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OLYMPIA – State shellfish managers have given the OK for a five-day razor clam dig at Twin Harbors starting April 5, and have tentatively scheduled the beach to open again later this month. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) approved the opening after marine toxin tests showed clams at Twin Harbors are safe to eat. Razor clam diggers should be aware that the first four days of the dig are on evening tides, whereas the last day's dig is on a morning tide, said Dan Ayres, c... Full story
April 17, 2017 - The Pre-Fish Party and Seminar will be at the Bali Hai restaurant on Shelter Island April 6 at 6 pm. The rules and fishing area will be defined for the 37 day Derby. The Sponsors will be introduced and display their products. It is Free to all Anglers Bob Vanian of 976Bite will let the Derby Anglers know where the fish are. Bob Hoose, Senior Editor of the Pacific Coast Sportfishing Magazine, long time SoCal expert angler who also keeps a log about fishing. Bob will talk about ta... Full story
Minneapolis, MN (April 11, 2017) – [3]Target Walleye recently surveyed readers about their favorite walleye-fishing tactics. The most interesting statistic is the amount of walleye fishing now done with artificial lures. Anglers from every corner of the walleye world were surveyed about how often they fished various tactics. Three-fourths of Target Walleye readers use lures for at least half their walleye fishing. Almost one-third chase walleyes with artificials 75-percent of the time. A... Full story
Washington anglers can expect a mixed bag of salmon fisheries this year with slightly increased opportunities in the ocean, seasons similar to last year in the Columbia River, and continued restrictions in Puget Sound. The state's 2017 salmon fishing seasons, developed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and treaty tribal co-managers, were finalized during the Pacific Fishery Management Council's meeting in Sacramento, Calif. In recent years, unfavorable environmental... Full story
OLYMPIA – State fishery managers have again extended the initial sportfishing season for spring chinook salmon on the lower Columbia River in response to poor fishing conditions caused by extremely high, turbid water. The fishery will reopen from April 13-17 and from April 20-23 upstream from Buoy 10 at the mouth of the Columbia River to Bonneville Dam, except in the Lewis River sanctuary. The extension was approved today by fishery managers from Washington and Oregon, who previously extended t... Full story
In first phase of long-term project on Tonto National Forest lakes, AZGFD biologists sink fish habitat structures. PHOENIX – They are manmade homes for fish, some made of concrete, others of PVC, and like building a neighborhood, provide the architecture for sustainable life. The first step in placing fish habitat into the central Arizona reservoirs took place on Thursday, April 20 at Roosevelt Lake with Arizona Game and Fish Department biologists dropping Fishiding HighRise structures made o... Full story
Arizona Boating & Watersports / Western Outdoor Times is proud to be the sponsor for the Aquarium Demonstration Tank. You will find all these great presentations at this years event. Arizona Bass Tips - Gary Senft Bass Throughout the West - Matt Shura Bass with AZ Bass Guides - Scooter Griffith Catch More Bass in Arizona - Tai Au Crappie Time! - Art Chamberlin Fishin' with Johnny Johnson - Johnny Johnson Kayak Fishing Local Waters for Big Bass - Brian... Full story
New U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service policy on lead fishing tackle blindsides recreational fishing community. On the day before President Obama left office, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued an edict to phase out the use of traditional fishing tackle on the hundreds of thousands of square miles of public lands under its management. Director's Order No. 219 will, "require the use of nontoxic ammunition and fishing tackle to the fullest extent practicable for all activities on Service... Full story
February was an excellent month for great fishing results in the southern lake. We found great spooning results in early February with a fish count of 75 stripers. Then, later in the month, we caught 38 stripers while trolling and casting. Spoons did not work on that trip. When we headed uplake to see how conditions had changed, we were prepared to give the stripers any presentation they wanted. The fish did not disappoint us; in fact, we were amazed at what happened. Following reports from the... Full story
Tip Of The Week Three years ago, the world record redear sunfish was taken out of Lake Havasu. Hector Brito caught a 5.80-pound redear sunfish on Sunday, Feb. 16, 2014. Redear sunfish have grown to trophy size in Lake Havasu. Many are in the 2-pound range and larger are regularly caught at this 19,300-acre impoundment on the Colorado River, formed by Parker Dam. Bluegill and redear can be caught around structure such as docks, vegetation, or artificial structure using mealworms, nightcrawlers,... Full story
I've known Matt Shura since he was just a kid, and he's been a heck of a stick all that time. He started out catching bluegills at a pond at Power and Guadalupe with his dad when he was about five or six years old. That first bluegill had him hooked for life. Going to the lake? Check out the lake level at Then he started watching bass fishing on television, and he was fascinated. By age ten he had his first boat - a ten-foot jon boat with a trolling... Full story
Some good lakes to try are Bartlett, Apache, Roosevelt and Canyon. Many anglers have reported spotting huge schools of black crappie on fish-finders at lakes such as Roosevelt and Canyon. Other good lakes to try are Apache and Bartlett. (Crappie fishing at Alamo Lake reportedly is poor.) With some stable winter weather, this can be an excellent time to fish for crappie and they head into deeper waters of our desert impoundments and form large schools. But some anglers will troll jigs with grubs,... Full story
