Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(1682) stories found containing 'wildlife'

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  • Special Delivery

    Carol L Allen|Jul 1, 2018

    SPECIAL DELIVERY! -- These tiny babes came to us from a hoarding situation in Pinal County. They will be with some of our amazing fosters for the next four weeks until they are old enough to be spayed/neutered and adopted. Bring your donations of kitten formula, food and supplies to the Lost Our Home Pet Rescue shelter and help us save more babies like these. We can't do it without you! Lost Our Home Pet Rescue, 2323 South Hardy Drive, Tempe, AZ. 85282, (602) 445-PETS... Full story

  • WDFW Reopens Wildlife Area Roads, Campgrounds In Okanogan County

    WDFW|Jul 1, 2018

    OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has reopened several roads and campgrounds at three wildlife areas and numerous water access sites in Okanogan County that were closed in mid-May due to flooding. Water from snowmelt runoff has receded and conditions have improved enough to safely allow public access without damaging the areas, said Nathan Wehmeyer, manager of WDFW's Sinlahekin Wildlife Area. "We're glad that conditions have improved to the point that we can r... Full story

  • Okanogan County Limited-Entry Deer Hunt Applications Due Aug. 13

    WDFW|Jul 1, 2018

    OLYMPIA – Eighteen lucky hunters will have an opportunity to hunt for deer this fall on the 6,000-acre Charles and Mary Eder unit of the Scotch Creek Wildlife Area in northeastern Okanogan County. Hunters can submit an application for the "limited-entry" deer hunt on the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's (WDFW) website at https://wdfw.wa.gov/hunting/permits/scotchcreek/ or by contacting the department's northcentral region office at (509) 754-4624 or headquarters at (360) 902-2515. Th... Full story

  • Angler Establishes Redbanded Rockfish State Record

    WDFW|Jul 1, 2018

    Angler establishes redbanded rockfish state record; Arrowtooth flounder record falls the same day OLYMPIA - John Sly of Tacoma has established the state record for the largest redbanded rockfish caught in state waters, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) confirmed today. Sly caught the 7.54 pound redbanded rockfish while jigging with bait out of Westport, Washington on June 21. There was no previous state record established for this species. Richard Hale of Tukwila broke... Full story

  • Fox Tests Positive For Rabies

    WOT|Jun 1, 2018

    The Coconino County Public Health Services District (CCPHSD) confirmed in May that a fox tested positive for rabies. The fox was found in a wooded area north of Interstate 40, west of Milton Road and south of University Ave. in west Flagstaff. The fox was captured and tested after residents walking in the area reported the animal attacked their dog and bit them when they intervened. The individuals are receiving post-exposure rabies prophylaxis treatment. CCPHSD is reminding individuals to use... Full story

  • Feeding Wildlife

    AZGFD|Jun 1, 2018

    People who feed wild animals are creating a public safety problem in Arizona's Rim Country. Incidents of wildlife endangering people and their pets in this region have increased over the past few months, including the following: • An elk regularly fed by Pine residents reportedly charged several individuals in separate instances. One woman was forced to take refuge in a greenhouse on her property to escape. • Also in Pine, a young male elk entered a resident's yard through an open gate and beg... Full story

  • Good Bye Old Friend

    Carol L Allen|Jun 1, 2018

    ZIRA – On May 14, our Production Manager Angie Ogden and her husband Tim said goodbye to their Zira Dog (aka Princess Warrior Dog). As Angie said, "She left us with a paw-shaped hole in our hearts; she will be so missed. Tim added this: "They say that dogs can understand over 100 commands – well, the Zira Dog could understand just about everything we were saying. She was a one of a kind. I had her 14 years almost to the day (May 11, 2004 until May 14, 2018). She was an incredible work of art... Full story

  • Lost Our Home

    Carol L Allen|Jun 1, 2018

    When you donate to Lost Our Home Pet Rescue, not only are you helping puppies like Dwight find his forever home, you are providing a helping hand to people who fall on hard times because no one should have to make the choice between helping themselves and caring for their pets. Make your donation now to support the dogs, cats and humans who benefit from the work we do everyday. Lost Our Home has helped over 20,000 animals since 2008! Become A Foster Kitten season is here! Consider opening your... Full story

