Sorted by date Results 326 - 350 of 874
Action: Opens Icicle River for hatchery chinook salmon. Effective dates: May 16, 2016, until further notice. Species affected: Hatchery spring chinook salmon. Locations: Icicle River (Chelan County). From the closure signs located 800 feet upstream of the mouth to 500 feet downstream of the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery Barrier Dam. From the closure signs located upstream of the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery where Cyo Road would intersect the Icicle River at the Sleeping Lady Resort... Full story
For decades, Washington state health officials have warned that swimming in or drinking from lakes containing high levels of microcystins is dangerous, but little is known about the effects of eating fish from waters contaminated with the liver-damaging toxins. As the warming effects of climate change and runoff from farms and industrial projects contribute to rising levels of microcystins in lakes across the Northwest, scientists in the School of the Environment (SoE) launched the first-ever... Website
Action: Increase limit to two adult spring chinook. Effective date: Immediately. Species affected: Chinook salmon. Locations: A) Below Ice Harbor Dam: Snake River from the South Bound Highway 12 Bridge near Pasco upstream about 7 miles to the fishing restriction boundary below Ice Harbor Dam; B) Below Little Goose Dam: Snake River from Texas Rapids boat launch (south side of the river upstream of the mouth of Tucannon River) to the fishing restriction boundary below Little Goose Dam. This zone... Full story
Action: Close the all-depth recreational halibut fishery in Marine Area 2 (Westport). The nearshore area will remain open seven days per week until further notice. Effective date: Immediately Species affected: Pacific halibut Location: Marine Area 2 Reason for action: The Marine Area 2 recreational halibut fishery has taken the Pacific halibut quota set aside for the all-depth fishery. There are not enough quota pounds remaining for another day. There is sufficient quota set aside to allow... Full story
OLYMPIA – The sportfishing season for spring chinook salmon on the Columbia River will reopen for three days beginning later this week under an agreement reached yesterday by fishery managers from Washington and Oregon. Anglers can fish Friday, May 13, through Sunday, May 15, from the Tongue Point/Rocky Point line upriver to the Washington/Oregon state line. Boat anglers, however, aren’t allowed to fish between Beacon Rock and Bonneville Dam. The fishing area above Bonneville Dam extends fro... Full story
Action: Close Lake Aberdeen to fishing by the public for 12 hours prior to the kids-only fishing event. Lake Aberdeen will reopen at 5:30 a.m. on May 14, 2016. Effective dates: 5:30 p.m. May 13 through 5:30 a.m. May 14, 2016. Location: Lake Aberdeen (Grays Harbor Co.) Montesano, Washington Species: All game fish Reason for action: This rule change is necessary to ensure a safe and successful kids fish-in event. The fish will be planted the evening prior to the event to better acclimate them to... Full story
Action: Drano Lake anglers may retain up to 4 adult spring chinook salmon. Effective dates: May 15 through June 30, 2016 Species affected: Salmon and steelhead Location: Downstream of markers on point of land downstream and across from Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery and upstream of the Hwy. 14 Bridge. Reason for action: Hatchery returns have been strong to date. The hatchery brood stock goal has been met and surplus hatchery fish are available for harvest. Other information: The... Full story
OLYMPIA – Clam diggers have one last chance to dig razor clams this season during a final opening set to begin May 20. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) approved a last round of digs at Copalis and Mocrocks after marine toxin tests showed the clams on those beaches are safe to eat. No digging will be allowed at either beach after noon. All other ocean beaches remain closed to digging. "This has been a great clam digging season, despite getting a late start," said Dan A... Full story
Action: Close Lake Sylvia to public fishing 12 hours prior to a scheduled kids-only fishing event. The lake will reopen to fishing by the general public at 6 a.m. on June 11, 2016. Effective dates: 6 p.m. Friday, June 10 through 6 a.m. Saturday, June 11, 2016. Location: Lake Sylvia (Grays Harbor Co.) Montesano, Washington Reason for action: This rule change is necessary to ensure a safe and successful kids fish-in event. The fish will be planted the evening prior to the event to better... Full story
On a recent trip to Washington D.C. McDowell naturally took time out for a little fishing. Hope his trip to D.C. was as successful as his fishing was on Chesapeake Bay.... Full story
Lake Powell sportfish were warm and happy when tucked in for the winter in 2015. Shad production has been at peak levels for the past two summer seasons. Gizzard shad dependably produce a consistent number of offspring, but in 2014-2015, threadfin shad were produced in record numbers. Stripers, bass and walleye absolutely "love" threadfin shad. The shad boom came at just the right time for an aging striper population comprised of old stripers that were worn out from searching for the scarce... Full story
'Quality of life is measured by amount of time spent fishing.' Warm weather is settling in, resulting in big changes in fishing conditions. Shallow colored water warms more quickly than deep clear water. Cold-blooded fish gravitate to and hang out in warmer water. The expected springtime fish movement to shallow, warmer water is now occurring. Stripers that were holding at 40-100 feet can now be found at 15-30 feet. Bass that were in deeper water are making their move to the backs of canyons... Full story
Tip Of The Week At Lake Havasu, a.k.a. Arizona's West Coast, anglers can have banner days on the bedding smallmouth bass. Crappie and largemouth bass will follow with their egg protecting endeavors. (Did I say, "crappie"? Yep, and it looks like Alamo Lake is ripe to be targeted for this great-tasting fish. Just get some good advice from an area tackle shop – if you need it -- and mean business.) The Reel Deal Most bass are in pre-spawn mode in most of the desert lakes. Before recent storms, some... Full story
