Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

(1682) stories found containing 'wildlife'

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  • Please Do Not Disturb

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2024

    Arizona's bald eagles are back, and they are now preparing for the next generation of eagles at breeding sites statewide. To assist with the state's continued bald eagle population growth, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) encourages outdoor recreationists, aircraft pilots, drone operators and motorized paragliders to do their part by not disturbing the state's 97 eagle breeding areas. To protect breeding attempts, some portions of public land and water areas will be temporarily... Full story

  • Raffle Proceeds Benefit Arizona's Wildlife

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2024

    Raffle Proceeds Benefit Arizona's Wildlife Why don't you give someone special (perhaps yourself!) a ticket for Conservation First USA's 2024 raffle! Seven lucky individuals will win one of seven special big-game tags (bighorn sheep, elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, pronghorn, bison and turkey) for the 2024–25 hunting season. Buy tickets today! New this year: Purchase the "All 7 Package" and receive one entry per species, PLUS a free entry for the Swarovski Optics Package. Details: • Raf... Full story

  • Go Lake Havasu

    Go Lake Havasu|Feb 1, 2024

    Go Lake Havasu presents ideas to do just that. The 2007 movie The Bucket List made the term "bucket list" a cultural phenomenon. According to the Internet Movie Database, it's the comedy-drama where Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman play two terminally ill men who escape from a cancer ward and head off on a road trip with a wish list of to-dos before they die. Along Arizona's West Coast, home of the historic London Bridge and 60 miles of Colorado River shoreline, tourism officials like to think... Full story

  • Seven Great Places To Take Winter Guests

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Feb 1, 2024

    This is the perfect time of year to take your winter guests or your family to some of the wonderful places in Arizona that get a bit warm in the summertime. We've taken the granddaughters to all of these places, and believe it or not, Trinity tells us that the Hassayampa Preserve was her favorite hike ever! Some of these places are free to visit, and others are not, so I'm including current prices as well as how to get there and what not to miss! Enjoy! Boyce Thompson Arboretum The girls have... Full story

  • Hobbs Nominates James E. Goughnour


    Katie Hobbs has announced the nomination of James E. Goughnour as a member of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Goughnour is currently finishing a five-year term that began after his appointment in 2019 by then-Governor Doug Ducey. He served as commission chair in fiscal year 2023 and was one of two candidates forwarded in November by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission Appointment Recommendation Board for Governor Hobbs' consideration. He has lived in Arizona for more than 45 years and is... Full story

  • Population Management Hunts

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2024

    AZGFD aims to meet elk objectives. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is seeking to bolster its pool of hunters who apply to be randomly selected throughout the year for specific population management hunts. Population management hunts enhance the department's ability to meet population and habitat management objectives when traditional harvest strategies are not meeting these objectives. At this time, a population management hunt for any elk is planned for February in portions of... Full story

  • AZGFD Offers Ideas For A Better 2024

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2024

    We've said goodbye to 2023 and now is a good time to reflect on the changes that we want - or need - to make in 2024; how about adding an outdoors resolution to your list? The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) offers some simple resolutions, any one of which should be easy for an outdoors enthusiast to stick to - • Fish local. Make it a point to wet a line this year at one (or more) of the state's 50-plus waters in the Community Fishing Program that are seasonally stocked with channel c... Full story

  • AZGFD In The News

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2024

    The data management system AZGFD uses to track the locations of wildlife, including javelinas, is getting a major overhaul. Kudos to StateScoop and reporter Keely Quinlan for a recent news story about how the Arizona Game and Fish Department is consolidating all of its wildlife tracking data into a new, cloud-based management system known as the wildlife data warehouse. With the data available in one place, Arizona's wildlife researchers can help conservationists, policymakers and land... Full story