  • Fur & Feather Animal Assistance

    Carol L Allen|Jun 1, 2018

    Hello everybody! We hope this update finds you all doing well and looking forward to summer. A lot has happened over the last few months. We have many new additions to the Fur and Feather family. Our new caretaker is really good with the handling of the animals. He keeps up with cleaning the property, which is a constant battle. Sadly, he is leaving us July first so we will be looking for a new caretaker. Animal compassion and experience are musts. Fur and Feather is looking for volunteers to... Full story

  • Adventures With An Older Dog

    Margie Anderson|Jun 1, 2018

    We recently lost our old French Brittany, Rosie. She was an amazing hunter, a tireless hiker, a lover of children, and a fishing fool. She had almost reached the ripe old age of 17 – she would have been 17 in September of this year. We miss her terribly. The past couple of years or so, though, she gradually let us know that her adventuring days were over. When a dog starts to age, they can't talk to you, but you can tell from observation if they are in pain, and you can sense that they have lost... Full story

  • Arizona's National Archery In The Schools Program Sets Attendance Record

    AZGFD|May 1, 2018

    A total of 437 student archers representing 30 schools from throughout Arizona, participants on the state level of the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP), recently competed in the 2018 state tournament and 3D shoot at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix. AZGFD Coordinates NASP The Arizona Game and Fish Department coordinates NASP on the state level and hosts a half-dozen state qualifying tournaments throughout the academic year, beginning in September and ending in March.... Full story

  • AZGFD's Operation Game Thief program Issued 76 Citations In 2017

    AZGFD|May 1, 2018

    AZGFD's Operation Game Thief program says "Poachers are criminals." If you talk to any of the Arizona Game and Fish Department's wildlife managers, you're likely to hear that phrase repeated as they go about their work as part biologist, part law enforcement officer. As part of their duties, the department's 97 wildlife managers work to investigate potential poaching cases to ensure that the state's most precious natural resource - its wildlife - is effectively managed so that future... Full story

  • AZGFD Frog Study Helps Scientists Understand Disease Outbreak/Progression

    AZGFD|May 1, 2018

    AZGFD biologist is part of study that shows some amphibian species recover from infectious disease despite a persistently pathogenic fungus. The search for answers to protect Central American frogs from extinction is also giving scientists clues on how to predict and respond to emerging diseases and epidemics in humans, plants and other wildlife. In their paper published in the magazine Science, March 30, University of Nevada, Reno's Jamie Voyles and her colleagues, including Arizona Game and... Full story

  • AZGFD Reminds Residents Not To Feed Wildlife

    AZGFD|May 1, 2018

    The Game and Fish Department reminds everyone to stop feeding wildlife following two javelina attacks near Sedona earlier this year. Both attacks were the result of people's feeding javelina at their homes. In late winter, Game and Fish received information that a 79-year-old woman was bitten by a javelina in a neighborhood southwest of Sedona. The attack occurred at the woman's residence, where she received severe bite wounds to her leg as she tried to stop the javelina from attacking her... Full story

  • U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service Proposes Reclassification Of Humpback Chub

    WOT|May 1, 2018

    Through collaborative conservation efforts, the once-dwindling endangered humpback chub has been given a fighting chance against the currents of extinction, building a wild population large enough to soon be reclassified as a threatened species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The success was due to the efforts and commitment of multiple agencies, including the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD); Colorado Fish, Wildlife and Parks; Utah Division of Wildlife Resources; U.S. Fish and... Full story

  • AZGFD Asks Successful Spring Turkey Hunters For A Hand -- Uh, Leg

    AZBW|May 1, 2018

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department is seeking help from successful spring turkey hunters as it continues to monitor the state's wild turkey populations for an emerging disease. All hunters who harvest a turkey – including youth hunters whose seasons begin next week -- are asked to consider donating one of the bird's legs (or heart) by bringing it to any of the department's regional offices statewide. The leg should be removed at the joint above the foot (see diagram). Legs and hearts should b... Full story

  • Payson Wildlife Fair - Set for Saturday, May 12

    AZGFD|May 1, 2018

    PAYSON, Ariz. – On Saturday, May 12, Green Valley Park comes alive with a multitude of wildlife and outdoor fun activities for the whole family at the 24th Annual Payson Wildlife Fair. Catch a rainbow trout, cruise the lake in a canoe, or touch a live snake … there is something for everyone. People come from all over the state for this outdoor event. It’s a great day up in the cool mountain air of Payson, at a time of year when the Valley is really heating up. And it’s all free. There will be... Full story

