Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(506) stories found containing 'weather'

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  • Mogollon Rim Waters Trout Stocking

    AZGFD|Apr 1, 2024

    Stockings will mark earliest Canyon, Haigler and Tonto creeks have received fish. PAYSON, Ariz. - As warmer springtime weather approaches, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) will begin its annual trout stockings a bit earlier in some waters near Payson on the Mogollon Rim. Canyon, Haigler, and Tonto creeks began receiving catchable-size rainbow trout in March. This will mark the first time these waters have been stocked this early in the traditional spring and summer stocking season.... Full story

  • AZGFD Trout Stocking Changes

    AZGFD|Apr 1, 2024

    Lakes to receive fish until July; stocking numbers to remain similar to 2023 . The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has announced waters in the Show Low and Pinetop-Lakeside areas will be stocked with catchable-size trout from March to July, a change from the traditional stocking schedule of April to September. Those waters include Fool Hollow, Rainbow, Show Low, and Woodland lakes, as well as Scott Reservoir. AZGFD is expected to maintain the schedule change until at least 2026 to... Full story

  • Lake Havasu Boating Adventure Begins

    AZBW|Apr 1, 2024

    Rent a boat or bring your own-don't miss this Arizona lake boating experience! Lake Havasu is one of America's best boating lakes. Unlike other recreational lakes in the arid Southwest, Lake Havasu remains at a near-constant water elevation. Boaters enjoy ideal boating conditions and great weather year-round. From high-performance race boats to pontoon boats, there's plenty of room for everyone to have fun. Family Boaters If you have a family, you'll cherish making lasting memories on a... Full story

  • Arizona State Parks Presents

    AZBW|Apr 1, 2024

    Tours of Goodfellow Lodge at Tonto Natural Bridge Tonto Natural Bridge State Park Sundays and Wednesdays 11 a.m. (Wed. & Sundays) | 2 p.m. (Sundays) Join us for a ranger or volunteer led walk through the Goodfellow Lodge, with a history of the property, the Lodge, and the people that called Tonto Natural Bridge home. The history, former use, and present use of these buildings will be included. Tour is approximately 45 minutes and is available at 11 a.m. on Wednesdays and Sundays, as well as at... Full story

  • Marine Stereo

    Martin Flory Group|Mar 1, 2024

    RiverPark Marine's JBL-R3500 source unit was built from the ground up for harsh weather. The stereo receiver overcomes rain, spray and rinse downs, yet delivers the rich, immersive sound quality JBL source units are known for. The JBL-R3500 is the first level in the WAKE series. Beyond AM/FM and weather band reception, it offers BT5.0 with ID streaming. BT5.0 provides greater control distance and faster data speeds compared to older generations of Bluetooth. With USB and aux ports, it... Full story

  • Catching Cold Front Crappie

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Feb 1, 2024

    A lot of old-timers will tell you that the best way for a crappie fisherman to deal with a cold front is to stay home. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the luxury of choosing which days to go fishing. Why does it always seem like the dreaded cold fronts pass through just before the weekend, or right in the middle of the tournament? Crappie Recover Faster The effects of a cold front are particularly devastating in the spring. A five degree drop in surface temperature can drive the fish off... Full story

  • What 222,000 Boaters Got Wrong

    Boat US|Feb 1, 2024

    The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water offers a range of online boating safety training courses - including 36 free state boating safety courses - that make boating safety education affordable and accessible. More than 220,000 boaters took one of these boating certification courses last year, which require students to correctly answer some questions at the conclusion of each course. Which questions did course takers get wrong most often? While we can't outright give you the... Full story

  • Four Easy Ways To Become A Better Bass Angler

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Jan 1, 2024

    The late Aaron Martens, Rick Clunn, Gary Dobyns, and Eddie Johns are four of the most consistently successful anglers I've ever known, but their prowess isn't due just to natural ability, although that does play a part. Aaron was known as a finesse fisherman. People used to say that Rick Clunn was the Zen master of fishing. Gary Dobyns is known as a power fisherman. You may not know Eddie Johns, but if you lived anywhere near him, you'd be familiar with his name. He dominates the tournaments in... Full story