The Yellowtail Derby Committee has selected Ciara Church to be the 2016 Miss Yellowtail Derby. She is the daughter of Derby anglers, Ray and Jill Broadfoot and is a senior at Mission Hills High School. She has been fishing with her parents on their boat and loves the ocean. The 2016 Derby will run for 37 days from April 30, fishing until June 5. June 6 at 6 p.m. will be the Derby awards at the Bali Hai Restaurant, San Diego, Calif.,... Full story
He's the long-time Chairman of the Board of the renowned Cleveland Clinic, is one of the world's most successful businessmen, owns three baseball teams, and is an avid world-class fisherman who, for decades, has hosted dozens of fishing tournaments raising millions for cystic fibrosis cure research. And, Bob Rich, of Buffalo, N.Y., and Islamorada, Fla., also finds time to write books. The author of four non-fiction books -- three on fishing and sports -- Rich continues to receive five-star... Full story
Washington, D.C. - April 18, 2016 A coalition of recreational fishing and boating organizations praised the introduction of a bill, S.2807, that will safeguard the role of state fisheries management agencies and help prevent unwarranted fishing closures like what recently occurred at Biscayne National Park. Led by Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), the " http://act.keepameric... Full story
Washington, D.C. - April 20, 2016 Tonight, recreational and commercial fishing representatives, Members of Congress, and key former and current individuals from the administration gathered on Capitol Hill in recognition of the 40th anniversary of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), a first-of-its-kind piece of legislation that established a framework to manage domestic, federal saltwater fisheries. "We take many things for granted now that were not the case 40... Full story
OLYMPIA–Trout fishing in Washington reaches full speed April 23, when several hundred lowland lakes – stocked with millions of fish – open for a six-month season. That date also marks the start of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (WDFW) first lowland lake fishing derby, which runs through Sept. 6. To participate on opening weekend, Washington anglers must have an annual freshwater or combination fishing license valid through March 31, 2017. Licenses can be purchased online... Full story
OLYMPIA – The first phase of the popular sport fishery for spring chinook salmon on the lower Columbia River will close at the end of the day Friday, April 8, one day earlier than previously expected. Fishery managers from Washington and Oregon agreed to close the fishery based on projections that the catch of upriver chinook salmon will reach the initial 7,515-fish harvest guideline a day ahead of schedule. The closure includes fishing for salmon, steelhead and shad in the 145-mile section o... Full story
Action: Open the lower Yakima River to fishing for spring chinook salmon Species affected: Chinook salmon Dates: April 29 through June 15, 2016 Location: From the Hwy. 240 bridge in Richland (river mile 2.1) to the Grant Avenue Bridge in Prosser (river mile 47.0) approximately 1,000 feet downstream of Prosser Dam. Reason for action: Yakama Nation (YN) and WDFW fishery managers are forecasting a total return of 4,610 adult spring chinook to the Yakima River in 2016 (3,100 wild and 1,510 hatchery... Full story
Action: Closes Sarg Hubbard Park Pond (Reflection Pond) to all fishing except those youths registered for the “Kids' Fish-In” event. In addition, the daily limit is reduced to two trout during the event. Effective dates: 12:01 a.m. April 20 through 4:00 p.m. April 23, 2016 Species affected: All game fish. Location: Sarg Hubbard Park Pond located on the Yakima Greenway in Yakima. Reason for action: This rule change is necessary to ensure a successful youth fishing event. Several thousand rainbow... Full story
OLYMPIA – State shellfish managers today approved nine days of razor clam digging beginning April 20 on the first of three ocean beaches. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) approved the digs after marine toxin tests showed the clams on those beaches are safe to eat. Dan Ayres, WDFW coastal shellfish manager, said the department added two days of digging at Copalis, which was not originally included in the list of tentative digs previously announced by the agency. The dig w... Full story
OLYMPIA – Anglers will have opportunities to fish for salmon in the ocean and Columbia River this year, although recreational and non-tribal commercial salmon fisheries in Puget Sound may be closed through much of the season. After lengthy negotiations, state and tribal fishery managers could not reach an agreement on salmon-fishing seasons in Puget Sound. An agreement must be reached in the next few weeks or the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and treaty tribes in western W... Full story
Action: Closes Columbia Park Pond to all fishing except those youths registered for the “Special Needs Fishing Event” on Friday, May 6, or the “Kids' Fishing Day” event on Saturday, May 7. In addition, the daily limit is reduced to three trout during the events. Effective dates: 12:01 a.m. May 4, to 3:00 p.m. May 7, 2016. Species affected: All game fish. Location: Columbia Park Pond located within Columbia Park in Kennewick. Reasons for action: This rule change is necessary to ensure success... Full story
OLYMPIA – State fishery managers have begun releasing more than 500,000 juvenile steelhead from five state fish hatcheries into Puget Sound rivers after receiving word from NOAA-Fisheries that those facilities meet federal environmental standards. For the past two years, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has released steelhead from those five hatcheries into area lakes to ensure they wouldn’t interfere with wild steelhead protected by the federal Endangered Species Act (ES... Full story