  • Mountain Goat Management Plan For Olympic National Park Released

    WDFW|May 1, 2018

    PORT ANGELES, Wash. -- The National Park Service (NPS), the USDA Forest Service (USFS), and the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) have released the Mountain Goat Management Plan/Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for managing non-native mountain goats in the Olympic Mountains. The NPS preferred alternative involves the relocation of the majority of mountain goats to USFS lands in the North Cascades forests and the lethal removal of the remaining mountain goats in... Full story

  • Columbia River Policy Review Looking For Public Comments

    WDFW|May 1, 2018

    OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is inviting people to share their views at four upcoming meetings in Ridgefield on a draft assessment of a state policy that guides the management of salmon fisheries in the lower Columbia River. The policy, adopted in 2013 by the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission, is designed to promote orderly fisheries, advance the recovery of wild salmon and steelhead, and support the economic well-being of the Columbia River fishing i... Full story

  • Arizona Boating & Watersports - On The Cover

    Carol L Allen

    Arizona Boating & Watersports - On The Cover, April 2018 Thanks to Bob Brown, Media Direction, for sharing this uplifting reminder that it is boating season again in the Southwest. The lovely boat "captain" pictured welcomes us and suggests we get on board and enjoy all that boating offers - not only to beautiful destinations but also to activities such as fishing, boat camping, various water sports, shows, and/or simply a day away from the stress of city life. Just look at the highlights on... Full story

  • Operation Game Thief

    AZGFD|Apr 1, 2018

    Nearly 1,100 reports came into the 24×7 program Operation Game Thief to protect the state's wildlife. "Poachers are criminals." If you talk to any of the Arizona Game and Fish Department's wildlife managers, you're likely to hear that phrase repeated as they go about their work as part biologist, part law enforcement officer. As part of their duties, the department's 97 wildlife managers work to investigate potential poaching cases to ensure that the state's most precious natural resource -... Full story

  • Desert Botanical Gardens Butterflies

    Carol L Allen|Apr 1, 2018

    You'll be surrounded by hundreds of butterflies native to the Southwest at the Desert Botanical Garden's Spring Butterfly Exhibit. Mingle with colorful painted ladies, zebra longwings and more with new butterflies added to the exhibit weekly. Be sure to visit the caterpillar nursery and emergence chamber to see hungry caterpillars and watch butterflies emerge from their chrysalises. Open daily through May 13, the Spring Butterfly Exhibit is a delightful educational experience for children and... Full story

  • Rabies

    WOT|Apr 1, 2018

    Coconino County Public Health Services District (CCPHSD) officials are reminding individuals to take precautions to protect against rabies. Spring brings warmer weather and a rise in outdoor recreational activity, increasing the potential of exposure to wildlife. CCPSHD urges people to follow the following precautions to protect from rabies: • Avoid wildlife, especially those exhibiting unusual behaviors, such as showing no fear of humans, aggressive behavior, staggering and/or acting sickly, a... Full story

  • Lost Our Home Pet Rescue

    Carol L Allen|Apr 1, 2018

    Lost Our Home Pet Rescue knows that people love their pets. But sometimes hardship forces them apart. That's where we come in. As the only organization in the Valley focused on both pets and people in crisis, we are dedicated to rescuing pets abandoned or at risk of homelessness. We provide pet care when people find themselves in challenging life situations. Having no one to care for a precious pet when unexpected medical emergencies, surgeries or illness force people and their pets apart, can...

  • Dolphins

    AZBW|Apr 1, 2018

    Capt. Joe Dutra of Hornblower Cruises said he'd never seen anything like it. By Sarah Grieco - Published at 3:32 PM PST on Feb 15, 2013 | Updated at 9:30 AM PST on Feb 18, 2013 Thousands of dolphins spanning across 7 miles of ocean were sighted off the coast of San Diego on Thursday, a boat captain told NBC 7 San Diego. Capt. Joe Dutra of Hornblower Cruises said he saw a "super mega-pod" of common dolphins Thursday around noon while he was on his daily tour. He said the pod was more than 7... Full story

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