Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(1682) stories found containing 'wildlife'

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  • Washington Salmon Forcasts Released

    WDFW|Feb 1, 2020

    OLYMPIA – Fishery managers say the coming year may be another tough one for anglers in Washington, with low salmon returns expected again in 2020. The 2020 forecasts for Chinook, coho, sockeye, and chum salmon – developed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and treaty Indian tribes – were released today during a public meeting in Olympia. The forecast meeting marks the starting point for developing this year’s salmon-fishing seasons in Puget Sound, the Columbia River,... Full story

  • WDFW To Use Helicopters To Capture Mule Deer

    WDFW|Jan 1, 2020

    SPOKANE- Starting in early January, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) will conduct mule deer captures from helicopters in three study areas along the east slope of the Cascades in Okanogan, Chelan, and Kittitas counties. The Department will use contracted professional crews to capture approximately 50 adult female mule deer in each area. Humane methods and experienced crews are used to make the captures as safe as possible for both deer and humans. The deer will be fitted wit... Full story

  • Arizona - US Forest Service Continues Fence Project

    Tonto National Forest|Jan 1, 2020

    The Forest Service continues the fence project in the Lower Salt River area to comply with state agreement to help minimize horse-related accidents. PHOENIX, January 11, 2020 - For Immediate Release. Tonto National Forest staff continue to oversee contracted installation of 14 miles of fence in the Lower Salt River area on the Mesa Ranger District as part of a joint effort to prevent horses from crossing Bush Highway, which endangers the animals and the public. The established fence line also... Full story

  • Arizona Wildlife Legacy

    Doug Burt, AZGFD Hunting And Shooting Sports Manager|Jan 1, 2020

    For The Hunter (1/20, 2/20) Happy 2020! It's difficult to believe we're already one-fifth of the way through the 21st century, isn't it? Our Opportunities As we head into the new year, I'm reminded of how blessed we are to have opportunities to pursue 10 species of big game - elk, pronghorn, mule deer, white-tailed deer, bison, bear, javelina, mountain lion, bighorn sheep and turkey - and a variety of small game species like quail, rabbits, ducks, geese and doves, as well as predatory and... Full story

  • Tonto Forest Prescribed Burn

    Tonto National Forest|Jan 1, 2020

    PHOENIX, January 27, 2020 - For Immediate Release. Fire specialists plan to burn 210 acres of vegetative debris piles Jan. 29-31. Ignitions will occur about nine miles north of Payson in the vicinity of Shadow Rim Girl Scout Ranch. Residents and visitors to the area can expect to see and smell light-to-moderate amounts of smoke during the three-day operation. Smoke will impact Shadow Rim, Verde Glen, and Rim Trail during the day. In the evening, smoke will impact Whispering Pines and Beaver... Full story

  • On The Cover December 2019

    Carol L Allen

    We all have our own reasons to celebrate. Of course to many of us, it's the "C" in Christmas. We wish you a merry and meaningful one, followed by a Happy New Year. Beyond the religious focus of December, we celebrate the gifts of outdoors: the season for ducks and quail and crappie for the hunting and fishing folks. We also find joy in time-honored traditions such as Christmas-tree cutting with family and friends, the beautiful lighted-boat parades, visits to our national and state parks during... Full story

  • Arizona Dove Hunting

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    The late season runs through Jan. 5, 2020. Arizona dove hunters will be able to double their wing-shooting pleasure now that the state's "second" season has begun. Unlike the 15-day season that began Sept. 1, the late season lasts 45 days and runs through Jan. 5, 2020. There still is a 15-bird daily bag limit, all of which must be mourning doves. The possession limit remains 45 mourning doves after opening day, of which no more than 15 may be taken in any one day. As always, there is an... Full story

  • Water For Wildlife

    John Koleszar, Special Projects Editor|Dec 1, 2019

    Publishers Note: This article was first published in July 2016. However, the projects continue and always need more volunteers. Please Contact Don McDowell (Arizona Dear Association) for information on volunteering opportunities at don@huntingfishing.com. Each year, Arizona's conservation groups help raise close to $2,000,000.00 through the auction and raffle tags for all of the big game species in Arizona. There are two tags that are auctioned and one tag that is raffled for each of the big... Full story

