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Register Your comments with the EPA by 5/31/2013 and qualify for a trip to Bristol Bay. More information is available at ANCHORAGE – Sportsmen, Alaska Natives and commercial fishermen are heartened the EPA has released its updated Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment and initiated a public comment period, representing one of the last steps to protect Bristol Bay, Alaska, its world-class sockeye s... Full story
Action: The early hatchery steelhead season on the lower portions of the Green and South Fork Toutle rivers (Cowlitz County) is open from the last Saturday in May through May 31. Species affected: All game fish, including steelhead. Effective dates: May 25 through May 31, 2013. Locations: Green River from the mouth to 400' below the water intake at the upper end of the hatchery. South Fork Toutle River from the mouth to the 4700 Road Bridge. Other information: From May 25-May 31 anglers will hav... Full story
(Phoenix, AZ - May 22, 2013) - Arizona State Parks' headquarters is now "Camping Central." Arizonans are welcome to stop by and pick up a bag of brochures, maps and information about all the facilities where you can camp, hike, fish, have reunions, weddings, special events and business retreats. There are more than 1,000 campsites so whether you are a tent camper, RV camper or need a nice cozy camping cabin or yurt, our customer service representatives will help visitors find the best place to... Full story
OLYMPIA - The sport fishery for hatchery spring chinook salmon and hatchery steelhead will reopen Saturday (May 25) on the lower Columbia River under an agreement reached today by fishery managers from Washington and Oregon. The fishery is scheduled to run through June 15 from the Rocky Point/Tongue Point line near the mouth of the river to the deadline below Bonneville Dam. For boat anglers, the upriver boundary is Beacon Rock. Anglers may retain one adult hatchery chinook salmon as part of... Full story
OLYMPIA - The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission voted to retain the current fishing season for cabezon in Puget Sound during a meeting today in Olympia. The commission, a citizen panel appointed by the governor to set policy for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), decided against a proposal that would have limited the fishing season for cabezon by several months. Instead, the commission kept in place the current season and deferred further action to determine the effect of other fishing restrictions adopted in recent... Full story
OLYMPIA – The fishing season for halibut will be shorter in Puget Sound this year, but anglers fishing off the southern coast of Washington will have an extra weekend day to fish for the big flatfish under catch quotas for 2013 adopted by the International Pacific Halibut Commission. This year’s recreational catch quota for all of Washington’s areas is 214,110 pounds. The quota for the spot fishery in Puget Sound is the same as it was last year, but fishing time will be curtailed to compe... Full story
OLYMPIA - Clam diggers who miss the razor clam dig that runs through next Tuesday (Feb. 12) will have plenty of other chances to hit the beach in the weeks ahead. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has announced a tentative schedule for razor clam openings through March. The current dig, previously approved by WDFW, runs Feb. 7-12 after noon each day at the following beaches: - Feb. 7, Thursday, 4:22 p.m., -0.5 ft., Twin Harbors - Feb. 8, Friday, 5:11 p.m., -0.9 ft., Twin Harbors, Long Beach, Copalis, Mocrocks - Feb. 9, Satur... Full story
Columbia Zone News: States set spring chinook, sturgeon seasons for Columbia and Willamette rivers Willamette sturgeon retention season announced for July Beginning Jan. 1, 2013 the Columbia River, and select tributaries (listed under regulation updates for Northwest Zone and Willamette Zone) will be restricted to barbless hooks when fishing for salmon, steelhead and trout. SALMON, STEELHEAD, and SHAD COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Buoy 10 upstream to I-5 Bridge Effective January 1 - February 28, 2013, under permanent regulations: Open for adipose... Full story
OLYMPIA - The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission will take public comment on proposed changes to the state’s sportfishing rules during a public meeting Feb. 8-9 in Olympia. The commission, a nine-member citizen panel appointed by the governor to set policy for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), will convene at 8:30 a.m. both days in Room 172 of the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington St. S.E. A complete agenda for the meeting is available on the commission’s webpage at Full story
Temperatures are warming, birds are singing and spring chinook salmon are starting to move into the lower Columbia River. Spring is still a ways off, but February offers plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. This year’s return of spring chinook is expected to be lower than in the past few years, but the fishery still offers anglers an opportunity to catch some of the Northwest’s most highly prized fish, said Joe Hymer, a fish biologist for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). -We’ve already received a few repor... Full story
Wherever you may be in the Western outdoors, there is probably a holiday lighted-boat parade coming to a waterway near you. The following are a few samples of what’s in store for the season’s spirit, reflected on the waters of the West. If there are other similar events in the western states that you would like included in Western Outdoor Times, please e-mail ARIZONA • Saturday, Nov. 24 in Parker: 14th Annual Holiday Lighted Boat Parade; Blue Water Marina, free, 6 p.m., (928) 669-2... Full story
This report is provided by WOT/AZBW to bring our readers some of the current updates from Arizona Game & Fish Department. AZGFD offers a vast amount of information on all outside activities and may be found at October 24, 2012 “The Greatest Story Never Told” is the mantra being extolled by the nation’s wildlife conservation community in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Fund (WSFR). Farsighted and forward-looking sportsmen worked with... Full story
Although the national mainstream media continues to bemoan a frustratingly slow economic recovery, exhibitors at the 21st Annual Lake Havasu Boat Show, April 20-22, are certainly doing their part to break out of the slump. “We’re still a little over two months away from opening the boat show, and we’re very close to running out of available exhibit space,” commented show organizer Bob Brown. “It appears that the boating industry is tired of waiting for Washington to declare the recession... Full story