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A lot of old-timers will tell you that the best way for a crappie fisherman to deal with a cold front is to stay home. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the luxury of choosing which days to go fishing. Why does it always seem like the dreaded cold fronts pass through just before the weekend, or right in the middle of the tournament? Crappie Recover Faster The effects of a cold front are particularly devastating in the spring. A five degree drop in surface temperature can drive the fish off... Full story
The late Aaron Martens, Rick Clunn, Gary Dobyns, and Eddie Johns are four of the most consistently successful anglers I've ever known, but their prowess isn't due just to natural ability, although that does play a part. Aaron was known as a finesse fisherman. People used to say that Rick Clunn was the Zen master of fishing. Gary Dobyns is known as a power fisherman. You may not know Eddie Johns, but if you lived anywhere near him, you'd be familiar with his name. He dominates the tournaments in... Full story
Whether after sockeye on the Columbia, teal in Louisiana or a quiet picnic near an Arizona lake, the PacBak P88-MK Cooler keeps adventures fresh. Built in Alaska, this 88 qt. cooler is unlike any other on the market. Every design aspect provides optimum functionality, including simultaneously keeping contents both hot and/or cold, an integrated cutting board, a removable table and the ability to withstand 24 hours with a 1,250-pound Alaskan Kodiak Brown Bear. The thick insulated walls of the thr... Full story
Now that the weather is cooler, the fishing is starting to heat up! It's that time of year when cold water fishing really starts to take off, so make sure you have your gear in order. Whether you are new to fishing or are a seasoned angler, here are a few tips to make sure your gear is ready for the fall. If you are new to fishing and are looking for a rod and reel for cold water fishing, I would recommend a 7-foot, medium-power, fast-action spinning rod with a 2500-size spinning reel. This rod... Full story
Talk about a huge win for fish and wildlife conservation. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently proposed that the Apache trout - Arizona's state fish - be removed from the federal list of Endangered and Threatened Species. PHOENIX - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) announcement proposing that Apache trout be removed from the federal list of Endangered and Threatened Species is a huge win for fish and wildlife conservation. If delisted, it would be the first native trout species... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) and the nonprofit conservation organization Trout Unlimited (TU) have entered into an agreement for a co-shared position to focus on angler recruitment, retention and reactivation (R3). This is the first such shared R3 arrangement in the U.S. between a state fish and wildlife agency and a non-governmental organization (NGO) for fishing. The model has been used successfully between some wildlife agencies (including AZGFD) and NGOs (such as the... Full story
Hello FishAZ Network, With cooler weather just around the corner, I hope you are all finding some time to get out on the water! FishAZ Network Update Thanks to the help of all of our partners (you), we have had an exciting few months here with the Fishing R3 Program and would like to give you all an update! We hired and onboarded Alec Young, our new Angling R3 Coordinator shared position with Trout Unlimited. This position is the first of its kind in the Nation and is modeled after the... Full story
Bait Finesse System 101 Get Hooked On This System (originally published on The Bait Finesse System uses very small and light baitcasting rods and reels and it's gaining popularity with bass fishermen everywhere. But John and I love it for trout fishing on the small forest lakes and even in streams – we're long-time bass anglers who are more comfortable with baitcasting gear than a fly rod or a spinning rod. Ideal For Panfish The BFS method is ideal for trout and other p... Full story
A great way to find Arizona Rivers And Streams is by going to Wide World Of Maps. They have been around for over 35 years. They can show you where you are going. Margie Anderson (Arizona Game And Fish Commission Writer Of The Year Award 2015) – Dozens of rivers flow through, around, and in Arizona – they are the very lifeblood of our state. Rivers provide us with power, and with water for farming and recreation. Many of the larger rivers are dammed to create impoundments that protect us from flo... Website
The legend is that an angler eating lunch on the lake accidently dropped a spoon overboard. As he watched the silver spoon drift downward, sun glinting off the handle and bowl, he saw a fish dart out and try to eat it.A typical angler, this guy was inventive and always looking for a new bait, so he went home, sawed some spoons up, and put hooks and a place to tie the line on them. Voila! A new killer lure is born! Large Variety Today's spoons are usually store-bought. Some of the spoons are just... Full story
Director's Orders (list of waters with aquatic invasive species) updated to include Tonto Creek; Tonto Creek Hatchery closed to public. PAYSON, Ariz. - The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has confirmed the presence of New Zealand mudsnails, an aquatic invasive species (AIS), in upper Tonto Creek approximately 2.5 miles downstream of Tonto Creek Hatchery. AZGFD continues to conduct surveys in the area to determine the extent of infestation. Tonto Creek Hatchery will remain closed to the... Full story
Recreational Fishing and Boating Community Opposes Vessel Speed Restrictions In The Gulf of Mexico, Calls for Collaboration in Conserving Rice's Whales The leading organizations representing recreational fishing and boating in the United States have urged the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to reject a petition to establish a year-round 10-knot (11 mph) vessel speed limit and other vessel-related measures in the Rice's whale "core" habitat area in the Gulf of Mexico. The... Full story