  • Arizonans Honored

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) recently recognized three individuals from Arizona as well as the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) for their dedication to advancing wildlife conservation. The awards were presented at the association's annual awards ceremony held in late September in St. Paul, Minn. Doug Burt AZGFD Hunting and Shooting Sports Program Manager Doug Burt and the Arizona Game and Fish Department received the Boone and Crockett Award, which honors an agency... Full story

  • Bald Eagle Breeding Season

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    Outdoor Recreationists, Pilots And Drone Operators Asked To Avoid Bald Eagle Nest Areas Arizona's bald eagles are back and they will soon be working on the next generation of eagles at breeding sites statewide. To assist with the state's continued bald eagle population growth, the Arizona Game and Fish Department encourages outdoor recreationists, aircraft pilots, drone operators and motorized paragliders to do their part by not disturbing the state's 89 eagle breeding areas. As such, some... Full story

  • Arizona's Waterfowl Season

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    The general waterfowl and snipe seasons in the "Desert Zone" (Game Management Units 10 and 12B through 46B, and those portions of Units 6 and 8 within Yavapai County) runs through Jan. 26, 2020. Meanwhile, the general waterfowl and snipe seasons in the "Mountain Zone" (Game Management Units 1-5, 7, 9, 11M, 12A, and those portions of Units 6 and 8 within Coconino County) continue through Jan. 12, 2020. The following are legal wildlife in both Mountain and Desert zones: ducks, including mergansers... Full story

  • Winter Break Professional Development

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department is pleased to be offering two FREE teacher professional development opportunities over the winter break. Both take place in north Phoenix and last 4 hours. So, if you are looking for some exciting learning opportunities or you just want to get out of the house, check out the information below. Building Literacy with Wildlife, Monday, December 30, 9am-1pm Join us for an engaging, hands-on workshop that will introduce educators to practical techniques and... Full story

  • AZGFD To Host Game Management 'Open Houses'

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    A wildlife biologist from the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) will be available to answer questions about local game management at two locations: •Dec. 3: 4-6 p.m., AZGFD regional office, 7200 E. University Drive, Mesa. •Dec. 4: 6-7:30 p.m., Chasin’ A Dream Outfitters, 612 S. Beeline Highway, Payson. The public is invited to bring questions and engage in one-on-one conversation about game management. In addition, hunt recommendations for 2020 and 2021 pronghorn, elk, fall turkey and p... Full story

  • Arizona Hunt Recommendations

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2019

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department's proposed recommendations for 2020 and 2021 pronghorn, elk, fall turkey and population management hunts, and for 2021 and 2022 spring turkey hunts, are available for review at www.azgfd.gov/huntguidelines. The hunt structures and recommendations were formulated based on the hunt guidelines approved by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Questions, Comments Welcome All questions or comments about a particular game management unit or hunt are welcome by... Full story

  • Lees Ferry

    NPS|Dec 1, 2019

    Christmas Bird Count For Kids December 14 The second annual Glen Canyon Christmas Bird Count for Kids will be held on Saturday, Dec. 14 at the Lees Ferry Boat Launch Ramp (8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time). Lees Ferry is located 42 miles from Page, Arizona via Highway 89 south and Highway 89A west. This event is made possible by the Glen Canyon Conservancy. For over a century, thousands of volunteers take part in the National Audubon Society's Annual Christmas Bird Count, the... Full story

  • On The Cover November 2019

    Carol L Allen

    This Can-Am Action is only one of many off-road vehicles featured at the upcoming 8th annual Sand-Water-RV Expo Saturday, Nov. 16 through Sunday, Nov. 17 at Lake Havasu State Park. In addition to OHVs, there will be boats, pontoons, PWCs, RVs, travel/adventure trailers, toy haulers, trucks, motorcycles, golf cars, bicycles, apparel, kayaks, paddleboards, and all related accessories. It's a "one-stop shop" for all outdoor enthusiasts and underlines the plethora of ways to enjoy the Southwest --... Full story

  • Razor Clam Dig

    WDFW|Nov 1, 2019

    WDFW Approves Seven-Day Razor Clam Dig On Ocean Beaches, Including Thanksgiving Holiday Digs OLYMPIA - Razor clam diggers can return to ocean beaches for a seven-day opening beginning November 24. State shellfish managers with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) approved the dig on evening low tides after marine toxin tests showed the clams are safe to eat. The upcoming dig is for the following dates and low tides: •November 24, Sunday, 4:47 pm, -0.4 feet; Long Beach, Twin H... Full story