  • Walk On The Wild Side

    AZBW|Feb 1, 2024

    The endangered Yuma clapper rail inhabits the Yuma Wetlands Wildlife Area. Walk On The Wild Side:Yuma Wetlands Wildlife Area Located in western Arizona, the Yuma Wetlands Wildlife Area offers outdoor recreational opportunities such as wildlife viewing, angling and hiking. There is a 2.5-mile walking trail that takes visitors through areas of restored cottonwood, willow and mesquite habitat along the Colorado River and restored back channel. Common mammals in the wildlife area include beavers,... Full story

  • Western Outdoor Times January 2024 Issue

    On The Cover January 2024

    Carol L Allen, Editor

    • More revelry at the Renaissance Festival, • More safety for drivers and elk, • More awards for positive outdoor activities and supporters, • More trout in community waters, • More places to explore, and • More focus on the Second Amendment. This issue celebrates the "newsy New Year" that is ahead of us. This month the Arizona Game & Fish Commission honors those individuals who have excelled in their support for wildlife and outdoor concerns. In February, the annual chance to step back in tim... Full story

  • AZGFD Confirms Three Coyote Bites

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2024

    Arizona Game and Fish Department wildlife officers have been actively searching for a coyote or coyotes that have bitten three people since Saturday in the area just east of Interstate 17 and Happy Valley Road in Phoenix. On Saturday, Dec.9 a 4-year-old child was bitten on the lower leg while walking with family members. Also on that Saturday, a man who was jogging in the same area was bitten by a coyote. On Monday, Dec. 11 , a man was bitten on the heel by a coyote south of Happy Valley Road ne... Full story

  • AZGFC Awards Banquet


    PHOENIX - Mark your calendars! The Arizona Game and Fish Commission's annual awards banquet will be held on Saturday, Jan. 20, 2024, at the Hilton Phoenix Tapatio Cliffs Resort, Grande Ballroom, 11111 N. 7th Street in Phoenix. The awards recognize Arizonans who have contributed significantly to the conservation of the state's wildlife, its outdoor heritage, and the mission of the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Sixteen award recipients chosen at the commission's Sept. 8 meeting in Greer,... Full story

  • Petrified Forest National Park And Talampaya National Park

    NPS|Jan 1, 2024

    PETRIFIED FOREST, Ariz. - Petrified Forest National Park and Talampaya National Park, a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage site in Argentina, recently became sister parks. The parks have similar geological, paleontological, biological, and archaeological resources. "These arrangements will continue to strengthen the preservation, protection, and scientific research of the parks as well as bringing public attention to the importance of these... Full story

  • Mount Graham Red Squirrel

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2024

    The annual interagency survey of the endangered Mount Graham red squirrel showed a decrease in the latest population estimate in the Pinaleño Mountains of southeastern Arizona. The annual survey, conducted jointly by the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), Coronado National Forest, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, resulted in an estimate of 144 squirrels. This is an increase from the 109 squirrels estimated in 2021, but lower than the 156 squirrels estimated after a new survey... Full story

  • Wildlife Overpass Near Flagstaff

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2024

    Award of $24 million comes from Federal Highway Administration. PHOENIX - The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has awarded Arizona a $24 million grant for a wildlife overpass and other improvements designed to reduce crashes involving wildlife and better connect habitats across Interstate 17 south of Flagstaff in northern Arizona. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), in partnership with the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), sought the grant through FHWA's Wildlife... Full story

  • Letter From A Feral Cat

    AZBW|Jan 1, 2024

    VFW 3513 Alley Cats Project - The 'VFW Alley Cat Project' Has Brought Kitties, Vets, And Community Together In Scottsdale,Ariz., just south of Thomas Road, there resides a community of cats tucked away in the back parking lot and alleyway of the VFW Post 3513. These cats live and lounge on three different three-and four-tiered cat houses brought in by caring members of the community. But when spooked, they disappear into their hiding places. It was just two years ago when VFW Post Auxiliary... Full story

  • On The Cover December 2023

    Carol L Allen

    It's the season of giving. We have had suggestions for boaters, hunters, outdoor enthusiasts overall, and veterans. But, what about the other members of our "extended family" - our wonderful wildlife? Of course they cannot let us know what they need, but I think with some guidance from organizations such as the Arizona Game & Fish Department, Conservation First USA, and multiple other species-specific support groups, we can embrace some great gift ideas for our wildlife. Three examples come to... Full story

