowl and approved several land acquisitions designed... Full story
OLYMPIA - The recreational chinook salmon fishery in Marine Area 9 (Admiralty Inlet) will close to the retention of all chinook salmon at the end of the day on Aug. 4 due to anticipated meeting of the season harvest guidelines in that area. Meanwhile, the chinook salmon daily limit in Marine Area 10 (Seattle/Bremerton) will be reduced to one (1) chinook in an effort to extend the season through the month of August. Salmon fishing remains open in Marine Area 9 for coho and pink salmon; all chinoo... Full story
OLYMPIA - The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission will consider adopting 2013-14 hunting seasons for migratory waterfowl and additional protective measures for giant Pacific octopuses in Puget Sound during a public meeting Aug. 2-3 in Olympia. A public hearing is also scheduled to discuss several proposals to amend state wildlife interaction rules to incorporate measures from Washington’s Wolf Conservation and Management Plan and implement 2013 legislation. The commission, a citizen panel a... Full story
Action: Lake Wenatchee opens for sockeye salmon fishing. Effective date/time: Aug. 3, 2013, (one hour before official sunrise) until further notice. Species affected: Sockeye salmon Daily limit: Two sockeye, 12 inches in length or greater. Location: Lake Wenatchee (Chelan Co.) Reason for action: To date, more than 27,000 fish have made passage at Tumwater Dam on the Wenatchee River. About 30,000 total sockeye are projected with 7,000 estimated to be available for harvest above the natural... Full story
OLYMPIA - The final push in a decade-long effort to clear Puget Sound of derelict fishing nets within 105 feet of the surface will get under way later this year with funding approved by the Washington State Legislature. The state budget adopted last month provides $3.5 million for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to complete the task in partnership with the Northwest Straits Foundation, which has led the net-removal effort since 2002. Since then, divers working for the... Full story
Action: Close 4.5 miles of the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River to all fishing, including catch-and-release fishing. Effective date: Aug. 5, 2013, through Sept. 30, 2013. Species affected: All game fish species. Location: Stillaguamish River from the Highway 530 bridge at Cicero upstream to the bridge at Oso (Oso Loop Road/221st Ave. SE). Reason for action: To protect summer steelhead holding in the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River below the mouth of Deer Creek. The concern is that... Full story
OLYMPIA - The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is seeking applicants for a five-member advisory board that will help develop a commercial seine fishery on the lower Columbia River. The application deadline is August 22, and the board’s first meeting could take place as early as September, according to Ron Roler, WDFW Columbia River policy coordinator. Roler said the department is creating the board to help implement a portion of the Columbia River Basin Salmon Management P... Full story
Action: The daily limit will change to 2 salmon in Area 2 (Westport) Effective Date: Aug. 4, 2013 Species affected: Chinook salmon Location: Catch Record Card Area 2 (Westport) Reason for action: Enough quota remains in Westport to allow the daily limit to include 2 chinook. Other information: Until August 4 the daily limit in the Westport area is 2 salmon, only one of which may be a chinook. Information Contact: Doug Milward 360-902-2739... Full story
OLYMPIA - Starting Sunday, Aug. 4, anglers fishing in ocean waters off Westport can keep up to two chinook salmon as part of their two-salmon daily limit. With that change, anglers will be allowed to keep two chinook per day in ocean waters off Westport (Marine Area 2), LaPush (Marine Area 3) and Neah Bay (Marine Area 4). Those fishing Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco) will continue to be limited to one chinook as part of their two-salmon daily limit. All ocean areas are open to salmon fishing seven days... Full story
OLYMPIA - Beginning Saturday (Aug. 10), anglers fishing ocean waters off La Push (Marine Area 3) and Neah Bay (Marine Area 4, west of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line) will be restricted to one chinook as part of their daily limit of two salmon to increase the likelihood of providing a season-long fishery. Anglers fishing those waters have been allowed to retain two chinook a day since June 29, but high catch rates for chinook off the northern coast prompted fishery managers to make a change, said Pat P... Full story
OLYMPIA - Three sections of the Snake River will reopen to fishing for hatchery spring chinook salmon, beginning with a stretch of the river near Clarkston later this week, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced today. The Clarkston section of the river will be open Friday and Saturday each week beginning June 14-15. The two other sections of the river that will reopen to spring chinook salmon fishing include a section below Ice Harbor Dam that will be open Monday of each week beginning June 17, and a section near... Full story
Arizona State Parks' headquarters is now "Camping Central." Arizonans are welcome to stop by and pick up a bag of brochures, maps and information about all the facilities where you can camp, hike, fish, have reunions, weddings, special events and business retreats. There are more than 1,000 campsites, so whether you are a tent camper, RV camper or need a nice cozy camping cabin or yurt, our customer service representatives will help visitors find the best place to camp and give everyone a state... Full story
I was visiting my family in Wenatchee, Wash., in late May, early June. My dad Bill Mott had scheduled a guided fishing trip for us with Brad Wagner of Bobber Down Guide Service — a half-day with my dad and me, and the other half-day, my husband Mac and brother Chris would be joining Wagner for the second tour. This day was the perfect time for the first run of the Chinook salmon in the Icicle River. A tributary to the Wenatchee, the Icicle is a small river running through the Central Cascade M...