  • Fishing Tips And Upcoming Events

    AZGFD, Chase Newlon, AZGFD R3 Coordinator|Dec 1, 2023

    Now that the weather is cooler, the fishing is starting to heat up! It's that time of year when cold water fishing really starts to take off, so make sure you have your gear in order. Whether you are new to fishing or are a seasoned angler, here are a few tips to make sure your gear is ready for the fall. If you are new to fishing and are looking for a rod and reel for cold water fishing, I would recommend a 7-foot, medium-power, fast-action spinning rod with a 2500-size spinning reel. This rod... Full story

  • Have A Havasu Holiday

    Go Lake Havasu|Dec 1, 2023

    As thousands of visitors and locals plan their holiday getaways, Go Lake Havasu, the tourism board for Lake Havasu City, turned to the Director of Fun at London Bridge Resort for her favorite holiday traditions. That's the actual title of Joelle Dickinson – as her business card can attest – an Illinois native who has lived in the city for ten years, working for the past seven at the resort. Dickinson previously ran the Toy Story ride and birthday parties at Walt Disney World in Orlando, so thi... Full story

  • Christmas Tree Permits

    Enjoy this seasonal tradition of taking family and friends to forest areas to find and cut your own perfect Christmas tree. Christmas Tree Permits The selection and cutting of a special tree from the forest for the holidays has been a treasured tradition for generations of residents.  The Tonto National Forest offers personal-use Christmas Tree Permits for the cutting of a tree on National Forest land. Christmas Tree Permits cost $15 per tree, are for personal use only (not for resale). I... Full story

  • Great Gifts For Hunters

    John Anderson, Shooting Sports Editor|Nov 1, 2023

    Spring draw results just came out, and a lot of hunting seasons are in full swing right now, so a gift for a hunter would be very much appreciated! Here are some ideas for gifts that will totally make their day! Turkey Decoys Did your hunter draw a spring turkey tag? Montana Decoy Co. has lightweight turkey decoys that fold down to the size of a dinner plate! They've got hens, Jakes, and even Toms! Get a couple of hens and a box call and your spring turkey hunter will be sitting pretty! Find... Full story

  • Margie Anderson's Favorite Indigenous People's Sites In Arizona

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Oct 1, 2023

    These Are My Favorite Indigenous People's Sites In Arizona. Because my dad was a Chippewa Indian and I'm a registered member of the Red Lake Band of Chippewas, I've always had an interest in the sites around the state that were built by the peoples who lived here long ago. And in fact, many of their descendants live here in Arizona to this day! John and I have visited a lot of the more famous sites with the girls, so I'll start out telling you about those, but I thought I'd also add some... Full story

  • Autumn Boating Safety Tips

    BoatUS|Oct 1, 2023

    What's Different About Fall Boating? Plus, take a deep dive into choosing your winter boat cover from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation. For some boaters, fall is the best time for boating. Summer's steamy days have surrendered to more comfortable temperatures, angling improves, and winds are stronger for sailing. It's also time to embrace extra boating-safety efforts for the season and look ahead to how you're going to store your boat this winter. The nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safet... Full story

  • FishAZ Network Update And Call For Events

    AZGFD|Oct 1, 2023

    Hello FishAZ Network, With cooler weather just around the corner, I hope you are all finding some time to get out on the water! FishAZ Network Update Thanks to the help of all of our partners (you), we have had an exciting few months here with the Fishing R3 Program and would like to give you all an update! We hired and onboarded Alec Young, our new Angling R3 Coordinator shared position with Trout Unlimited. This position is the first of its kind in the Nation and is modeled after the... Full story

  • Hike Your Arizona Park With A Ranger

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Oct 1, 2023

    Petrified Forest, AZ- Tired of staying indoors from the summer heat? Need to get away from work and the city noise? Hike the beautiful Painted Desert with a Ranger! Enjoy peaceful spectacular fall views of the park while you get some steps in! Hikes are free with entrance fee. Reservations required and limited to 10 participants per hike. Hikers should come prepared with adequate food, water, clothing, footwear, hat, and sunscreen. There is little to no shade on the hikes. No pets (exception... Full story

  • Long Beach Yacht Club Hosting Annual International Safety at Sea Course

    Capt. Ed Huntsman|Sep 1, 2023

    By Cameron MacLaren Long Beach Yacht Club is preparing for their annual US Sailing sanctioned International Safety at Sea course February 17-18, 2024. Participants may choose acomplete in-person two-day course; or a hands-on (Sunday only) course AFTER they've completed the 15 module online course, or a refresher / update if they've completed a sanctioned International course within the last 10 years. An impressive line up of seasoned and experienced presenters are scheduled to conduct the... Full story