  • The Real Winner Is Arizona's Wildlife

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2023

    Conservation First USA launched its 2024 raffle where seven lucky individuals will win one of seven special big-game tags (bighorn sheep, elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, pronghorn, bison and turkey) for the 2024–25 hunting season. Buy Tickets Today! The real winner is Arizona's wildlife. Every dollar raised for each species through the raffle is returned to the Arizona Game and Fish Department and managed by the Arizona Habitat Partnership Committee. With input from local habitat partners a... Full story

  • AZGFD Announces Winners Of 2023 Wildlife Photo Contest

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2023

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has announced the winners of the 2023 wildlife photo contest. The 12 winning photographs are included in the full-size 2024 wildlife calendar that is published in the November-December 2023 issue of Arizona Wildlife Views magazine. AZGFD currently has a subscription special for Arizona Wildlife Views. A one-year subscription to the bi-monthly magazine ordered by Dec. 31, 2023, will include the wildlife calendar and a bonus issue (seven issues total)... Full story

  • Chronic Wasting Disease

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2023

    Arizona's deer and elk populations remain CWD-free due to surveillance efforts. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is asking hunters to continue doing their part to help keep Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) at bay. CWD is a fatal wildlife disease that affects the nervous system of deer and elk. All successful deer and elk hunters are encouraged to bring the head of their harvested animal - especially bucks and bulls - to any department office statewide between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday... Full story

  • Hunters Get Second Shot At Doves

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2023

    When it comes to experiencing some of the finest wing-shooting that Arizona has to offer, the "second" dove season - which opens Friday, Nov. 17 - is not to be missed. While the bigger white-winged doves, prized during the traditional 15-day season in September, have long since migrated to Mexico, the more acrobatic mourning doves remain abundant and widespread. The second season is a longer one, lasting 45 days and running through Dec. 31, 2023. There still is a 15-bird daily bag limit, all of... Full story

  • How To 'Bee' A Friend To Pollinators

    Margie Anderson, Outdoors Editor|Dec 1, 2023

    You most likely already know that bees around the world are in trouble, but they aren't the only pollinators – butterflies, bats, ants, hoverflies, wasps, mosquitos (yes!), beetles, hummingbirds, and even slugs are pollinators, and almost all of them have had their numbers decrease over the last few decades. In fact, they are down to 20% of what they used to be. Think about it. If you've been an Arizonan for long, you probably remember driving down the highway through desert and getting the wind... Full story

  • Big Game Tracking Collars

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2023

    Wildlife management relies on valuable data. The Arizona Game and Fish Department is encouraging hunters who harvest a big game animal affixed with a GPS or VHF tracking collar to return that collar undamaged to any department office statewide. While harvesting a collared animal is legal, Game and Fish asks hunters to refrain from cutting, damaging or otherwise destroying any portion of a collar. A collar easily can be removed from a harvested animal's neck by loosening two nuts on the black... Full story

  • Elk Attack In Hualapai Mountains

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2023

    Feeding of wildlife suspected of contributing to the attack. A woman died eight days after being hospitalized as the result of an apparent elk attack on her property in the Pine Lake community in the Hualapai Mountains, about 15 miles southeast of Kingman. The attack occurred on a late October afternoon while the woman’s husband was in Kingman. According to the husband, when he returned, he found his wife on the ground in the backyard with injuries consistent with being trampled by an elk. He al... Full story

  • Mexican Wolf Update 2023

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2023

    A binational captive breeding program was initiated to save the Mexican wolf from extinction. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the reintroduction of Mexican wolves to the wild in the U.S. Once occurring throughout parts of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico, the Mexican wolf had all but disappeared by 1970. In 1976, this gray wolf subspecies was listed as endangered, and a binational captive breeding program was initiated to save it from extinction. In 1998, the U.S Fish and Wildlife... Full story

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