So you've caught some line-ripping cats and taken advantage of bragging to some buddies about your Mr. Whisker's success; now try cooking for them with this great recipe. Here's an alcohol-infused creation to turn your catfish into some fine Southern dining. Fare Afield's Bourbon-Glazed Catfish By Johnathan O'Dell ( Serves 4 Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Ingredients: Four 6-ounce catfish fillets 1/4 cup cornmeal ... Full story
Many of you know Don McDowell as the host of the extraordinarily popular and award-winning radio show "Shake, Rattle, and Troll", which airs each Sunday on KFNX 1100 AM from 7 to 9 a.m. and on Internet Radio at McDowell is a professional bass angler, a saltwater charter master, a member of the United States Coast Guard, a hunting enthusiast, and, of course, a radio personality. He is a powerful advocate for fishing, hunting, conservation, and veterans as well as an... Full story
Action: Marine Area 7 (San Juan Islands) will close to salmon fishing Feb. 11. Effective Date: Feb. 11, 2017, until further notice. Species affected: Salmon. Location: Marine Area 7. Reason for action: Preliminary estimates and fishery projections indicate that Marine Area 7 will exceed the allowable limit of total chinook encounters – including both retained and released fish – prior to the planned April 30 closure date. The fishery is being temporarily closed until early April to allow the... Full story
Some new fishing regulations took effect on Jan.1, Be sure to look for the full 2017-18 Arizona Game and Fish Department fishing regulations online around the first of the year. Also, the new fishing regulations booklet will be available at all AZGFD offices and license dealers in early January. Here are the changes: Reduce the daily trout bag limit to five at the Colorado River from Lake Mead to California-Nevada boundary (including Lake Mohave and Willow Beach). Reduce the daily... Full story
LOS ANGELES – Dec. 28 – Six fishing boats engaged in illegal activities were spotted by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Mexico's Sea of Cortez, ending in their arrest by the Mexican Navy. On December 12 Sea Shepherd's M/V Farley Mowat located poachers on radar before confirming their identities with binoculars. The six fishing boats were working together, using forbidden nets to catch the endangered totoaba bass inside a marine reserve in Mexico's Gulf of California. The totoaba is a rar... Full story
There are just five months to go until the 9th annual Yellowtail Derby that start on April 29. The goal is to have over 200 of the best SoCal (and beyond) anglers in the competition. More entries add up to larger payouts. We are offering a Block Buster Early Bird Entry of $45 (until Jan. 31) promo with a $10 entry for Juniors. Junior awards, both Mondays and Fridays, are for Small-Fry (up to 9 years old) and Juniors (11 to 16 years old). "Miss Yellowtail Derby 2017" will be announced in... Full story
In Arizona, winter doesn't have to mean sending boats and rods and reels into hibernation. While outdoor recreation opportunities across many U.S. states shut down during the season of freeze, Arizona rolls on with trout stockings and water temperatures just warm enough to convince fish to bite during the holidays. Although fishing tends to slow a tad this time of the year, there are some spots that are winter-friendly. Here, then, are the Arizona Game and Fish Department's top-five fishing... Full story
Trout are being stocked in "core" Community waters this week, and more are being caught and stocked in higher elevation lakes. If you are successful, we suggest heading to the kitchen to try this delectable recipe. Pan-Seared Trout With Blackberry Sauce By Johnathan O'Dell Serves 5 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Ingredients: 2 pounds boneless trout fillets with skin on 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt Black pepper 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 1... Full story
Tip Of The Week Bartlett Lake in the Tonto National Forest can be a great place for winter crappie and bass. Some of the best crappie fishing can be done in the cold of the morning - then anglers can switch to bass. Consider throwing crankbaits and spinnerbaits with a slow presentation. Trailers on spinnerbaits, and slow-rolling across the rock stringers, can work well at times. Once you get a feeling for where the bass are holding, switch to the finesse style of drop-shotting. Did you know the... Full story
So you've caught some line-ripping cats and taken advantage of bragging to some buddies about your Mr. Whisker's success; now try cooking for them with this great recipe. Here's an alcohol-infused creation to turn your catfish into some fine Southern dining. Fare Afield's Bourbon-Glazed Catfish By Johnathan O'Dell Serves 4 Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Ingredients: Four 6-ounce catfish fillets 1/4 cup cornmeal 2 tablespoons Cajun seasoning 1/2 cup... Full story
The fishing in South Florida for me, my clients and Get Em Sportfishing Charters during 2016 was great! The Get Em for those of you that didn't know is the name of my 22' 2014 Pathfinder Tournament Edition Bay Boat. During 2016 the Get Em logged more and bigger catches of snook locally and in Flamingo then I have had in recent memory. Catching a snook in North Bay during the day can be a challenge but this past year at times the fish were thick, hungry and... Full story
OLYMPIA – The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission will consider updating the state's reform policy on Columbia River salmon management during a meeting scheduled Jan. 13-14 in Vancouver, Wash. In addition, the commission is scheduled to review the protective status of three state wildlife species, and consider adopting updates to its North of Falcon salmon season-setting policy. The commission, a citizen panel appointed by the governor to set policy for the Washington Department of Fish a... Full story