  • Valentine Fire Update

    Tonto National Forest

    Size: 1089 acres Start Date: August 16, 2023 Cause: Lightning Completion: 35% Total personnel: 200 Location: 11 miles northeast of Young, Arizona and 27 miles east of Payson, Arizona Fuels: Ponderosa Pine, Hardwood litter and timber Highlights: Gila County Sheriff's Office announced yesterday that the communities of Ponderosa Estates and Colcord Estates have been placed into SET status. This decision was made by Forest Officials, the Fire Management Team, and Gila County Sheriff's Office for... Full story

  • Arizona State Parks And Trails Presents Its Fall Kickoff Issue

    Arizona State Parks|Sep 1, 2023

    Hopefully you had a chance to enjoy a high-country camping or lake trip this summer to escape the record-breaking heat we experienced across the state! School is back in session and families are getting back into their routines, and most Arizonans are looking forward to cooler temps and fall weather. Try not to let your adventurous spirit get lost in the fray of your busy life this year. Remember to get outside this fall to remain connected with nature and enjoy the array of physical and mental... Full story

  • So, What's a Boater To Do?!

    Capt. Ed Huntsman, Boating Co-Editor|Aug 1, 2023

    Protect yourself and your guests - It's still hot! And September doesn't look like it's going to be much cooler. As a matter of fact, many areas in the Southwest – especially the Phoenix area of the Northern Sonora Desert are generally much warmer than other areas of the country. Unseasonably Hot Both Southern and Northern California, Utah, Southern Nevada, in fact the entire lower Colorado basin is definitely unseasonably hot. This is the hottest summer on record since the National Weather s... Full story

  • Summer Fun In The Pinaleno Mountains

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Aug 1, 2023

    If you're looking for a cool getaway in Arizona that is a bit off the beaten path (and therefore not quite so packed with human beings), you should give the Pinaleno Mountains a try. There are lots of excellent hiking trails, a lake to fish in, and plenty of good campgrounds whether you favor a tent or an RV. The tallest peak is over 10,000 feet, and you may be familiar with the name – Mt. Graham: the mountain with the famous protected red squirrels. The Pinalenos are one of the "sky islands i... Full story

  • Monsoon

    AZGFD|Jul 1, 2023

    Monsoon weather is just around the corner, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) cautions boaters, anglers and off-highway vehicle (OHV) users that weather conditions can quickly change and become dangerous for those who aren't prepared. The severity of monsoon storms varies greatly, from a minor dust storm to a violent thunderstorm capable of producing hail, deadly lightning and flash flooding. "Arizona is known for its often unbearable summer heat; it's also known for great places... Full story

  • Bears

    Jul 1, 2023

    Safety tips can prevent attracting bears and advise what to do in case of an encounter. Editor's Note: In light of the recent tragedy near Prescott, Ariz., we publish this reminder from AZGFD and send sincere condolences to the family and friends of the victim. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has started to receive its first confirmed reports of the year of bear sightings in Arizona. As temperatures rise, bears will come out of their dens searching for food. Black bears are typicall... Full story

  • ProSpec Electronics

    WOT|Jul 1, 2023

    The circular JBL PRV-275 stereo receiver from ProSpec Electronics was designed to pack a lot of power into a standard 3.5" round dashboard gauge hole. But its compact size, all-weather construction and full-color screen make it ideal to install in boats, golf cars, UTVs and entertainment islands. The JBL PRV-275 is all about playback options. Beyond AM/FM and weather band broadcasts, it streams music with ID tagging from a mobile device via Bluetooth®. Plus, with USB and aux inputs, it'll... Full story

  • Flying V Fire


    Location of Origin: Highway 60 at mm 300 Start Date: July 5, 2023 Size: 831 acres Cause: Undetermined Percent Contained: 17 Personnel: 248 Fuels: Pinyon-Juniper, Grass Resources Assigned: 8 crews, 5 engines, 2 water tenders, 2 helicopters, 2 Dozers Operations: Fire activity is minimal, with only a few areas that remain active. Due to the hard work of firefighting resources, the perimeter has not changed in recent days and suppression lines are expected to hold today with no expected increase in... Full story

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