  • Brendan Brokes Named WDFW North Puget Sound Region Director


    OLYMPIA – Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Director Kelly Susewind has named Brendan Brokes Regional Director of the North Puget Sound Region based in Mill Creek. He began his new job Nov. 11, overseeing all WDFW work in King, Skagit, Snohomish, Island, San Juan and Whatcom counties. "I'm excited to have Brendan in this role," said WDFW Director Kelly Susewind. "Brendan brings deep understanding of the region and existing knowledge about our programs, which will be an asset a... Full story

  • Lake Powell Fish Report

    Wayne Gustaveson|Nov 1, 2019

    Lake Powell weather is delightful with a warm, calm autumn weather. Air temperature is holding in the mid 70s during the day and in the 50s at night. Water temperature is holding in the mid 60s, which is the ideal fishing temperature for the springtime spawning period. Sport fish are still in vacation mode as they quietly attack one of the thousands of shad balls still swimming on the surface. Not much has changed during this unusual fishing year. Adult Stripers Adult stripers are still swimming... Full story

  • Lost Our Home Pet Rescue

    Carol L Allen|Nov 1, 2019

    By Fostering Kitten and puppy season is thankfully coming to a close but phone calls continue to pour in to help owned animals in need. Our Temporary Care Program is in high demand, and we want to help as many people keep their pets as we can! Many of the animals in our Temporary Care Program (TCP) will be with us for up to 90 days and we want to make their stay as relaxing as possible. Many have come from highly emotional situations. We would rather have the TCP animals go into foster homes... Full story

  • Canyon Coolers

    AZGFD|Nov 1, 2019

    AZGFD continues innovative public-private collaborations to help fund wildlife conservation. Join Canyon Coolers in supporting the 800-plus species of wildlife that call Arizona home. Now through Nov. 22, go to https://canyoncoolers.com/?utm_source=partners&utm_medium=promo&utm_campaign=azgfdto automatically apply the discount code "CONSERVE" at CanyonCoolers.com and you'll get 10 percent off and a FREE copper tumbler (while supplies last). Plus, Canyon Coolers will donate 10 percent of your... Full story

  • Tortoises

    AZGFD|Nov 1, 2019

    For some, a dog or cat will do just fine. But for others who are considering adopting something uniquely Arizonan, say hello to your next family member: a captive Sonoran desert tortoise. How To Adopt Due primarily to illegal breeding, the department has dozens of tortoises of varying ages and sizes available for adoption. Arizona residents interested in providing an adoptive home can submit an online application at www.azgfd.gov/tortoise and an information packet on how to properly care for a... Full story

  • Bald Eagle Breeding

    AZGFD|Nov 1, 2019

    A record number of bald eagle breeding areas couldn't guarantee another shattered record of eagle nestlings, which dipped to 71 during the 2019 breeding season from 87 hatched in 2018. During the Arizona Game and Fish Department annual bald eagle survey this summer, raptor biologists counted a minimum of 74 occupied breeding areas statewide, which was up from the 69 counted last year. Despite that, the number of eggs laid this year dipped slightly to 97 from the 102 counted last year.... Full story

  • On The Cover October 2019

    Carol L Allen

    In many parts of our country, summer warmth has turned into crisp, cool fall weather. However, in the Southwest, we have an extended season of time to spend in and on the water and to enjoy many other outdoor activities. It's a wonderful transition season with temperatures neither too hot nor too cold, and there are so many adventures for us still in October: boating, hiking, RVing, camping, off-roading, fishing, and more. If we want a touch of fall, we can head north to the awesome colors of au... Full story

  • Lost Our Home Is Here To Help

    Carol L Allen|Oct 1, 2019

    Domestic Violence Domestic violence affects both people and their pets and prompts many victims to remain in abusive situations for fear of having nowhere to escape to with their pet. Lost Our Home is committed to changing that uncertainty into assurance through our life-saving partnership with the largest domestic violence shelter in Arizona. Homelessness Homeless individuals often rely on their pets for comfort and companionship. To remain together, many choose to forgo shelters or job... Full story

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