NEW FOR FISHING - Visit to welcome this new business at 4041 E Thomas Rd. Suite 117 Phoenix, AZ 85018 , open Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 6.p.m. At Pheasant Tail Fly Fishing, we curate the products we offer by using the equipment ourselves, ensuring our rods, reels, flies, apparel and accessories are the best available. Visit the shop and talk with our knowledgeable team members; whether you're a seasoned fly fisherman or just starting out, we're here to help you make... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) reminds anglers that the record-setting heat has raised water temperatures in many trout lakes and streams. Trout thrive in cool (below 68 degrees), clean, well-oxygenated water. During the summer months, when water levels and flows decrease due to lack of rainfall, water temperatures rise and dissolved oxygen decreases, which in turn causes additional stress on trout. Anglers are reminded to consider these conditions and take some personal responsibi... Full story
Canyon Plastics Matt Koppen 205 Broad St Whittemore , IA 50598 Phone: (515) 887-3474 View Website It's official, Kendra and I are now the new owner of Canyon Plastics and are very excited to have this opportunity! We are ready to serve you all with any fishing products we currently sell. Over the next two months Neal and Angela will be here with us for this transition. Neal and Angela would like to thank each of you for your past business and have enjoyed serving each of you. We wish Matt and... Full story
Back in the day, nearly every Saturday, all year 'round, you'd find Gregg Warne fishing a tournament somewhere in Arizona, Nevada, Utah, or California, and the conditions were not always perfect. But regardless of freezing or torrid temperatures, rain, wind, or cold front, the tournament must go on. No matter what the conditions, Warne was a very consistent finisher. He almost always managed to get in the money. Gregg had earned a reputation as a master of split-shotting, and for good reason.... Full story
Carolina rig fishing is simple. A large weight and a glass or plastic bead are strung onto the main line. The bead protects the knot from the heavy weight. A swivel is then tied to the end of the line, and a leader, usually of slightly lighter line, is attached to the swivel. Tie on a hook and you're rigged, Carolina style. Choosing The Right Weight To click or not to click, that is the question. When the water is really dirty, or you're fishing really deep, you may want your rig to make some... Full story
Precaution Taken After Invasive Mudsnails Detected In Creek 2.5 Miles Downstream Of Hatchery The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has confirmed the presence of New Zealand mudsnails, an aquatic invasive species, in Tonto Creek approximately 2.5 miles downstream of Tonto Creek Hatchery. AZGFD continues to conduct surveys in the area to determine the extent of infestation. Beginning June 22, the Tonto Creek Hatchery was closed to the public. This will provide the department with time to en... Full story
ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES TONIGHT! Online registration closes at midnight, Pacific time on Monday, July 3. If you are planning to attend ICAST 2023 and have yet to register for your badge – you only have a few hours left. Online registration is open until midnight, tonight at onsite rates. Pre-registration rates are no longer available. After midnight, all ICAST registration requests will be onsite at the ICAST Registration Desk in the Orange County Convention Center only. To register onsite, y... Full story
Jerry Tate of JT's Arizona Hunting and Fishing specializes in fishing Lake Pleasant.He's on the water several days a week, and has a handful of good friends who also spend tons of time on Pleasant. Between them, they always seem to know exactly where and how to fish for any species in the lake. Action Is Fast And Furious "The great thing about fishing for white bass and stripers is that once you find them, the action is fast and furious," Tate says. This kind of fishing is perfect for kids, beca... Full story
These tournaments are not just events; they are community. A Bass Junkyz event is not just a bass fishing tournament event; it is a community of anglers coming together for a sport they love. We invite family and friends to attend every event. Our weigh-in system is state of the art and our process is streamlined to increase the survival rate of bass. Food is provided after every weigh in and checks are handed out in a timely manner. Two Comments From Competitors "Fished the Bass Junkyz team... Full story
Director Mike Hoffarth The AZ High School Bass program is for High School anglers who will compete at local lakes in a Team format. Teams will be required to have their own Boat Captain who will take them out on the water to fish these qualifiers. Teams who do not have Boat Captains will be assigned a Boat Captain if possible by the Tournament committee. These assigned Boat Captains will be AZ Bass Nation members or local Pros. This program will hopefully increase these anglers fishing skills &... Full story
AZGFD Reports On All Things Fishing A recent article by Nixza Gonzalez for the A-Z Animals blog/website discusses some of the rainbow trout records in Arizona. The Arizona record for largest rainbow trout caught with a hook and line in an inland water is 15 pounds, 9.2 ounces, caught at Willow Springs Lake on Sept. 29, 2006, by Harold Wright of Sun City. The largest rainbow trout ever caught and released in Arizona’s inland waters is a 32-inch rainbow caught at Silver Creek on Jan. 30, 2010, by... Full story
More than 67,000 rainbow trout varying in size from 3 to 18 inches stocked into Lower Lake Mary in this spring. By Matt Rinker, Senior Aquatic Wildlife Specialist, AZGFD Flagstaff Region If you have ever fished Lower Lake Mary, you know it is a lake of boom and bust. Some years the lake is full and fishing is great and other years the lake is low or just a meadow. Well, the story of Upper and Lower Lake Mary is directly tied to the history of Flagstaff and its early settlers. Upper and Lower... Full story
June 20, 2023 Bass Junkyz, currently the longest brand identified Teams circuit in Arizona is growing again. The bass boat circuit has plans to launch two other fishing circuits spanning across Arizona over to storied bass fishing waters of Texas. "We see an opportunity to grow and to diversify our product over other angling platforms for competitive tournament environments; Kayak and PWC." (Greg Krueger) Kayak bass fishing has seen rapid growth over the past 15 years and is now has a place... Full story